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Everything posted by lino

  1. Capitalism Almost Ended

    Sorry but to say that "capitalism" ever existed is an illusion. What we have always had is a form of Neo-Feudalism.
  2. Nice to see that they are trying to tax us for simply breathing.
  3. What I mean is that it gains fat as a response to pollutants and that a calorie surplus has absolutely nothing to do with it.
  4. Capitalism Almost Ended

    Now that I think about it. There is no real capitalism, corporate welfare or bailouts are not part of capitalism. Also, you need CAPITAL in order to have capitalism. I'll just call it DEBTISM.
  5. If your urine is bubbly inside the toilet (indicates retrograde ejac), it might be good to stop the huiyin press permanently. Trunk has a whole web page about this. The huiyin press might lead to a LOT OF PROBLEMS THAT YOU DON'T WANT.
  6. Secret of the Golden Flower

    The way that I understand the backwards flow is like this: Take a deep breath, just deep enough to feel pressure at the base of your skull. Don't over do it. Pause your breath. Then move your attention to either your heart, perineum, or your Dan Tien. You'll feel a flow going down your spine. The purpose of this, I suspect, is to clear the central channel, Ida, and Pingala of obstructions. You can feel the backwards flow without reverse breathing. You do not have to contract the perineum or do any type of kegel lift.
  7. Capitalism Almost Ended

    It shows that the govt are on the bank's side rather than on the earner's side.
  8. This stuff is in ketchup, bread (to include wheat), and soda. It somewhat confirms a suspicion of why people start gaining fat. Maybe the fat is a way to get pollutants isolated away from the body when the body can't expel them.
  9. Mirror Meditation

    It can't be "brought back" through the mirror. You see what is trying to remain hidden, such as a negative entity or something like that. Santiago knows more about it. The method was in one of Dr.Morris's books.;dq=pathnotes
  10. Mirror Meditation

    Haven't tried it but I know that there are at least two uses for it. 1. seeing the face "change" and looking at prior incarnations of yourself. 2. seeing if there are any spirit attachments to you.
  11. This kind of reminds me of what was on one of the Hoshin forums that I visited out on the internet. One of the poster said something like, "I know there is long distance healing, is there such a thing as long distance hurting?" I fell out of chair when I read it.
  12. US history is made...

    Don't laugh. Mexico Public debt: 22.8% of GDP (2007 est.) USA Public debt: 60.8% of GDP (2007 est.) Go to 2008 figures for the US 14.3 trillion USD (maybe fraudulent inflated, or at least optimistic) 10.6 trillion USD Almost 75% of the GDP
  13. US history is made...

    Keep in mind that Governments have no interest in serving their constituents. More and more Canadians are angry at their officials. We, along with Mexico, have already had "elections" that were questionable.
  14. En*light*enment

    I rather be somewhat educated and I rather know what to expect. I've ran into "people" and I know that my imagination is very LIMITED, I don't have it in me to IMAGINE them. I still prefer to keep out of a religious setting. If it goes against your common sense then don't believe it or practice it. "Believe nothing, no matter where you read it, or who said it, no matter if I have said it, unless it agrees with your own reason and your own common sense." -Shakyamuni I used to be a hardcore Atheist. A lot more often than not, I wish I would have stayed is a lot better than being disappointed. I've ran into 99.99% bad and .01% good. Enlightenment ,even a pre-cursor to Base or Lower Enlightment, is hit or miss, it can take fucking 100s of lifetimes so I see no prospect of anything good, not so much as a tiny little speck at the end of the tunnel. This is why I put Happiness over Enlightenment and will always continue to do so. I'm still hitting low points the majority of every single day to where I wish I would completely die (soul, awareness, and all) permanently or, at least, have no phenomena till the end of time. This has been for the last year and a half. A true fucking waking nightmare and the only time I get any relief is in dreamless sleep.
  15. En*light*enment

    Enlightenment comes (don't put money on it and don't bet on it) or it doesn't. I'll be glad to FEED THE EGO if it makes me happier.
  16. En*light*enment "He who would seek to become an Immortal of Heaven ought to give the proof of 1300 good deeds; and he who would seek to become an Immortal of Earth should give the proof of three hundred. " "Even the Tao school says you must do 3,000 great deeds (saving a life is one great deed) and 1,000 minor good deeds. Another school of Taoism insists on more than 800 virtuous deeds and more than 3,000 hidden virtues." "38. A true virtue acts naturally out of compassion with wisdom. A true virtue experiences a joyful heart and inner peace. The sage does good deeds, not to show off, and without strings attached. He goes by harmony, not by desire. He lives in a simple, happy, and content life. Weaknesses melt away in the presence of virtue. As you grow in virtue, you will naturally grow in joy." I will never agree to organized religion or dogma. Trying to be a good person and avoiding bad company is just simply common sense. on edit: Heaven isn't going to tolerate having a drop in market or property value due to the result of inviting in riff-raff or questionable types. And it, sure as hell, won't give anything or do anything to protect riff-raff or questionable types (I'm a living example, I know what I'm talking about)
  17. En*light*enment

    It is also supported by what Dr.Glenn Morris put out in his books. He was doing chinese practices and got hindu archetypes and hindu results instead. I have to discard visualization (fake it to make it) "alchemy" techniques completely now. It is a bunch of garbage and leads to nowhere. Alchemy is something that just HAPPENS. I see why there is such a huge gap in between practitioners...and don't look at "siddhi", look at worldly type stuff. For example, Robert Peng was a Professor in China (which I think is an ultra-competitive type setting). I'm mainly tactile in nature and that got blown away due to a lot of external interference that is MALICIOUS in nature. I don't like visualizations due to that it is energy wasted that could be better utilized in repairing the body. Alchemy either HAPPENS or IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. If the practice doesn't enhance (give TANGIBLE RESULTS) or give you an edge (even small) in other parts of your life (such as health or professionally), then either you have a practice that you have no affinity to, or you got a hold of garbage practices that distract you from doing something that is productive or helpful. Keep in mind that even if you think that you experienced it, it might still be fake due to external influences that are malicious.
  18. US history is made...

    The American Union, if there is one, is going to be modelled after the European Union. The EU is partly responsible for dragging down the standard of living in the European countries that are members.
  19. Communism and taoism

    Western medicine is not in the business of healing disease. It is in the business of putting people on expensive drugs that don't work. Other than to set a broken bone and put it in a cast, there is no real reason to go to a hospital.
  20. Have you considered using orgonite or maybe using some of the countermeasures on ?
  21. En*light*enment

    I lean more towards Trunk's approach. Jing, Chi, Shen = Vitality, Love, Wisdom I found this at another site: "In conclusion it can be seen that there is some merit to the idea that Taoist alchemy may be a description of a natural process which occurs through the practice of meditation, regardless of the particular technique or tradition, and not merely a collection of ancient visualisation techniques. " I found this site when I was looking up "jing to chi" on google. Then again, Bill Bodri wrote that in the last 60 years Master Nan has never met anybody that was at the stage of refining Jing to Chi.
  22. If you know Mandarin or Cantonese it may be wise to seek this Master: He is 90 or 91 years old so you might have to do it in a hurry.
  23. En*light*enment

    I have to disagree with this. There were Buddhas before Buddhism was called "Buddhism". Shakyamuni revolted against the self-mortification methods that were common during his day. He expressed that the body needs to be kept healthy in order to reach Enlightenment. Shakyamuni may have been an ascetic from 29 to 35 years of age but he studied the Vedas while he was still a prince. In Taoism, jing is refined into chi, chi is refined into shen, shen is returned to emptiness. The early part of a Taoist curriculum is cultivation of life (the regaining of health). Good deeds and virtues are also important in Taoism.
  24. En*light*enment

    Why not do crown breathing and foot breathing? It's supposed to accumulate a lot of energy.