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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Muddying Man Festival

    I am right in the middle of 'Lovefest' here . Its very small ( compared to what we put on in the past ) , laid back , seems to have one event on at a time ( thank goodness ) , seems run by Brazilians , they are everywhere and on the crew . Its drug and alcohol free yet, many of tghe things I see people doing seem to be about getting into a different state otherwise . There are the touters (of their particular 'trades' ) going around trying to persuade young women they are offering just what they need. My EGF and her daughter are here , she has been reporting to me how many guys have tried ......... she went to a breath workshop and at one stage they 'partnered up ' and 'opened up' to the other about why they where there and what they wanted ... she got a guy that was wanting love intimacy and relationship ... so she had to gently put him off . Oh well, I was wondering what they thought they where going to invoke with a name like that . its nearly timer for me to go back down there .... and watch the group convulsion to music in the main 'tent' . ( Me ? I hit a 'gold mine' .... no one considered what to do with organic waste ... they where told they had to take it home with them ( ) so I got some bins out, doing bin changes with my trailer and car , also I got a huge mountain of mulch from the pre festival grass cut on the field . Afterwards , I will go raid paddocks for heaps of cow poo . I got a supply of other materials for it, including bio-dynamic compost preparations . My 'pick up line ' at the festival : " Hi there , isnt it a beautiful day , are you having fun ? Ummm ...... what are you gonna do with those food scraps there ? "
  2. New here

    old3bob be so happy !
  3. when should long time

    ... and when us non lurkers 'add' .... look at the crap we write
  4. Hello fellow bums

  5. Martial arts YouTubers and Instagram influencers.

    Master Ken ( from 'Ameri-ti-do ' ) and Master Wong ( " ... you got a pwobwem ! " .
  6. when should long time

    Ha! A friend said this * yesterday to me , but when I started singing this song he had no idea what I meant - never heard of it ! * " I have these really vivid visions ... the last one, I was in the year 2525 and ... "
  7. deleted

    I am assuming TT's description was a quote from somewhere ? In any case, yes the 'symbol of the Universe' is interesting - and unfamilar . The only reference I could find was to the 'shen ring' as a symbol of ' the eternity of the entire universe, symmetry, and completeness'. The shen is the hieroglyph of a circle with a line under it . Supposedly originally a coil of rope ( something that is encircled and defined ) . It later evolved into a form or the cartouche ( that encircles King's names , hence also related to the falcon , Horus and the Sun ) The image in the quote can be seen in Wikiwand where its caption reads : " The sun rises over the circular mound of creation as goddesses pour out the primeval waters around it . " It would seem to relate more to the Hermopolis and Heliopolis traditions .
  8. deleted

    Dont use condoms !
  9. Dont take it to heart Dragon . If I was going to offer interpretation of an obscure part of the texts I deal with .... my first consideration could be , for another ... how would this benefit them ... what's in it for them ? I dont mind being questioned about my reasons for imparting information . on a forum of course .... we can just blast right over the 'speed hump' and continue on, giving it or taking no concern . That depends on ones 'suspension' though . ... in other words ... do continue . ( I am not going to ask a question yet ... as it might seem to silly )
  10. I also think some practices are more suited to some individuals ( types ) than others and they might be the ones that give more results . On the other hand , perhaps one really needs a specific 'remedy' ( practice ) but the self resists it , nullifying or lessening the results .
  11. For some practices , but for others I have found the reverse to be true . One meditation , for example, I did it for a looooong period and got some benefit , but I was very surprised at the results after years long practice ... if I had been told what the results would be at the beginning of the practice , I would have scoffed at it . of course there are some that lack potency and impact . Indeed , it is where and how we direct our energy . Thats why one should study and develop, alongside of 'energetic practices' some type of 'ethics' .
  12. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    It might make sense in Russia ... Uncle Vitya had been drunk for 3 weeks straight !
  13. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    ^ is that a Jewish Ninja ?
  14. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    I like the way he learnt skill from Bruce Lee and he can grab a blade knife from a magnificently skilled knife and snap it in his fingers , yet when Uncle Vitya lumbers towards him with a raised fist , totally telegraphing his movement , he doesnt seem to know what to do ?
  15. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    ... and THAT is the part you think makes no sense ?
  16. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    Well ( how can I resist these 'set-ups' ???? ) ... sometimes I feel like doing the same thing !
  17. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    Dude is a Jewish Jamaican that did some Korean martial arts , spent some time as a rapper hip hopping then all of a sudden became a traditional martial artist from the time of King David .....
  18. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    Hmmm ... I would rather reflect on something else here . yet another person who watches movies and does gaming and somehow thinks, by sheer will can become something special . Then to test their " mental spirit and correct mental concept" they go into town with a metal bar to see if they can beat someone up . Then you grab the blade of a knife , wielded by one with 'extremely magnificent skill ' and snap the blade in your fingers . Then your Uncle appeared and punched you in the head . Ahhhh ... Lois .... You remind me when of myself when I was a lad ; Once I decided to be a world champion bare foot water skier . I never practiced it before but I saw it in movies a lot and I developed internal balance and spiritual skill . I went in the Australian bare foot water skiing championships . Although I beat everyone , I didnt get the cup ... I got disqualified because , I could not resist it , off to the side of the course was a huge water ski jump , so I veered off course and did the jump ... barefoot . Then I realized a shark was chasing another competitor so I signaled my boat to go alongside , jumped on to the sharks back and water skied on the shark . I signaled the boat to give me a whip and I rode the shark in to the beach . I always ski with a large diving knife strapped to my lower leg , so I drew it , fought and killed the shark . I may not have won the championship , but everyone on that beach had BBQ shark for dinner ... and afterwards carried me along the beach on their shoulders !
  19. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    what has a statue dancing a jig got to do with anything ? What martial arts ... in real life ... have you done Lois ? ( let's see if the guy is capable of answering a very basic simple question )
  20. Unpopular Opinions

    In an oil pipeline ? What some mini tubular oil submarine ? nah nah ..... the best way to smuggle heroin is ....
  21. Unpopular Opinions

    " I said OCCUPIED ! "
  22. Unpopular Opinions

    double post
  23. when should long time

    I can see me wearing that on the nude beach .... only that . " Excuse me Sir .... do you need the sand sprayed off your nipples ? "
  24. Happy Equinox!

    Ah! sweeter was September– The amber rain of leaves, The harvest to remember The load of sunny sheaves. In gardens deeply scented, In orchards heavily hung, Love flung Away the days demented With lips that curled and clung. Ah! sweeter still October, When russet leaves go grey, And sombre loves and sober Make twilight of the day. Dark dreams and shadows tenser Throb through the vital scroll, Man's soul. Life, shake a subtle censer That hides the cruel coal! But perhaps even better ? ..... Still sweeter when the Bowman His silky shaft of frost Lets loose on earth, that no man May linger nor be lost. The barren woods, deserted. Lose echo of our sighs– Love–dies?– Love lives–in granite skirted, And under oaken skies. But best is grim December, The Goatish God his power; The Satyr blows the ember, And pain is passion's flower; When blood drips over kisses, And madness sobs through wine:– Ah, mine!– The snake starts up and hisses And strikes and–I am thine!
  25. Happy Equinox!

    Anyway , what sort of an Equinox might it be ? Now for the crux .... what planets are retrograde ? Pluto Retrograde: May 1 – October 11, 2023 Neptune Retrograde: June 30 – December 6, 2023 Saturn Retrograde: June 17 – November 4, 2023 Venus Retrograde: July 22 – September 3, 2023 Chiron Retrograde: July 23 – December 26, 2023 Mercury Retrograde: August 23, 2023 – September 15, 2023 Uranus Retrograde: August 28, 2023 – January 27, 2024 And soon, Jupiter Retrograde: September 4 – December 31, 2023 No wonder I been feeling a bit ......