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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Nope . I do get 'so below, as above' from it though .
  2. How do you personally meditate?

    Here is an example of a meditation , in my tradition . Its vast , takes a lot of time and includes many aspects , the 'active part' I describe as above , but it also uses other facilities ; the intellect study and research, emotive responses , physical acts like making things needed for the final and focused part of the meditation ( 'falling upwards' ) , also focusing one's creative abilities and a whole lot of other 'horses that pull that cart ' active and focused to one end . Its a meditation on 'The Star Goddess' / Cosmic Creatrix / Neo-Egytian 'Nuit' / Indigenous 'Wallenganda' / 'The great arch of the Milky Way ' etc.
  3. How do you personally meditate?

    Thank you . A wonderful example of the mind at work . The 'meditation question' always bugs me . ' When you meditate ' ..... this or that asking or telling about 'meditation' as if there is one 'meditation practice' ... there are HEAPS of 'meditations' . For me its not about 'how ' as that depends on what type of meditation . A visiting lama pointed this out on a visit here , we had a group sitting listening attentively . he commented it was a nice building ' What is its use ?" the answer was 'for meditation ' . "Ohhh ? you meditate ? Good . Lets all meditate now . " So everyone ( well, nearly everyone ) crosses their legs in an attempt at lotus , closes their eyes and tries to look serene ...... lama ; " What are you doing ? " Firstly I would say , for me, there are two diversions ; active and passive . The passive types seem to be more about 'stilling the mind' and thats what most seemed to be attempting during the ' lama lecture ' and what many assume meditation 'is ' . Active meditation is about using the mind and concentration ... not concentrating on having stilled thoughts but focused thoughts . Now if one is not familiar with that , or unaware of its significance , try holding a single thought in your mind for 3 minutes , have a pen and paper or a clicker counter in hand and make a mark each time the mind wanders off the thing being held in mind . Its also about using and developing the mind in a certain way ... you USE the 'wandering mind' but by focusing it . Let's say you desire to understand the properties of wood better as you want to be a woodworker or improve your skills in it . I was recently given a piece of gidje wood , a branch off a tree and asked to make a traditional digging stick out of it . It is surprisingly dense heavy and hard . Its also used to make weapons . You can meditate on wood , a tree , how it grows . The patterns inside it ; interlocked and twisted and strong or straight and easy to work , how it forms from a seed ( ' A Seed iis a Star' somng from Stevie Wonder pops into my head , I go through the lyrics ( 'antennas are their leaves, that span beyond the galaxy ' ... and what elements and nutrients a tree uses as well as that cosmic energy . What type of grain it has and the best way to cut it . You mind might 'wander' to the tools needed , even how they developed from stone scrapers and how those stone scarpers could scrape meat of the bones of hunted animals, how they may have cooked over fire , and yes I am actually hungry and would like to have BBQ for lunch , last time I went to a BBQ , I saw this huge fat guy drinking beer , jeeze I am glad I gave up drinking .... although I might have one beer , one beer only if I go to a BBQ then .... Crap , I lost my meditation concentration ( when the italics started ) .... go back .... if you can ; Ummm , yeah, stone scrapers used to do a fairly good job . And they would often split the wood instead of cutting it . What if I try finding the weak point , if there is one , between the inner surface of the bark and the outer wood , and split down there to debark it . Then I could clean it up , with a scraping motion down the piece , with , maybe a machete held in both hands and pull it towards me as I hold the end with my feet rest it across one thigh . I have a bit of bees wax left , I could then polish it and give it a good sheen . Hmmm , that woman that gave me that bees wax was rather cute , you know, I might just not have enough, maybe I should go and see her .... actually, I might do that now , but I'll have a shave and shower first , I wonder what smells she likes, should I use the amber oil or Arrrgh ! POLISH the wood with bees wax and .. Of course, later JFDI time ( just f'en do it ) Eventually someone might ; " Wow thats a amazing how on earth did you get that smooth finish ? " Me ; " I meditated on it ." - Now, back to Maddie . I noticed previously in some other threads a few people where asking Maddie a heap of personal questions , some which she declined to answer . Best not to reveal too much about oneself on line . But since this is about meditation , I am sure she won't mind ; Maddie, could you please post a picture of your legs And we will tell you if they are 'good enough ' . Or better still, we can 'meditate on' whether they are good enough .
  4. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    Really ? Even in a short person ? I guess 2 -3 is an approximate . Still I dont go for these type of measurements ... in this area , nor with weaponry Q; How long should my bo be ? Obviously shorter for kids , technically it should be in proportion to your body size , same with a sai , you dont want it so short so its shorter than your elbow nor to long or the retracted ip is going to scrape across your rib cage . hence my way f finding 'LTD' ; 1st and 2nd finger width below the bottom edge of the navel . Why so 'accurate' ? Well, actually I am talking about the CENTRE of the hara . Its 'location ' ? ... The whole Universe actually .... with its centre as above .
  5. Mantras

    " Its going to be different ." A 'mantra' a woman was using when , after breaking a long term relationship, she was looking for a new one . Her friend advised her to be mindful of this . She embarked on a new relationship with a guy that was ...... well , each time some really stupid or bad stuff happened with him " Its going to be different .... its going to be different . " Not a spiritual result ..... but jeeze it was funny ! then there is the story of the simple man meditating and thus causing the engagement of 'Mara the tempter ' , ( the tempter 'away from' enlightenment ). he didnt have time for complexities so he asked a monk for a meditation that was simple easy and to the point . The Monk suggested whatever happened he remember ' All is transitory, this too shall pass ' ... Mara did not like that and caused all sorts of distractions pain and anguish for him , but the man would " All is transitory, this too shall pass " , which further enraged Mara causing him to inflict all sorts of stuff , eventually killing the man and causng him to be reborn as an elephant . But as we know elephants have good memories , so he soon remembered ... it went on, eventually Mara in frustration annihilates him causing him to be reborn as Lord Maharbrahma , Lord of all possible universes , past and present . Mara laughed in glee as now the man was further from enlightenment than ever . he floated in a sea of cosmic goop , watching universes grow out of it be born live and die and more born and eventually .... hey ! All if THIS is transitory and then 'flash ! ' he was back as a man ' All is transitory .... " but , he had the experience , but it had confused him somewhat as he was not sure he WAS a man chanting ;'all is transitory' and imagining he was Lord Mahabrahma OR he was Lord Mahabrahma , imagiing he was a man chanting all is transitory . And with that thought , his enlightenment became complete .
  6. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    Hmmm ... a specific ability of a 'specific' ( you ) female TCM practitioner ? That leads to my next question ... where do feel it in a male ?
  7. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    and I would not be surprised if different people can have a different arrangement for their 'psychic bodies, as even on the physical level; One time in OT (working as an assistant ) - appendectomy . I cant see what is going on ' inside' as I am hanging back to give them space . But I can tell there is a serious problem developing right after the first main abdominal incision , there is a little panic , confusion, chaos until the smart heard nurse gets on the blower and calls down the chief head surgeon from his office - a very competent one . He bursts in , quickly scrubbed and gowned takes one look and " Ohhhh ! One of those ones eh ? Gather around folks this is going to be interesting and educational ." he directed the surgeon to proceed 'simply in the opposite manner ; ie , . just incise the other side .... there it is, (the 'missing appendix ' ) " Carry on as normal . You would also find this patients heart is on the other side as all of their internal organs are ... a classical case of ' Situs inversus' ." However this is a reversal of bilateral symmetry (side to side placements ) and not variations of 'up and down' placements . Me ? LDT / one point / Hara = 1st and 2nd finger widths below the lower boundary of the navel . ... well, a little behind that point .
  8. Lower dantian not below the navel?

    Is it possible you are feeling something else ? 5 . 6. 7 etc 'chakra systems' include the 3 main ones , could you be feeling the 'centre' below the one near the navel ?
  9. well... not unless you say more than that
  10. An abrahamic sub-forum

    ? Well, perhaps they dont 'discuss' any of this ... however they dont seem to mind ranting at us about it and 'displaying' their attitude towards us (ie non fundy Muslims ) and actually many non fundy Muslims DO NOT feel safe ( I will spare you posting the images of women being buried up to the shoulders and stoned , paragliders machine gunning a peace love and music festival ... etc . ) It means , I am sad to say , that as a species , we have not evolved far . and specifically your last comment .... I can offer no more to anyone personally that is cursed by this : My new 'friend' , a wonderful person , got an infested tooth and the side of her face swelled up but she was too 'embarrassed' to see me . Later she showed me a photo she took of herself and cried ; ' I look like I did when the father of my kids used to beat me up before I escaped from him ' . Ahhhh crap . What can I say ... except assure her that " I would NEVER do anything like that to you . ... and I have NEVER done anything like that to ANYONE . " I hope the 'evidence' that I have never done anything like that to anyone allows her to feel at least a little bit safer with me .
  11. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    And Australia , our national religion acknowledges SEVERAL .... football teams .
  12. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    You have to wait until the period they started copying other traditions , like Neoplatonists
  13. Pagan roots of the abrahamic traditions

    The term also has roots in 'country dweller' . Ety ; c. 1400, perhaps mid-14c., "person of non-Christian or non-Jewish faith," from Late Latin paganus "pagan," in classical Latin "villager, rustic; civilian, non-combatant" noun use of adjective meaning "of the country, of a village," from pagus "country people; province, rural district," originally "district limited by markers," thus related to pangere "to fix, fasten" (from PIE root *pag- "to fasten"). As an adjective from early 15c. The religious sense often was said in 19c. [e.g. Trench] to derive from conservative rural adherence to the old gods after the Christianization of Roman towns and cities; but the Latin word in this sense predates that period in Church history, and it is more likely derived from the use of paganus in Roman military jargon for "civilian, incompetent soldier," which Christians (Tertullian, c. 202; Augustine) picked up with the military imagery of the early Church (such as milites "soldier of Christ," etc.). The English word was used later in a narrower sense of "one not a Christian, Jew, or Muslim." As "person of heathenish character or habits," by 1841. Applied to modern pantheists and nature-worshippers from 1908.
  14. An abrahamic sub-forum

    Oh well , we got one anyway . Now ...let's discuss fundamentalist Islam , yeah ?
  15. deleted

    @cobie you forgot to delete a few of your posts up there ^
  16. Feeling and mental perception

    Look Maddie - you are not gonna get me twice in a row with that MorePie thingo ! all I can say is :
  17. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    You gonna luv this then ; You gonna luv this then
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Busker comedian ???? In town yesterday , there is a guy sitting on a street bench with an upturned hat with some money in it , he says to the guy walking in front of me ; "Care to share some comedy ? " but the guy keeps going . He eyeballs me and I wait in eager anticipation , but ... nothing . Oh well, thats probably a very smart move on his part . On the way back, either he didnt recognize me from before or had gotten desperate ; "Care to share some comedy ?" - in a very strong American accent , he looked rather neat and well dressed as well . Me; " Sure I'll go first ... I am actually a stand-up Aboriginal comedian .... " ( he totally missed the joke 1. ) Him ; " No ... I mean , I will share some comedy with you . " " Oh , but you asked me if I would care to share ? But I warn you ... I specialize in bad and politically incorrect jokes, I have a shocking sense of humor " Him : (beaming ) " I am busking with comedy , I hope to be the first autistic comedian to complete a self funded trip around Australia . " Me : " ... thats pretty funny . " 2. Him ; " That was not a joke ! " Me : " Oh , sorry , I thought you had already started . " Him : " Thats not very nice " 3. Me : " Told ya I had a bad sense of humor ." 1. Thing is I dont look Aboriginal . Down here we are trying to change things , in a funny way at times ; we acknowledge many obviously white people as Aboriginals , either its due to family and mixing , where the darker looks can arise or appear near absent , or due to adoption or recognition . We just KNOW that people are thinking 'He doesnt look Aboriginal to me ! ' but dont say anything as that is not the 'in vouge ' politically correct left wing opinion . So white people just sit there , doubting my claim , yet feeling uncomfortable about it , but having to accept my word for it , and just sit there uncomfortably , not daring to laugh . But the Aboriginals are laughing as they know exactly whats going on in the others heads , but the others dont know what is going on in the Aboriginal heads , but see them laughing so some join in laughing with them . Thats my opening shot , yet I havent really done anything yet, just stand there ( I have noticed that many Aboriginals are keenly and subtly observant and get to the inside 'crux ' of issues that many others miss or get confused by . they certainly understand multi-layered puns and how some things have multiple meanings ) . 2. In the sense that , he could be doing exactly what I do / just did . How would anyone know he was autistic ... he certainly wasnt 'badly autistic ' , but it would not be polite to 'correct ' to challenge him on that . It could even be an 'angle' to get 'donations ' 3. I dont think he got the inner dynamic evolving here . Mhe ... I should stick to the Kooris .... they get this type of 'layered stuff' . ... self funded trip around Australia from street donations ? PHA ! Cost of petrol , food accommodation and etc . Dont think so . I think he was just getting 'pocket money ' .
  19. Karma

    here is my simple view of karma . recently, on my community , an email was sent out bringing to our attention that new people and guests are not following the rules properly and doing this and that and 'is this how we want to live' and blah blah etc . I could not help myself I had to respond " Have you ever heard of karma ? You guys, including directors have constantly broken rules yourselves and its glaringly obvious yet you turn a blind eye to it when people in your 'click' or extended family / friends are deemed somehow exempt . People can see that . Dont you know about 'setting an example ' by actions instead of words . " karma to me means ; you dont do the right thing , you suffer the consequences ; you pollute your drinking water ... you got polluted drinking water . You pump smoke in the air , you got smokey air . Yes, it seems like Nungali is pointing out the blindingly obvious ... doesnt stop us doing it though does it .
  20. Karma

    auto like was enough .... I only get one . Like like like like like like ..........
  21. Karma

    Ah ...., but I am a 'selective Buddhist ' . ( I also got a bible with most of the pages ripped out )
  22. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    What ? You feel a need to do that when a topic ends ??? Ohhh ... wait ... you may have been speaking about other people ? I dont think EVERY topic does . Some end with how not to come so you dont loose ya jing . Some end with 'women stealing yer jing' . Some threads are about how long someone went without masturbating some end with being able to make other people cum in McDonalds .. and then some of them somehow ended up with a girl friend ... and all of a sudden stopped writing about masturbation . I think its due to the the unusual intersection of Daoism and Americans .
  23. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Yahweh likes Corn Flakes .
  24. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?