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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. I gave you a like .... to give you a little dopamine charge 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
  2. Note the bold ..... that be because he is a pop guru ... a youtube guru
  3. Instead of one huge bomb he prefers to let off a lot of small arms fire all over the place or 'spamming' as said previously .
  4. Ha! That was NOT the criticism I gave at all . Now you are flopping a red herring about We are a bit more insightful than that ! ( to peoples motives ) .
  5. Well, thank you . because we where all sitting around thinking that drugs where the answer to everything . Now, this 'meditation' thing you mention ..... tell me more
  6. Until us decadent westerners realize that spirituality and meditation are better than drugs . or until 'someone' here feels satisfied about their outrage that someone else here dared to criticize a pop guru from India .
  7. St. George and the dragon

    Its full of knight's testicles . As my ' expecting the approach of the crash of everything - post apocalyptical expecting' mate says ( as he prepares to bury the shipping container he bought in the giant hole he dug with a rented digger ..... ) in his conversation about people having to eat rouge travelers in the future due to lack of food : In a woman's voice : " Oh no, its not my turn again to get tied to the tree again ..... what do I get for it ! " Me ; " You get the kidneys . "
  8. Errrmmmm ..... he said " none of that even holds a candle to what I have experienced in meditation, not even a little bit." maybe that is why you have not " had any of those sort of experiences in meditation." .... and neither has kakapo had those sort of experiences in meditation alone . Also .... if one knows what one is doing emphasis if one knows what one is doing you will not have experiences you have from psychedelic drugs and meditations like you have from meditations alone - and visa versa .
  9. St. George and the dragon

    So, some do equate dragons with serpentine creatures ; ie. snakes with extra-snake abilities ; walking, flying etc . And like many such stories , it begins with a pair - this is the oldest one I know of ; the creation of the Rainbow Serpent . One on earth ; Ungud , one in the heavens ; Wallenganda . Their equivalent is diamond python and black snake . One a constrictor and the other venomous ; or in 'Aussie pidgin' One 'rubbish snake' the other 'cheeky snake ' . The one in the heavens is also the dark space within the Milky Way ; she spat water down on to Ungud , he took it underground where it formed a big pool, and went to sleep in it. he had a dream where he multiplied himself into many rainbow serpents and spread out in all directions underground and the water followed them along their tunnels . Where they burst out the ground made springs and the beginnings of rivers , where they dove back into the earth in the desert made 'soaks' .... eventually they all made their way to the end of the big disc floating in space , churning up the land, making hills and valleys and when getting to the edge flowed out and made the ocean that surrounds the 'great island' .
  10. St. George and the dragon

    Oh come on now TT ! next you will be telling us how a medieval church has two domes as breasts , outer doors and inner doors resembling a vagina , a passage way through them where the host is carried in a high mass, including two fonts either side at the beginning as lubrication glands , leading into an altar 'implant site' with two passages coming from behind it ( where the eggs are kept ) and ....
  11. St. George and the dragon

    She is chained to the dragon ? or is it the other way around ? If she is chained to dragon , she does not look too worried about it . It seems more like a pet on a lead . And her look and posture seems to be ( to the knight ) ; " Now look what you have gone and done ! " - I give no significance to the storm clouds , which strangely spiral .... unless we are supposed to be looking up through a sideways cyclone .... its just weird painting ... like the 'cave ' entrance , which somehow resembles a post apocalyptic Sydney Opera House with the front view windows smashed in . And I dont see the second one as the woman 'praying' . She seems to have clapped her hands together and is exclaiming " Oh , Good shot Sir George ! ... and that 'cave ' ??? .... seriously ? .... looks more like a bad large tent I made out of bamboo framework and an old canvass !
  12. Home. Earth. The Pale Blue Dot.

    reference please .... I want more ....
  13. WELL, OF COURSE ! To perceive the truth or attain the naturally blissful state of enlightenment... MUST preclude 'unnatural' induced states that resemble the naturally blissful state of enlightenment... ------------- Meher Babi comes from a 'Zardusht lineage ' he just happened to settle in Poona .... one might find some of his own teachers interesting , eg the 'Sadhguru ' Hazrat Babajan' .
  14. I feel to address this separately . I am not unfamiliar with it . Here is something for consideration ( and a few people, mostly women, have said in response to me telling them this " Oh , I had not thought about that ." ) ; Statistically , more men commit violent assaults and rapes than women do . When they are in session ( say in a 'women's group or a men's group ) when trying to process this a very different dynamic exists ; In a women's group , the sex of the ( most common ) oppressor is not present - hence a relatively 'safe' environment for openness and sharing . In a men's group , the sex of the ( most common ) oppressor is present ..... maybe even the unknown guy next to you is one ? It may not appeal to one rationally , yet it is , at least, an unconscious dynamic in play during such circumstances .
  15. Not only " of course I have " .... I myself have been the attempted victim of such male bullying at a very young age . I had top learn , although small young and physically weak , how to protect myself . I do remember once being violently attacked by a woman .... once . She was a large very butch very out of it lesbian . I have been attacked by other 'non butch' women ... but in a much better context ; I asked Inga if she was interested in martial arts , she said " Oh yeah .... I used to do wing chung ." " Really ! Excellent ! Let's have a go ." We moved around a bit 'played' a but then .... smack ! Right upsdie me head ! " Inga : " Oh ! I am so sorry ... I got a bit carried away ." And my ex , who I insisted learn some sword drill so I could have a practice partner . Then after a while she starts scoring the ocassional point on me . " But , I wonder if you have comopared the stats and numbers on men;'s violent assaults compared to the number of women that have done that ? of course you have
  16. Of course . Then there is the 'other consideration' ... as we all know ( ? ) full well, that sometimes , this DOES happen .
  17. St. George and the dragon

    ... oh, the cave / castle / chapel perilous etc . The deep sexual unconscious ? The 'gate of life and of death ' ? or, for your 'regular Daobum' ; the Muladhara chakra ?
  18. St. George and the dragon

    Anyways, a fav subject of mine . There is nearly always a maiden in the picture , often tied to a pole or even imprisoned by the dragon . Not in this case , she has him well under control , YET our 'saint' still has attacked and wounded him ! Not so under control in the first picture . And not so in those images where a 'maiden rescue from a monster ' is obvious . Sometimes she is subtle and in the back ground This is the era of chivalry .... when a young aspiring knight or noble may express his infinite love for his paramour .... but not do anything at all sexual about it ... he may compose ballads and sing them to her , express his love and devotion on one knee , pledge his 'fealty' unto her .... dedicate a joust unto her .... live for a glance of approval or the drop of a kerchief .... but nothing to do with sex ! Except 'defend her purity' . So he has to keep other nasty sex fiends away from her , and most importantly , sublimate his own sex drive and convert it into, not 'eros' but 'agape' . " There is the dove and there is the serpent ... chose ye well ! " Down ye beast ... down ! The perfect example was recently seen on the British TV series 'Antique Roadshow' - a typical rector had bought in some old church statues , they had various examples including one of St George subduing a 'dragon' , which he had said had been removed from the church and put into storage . In this version the dragon was smaller, about the size of a large dog , with a long neck and bulbous head . George was wrestling with it , had the neck in his hands and holding it firm against his hip . The presenter asked why it had been removed from the church , the rector said there had been complaints and giggling children , due to the side silhouette . The camera changed angle and it looked like a guy wrestling with his own huge shlong ! Which might well be a more accurate representation of the issues involved in such 'sublimation ' and then to top the interview of , he asked where it was stored now . Without seeming to realize , the rector answered " In the organ room ." and the very refined interviewer was unable to suppress his smirk .
  19. St. George and the dragon

    paintings are 'real' Like I said a while back after posting a youtube of a drunken cop doing a highway stop .... someone asked "Is that real ? " Me : :" Well, its a real youtube . "
  20. Newcomer Seeeking Answers

    Would not that be the 'gong-bottoms' era then ? - Down here, we got a looooooooong tradition of oral knowledge . But the method of retaining that knowledge in written form only arrived a little over 200 years ago . Writing appeared a lot earlier in China though . So, I wonder why this long and extant oral tradition never got put into writing .... when all sorts of other 'secret' texts did ? Back in the 'bell bottom' era all sorts of fun and knowledge where revealed to us .... even the 'Aboriginal tarot ' ! ( Which got made by two Jap tourists that came here once for a couple of weeks on their annual holidays )
  21. Hey -

    Well I have ! I stopped having toast for breakfast . Also my doctor asked me to watch my salt and alcohol intake . Last time I went , he asked " Have you cut back on salt ? " I had to give him something ... " Yes, I have stopped salting my margarita glass ."
  22. Hey -

    Harumph ! - its a bit like when an old friend drops in , but has to keep on going ....