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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Feeling and mental perception

    Now it looks like YOU are 'dodging questions' : Luke asked you " Have you spent much time with Buddhists? "
  2. Feeling and mental perception

    Wow ! How did you come to that conclusion from that statement ??? he didnt project failure on to you , he projected a lack of even TRYING to understand it in the first place on to YOU ( and not 'others' ... dont try to make yourself a plural to gain validity . ) .
  3. Feeling and mental perception

    I think someone just did that .
  4. Feeling and mental perception

    I think its important to note that you first said 'nevermind' ... yet you could 'never mind' an hour later you just HAD to come back and start up another one of your 'logical arguments' . Not to mention your own proclivity to not being able to stop 'gnawing a bone' ... and choosing yourself which questions and which people you will respond to . Now look at the silly mess you in ... trying to prove Buddhists want to eliminate all people, animals, pets, plants the whole environment WTF DD ? Yeah, it might be a fun intellectual argument ... but Id say, get out in the world and experience it beyond your armchair , if you really have an interest in it beyond trying to argue it out of existence .
  5. Feeling and mental perception

    I remember chanting at my friends kargyu karma temple / house , the residents where ; him, part time , 4 monks , a three legged dog, a one eyed cat and a couple of homeless people . I asked why they looked after 'strays' and they said "Because they turned up here . " Its a bit of a pity ' DD' ( Daniel Denial ) can not see or has not experienced this part of living Buddhism . And the monks there enjoyed life and celebrated in its many aspects .... maybe because they had ' detached' 'suffering ' from 'life experiences ' ? PLEASE dont make DD DL ( Dalai Lama ) !
  6. Feeling and mental perception

    I had an unintentional similar experience many years back . 'Caving' ; 3 inexperienced dickheads with torches who decided to separate. I sat up the back of a huge cavern and wondered how dark it would be if I turned my torch off , so I did . Yep... pretty dark better turn it back on again .... turn it ON again ??? Press press presssss ... Oh NOOOOOO ! I decided my best plan was to just sit tight and wait for someone ... anyone to come along . Eventually a light started to flash around and a guy and two women entered the cavern Thank God ! So I called down " Helloooo " . That gave them a huge of fright ! 'What the hell are you doing uop there in the dark ? " Then I went down to them , explained what happened and said " And this bloody torch would not go back on ! " and demonstrated .... and of course ... it worked .
  7. deleted

    It is old . If you are 50 ... you are 50 years old . There is no escape Cobie You are old .
  8. Unpopular Opinions

    ... and with such a ' positively balmy ' winter , could sell spray on 'Santa snow' twice a year !
  9. Unpopular Opinions

    It does look wintry , cant you see the snow painted on the sign . And it should say Christmas as with two Christmases a year .... it fulfills the whole purpose of it all .... retail ! Imagine the boon to the economy if we could sell all that crap TWICE a year !
  10. The concept of God

    Unless ... one is non-Jewish and has the perception that God IS in everything , for example, some believe 'everything' is the physical body of God . - and all other ideas are easily proven false .... .
  11. The concept of God

    Indeed, complexity creates more possibilities for malfunctions . I could not wash my hands the other day in a public toilet ... the automatic tap sensor on the tap was not working , so no water Dear 'World Computer Entity' , I am capable of turning on a tap manually. yours, in servitude, Nungali .
  12. Unpopular Opinions

    Well, my winter is in July .
  13. Unpopular Opinions

    Prawns , cold chicken, ham, leg o pork , rice salad , pudding ... that should be good enough . We still give gifts , being in the southern hemisphere doesnt impact on that . Alcohol ? Did I say , in Australia . I would not worry about missing out on alcohol down here , any time of year ! as for your last lament ;
  14. The concept of God

    ... or , evil done by your own people ... far away from your place , doesnt bother US as much . Its a bit like having a large American style car , or one of those long bonnet Bugatti's , you run into a pedestrian .... they are way out there somewhere at the end of the bumper , you are feeling not that responsible ... but in a small modern car , with a short bonnet and a view from the window seems like you are looking straight down onto the road , you run into a pedestrian, they are pressed right up against yer windscreen , 'in your face ' , so to speak , you feel a bit more responsible . Anyway , thats my 'raid and run ' theory on the development of 'evil' in the world ... those that could do shit 'far away' to 'others' and then escape the consequences ( either via horseback or ship ) felt free to 'commit evil' on others . Whereas in Australia , pre colonial, we have no such concepts * people where all connected , no fast escape from breaking the law , you probably had relatives, potential wives, hunting and travel rights in others territories . * Eg , they had wars ( two lines of warriors facing each other , one on one ) ... but no atrocities or massacres , killing women and children , destroying crops and animals , 'salting the earth', genocides, etc . where unthinkable concepts to them ( as was sacrificial culture, pain as punishment ( they where horrified when seeing the first British 'flogging' punishments ) , animal domestication or slavery ( which I think are related to each other , one leads to the other ) .
  15. Unpopular Opinions

    I agree ! IE that opinion is VERY pop with me . And furthermore Aussies ! Stop Christmas decorating with northern hemisphere winter stuff down here in southern summer Christmas swealtering ! Forget the spray on snow , the northern pine tree , the Arctic Santa snow suit , hat and long beard, the reindeer , sleds etc . And while I am bitchin' ... stop celebrating Halloween on our Beltane !
  16. Chain of disillusionment

    Indeed BUT the thing I have found , and many others have found the visualization of " How to accumulate, and then direct your Chi to your hands, and send it out, fly across empty space, maintain the momentum, and .... " - keep it going , ie. no 'target' as such - helps one to have better strength , control and manipulation of 'opposing force' by physically meeting and joining with that force and then redirecting it . Or other things like the Aikido 'unbendable arm exercise' . Practical value ? Many times I had used the technique when I worked as an orderly eg . lifting a very large person . I found the recommended way very bad practice at times ( the person lifting who was not at the lower end - feet or legs ) is supposed to sit the patient forward, slide their arms under the other's, fold the other's arms in front of them and then grasp their forearms and 'hoik' them up ( this might be necessary though if the person is unconscious or has no ability to use their arms ) . I have seen a lot of elderly with broken skin on the forearms from this method . Also it must not be done with burn victims . Instead I would slip my arms under theirs and extend my arms out, hands out fingers open and flow 'energy' along my arms and out my fingers and I could lift a LOT more and with less strain . A couple of times I lifted HUGE pregnant woman, from a trolley bed on to a delivery bed in the labor ward sometimes they had trouble shuffling over from one to the other and (wanting to take extra care of them ) I would " I can lift you over ." They and the nurses present would be .... nah ! But (believe it or not, I can be reassuring and kind at times ) then one might offer , " I'll take the legs " .... not needed ; I would get them ( the patient, not the nurse ) to hug me ; one arm over my shoulder, the other arm under the other shoulder , slip one of my arms under their back, another under their knees , arms out fingers extended and 'scoop' them up , extending ki 'to heaven' imagining I am lifting a huge bowl ( sorry mums ) turning and then lowering them on the other bed . Onlookers where WOW ... but I am not that strong, dont have a strong looking physic and have 'skinny girl arms' . Another case was a fire fighter .... I still get emotional thinking or talking about this ... I went through many stages dealing with this disaster ; a huge bush fire , firefighters got caught in it and had to run through a wall of flames to safety after an unexpected wind change , about 5 of them came in with horrific all over burns . We lost two in emergency ward , one later in Intensive care ward , another who had to stay long term in intensive care (and another got transferred out to some specialty hospital). The one that remained had burns all over him, no where to lift him (in and out of bed ) . He was near terrified of the procedure due to the amount of pain it had been giving him, I could tell so I halted a bit , thought about it ( I had another orderly with me , a competent one, thank God ). The patient did not have burns under his arms or on the soles of his feet , so I got the other Orderly to place his palms on the guys feet and the guy to press down with his feet like he was trying to stand up , I put my hands , vertically under his armpits , same position, arms extended, fingers pointing , 'extended ki' and up he went . he was overjoyed as the pain involved was greatly reduced . Every time he needed to in or out of bed he requested my assistance , even if it was not my ward for that shift ... I didnt mind coming in to help him . So, I think such exercises CAN certainly be valuable and helpful to others .... it doesnt just have to be about fighting, challenges or showing off ( well, maybe a bit of showing off ... in front of the nurses ) if this " How to accumulate, and then direct your Chi to your hands, and send it out, fly across empty space, " is not a rhetorical question I can give you my explanation .
  17. The concept of God

    yes ... which requires a 'wiggle' (or in other terms ; theology ) . let's list some options regarding your observation; " God " is evil . God doesnt care about evil. God is beyond good or /and evil. God is only good, evil comes from not following God's instructions or wishes . There is a Devil and God is at war with him There is a Devil and the war with God is enacted through us and our behavior and choices. Good and Evil are local cultural values and beneath or apart from God's concerns . The world is evil as it is a creation of the devil or similar , good comes about by rejecting the evil world . During creation some type of 'accident' happened . Its a test for us . We have God and the Devil reversed in our understanding of things . (feel free to add some more)
  18. The concept of God

    In some traditions 'God ' , or more accurately some type of Son or aspect of God / 'Golden Boy ' and 'The Devil' are brothers . The idea even got used here .....
  19. Its about time I had one too please , Mr 'Steve on the Internet '.
  20. Chain of disillusionment

    Well then, I guess now its time to study the western religions ... and eventually get disillusioned by them too . You could start with that part of the crusades when they first crossed over into the Middle east at Constantinople . A bit further down they met their first 'foe' . After a bit of a massacre they sliced off their bottom cheeks and made a BBQ . Thing was they where actually Christians too ... they forgot to check first . A history of the Popes is fun reading too !
  21. Chain of disillusionment

    hang on ... that sanda guy was not punching properly ! A karate instructor will show him how ... you are supposed to punch straight , and leave your fist hanging in the air out there , and retract your other fist to your hip ( and yell a bit ) and ( as opposed to boxing ) " Hands down ! " I call this the 'instructor's punch ' .... that way he will be able to show you 37 different ways to beat you up when you punch like that But even with a reasonable young fit boxer .... they might get a surprise .... from ... 'Pop Boxer ' ! ( 86 yo )
  22. The concept of God

    ARIES. Who are ye, brethren? SATAN-TYPHON. I am the twin brother of the sun. .. LEO. Brother, if thou be indeed our brother, what wilt thou say? SATAN-TYPHON. O Sun, my brother, is it thy will that I have speech with thee? For I have lain with thee nine moons in the womb of our mother; for we have loved as none have loved; for I am closer knit with thee than light and darkness, or that life and death! " - The Rite of Sol .
  23. The concept of God

    " ... and also, if one sees only traces of bones and a bit of ash .... " IMO ( but what would I know ) they are 'meditations' on our physical nature , which shall pass and be gone ; 'non-attachment ' to that nature . I experienced it when I did my own versions , using not obscure , other culture experiences and conditions but my own ...
  24. Title REQUIRED

    You have cabinS ? Tell us about them / it . Desert, rainforest, and just about everything in between , but no BIG mountains . Like many places we have our 'specific strangeness' One reason my locality is popular with tourists is that within a half hour driving radius you have nearly 'alpine' country ( Aussie style ) , rain forest, wilderness areas, rivers numerous waterfalls (local main road is called 'Waterfall Way ' * ) World heritage national parks , beaches , a marine park , islands, etc . *