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Everything posted by lino

  1. The Truth about 6 pack

    Try and extrapolate the kind of workweek Santiago goes thru or may go thru. 1. Hours of Mantra. 2. Yoga & qigong for hours. 3. Martial Arts Instruction & Sparring practice. 4. Healings. 5. Developing more curriculum, streamlining it, or making it safer for three main websites. (doblesinstitute, umaatantra, 6. Helping to oversee a health business & publishing business. 7. Doing bodyguard work. 8. Getting some guitar time in. That already shows physical endurance in itself.
  2. The Truth about 6 pack

    It is still good to see somebody's written observations.
  3. wtf kunlun god dmnit asjgsjhgfv

    I don't feel that any of the three cases are true. Lulu is a self-publishing/small media company. I feel that Sifu Max's fees have been a lot more reasonable than everybody thinks. The company that sponsors him has to pay fees and pay ahead on later commitments in order to make the teachings available. I don't feel they have been exploiting their products or services for as much as they can get. In the end, Sifu Max and everybody involved have to put food on the table and keep a roof over their heads.
  4. wtf kunlun god dmnit asjgsjhgfv

    Lulu might be a very small publishing company so don't be surprised if they can't get a sweetheart deal with FEDEX or UPS.
  5. Balancing Left and Right

    Can you see if this works? <---alternate nostril breathing or maybe start your meditations in the prayer position.
  6. I thought that I could still send energy thru those roots that the Earth sends:| I'm not overly concerned with taking from the Earth right now because I still feel like I have a lot of purifying to do. Also, I'm in the same boat with Salaam123. Delusions, paranoia, and all. What I mean is to think of the Earth's core and at the same time send a message to send some roots up. I feel it is easier than trying to send roots down from my feet. First, I try to send roots down from my feet, then I try to ask the Earth to root to me. TheSeeker, Have to see if Vajrasattva recommends a reverse microcosmic orbit in order to open the Conception Channel.
  7. Out of curiosity, can you also try to send your intent to the Earth to see what happens? I'm not sure if my technique is right but I think that the Earth might send up roots to your feet too.
  8. check out this thread: It may or may not be what you want.
  9. okey dokey I didn't come here to be a Martial Artist, I came here to be a Martial Rester or to be really good at Resting.
  10. Your views about DAN TIAN!

    there is a lot of confusion with this so I'll see if sharing what I experienced firsthand as a newbie (I'm still a newbie) is right. The pre-Kunlun Sifu Max shared on a video that the Tan Tien that is focused on for most Martial Arts is a storage field for grounding. It doesn't correspond with with the three Elixir Fields, which are the Intestines, the bottom of the Chest, and the middle of the Head. From other literature, the three Elixir Fields are also the three Brains. Heat is created in the Intestines from what I experienced. Jing doesn't have to be full in order to create chi, chi doesn't have to be full in order to create shen. It may significantly speed up the process to fill up the next upper Tan Tien if the adjacent lower Tan Tien is full. For all of this stuff to happen faster, the body and mind have to be closer and closer to a form of conscious True Rest and maybe unconscious True Rest. A Master, Guru, Teacher, or Guardian Spirit may not be necessary but they are there in case you want to significantly accelerate the process. The Master, Guru, Teacher, or Guardian Spirit is there even when you don't think they are present.
  11. joining the us military

    The pay isn't as bad as it used to be...but getting hit by an IED on a convoy is NO JOKE and not worth it.
  12. The whole point is "nothing happening" I have one high grade A prospect right now that I could think of doing all of the normal life stuff..."Have a wife, have a kid..." other than that I can't really see myself getting married.
  13. Just because some other turd bit on the "Get a Job, Have a Wife, Make a Child , Get a Life" con job doesn't mean that I have too. A society that lives outside of it's means has no business telling me how to run my life. I'll take the ten year loss on life expectancy. The trade off is worth it. Life is more manageable and more peaceful.
  14. joining the us military

    No matter what contract you sign, everything is an eight year obligation. You can be called back at any time after your the initial active time up to your eighth year. I advise that you pick a Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) or job that is easily transferable to the regular non-uniformed world. The organized physical training is not nearly enough in order to help you excel or keep your head above water. Not nearly enough people crack open the FM 21-20 and it shows everyday, even in BNCOC. BNCOC is sort of like a mid-level manager's course. If you end up signing up, be sure to crack open the Field Manuals, Technical Manuals, and other publications. There is a wealth of knowledge in there that always seems to remain hidden. DarinHamel was prolly in the Army when "wall to wall" counseling was the way to do business
  15. pineal gland calcification

    This is one of the more difficult subjects. You would have to do stuff like: get a water filter that takes out fluorides. eliminate grains and starches out of your diet. Use something like the Caveman Diet. use chlorella or spirulina in order to aid waste and heavy metal removal...maybe even DMSA. maybe undergo a rigorous cardiovascular exercise program for a period of one and a half to three months...primarily for waste, toxin, and heavy metal removal. Be sure to really up your water intake.
  16. Small Heavenly Orbit

    lotus or no lotus, I have already verified Santiago's abilities.
  17. Keep in mind that it was the 70s, the Vietnam war might have been going on, he said f-u to the draft and paid for it financially. His ego might have had to take a backseat to putting food on the table.
  18. how wide is the definition of "sexual misconduct"? BTW...for a vegetarian, you are maintaining a pretty hulkish figure is spirulina and soy protein on the approved list?
  19. Anyone had a similiar experience?

    According to Master Nan's and William Bodri's are making marvelous progress.
  20. Question for Lama Dorje's students

    If you receive a transmission or a healing from yourself a favor and lay down on your bed until the energy settles. It is a HUGE amount of energy and you'll feel every single atom in your body vibrating.
  21. Falun Gong

    Might be a good idea to stay away from them. Too weird <--- I have a right to claim this as a weird person myself since I know what weird looks like
  22. Stretching and wall sit in order to increase your range of motion may be your most important avenue until you can reach the full horse.
  23. not an expert at horse stance but have some rudimentary knowledge on exercise science Try using other principles of exercise science such as "Progressive Overload" and "Variety" The Wall Sit is a super excellent suggestion "PROGRESSIVE OVERLOAD" try not to do the horse stance ALL OF THE TIME. And if you do, break the 8 minute time that you put up into 2 or 3 reps. 8 minutes = 480 seconds divide by 3 = 160 seconds 3 reps x 160 seconds = 480 seconds ...but add 10 to 15 seconds to each "rep" so that the outcome looks something like this: 3 reps x 170 seconds = 510 seconds ... take a 15 to 30 second break in between reps, but take a shorter break the next day or the next time. In two to three weeks time, with shorter breaks, you get to the point of no breaks in between reps. "VARIETY" Remember that 80 percent of the strength and power in your legs comes from the posterior chain (hamstrings, buttocks, and lower back) <--- so you would benefit from deadlifts, hyperextensions, squats,..., some sort of compound movement that moves all of your leg muscles You can do other exercises to improve the horse stance. Examples would be: front squat with light weight and static hold at the bottom. lunges and split squats with the same conditions as the front squats above. short sprints (50-100 meters) on a track with breaks, both forward sprints and backward sprints (running backwards). Backward sprints may be risky but the rewards outweighs the risk significantly. Risk is reduced by having a friend or partner run forward while you run backward. "RECOVERY" Maybe it isn't good to do the Zhan Zhuang EVERY SINGLE DAY. Try taking a break of a day or two, until your legs feel "fresh". BUT...BIG BUT... "STRETCHES" I can't put enough emphasis on stretching. Hell, the guy with the highest recorded vertical on the planet stretches for four hours a day...doesn't mean you have to stretch for four hours a day though but please pay attention to stretching. Find stretches on the internet, that help you stretch: calves: gastroc (best accomplished straight legged) and soleus (best accomplished with a bent knee) hamstrings quadriceps groin buttocks lower back psoas muscle <--- you may have to do some digging to find what works for you NOTE: Bill Bodri stated that "sitting" meditation clears out lactic acid faster than recovery and sleeping alone. Check out Trunk's web site and Plato's blog (loosening the front of the body could help strengthen the back of the body significantly) for other suggestions May the merit of this post go to all
  24. Mixing Practices

    Could Kunlun be mixed with stuff from the local Vitamin Shoppe or GNC? Like 5-HTP, omega-3, or melatonin? or maybe with a milder nootropic like brainquicken?