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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. I must be . Thanks for the correction, see above . I see . Some type of 'gamer speak' I suppose . Okay . ( I hope you are not a Judge or Magistrate ) Its more that I see a rather obvious difference between 'vengeance' and 'punishment ' .... and you do not . Am I understanding yet ? ? Did you mean this one ; " By the way, why do you like empty spaces, empty lines and lack of order of symbols like (" logical " ?) so much ? " I just like them .... I like empty spaces because I prefer the open countryside to the city , standing on the beach and looking out to the wide expanse of the Pacific , the uncluttered night sky horizon , etc . I like walking the empty lines , when they are abandoned , no risk of trains coming , they cross the gullies and streams, they are fairly level and might even tunnel through the mountain in places .... excellent for a rainforest walk ; .... its also interesting if you are into abandoned locomotives ; .
  2. I have found a system that allows you to be able to toss a tank . Just sit here .... ......
  3. The concept of God

    But ........ " illogical " .
  4. Strengthening Connections

    Indeed . In 'the good old days ' here , I suppose I have helped working on about 4 houses that have been built here . Even moreso , making something all the community can use . I remember , a log time back , a gang of us developed the old farm house on the property ; knocked out some walls, expanded the kitchen into a better working space to cook for 30 - 50 people ( for a special event dinner with guests ), a huge decking/ verandah / performance stage . When that was finished , it really put the level up ; many shared meals , cafe and restaurant / cabaret nights , plays on the verandah /stage etc .
  5. Strengthening Connections

    On community there are some essentials for this ( cultivating and strengthening bonds between people ) , when we are healthy all this functioned good , when we are not , we dont have it at all . One thing that works is community work days where people come together and focus and do good work, with a group a lot can be achieved in a few hours and then everyone gets a sense of accomplishment and something achieved . And its a good idea to follow that later with Community meal . Where you can sit down, enjoy, relax, share . They have a LOT of trouble getting this together for a few years now . It used to work very well , doing those things . And then the converse arises , one symptom of that is erratic , emotive and unfocused meetings , even in the admin and business type meetings . For a loooooooooooooooong time I have been trying to implement a system similar to what the Baha's use ; you have a 'feast' / 'social meeting' once a month , for connection, sharing but also to discuss ideas and projects or bring attention to what arises . The directors , leaders or focalisers of the group should be present and be mindful of that process , forming it, when needed, into modes of action, directions, forming of committees or agenda items for the other type of monthly meeting , the 'business' or 'administrative ' meeting , where such things 'put into action ' . That way , in the first meeting, people get to discuss, ramble , go off and on topic, express hopes and desires and new ideas ( and then the business meeting is not bogged down by all that ) . The second meeting might not need to be attended by everyone , its more administrative and about putting the ideas into action within the form of governance ( in this case , the community ) , it can be more focused as a lot of the energy is dispelled in the first type of meetings and not everyone wants to sit through a boring administrative meeting . But they didnt want to do that ..... a bit too attached to the old system ..... which can actually weaken the connections .
  6. Strengthening Connections

    Well, yesterday , I did get a lot a closer to a friend .... I helped her dig out a toilet pit . Soon we will be concreting together making the strip footings and the floor slab . .... Hand written notes, in snail mail eh ? Wow .... when was last time I got one of them ! A letter that is not typed , with no letter head on it ??? I thought above friend might appreciate that too ( she still actually reads books ... not ebooks , not some type of AI generated books , real old school cover and paper books with printing on the pages ! ) . ..... but , in this modern world ... ... I have no idea what her address is to send the letter to . .
  7. Read the OP . He wants to be like a tank or a nuke . And that is no where as silly s thinking he means he is gonna individually go around punching out world leaders and dictators , 'within arms reach ' . No ... I corrected it , away from the projection you where putting on the OP A statement with a question mark - that either means you are calling me retarded or asking me if I am . Lets go with the second one ; It would seem you want to know , in context of what led me to make that comment , if I should be concerned about a plan to eliminate the retarded as that might include me and if I am not, why should I worry . if I am totally off on my understanding of this , its due to the strange and fractured nature of your responses ... which could be taken a number of ways . More non - sense . By me not writing i no way would bring the thread under control . But by writing and pointing out some of you guys have projected your negative feelings emotions and would be solutions .... into Man Conduit's , maybe will make the 'enlightened' more aware of what they are doing and perhaps examine whatever motivated them to do that in the first place .
  8. The Learner and Indiken are young ? I would have thought that applied more to the OP ... although his idea does seem to relate to threat . . . but certainly not revenge .
  9. Sipping my sidewalk cafe coffee I stop the man assaulting the woman across the road . - I am guessing you realise how much I think this philosophy sucks . . . even though its a 'cool zenny type' image .
  10. Yes, thats a good idea , I am sure he planned to change world corruption by 'throwing punches' .
  11. " I could intimidate governments into not being corrupt " is the dark side ? Now all of a sudden his idea is being compared to 'destroy the retarded " Wot ? I hope the OP is following this .... This thread is outa control !
  12. Wow ... all this revenge stuff . I thought the idea behind corporal punishments and fines was to discourage others who might do and punish or address those that have done wrongs . It seems revenge is more popular than I realised .
  13. Nah ... he wants to intimidate them into not doing something , your talking about revenge ( which relates to them already having done something ). What .... you write commentary on your newspaper ?
  14. Just 'work on ' yourself ..... become more tolerant and accepting .... then they can put the music up really loud ! Well, at least Hitler did one good thing .
  15. The concept of God

    Yoiks ! ... chuck in another 50 and ya get an ozzie around here . But I suppose .... factory, workers, transport costs , etc jack the price up . I have friend that is a mad chemist wiz herbalist and develops special strains ... wow ! I got a few arthritic type problems and some old joint injuries .... when they play up its a bit tough some times ; I am down the front paddock fixing a fence , need a tool and have to slog all all the way back up the hill , feeling slow and like I got lead boots on, past the cabin, up the little hill behind that up the three small stairs groaning and into the shed , get the tool and go back down and then .... On no ! I should have got the ..... next week, I go back to the same job, after taking my mates medicine , same thing ..... I need wire cutters ..... next thing I know I am up in the shed , not sure how I got there .... I walked up there without even being conscious of it ... standing there going " I am not in any pain at all ... wheeeeeeeee ! " My part time neighbour comes from there , spends part time there , part time here with his son .
  16. The concept of God

    I see you are a 'Daoist gardener ' . Yes , when we understand , a little nudge here and there in the right direction can have large consequences . Years back when I moved here (over 30 years ago ) I planted some 'mountain oaks' ( actually a species of casurina ) because its a beautiful favourite tree of mine . I didnt realise at the time it was a food ( the seeds in the cones ) for the glossy black cockatoo . Now they feed in it , have a nest near by. I worked for Bio-dynamic agriculture for a while , we used to examine 500 ( cow manure buried in a cow horn underground until it .... 'changes ' ) and see the cycle of different 'bugs' come and go ..... little white ones, then the black ones and later a few red ones ..... look like tiny specs . But then I came across this alchemical image ( from another source ) 'Splendor Solis , image 13 - " Jupiter " process .
  17. The concept of God

    I am glad that ^ made YOU happy though . Somehow .... I feel I kinda should'nt be happy sometimes ...... like when guys on paragliders fly into your music festival and start machine gunning people ..... ya know .... stuff like that .
  18. The concept of God

    Free ? ! A friend of mine is on it and he had to pay for the initial consultation, then another fee for something and then pay for each delivery ... I mean , " prescription " . Street prices ? I wouldnt have a clue .... in some places they seem to sell yarndi at a high price per bud ! Around here ..... ya just pick it up off the road
  19. deleted

    Two old guys talking on a park bench ; " The wife said , 'What are you doing today ? ' I said. ' Nuthin ' . She said , You did that yesterday ! ' I said, 'I ain't finished yet' . "
  20. Wild cats

    Secrets of Pyramids revealed .....
  21. Museum of the Future

    But it isnt, not in the version posted here ..... if one actually looks at it . The below is not the same as the above , nor is the right to the left and the inner is different to the outer . and quoting a whole lot of Hebrew doesnt change the picture .... it just affirms what YOU THOUGHT you where seeing . Maybe Lois' centrepiece for the museum of the future is designed to trigger people so they can examine their assumptions
  22. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    Oh ? What is 'pure good' ?
  23. Whats your purpose/meaning or life?

    You can count ME out of that 'us' . Ummmmmm ...... you see, that is actually the crux of our problems .... some of us are very STUPID ! that is , the opposite of intelligent . An intelligent person .... finds solutions to their problems that benefit themselves and everyone else . A stupid person ..... tries to solve their problems with solutions that benefit neither themselves nor anyone else , and in fact , often cause harm and damage , without solving the original problem at all . .