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Everything posted by Infinity

  1. When Positive is Negative

    I did not over analyse this article and liked the general point that life is not 'negative'. Yes we have Yang and Yin and Yang comes, while Yin goes, as you put it but Yin does not deny itself. It affirms itself, it is Yin It is affirming, it's 'positive' in that way and life is affirming and positive too looked at from that perspective, or that's what I got from it anyway. Wordz wordz absurdz absurdz just because people use different words does not mean they are not making sense I got his meaning regarding source energy and separation, yes maybe his use of words are incorrect in this context. You say: 'The link above says, "The most difficult phase after becoming "aware", is to endure the phase during which the past negative momentum ebbs away." What the heck is that supposed to mean?' From reading some of his other articles I think he is saying it takes time to physically grow new neural pathways to reflect a new awareness (understanding) and for a new understanding to fully integrated into our consciousness. From my perspective I certainly know when I am learning something it does actually take time for me to integrate it fully, digest it so it's 'real' to me so it's immediate understanding and immediate knowledge. iPads are not built for text! Thanks
  2. When Positive is Negative

    Saw this and thought it had a nice logic to it. Full link at the end.. "Its quite a revelation to understand that life energy is opposed to negative thinking the reason why you feel bad when you think negative thoughts is because in that moment your life energy, the wholeness of life, does not agree with you. So when you think a negative thought you are on our own, disconnected from the source energy this disconnection is basically felt as a pull away from your wholeness, and hence its rightly called stress (which is just another name for emotional suffering). In simple words life does not give you the option of thinking negative thoughts without being disconnected from it there is no leeway, even the most subtle negative thought disconnects you from life force in that moment."
  3. what's left?

    I think it's beyond words to describe so speculation is of no use. It's a case of suck it and see! :-) What ever is left is the real authentic you.
  4. The eye_of_the_storm has his first 'bite'. Is not the storm created by the column of air in its eye? Storm in a teacup? Ha ha :-)
  5. I quite like the unfathomable or the radiance
  6. Dog headed men , inter-dimensional ?

    Here is a little bit I read on TTB the other day about Dog people and the spirit world. It was posted by Dawg (I suppose that is appropriate) '....The second room is totally different from the first room. Whereas the first room is formal, orderly, and spotlessly clean the second room is rustic and disorderly. It is like an old stone hunting lodge, with a rough stone floor. There is a big stone fireplace in the far left corner, and a heavy wooden barred door to the outside opposite the door I enter through, and a window between the two. The furniture is rustic and utilitarian, and seemingly placed without order. There are boxes and objects randomly stacked on the furniture. This is the first time I have seen the group that I have been following up close. They are very passive, serious, and keep to themselves. But there are now two dog like beings or dog people with them, who have floppy ears and are covered with curly fur. Sometimes the dog people stand on four legs and are more dog like, sometimes they stand up on two legs and speak (telepathically) very eloquently like men of knowledge. It is obvious that the two dog people are my guides for whatever is going on here It is time for everyone to sleep, so we all lie down in a pile in front of the fireplace, on a big mat. The two furry dog people lie on top of everyone to act as a blanket. It is cold and there is a fire in the fireplace but it gives off no heat (physical sensation)....'
  7. A Path To Enlightenment

    Maybe but understanding that thoughts are illusions stops it by taking away it's power. So stoping thoughts is easy with greater awareness. Hope that helps and clarifies things. All my best. Peter S
  8. A Path To Enlightenment

    Hi Dawg, To begin with many thanks for this thread it is very interesting and I have been reading it and rereading it for a while. Really love your very pragmatic down to earth approach. I have some questions: Why cannot the Karma (unconscious minds conditioning) of this life be removed? Surely entering a thoughtless state (nirvana?) would allow you freedom from conditioning now? Also if you are fully concious do you still sleep (go unconscious)? Years ago I stopped all thought on three successive nights where by my body filled with energy and buzzed in ecstasy until I felt and heard the pressure in the centre of my head crack open. My forehead seemed to open from the front and fold back as feeling of my body disappeared, kind of like a telescope roof opening). As it happened I felt as if I was sinking in to the bed and in this state I was just awareness. There were no objects just my awareness looking through my eyes (also no more ecstasy?). Do you 'see' division now or is everything a feeling that is you? And what in your opinion happened then to me? My practice at that time was to stop all thoughts (world description) and see what is real at all costs. I have studied hypnosis and have always played with it and the idea of using it to unhypnotise/unconditional myself would you advocate this way too to assist in getting to no thought silence. Last one, what in your opinion is possible? I feel anything is? In the state I mentioned Above I now wonder what was possible as when I focused the energy on my arm (before head crack) it became like a rock. It seems a possibility to me that anything is possible but maybe without the egos description it's not that important anymore. Plus the new perspective would give new insights I guess. So what is possible? Again many thanks and all my respect to you for travelling on the nobelist path and your achievements on the way. Peter S
  9. I agree to a degree but it keeps on popping up in places and I am trying to figure all this out so I have to investigate and understand. My words are always "it could be worse" as I think that makes me appreciate what I have so I agree. But that does not mean I should or could stop desiring for things I feel I want/need and that it can not get more fulfilling in a new moment. And so I look for the best way to acquire my dreams... But ultimately I have to accept this moment totally for true happiness and peace. Also ultimately I will attract or be attracted to the things I need naturally, so why worry. That is also what Sen the guy in the link I posted above says, be natural and it will all happen anyway...
  10. Hi DreamBliss, I have not read all this thread but have a look here: Peter S
  11. Calm downmind

    Hi All, Found this today and thought I would share it with us all :-) In my humble opinion its worth a browse... enjoy, Peter S
  12. IMHO: "Subjectivity is wonderful." To me subjective is a personal narrative derived from conditioning and is an illusion? "Objectivity concerns nothing, anywhere, ever." Objective concerns here and there, this and that and in that way concern's the thinking 'i' mind and is more illusion if a person could loose there self description / idea of objective self semi-permanetly or permanently. "Intersubjective concerns physical, commonly accepted reality." Not sure what you mean (probably my ignorance, sorry will look it up but have to sleep soon...) "They dont need to be 'proved' to be real." Agreed they don't 'need to be proved' unless you have a needy enquiring mind. "Ironic huh" Agreed Its just past 12 here in the UK so I am turning in. Thanks, P.S.
  13. I can only speak for myself I can categorically say that I only know what I don't know and I am not even sure of that! And that I guess is why I am here and getting more perplexed!
  14. So is subjectivity is it not? Objectivity concerns the physical, commonly accepted reality (or at least our 'concrete' ideas about it). Subjectivity concerns the mind. One question? Does the physical/energetic achievements of science prove objects are real? Those who know, do not speak. Those who speak, do not know. It's all ok :-)
  15. Subject v object Mind v matter Energy v physical Can we have one without the other?
  16. I am thinking that soaring crane nailed 'objectivity' with the quote above. Subjectivity is personal but objectivity is subjectivity but it's general subjectivity for socially accepted 'things' but without personal biases and feelings, yes it's maybe seems cold. Are not objects merely subjective things that have been agreed upon and solidified so to speak and accepted as reality? Still thinking on this... Not sure if objectivity is a bad thing? Possibly a necessary thing for survival?
  17. I would say we can only debate with our personal biases surely? But we should remember they are subjective views and be open to rationality and logic. And hopefully by debating them we will come to understand that truth and not take our conceptual world too seriously? :-) But how can the dogmatic super conceptual egomaniac who believes he is totally right be more true? Someone said you become what you hate. If true then I guess you get to see both sides of the argument and see its subjective?
  18. This is not aimed at you Stosh but this springs to mind. "Talk sense to a fool and he will think your foolish". From this my question is how would a subjective person (someone who describes a version of the world to themselves) know if something was not subjective because it would be subjective in their mind!? Still getting my head around it. For something to be subjective we need to have thoughts about it a little 'i' ego mind. And I think for something to be objective we need thoughts about it too and a little 'i' ego mind. When we don't have the 'i' thoughts are there any objects or subjects or is it all illusions? How can we be more honest with ourselves? Is the opening question. I guess stop being subjective and objective or at least know the subjective and objective worlds are not facts!? Thanks Rara for a nice thread.
  19. I can see where your coming from but... Is this not subjective based on your concepts and ideas about 'persons', 'trees', what they see and who is looking? Please note this is only my subjective opinion. :-)
  20. Just received and opened the book 'Ego and Archetype' by Edward F. Edinger and on the first page of book (page three) its says: 'The Self is the ordering and unifying centre of the total psyche (conscious and unconscious) just as the ego is the centre of the conscious personality. Or, put in other words, the ego is the seat of subjective identity while the self is the seat of objective identity. The Self is thus the supreme psychic authority and subordinates the ego to it'. Quite thought provoking I thought. Read it this morning then saw this thread and thought I would share. Enjoy P.S.
  21. Mystery Sequence

    Forgive me for the possible ignorant question but your animated gif reminded me of something. Do the lines relate to the chakras and so correspond also to colours and tone and relate to patterns of feeling experience? If yes then maybe they could be animated and possible felt in a tuneful colourfull way, maybe? Sorry for the intrusion into your lofty discussion I will get back to my other stuff. :-/
  22. Learning qigong on my own

    Hi Dzibead, Welcome, I read this the other day: Don't know how valid this is but I thought I would share it anyway as you mentioned insomnia and this page says the yongguan point can help with that? Perhaps another bum with greater know how than I could help? Further to that Spring Forest Qigong is for health and seems to be highly regarded on this forum as effective and safe. Best of luck. PS
  23. Spirituality has to go

    I liked your response and maybe I will give a bigger answer later. One thing I will say is that science has not got all the answers and digs up many more questions. What do you want anyway, truth. Reality I guess? No bullshit? My reasoning is if you want that then you have to be true, be real. You have to give up your ideas and concepts about everything if you don't have 100% knowing. Which maybe what this thread is about? You are YOUR reality so you have to be yourself to see your reality. And once you can be 100% authentic and know yourself without illusion then you have found reality your reality. Maybe that reality is the same as other peoples or maybe not but speculation is just playing with a belief system. Until you have real knowledge how can you comment on what is and what is not. I don't think real knowledge / truth can be given but has to be claimed and realised by an individual's intent. That makes logical sense does it not? So go for it then come back and tell us all! Nice of you to offer to not let me die but not sure it's up to you... I re-read your post also earlier and don't think more chi equals more belief. I think less belief (little i self reflection mind) equals more chi / energy. Only mho.
  24. Spirituality has to go

    One thing I will add before I sign off. If you want a true meaningful answer then you need the right intention to ask the right question. Best of luck.