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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Unpopular Opinions

    If that was Apech's wife ..... she would be helping Mark.
  2. Unpopular Opinions

    yeah ... just swap Jesus for 'Big Mum' .
  3. Unpopular Opinions

    Briefly ; Death is Union . Of course depending on what you are attached to ; the physical parts fragment and decompose , the 'other parts' return to their 'source ' , that is the 'greater union' . Both parts 'dissolve ' into greater 'solutions' . .
  4. Unpopular Opinions

    Not unless your 'karma' can be instantly resolved in accepting Jesus as the one true and only God .
  5. Unpopular Opinions

    well since you pleeeeeaded , I'll be brief as possible ; Dissolution of separation . Its a solution because you are not separated anymore ... its a solution to separation . - 'Solve et coagula' .
  6. Unpopular Opinions

    Unpopular opinions : 'Original Sin' . Which basically is a prejudice ( pre-judgement with no consideration of information or situation ) , a finding and a punishment, not just before any crime is permitted , but before incarnation even happens !
  7. Wild cats

    Was not it just, the other day , international tiger day ... or 'big cat day' or something like that . I came to this thread to check ... but no party going on ? Maybe I heard wrong ?
  8. Unpopular Opinions

    Apech and Mark Foote discussing Buddhism .
  9. Unpopular Opinions

    although it wasnt my question ...
  10. Unpopular Opinions

    Oh, there is more ! That is just a 'little summary .
  11. Unpopular Opinions

    A parable. The fox and the stork had fought for years . They decided to make friends and call a peace . So the fox invited the stork to dinner, but served up chicken in a dish . The stork, horrified at eating another bird, instead of frogs and not being able to eat off the flat plate due to its long bill went hungry and sat there watching the fox eat his full . " Ill get even with him." thought the stork and invited the fox to dinner . He served up boiled frogs in a a long necked vase . Which of course the fox could not eat and sat there watching the stork dip his long beak in and eat his fill . The fox complained ; " What this muck, and this strange eating vessel ... I cant eat ." The stork replied , ' Well, this is virtually what you did to me last week and I went hungry . I am now doing it to you so you know how I felt about that ." So the fox contemplated this for a moment ...... and then ate the stork .
  12. Unpopular Opinions

    " Love's sake " ( " I am divided , for love's sake, for the chance of union .This is the creation of the world, that the pain of division is as nothing, and the joy of dissolution all." ) The solution is dissolution .
  13. Wow, super bright last night . A friend rang and asked 'Have you seen the Moon tonight ?' I had not as I have a large bamboo grove to the east, so I walked down the paddock to get a view around the bamboo .... WOW so bright and big, nearly needed 'moonglasses' . It was framed between two pines and had bats flitting across in front of it . .
  14. Buzzed by 'UFOs'.

    Just putting this here for a date recorded entry 'Exploded jet engine' ?
  15. Buzzed by 'UFOs'.

    Ha - har ! I had UFOs buzz the cabin ..... Three nights now out of four . Not the usual type though .... I just could not identify it . It had to be military .... but .... Dark, a few hours after sunset - I live in a step narrow valley running from the coast to the west , with a steep escarpment to the north . I first heard a low roaring sound getting louder , some strange truck or vehicle coming up the road ? Loader and then VERY loud , sound clearer, then, as I pick it by the sound of it , a large to mid size twin prop, going very fast and insanely low and then gone . Just above the tree tops of the grove the cabin is in. There is a fly by twice a day usually, a light mono , following the edge of the escarpment at high altitude , following a direction, mostly between two regional cities . An occasional 'joy flight' of something light and slow , a bit lower and coming down into the valley . In the past F1 - 11 s zooming in from the west , screaming down the valley and out over the ocean . Police helicopters are the only thing I have seen come in that low into the valley . Nothing like this though ... crazy ! And a tricky feat I imagine, considering the narrow twists and turns . So I am left thinking 'what the hell was that about ?' Then two nights later , the same . next night the same , but a lot slower but still low . A twin prop ? doing that at night ??? Anyway , I think I found out what is going on ; 'War games'. 30,000 troops from 11 countries ! Biggest joint one with USA in our history, eh ? Now, why would we doing that now ? .... Ohhhh ... we are having our first visit from China in 6 years .
  16. When was the most recent sighting of this type ? Ie; 'tic tac' or other type UAPs buzzing military ?
  17. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Ah .... My mistrake oops, there I go again .
  18. non-fungible tokens NFT

    " Non fungable tokens " ??? Good . Dont want no fungus growing on any of my tokens .
  19. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    ? Allow me ; " I've been ' vegetarian ' for several years now and find the idea of eating land meat gross, but I still crave fish and seafood." What about land crabs ?
  20. Unpopular Opinions

    Hey ! My GIF isnt GIFFING .
  21. Unpopular Opinions

    Its been so long since I used this ....
  22. Unpopular Opinions

    That isnt quite correct . Your opinions are unrefined . Allow me to assist you .....
  23. Unpopular Opinions

    Its a lovely day , the sun is shining , the ravens are calling out . Its warmed up, spring is springing , the first wattle flowering started , new growth is appearing .
  24. Unpopular Opinions

    Ohhhh .... I thought you meant Australian Aboriginals in South America , not Polynesian Aboriginals . 7000 Km is a reasonable effort . But what about the other way around? People from Sth America landing in , not Polynesia but making it all the way to Australia! That was 14,000 km ! So here you are, not knowing what is about to happen , out at the beach for a day , at Ballina, just up the coast from me . And all of a sudden people around you are looking out to sea , pointing and " What the hell is that thing ! " ..... turning up completely unannounced and 'out of the blue ' . " Where the hell did you guys float that heap of junk from ? " " Ecuador ! "Las Balsas Expedition Arrives in Ballina 21/11/1973 Not many people know about this , its the longest raft journey ever .... that we know of ."