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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. We dont got em down here .... wish we did . They seem cute and friendly back yard critters . We got these , but rarely get a visit from them , no where near as prolific as hedgies seem to be ; 'Echidna ' ... although the indigenous call the 'hedgehogs ' .... curious that . here is a baby one ; an echidna 'poggle' ;
  2. Via alchemy ! V.I.T.R.I.O.L. * ( and we seem to be NOT lacking that from our new OP ! ) That is , just shove your head down deeper in the sand as ; * Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invenies Occultum Lapidem ," Explore the interior of earth (or yourself ) and you might find the hidden ( 'Philosopher's ) stone that purifies .
  3. nah ... he is implying that I am an 'inaccurate human ' . I think I better wear a gold plaque around my neck wen I get buried ; " Not normal ! "
  4. losing track

  5. My take on Chinese classical martial-arts

    Boring ! ..... in that the world be turning into this ; got martial arts experience ? yes ! .... from 'gaming' !
  6. Especially if contentment comes from contemplating a successful outcome of effort . It seems to relate to satisfaction , relaxation, contemplation and observation of what we have done that 'made a difference' .
  7. Unpopular Opinions

    ... and heart shaped boxes . What about the 'taste great' melon ? or is it a fruit ? makes everything you eat after you eat it it taste great . 'Miracle fruit / berries ' .... or something ? ... hang on .... <search>
  8. Unpopular Opinions

    I'd check inside first .
  9. Unpopular Opinions

    Its called ; " Local Micro Brewery Hipster Crap. '
  10. Unpopular Opinions

    We dont have them down here . All food and produce is stored in local distribution centers . From there, what we need is distributed by 'couriers' direct to our homes . trouble is , you often dont get your delivery .... its hard to get anyone to work down here
  11. Stranger things

    Here is a curious prediction : A bit nervous about a potential severe summer coming . The last two we got off easy . if we get a dry hot summer , could be bad . What El Nino, La Nina doing ? Well, now we got something else to worry about : a ' positive Indian ocean dipole '
  12. Stranger things

    Nice 'deflection' !
  13. Stranger things

    We have people like that from 'the outback ' ... but down here , people from the desert look like this ;
  14. Stranger things

    Yep . I have seen lightening ricocheting off the ocean , spectacular !
  15. Whats that ? I will be digging a pit - well its finished now - I won't be falling into it .... I gotta jump down into it . excavate the edges a bit to take a strip foundations, make the form work, mix and pour a concrete slab and then build the structure on top . Its an 'outhouse' ... a 'dunny' a 'back yard thunderbox' . One woman , having trouble, the house owner (it isnt quiet finished yet ) and another , the would be renter . Both are women that are being abused by men and the system . The renter and her little girl more recently , so a bit fractured and seeking refuge , but the house is not ready yet . yeah , it was nice of those other people to give them 'support' .... 'love' ...... flowers ...... Guess its me though that gotta get in the pit and dig out a crap hole for them . Old crappy Nungali .
  16. Oh ? I'll explain it to you then . Down here , having a 'big head' means you have a lot of self importance attached to your own ego and opinions . Or, if you dont think things through ....... deep enough ...... you might have a small tiny puny pin-head . ( Just some common person's 'slang' ). So , your head be either really huge and full of itself .... or tiny and insignificant . Sorry , its an either / or and there is no third or transcendent option . - but it is good that it seems your liver feels better now .