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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The element that people are inherently born in sin and need some type of 'saving' ... especially when that involves the 'necessity ' of being 'saved ' through an 'organized religion' .
  2. ANA

    Eh ? Its Nun gali so that would be 0 galis 'Gungali' is a goanna ( my pic used to be a simple sketch of a lizard ) , who have certain mythological 'responsibilities' . Nungla or Nugli is a local guardian ( whose image is set in the mountain that looks up the valley here ... and right at my cabin ) part of his responsibility is to look after the women and children , as they go about their own business , to protect them from hostile invasive forces . Gali of jali is a tree - for example , I was given a Bundjalung name ; Webrajali , webra is fire ... tree on fire ... or as they are more commonly called 'flame tree ' ; A native that 'stands out from the rest of them ' ( so my teacher said ) .
  3. Patterns of the flood

    Nice read , thanks. Everything needs a pressure relief valve .... otherwise. reading the above , I thought of the Nile and its 'overflow basin ' The Fayum' - a sort of natural built in overflow basin . Now I am wondering how the first 5 civilizations might have been effected and developed ' philosophically ' according to their type of rivers Nile ; contained but within and area that floods, with the flood relatively contained within the valley and with a huge 'side storage facility ' . Preparation , calculation and post flood surveying important - other wise people's field boundaries are lot ) The Nile and The Fayum Mesopotamia ; twin river system where many civilizations developed down in the floodplain and delta , so much flooding (and probably the origin of the western 'great flood' myth . Also some of their philosophies seem to suggest they thought they where being punished ( too noisy , wipe them out with a flood ) . B.M.A.C. ; Oasis civilization ; the rivers fan out into scrub, then desert and disappear into the sands . I dont recall any mention of floods there . Destruction or decline could result from a river changing its course . China ; massive river system/s , relatively uncontained , huge floods over the land in multiple areas . You cant do much about that except 'work with it ' . I.V.C. ; I don't know much about 'Harrapa' and as far as latter times go , their philosophy ( Rig Veda ) may have been an 'import ' ... ... so ?
  4. Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

    Here is a way to 'guardian' baby ; Don't leave baby in bed , with floppy sheets draping over a bed side table with a lit candle on it .
  5. Leaving a Religion disrupts Qi?

    If you dont mind answering this question ; have you replaced that religion with anything else or do you have new religious expression .? In my philosophy 'bad luck ' can be 'blockages on a path' because that is not the best path for you . When you find the right path , things should fall into place more , 'fortunes align' and often it is observed as good luck . Also my philosophy does not condone this : Children need to be guided and nurtured . I am sorry you didnt get enough of that . They need to be taught the opposite of what you had put onto you . You did not come here bad with a need to be punished ! You came here with a special inherent genius waiting to be expressed . It sounds like you on the first stage in expressing that . These nasty experiences like you had can leave their mark and try to hold you back , they have deep psychological hooks into the unconscious ( and the people that put them there should be ashamed of themselves ! ) I suggest working on the subconscious level to heal yourself .... as well as maintaining your practices . Ritual is the language and healer of the unconscious . You can look at a 'cord cutting ' ceremony , or other rituals ; like scrapping the skin with a magical blade ( some feel wires or connections or even 'leech type things ' falling away when they have had this treatment .) followed by fumigation and purification , etc . And remember ... EVERY man and every woman is star .... that means YOU TOO ... you have your own shining brilliance and path , trajectory and mission . Congratulations, it seems you made the first step in breaking out of the forceful attempted containment that others tried to oppress you with .
  6. Leaving a Religion disrupts Qi?

    Dont worry too much ...... Jesus will forgive you ... and bless you .
  7. Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

    You can quote anything you want by doing this ; 1. highlight what you want to quote 2. click copy 3 paste it here in quotation marks eg. " i like what you say about this dweller keeping back outer forces from the aspirant until they are developed enough to deal with it. " I am pretty sure I didnt say that . I guess you just done understand what I am saying , I am trying to be as direct and correct as I can in expressing what I mean . and at times I find what you write difficult to understand ; for example ; " Vows, spring to mind with what I was getting at ‘kind of’ like on the Mahayana Buddhist paths . They take vows and understand if they break the vows they will incur downfalls." In your post, this just appears , out of the blue like that' with no other context or reference . "What I was getting at " in relation to what ? I have to guess this is the answer to my question about what you meant as a first step . That one didnt take too long to work out ... if I 'got it right' . Its good to prefix, like this ; " What I meant about that first step was ... Vows, spring to mind with what I was getting at ‘kind of’ like on the Mahayana Buddhist paths . " I am not being smarmy and correcting grammar and syntax for the fun of it , some times you are hard to understand and I think that is because it makes sense to you because YOU understand the connections in your head that you have not written . Sometimes I have found you a bit obscure ... I've been trying to break through that . " Miscommunication is the first step along the path to conflict . " ( said Mercury to Mars ... Mars responded ; "What's that supposed to mean ... do you want a fight ! ? " )
  8. ANA

    See post 15 .
  9. ANA

    Oh no ! .... I would never do that !
  10. Dweller/Guardian on/of the threshold

    Did you mean by 'taking this step' - the first step on the path of initiation ? .
  11. ANA

    Ummm ... my whole life . Here is one that really educated me . I find it significant as a friend of mine thinks that 'spirits' of people that have passed over , that 'appear ' to us , or we become aware of them in some ways are sort of echoes or imprints laid down on the 'subtle energy ' . Read the following and tell me if you think this is the behaviour of an echo or 'imprint ' ; I am working in the big city ( Sydney ) away from home and staying at a mates flat in Bondi , with him and his wife ; both good friends of mine . Its one of those old flats in the area , stylish and retro . I finish work early each day as I start on ' first light ' . I call into the shops , look at some music , spot a CD of one I recently bought ( as I saw them perform and was really impressed - its got a lot of vibes .... meaning vibraphone , xylophone , celesta , etc 'asto-jazz' ; Prop - 'Small Craft - Rough Sea ' ) so I bought a copy to give to my friend to thank him for the stay . I come 'home' , its quiet , I have the place to myself and someone at work had given me a nice big organo-bud So I smoked a joint , put the CD on and went into the front sun room to chill . I'm chillin' out and my mind is 'freewheeling' and a voice in my head says " Thats nice music . " Now, I often have these 'vivid imaginative episodes ' but this was different , however I wasn't sus on it (at that stage ) just 'playing along ' . I somehow 'knew' it was an old lady sitting on the lounge next to me , however I could not physically see anything . We talked about the music , I expressed surprise that a woman of her years would like such modern music . She said she was open minded and liked it because it was mostly gentle and soft . I Said that the front room was nice spot , in the afternoon , she said yes , and commented on the way the sun was shining through the trees and making dappled light into the sun room . She said it was one of her favourite places to relax and she spent many an after noon there . I was ; Oh , you used to live here ? She said she had lived there for long time ..... I cant remember much more of the convo , but , damn it , something must have snapped me out of it because all of a sudden I am ; " You loosin the plot , boy ! What was that about ? " I looked in the ashtray and joint was about only 1/4 gone ... wow dynamite ! A bit later the lady of the house comes home , then my mate . Unusual for him but he said he had a tough day and do I have a spare smoke for him ? Sure ... and I got you this CD . So he says , cool, I will have a smoke and listen to it . I am ... errrm , be careful with that , you dont smoke much , and I do , and it knocked me for 6 ... and things went ... well a bit weird . He laughed and asked what happened " I could have sworn I was having a conversation with this old lady that said she used to live here , I was in the front room .... 'it' seemed strangely interactive for my 'own voice' in my head ." Man , the look he was giving me ! So I was , what ? He instantly became angry, started going red and " YOU been talking to Clair ( his wife ) ! Whats this about , why .. etc etc .. he really went off. I told him to settle down and I didnt know what he was talking about , so he stormed off into the kitchen and he confronted her " You told him your story and now you guys are trying to freak me out ! " She was continually calmly denying it , telling him he was being an idiot and a lot of 'I told you so ! come backs . I still didnt know what was going on . Then Clair comes into the lounge room smiling and 'I hear you met the old lady ?" Huh ? The old lady that used to live here . I often have chats with her , He doesnt believe me .. he doesnt like stuff like that , he thinks I am a bit nuts ... anyway , isnt she lovely ? Me ; Well , yes .. she is ... come to think of it , I felt a really nice energy and calmness coming from her . " Thats her ! " she replied . The she goes back to the kitchen to confront angry hubby " See ... I told you ! " and he is ' Bullshit ! You two are trying to play some weird game on me ! " Stormed out, slammed the door and went out to the 'men's shed ' . Now , I have thought that the only material explanation is that they played some weird trick on me . But the more I thought it through , in various ways , it made no sense . Regarding 'magical works ' well, I have one right here on DBs and I said it WILL get results ( actually more than one , but this one was a 'doosie' ! ) and it did ! ... of course , all time stamped . and of course there are some that are gonna say ; "Thats just a coincidence ! " maybe , I dont care , I dont care how the result comes about .... its gotta manifest through some type of medium ... ( eg , being 'base' lets say I do 'magical works' to get money , if I find it on the street , good , someone gives it to me ... good . I find a $50 in my pocket I didnt know was there , when I do my washing ; GF ; " That doesnt count ! " ... maybe not to you .... but I got an 'extra' $50 and before anyone starts up on me ... NO .. not ALL of my 'magick' is due to forgetfulness
  12. ANA

    Gosh ! I've read a lot over the years , including my young years . I cant think of one single book or text . I suppose the text of my initiation rituals have had the most effect and the best influence . Its a little difficult as at first they are not encountered as texts but 'living experiences' via dramatic ritual . But as time goes on and one becomes an officer in initiations one becomes familiar with the texts and even before that one is encouraged to examine and study them with your initiator to glean the content , rather than being swept up in the experience . Both are important , but I find those that neglect this later examination (in my experience that is sadly most people ) loose the greater part of their significance that extends out into other areas of our lives .
  13. ANA

    I was supposed to be there ? Are you asking me what book or text influenced me the most ?
  14. ANA

    Sure . I cant even envisage an alternative .... what , eat it in front of you ? I suppose though , I am coming from how I feel now . How long have we been 'stranded ' * ? How hungry am I ? [ I like to watch the antics of the animals here . if I pout food out the ravens call 'the food is here ' call and the others come to share . So I put some food out and one lone raven is watching . I go and hide , raven lands , looks around and starts hiding bits of food here and there , including underneath the fig tree on the front field . The he goes back to the rest of the food and calls out loud 'food is here '. The other ravens come and start eating , the first one stands back " You guys first " How polite ! Then comes in for a nibble . Unfortunately for him there was a bush turkey in the tree, it was there all along and watching , he drops out and all the ravens turn to look , he uncovers the hidden stash the raven put there and eats it ... the other ravens look at the first one ' Well ? How did that get there then ?" The first looks rather 'sheepish ' .
  15. ANA

    Hmmm ... I am seeing that as a non question so I will convert it to a question ; " Will I accept your apology ?" certainly Coby ... I consider you a mate (in the Aussie sense ) .... its just that sometimes we fall under 'undue influence ' .
  16. ANA

    'Have influenced the most ' ? The Bible .
  17. Downvote challenge

    yeah , but insects , leeches , tics , maybe little lizards ..... but not big macs
  18. AMA: Ask me anything

    Cool ! have you considered migration to Mars ?
  19. AMA: Ask me anything

    One at a time ... one at a time .... line up ... line up . At least being first , you get it over with quickly .
  20. AMA: Ask me anything

    Right ... so NOT Maui then !
  21. AMA: Ask me anything

    OHhhhh so now, getting clear on history .. from other sides , as info is available is ..... 'nutty ' . Right . .
  22. AMA: Ask me anything

    One more question before I go ... what is a good place to take holidays in ?
  23. AMA: Ask me anything

    What have they got to do with it ... its ME that is taking the holiday from YOU Daniel I will be incognito so none of you religious types can send your secret agents after me