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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. I have found it effective in this way as well : Dont try to do aikido . In a fight, bout or spar .... wait , feel, evade ... at some stage the other might just 'offer it to you on a plate' ... that is, make a mistake, or make a move or be in a position where the technique fits perfectly ... then its applied . The same goes for other styles techniques .... I have found . Aikido is just one set of martial arats techniques , removed from the larger picture and enacted in a ritual environment . But you can still learn stuff from it , but it has to be adapted to a real situation to be effective . I found that problem with them especially in ju waza , randori, etc . Everything was too telegraphed , polite and 'enabling' ; come on guys, amp it up a bit ' ... its good to start slow and kindergarten, to get the movement, dynamics, flow, etc ... but at some stage , it should meld to a more realistic situation .
  2. I am a a cultural anthropologist with a focus on ancient history . I usually go on archaeology , 'oral tradition inference' , palentology, geology, etc . 'related sciences' . I do have a HUGE interest in ancient civilization ... especially ancient forgotten civilization ... but I am a realist ( eg. I find it much more fascinating to think ancient Egyptians built what they did with the technology THEY actually had back then ... than to imagine aliens with 0 G tractor beams or rock melting lasers did it ) . SO ... I find the lost ancient BMAC civilization VERY fascinating , since it only became known to the west in the 1970s . So I have focused on that ... this rather incredible and may be a candidate for one of the first five ( previously four ) civilizations . But I dont go as far of the 'scientific research rails' as Michael does ... he is into Atlantis , Edgar Cayce and others who tout 'alternative history . I am not against that ... I just have more of a 'evidence based discernment ' . There are many here who think the same as Michael , I often debate with them ... they can angry when I expose the sacred cows to the light of reason and evidence . I will say though, Michael is more of the rational ones . I am supposing that is what makes me an 'inaccurate human ' . - my insistence on accuracy and evidence . There are a few threads around daobums where some have touted this 'secret ancient technology' stuff . My opinions on that are not too popular here . The Gobleki Tepe threads where fun ..... I seemed the odd one out here ..... until recently ... when all the BS I called out has now been exposed by the actual archaeological research team
  3. Unpopular Opinions

    We are all possessed .
  4. deleted

    5 years old ??? But he is learning Chinese . Wait .... is Chinese his first language ? That explains it !
  5. deleted

    and then come back and undelete it and give instructions about deleting posts .
  6. Sacred Drinks

    Now Luke . ... all you have to say is : The banana was from an island that is ecologically sustainable , and still support themselves without having to produce palm oil . The milk was imported from India , where all cows are sacred . This drink is karma free . Then its sacred . ( as long as you dont do anything 'against the purpose of nature ' with it )
  7. Feeling disillusioned.

    Why have you been feeling more an more depressed ?
  8. Someone a while back posted some pics of classical Chinese 'warm up' exercises (based on emotional states : eg show anger , act bashful, etc ) ... they where nearly identical to the Japanese 'warm ups' I did for years when practising Jap karate . I can tell ya folks ... that 'exercise knees ' 'warm up' aint gonna do what they said it would ! But its good for pretending you are 'bashful'
  9. Soldiers , in armies from ancient times up to modern practice martial arts for 'fighting' MA s the opposite of fighting ? and THEY are the 'clowns' ?
  10. Well, it depends on your style's philosophy . If it IS about self defence and fighting then that is where it should be . I am not a good physical fighter - I dont have enough expereince with real fighting ( however I did okay in the club and often cleaned up others in cross training - ie, different styles ) but that was becasue they did LESS real stuff than I did . But I do enjoy the movement, dynamic, tactics , range , etc ... " a desire to express oneself with movement and contemplate paradoxes " ... yes, not sure about the paradoxes .... more 'contemplate situations and their dynamics '. However , I did aikido for years , what they teach in the dojo is NOT good for self defence , however it helped me immensely in my hospital work as an orderly ... and often having to deal with the disorderly ( drunk, stoned, confused , aggressive , panicked. etc ) in a way where violence and conflict rarely manifested . Even correcting one's gait (walking style ) can help with self defence .... meaning , you can learn a lot that stops a fight before it even starts . My old teacher ( gone now ) was very traditional , his system was a fighting system ( and not for the ring either ... one would be immediately disqualified - his old school reasons for studying and practising where threefold ; 1. To protect your parents . 2. To protect your home and household . 3. To protect yourself - so you can continue to to do 1 and 2 . But me ... yeah, I just like the movement and the dynamic , as described above ' between two people (or me and three others ) , it just fascinates me and I enjoy it . I do not enjoy BS martial arts , and I recently dropped out of a very long term practice , due to this . man, have things improved since I did that ! It was soooo restrictive , degraded , disillusioned , warped ... yet it contained valuable kernals of gold - which I mined . There are a whole set of reasons for this weird dynamic you mention ... it is related to cultural things it seems . I spent a few years looking into it , as i wanted to find out why there was soooo much BS involved in martial arts . Its FULL of it ! - but people dont like to be told why.
  11. Sacred Drinks

    "sacred' cacao ... all the rage now . " Would you like a hot chocolate ? " " Ewwww ... no thanks. " " Its 'sacred cacao' ! " "Oh ! yes please ! " When we did 'The Rites of Eleusis ' - a series of 7 planetary plays - each rite started off with a 'sacred drink' ... or an equivalent * . Like for Saturn, we chose NOT to have 'blood infused with opium poppies ' . and replaced it with ' bitters' ( bitter herb mix ) .
  12. deleted

    Hey ! You supposed to have me on ignore !
  13. Feeling disillusioned.

    Yes it can , when balanced. But I am not too good at it . I have probably only felt pride about twice in my life . Actually, if one can manage this and balance it and lift it to its highest potential , it is healing and gives meaning and reason to life and the reasons for 'taking this (your own ) incarnation ' . But you have to find your 'great work ' , what you came here to learn , offer and express, and then , do that well , then one also gets a sense of accomplishment and the reasons for 'being here' are clearer . This makes us whole, integrated and purposeful . And getting back to this and these principles are at the core of a lot of rehabilitation programs for indigenous individuals and groups and helping with their recovery and decreasing suicide rates . A proud person rarely commits suicide . people here are gong from being ashamed of being black to being proud of it ...... YES ! Its a little different for the white westerners though ... what 'culture' are they going to get back into and 'find themselves' and feel pride in ? Many are feeling just as lost , purposeless , outside of society , feeling not accepted , homeless and struggling .... This came to a head 2 days ago in my small local country town ; I was driving into town to dump at the recycling centre , on approach a large column of black nasty smoke . That doesnt look right , its coming from the middle of town on the north side of the river . maybe I should go and check it out ? But it felt .... 'wrong' - nasty . It isnt a burn off or a yard fire ... something nasty is burning . The the smoke started going white ... steam , its being extinguished . I am glad I didnt go to look , apparently a homeless guy that had been living in a caravan at the caravan park , set fire to his caravan and then hung himself in the tree next to it . people rushed to the fire to help, not knowing , including a bunch of school kids at the hall next door .... only to see a burning caravan with a burning body hanging from a tree next to it . Its gonna have a mammoth impact on the town ... a friend of mine who does grief and trauma counselling says she is going to e busy for weeks after this one .
  14. deleted

    You could have said " The good looking one " . Thats the sort of thing I say to them
  15. deleted

    Awwwww .... do it quick and then edit it out ( before Daniel sees it )
  16. deleted

    ( Quickly rushing to reply before he edits out his post .... ) Which one is number 3 ? ( We better get that clear before I say why , or I could be in BIG trouble . ) Which one do you think is my 'paramour' ?
  17. deleted

    I wonder if Cobie knows about white text ?
  18. Muddying Man Festival

    Well, our 'Lovefest' isnt that far away ; long weekend in October . Now that weekend can flood here , but this year, looks dry . But I remember 'mud festivals ' , our east border (of the property and the riverside festival site has low bridge , first to go under in the valley , so the potential for a lot of people to get stranded. But nothing like BM ! ( which is why I would NEVER go to anything like that * . ) IMO BM is OtT! Its only a matter of time before it generates a 'human disaster zone' - if this isnt already one . I dont mind a group naked mud dance ( well, in the past ) , but after a week of that ..... urgggh ! Along with the incessant drum 'rhythm' . * a few years back some group used our site for 'Australia's first Burning Man festival' ... what a horrible disaster - never again ! ( I was talking to the Lovefest organiser a few days ago as he toured the site ... he asked what I thought about the 'Burning Man' event that was held here . Me : aside from the 'free alcohol' tent - with no age restriction or ID checks , and the horrible mess they left behind ... well, I been to a few festivals and out there events in my time ... yeah, you might see ONE big fat hairy bearded guy .... in a full wedding dress ..... but 4 of them ???? Is that 'a thing' now ? )
  19. Stranger things

    " Us desert dwellers .... " ? Look like that ? ..... Okay then .
  20. Chabad text from the Kabbalah

    ... and one of them 'strapless watches'
  21. Chabad text from the Kabbalah

    That computer art of yours ^ Ummmmmm ... dude got three arms .