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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Nagual Lujan Matus

    .... sounds like a quack .
  2. Looks like my hair ! I cant let it get too long as it starts to meld into its own hairstyle that looks like an old ladies 'perm' * .... I get these old grannies looking at me enviously . *
  3. That would be OX ... OX GOAD ... and TONGUE/MOUTH - 'driving forward' ; " Get up there ! Mush mush ! " ( whip whip ) .
  4. I dont normally answer questions like this ; its a black hole of no return ... but lets zoom close for a look ; remote signal , still 3G and partial ... even town drops out away and has numerous surrounding towers and their eftpos and other internet related stuff drops out , I mean, it all used to work super fine and efficient , until they made things 'better' . At the same time , a continual request to download 'upgrades ' ( or is it upload down grades ? ) .... I am still hitting the no button , I lost 2 computers that way .... one I kept saying no ... it eventually did it anyway , used up my credit and then that lap top would not work after that . Got a new one , so much crap was associated with just turning it on to the internet ; news feeds , 'do you want to do this , do that , share this here or there .... so overloaded with crap that it could not work on a 3G signal . So computer guy , reloaded Ubuntu that doesnt have that ... BUT in doing that .... you dont really want me to go on do you ? Its a bowl of black spaghetti ! My phone ? does weird shit . of course these modern young people think I am an idiot " Look, show me your phone, I will show you how that works (or even the phone repair place ) , or how you do or use a certain function." They mess around with it for 5 minutes , look surprised and then inform ME " "Oh .... it shouldnt be doing that ! " DUDE ! Thats what I am saying in the first place ! and then they hand it back and whatever they did has caused more problems . So I tell em to F off you dont understand and they are left thinking I am a cranky old confused dude that cant work modern technology . YET at times , I can explain a function or do something they had no idea about ... sigh .... welcome to 'Nungaliville' .
  5. Well put ! If this is not part of Buddhist philosophy , from where does it arise . I have heard it is part of 'higher' Vedanta , but do not know Vedanta well enough to know if or where it came from within it . That is why some attributed Buddhism to Binah on the Tree of Life ( one of its terms is 'sorrow' ) and 'higher Hinduism' to Chokmah . It is certainly part of the Thelemic understanding though .
  6. Take more than that ! I can even stop TVs from working just by walking into a shop !
  7. Null is just a mathematical matrix where all elements are actually 0 ... so you are splitting hairs here . Dont do that .... hairs are singular , if you split one , it won't be long before ( 10 to the power of -16 seconds ) before the 'multitude erupts ; 25 More Badass Jewfros | White afro,
  8. ? Why do you claim the center of a black hole has such absence ? and IF that was the case , would not such an absence of anything ( and here ; particularly in the center of a black hole ) be more representative of the 0 before the 1 manifested ( the Dao manifested before 'the one ' ). If we are going down a cosmological path here and going to use modern physics , Id suggest the opposite ; not a black hole but the 'white point' that is ; that moment of singularity before the 'big bang' . Or even in the concept of 'gravitational singularity .
  9. but three ! You see , you cant escape it ..... two MUST 'make' three . Above we actually have three things .
  10. Thats how I USED to be able to do it . and how I did it above ... sometimes it works , sometimes it dont ( and then the above happens ^ )
  11. Whoever wrote " and the Lord said ; let there be light ? ( Oh look .... the quote breaker is working again ! )
  12. Hooray ! Someone wants to 'see the money ' . I agree totally . Thats why I kept up with my system for so long , and now, rather amazed that it actually produced the results that it claimed . Change, shift move... thats what I want and want to see . Not some system that is virtually more than a fashion and insidiously fools some into thinking they have changed , when to the outside observer ..... I had a friend who was an ' orange person ' - 'Sanyassin ' a la Bhagwan for years . I had to tell her that her main issues had not been resolved or even shifted in over 5 year of practice .... still jealous , still suffered self guilt , still fell into 'sexual power trips ' still playing the 'little girl manipulates daddy' program . It seemed to be a spiritual 'click' where members patted each other on the back and seemed to ignore lack of progress .
  13. Oh DO watch it . I caught it by chance one night on late TV ..... I was W T F ! laugh ..... WOT ? laugh WOT !!!!! Im not gonna spoil it ..... its rather fantastic on many levels .... the ending ... well ... just watch it .
  14. Whats a 'fruit cage ' ? I was singing this outside gardening , to Mrs Honey who was inside ..... 'making honey ' ( see signature ) and I stopped myself ... hang on ... what ? " Open up your fruit cage and I will be your honey bee open up your fruit cage where the best fruits gonna be ...
  15. So after all that .... you are going for a tie ? No way mate . You aren't gettin off the hook that easy .... with a simple 'jingle saying' . It wasnt a matter of a disagreement , it was a matter of you doing what I outlined in my last post that you quoted . But I shall accept your 'retirement' from the converse ..... when one's boat has too many holes to fix in it .... it is best to abandon it .
  16. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    Oh no .... it must be YOU . this is the new and wonderful age of computerizing , that is designed to make our life better and easier . Take the tax office for example ... how easy computers made all that ! You can do it from home now ! There was a news special on it eh other day ; You get a letter from the tax dept (computer ) saying you have a credit and uit will be applied to your next bill . But you dont have a credit, you have a debt . you can find out what your debt is by ( and now a computer savvy accountant comes on showing you how to do it ; you go to the tax office site , click on accounts ., enter your government ID number for on site records, that opens another window , scroll down until you see ..... go there and open the pdf titled ; .... , scroll down untill you see .... " eventually even this guy got lost and wondered how the hell the average person ..... .... but ahhhrmmm ... Mr Government Man .... you might have done all that , but you forgot many of us ... cant even connect to your F***ed up internet system in the first place ! as you never built it (for us 'out here' away from the city ) to be able to transfer that amount of info ( the whole town credit and eftpos system went down yesterday ... again ! ) . Sorry Unota , you probably didnt do an 'update' and if you did , it probably updated the device you use beyond its capability , you probably need a new system . .... every two years .
  17. We dont got em down here .... wish we did . They seem cute and friendly back yard critters . We got these , but rarely get a visit from them , no where near as prolific as hedgies seem to be ; 'Echidna ' ... although the indigenous call the 'hedgehogs ' .... curious that . here is a baby one ; an echidna 'poggle' ;
  18. Via alchemy ! V.I.T.R.I.O.L. * ( and we seem to be NOT lacking that from our new OP ! ) That is , just shove your head down deeper in the sand as ; * Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem ," Explore the interior of earth (or yourself ) and you might find the hidden ( 'Philosopher's ) stone that purifies .