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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Home. Earth. The Pale Blue Dot.

    Ahhh ... the Earth , also full of water .... and atmosphere (air ) and , that very rare commodity (at least in our solar system ); fire . Does fire exist anywhere else ? ( hint ; oxygen is required ) .
  2. Thank you ! many a time a distraught woman , or more than one has come to my place asking me to 'go and sort out' some male out of control idiot . I will do that once ... and if they go back to him , thats it ! if they dont go back to him and he keeps it up .... its more like the man will then need protection from me . Or even generally ... with the conditions of society being the difficulty - three times I have given my cabin over to new moms, with a new born baby , who where homeless and destitute . can you imagine having a new born baby and being in that situation ? Also I teach women's self defense . I dont give a fuck anymore ! I know what this type understands . My 'big burly' mate accompanied his friend to go and visit his daughters BF . he admits its his daughters faulkt in opart, but damn it , thats my daughter with a black eye ! So they go around , bang bang bang on the door ; smack smack ... two black eyes : " From now on, she gets a black eye , you get two , she gets a bruise , you get two " - of course, the coward squealed 'I'll call; the police " . he was told to go ahead .... maybe they will search the place and find your ice stash ." Its all fine now , daughter doesnt get beaten up . Now we get to the intersting part ... your sarc asm, on this particular issue . Are we now supposed to think you DO NOT support the defense of women against violent raping men ??? What is your stand on this .... sarcasm , mocking .,.,.... ? Do you think there is something wrong with this support ? and I am not just talking about supporting ... I am talking about putting yourself on the front line !
  3. All that comment does is just show your ignorance in the matter . also , your use of 'over there ' is interesting
  4. That is one view . here is another ; 'Some guy' ( known to many around my parts ) , smashed his girl friends face in . He spent some time in jail . She left the area but he returned when he got out , and went about trying to patch up his reputation . Mostly women ... other women ... now defend him in a weird way ; a story went around ; " Oh ... so-and -so saw ...... ( the domestic assault victim ) in another town, she has a new boyfriend ... AND she had a black eye ! " ... another " AND I heard she got into a fight with a previous boyfriend before she lived here and was battered " ...... they think the woman attracts it / has a proclivity towards it / 'asks' for it / etc etc . JUST LIKE people defend molesting gurus ! . and some even trained in bad karate ( ) to be body guards to defend sex guru ; everyone got a red' orange gi, hakama and belt ! .... cool ! My view : Shame on him (or anyone else ) that gets attracted to that type ( IF it is a 'type ' ) in the first place ! I have been in a similar dynamic with a wild '" I'll fight you ! " virtually over anything woman . Fine ; here is your sword, here is mine - here are the rules, go for it . Note: in case people didnt know ; if you are a woman and lack feelings of motherhood and want to be held and nursed IN A WAY that also includes sex .... there are professional sex workers that can help you with that .
  5. I think a man that needed to take ( and IF he was a 'guru' and he took the drugs, he would not have done so unless he NEEDED to ) so many drugs just might be moved by lustful agitation by the presence of a woman . MANY a 'guru' has been moved lustfully by mere presence of a woman . For those unfamiliar with the dynamic , try this pop ( but now out of fashion ) book ;
  6. I am pretty sure people already know this . You seem to have a particular 'mission' lately Ajay0 ???
  7. Indeed ! and noticing such a vacuum , a friend (local school mum ) and I lobbied the school next door ( NOT a mainstream 'public school' ) to allow me to do a set of special lessons , that addressed this and a whole lot of other issues NOT in the curriculum that seemed essential for post school survival . I took the main lesson ( nearly the whole day, every day, for a full term ) for year 10 , they loved it and I loved it even more .
  8. Hmmmm .... I should put this up on the commune noticeboard . But us humans will always find a way around that My observational experience confirms it ; the ideal was there is no individual ownership ... we 'share ownership ' .And some of us found happiness, abundance, community, sharing, etc . But then, with some, the 'old demon' reared its head ; " I want for me .... " instead of " would not it be good for all if .... " and, of course, they are not happy . They fight amongst themselves , one even moved his fence while the other was OS * My new neighbor, a lovely lady and a very smart and well balanced 13 yo son .... we took great delight in removing the fence between us that the last resident put up ** - now the energy flows properly and now its easy for either of us to mow or garden towards the place the other 'looks after' . With some, they just cant seem to help it ; new neighbor had a visit from above 'fence mover' , trying to influence her to look after her surrounds the way he ( doesnt ) look after his own . She talked to me about it , as usual, I was honest and blunt , she asked " So .... it did seem to be a control trip , do you think thats what it was ? " Me: " You would be able to tell that by looking into his eyes ." - she nodded . * That reminded me of German friend : " One time ... me and my brother, we made Germany bigger ! " Me: " How did you manage that ?" " We where camping and we cxame upon a sign that said Austria , so we dug it up and moved it 20 meters." ** actually, I just realized, they guy that put that put that fence up was the same German guy as above
  9. Well ... maybe she was untidy , that is why he 'groomed her' , she was also lonely so he 'made out with her' , she had a spider crawling up her legs, thats why he touched her between them, and she also apparently had a sinus problem that was to do with her general 'resistance' to 'spirituality' .... shrank down to baby size . Ummmm ......
  10. No no .... he was a healer . Just like a rapist might be 'doing a chakra adjustment ' . What is it with these 'spiritual types' and their proclivity to believe lame excuses as a cover up ???
  11. Dont worry .... we pump them full of sedatives before we hand them over to visiting dignitaries for a cuddle
  12. Why defend 'evil' for the sake of your imagined 'spirituality ' . Dont you have any experience ...real life experience ... in this area ?
  13. Yeah .... these moderns just will not have it ! Certainly NOT a guru ! they are spiritual and holy ! I once exposed a pedo .... Oh my, the repercussions I faced , I even had female friends support him and go against me ! One of his trips was he was a Sai Baba admirer , he openly admitted Sai baba was a pedo to as many of his devotees admitted it , and not as an accusation against him . Read the above article - VERY INTERESTING - a similar dynamic unfolded with them , they where not actually COMPLAINING about it . And the pedo justified it to me as ' Well, he is God , how do we know what his motives are .... maybe he was 'turning on that boy's chakras ' . OMG ! and the pedo , I suppose was continuing his masters work ? get this ; in his justification for his actions he posed this scenario to me . We had recently had a huge spring equinox festival with a few rituals and one huge main one in our central circle , which i and my partner at the time organized . He knew I was into ritual magick ( he was not but played with it and posed as if he was - while, of course, warning others about MY 'dark energy ' ), so here is what he posed to me as some type of philosophical justification ; "Say we did a ritual like that and invoked the Great God Pan and he actually appeared and said I must have that young girl there to sacrifice her virginity .... what would you say then ?" Me; " I would instantly assume someone had got into the circle that should not be there ... like YOU for example , and projected their psyche as an apparition and I would draw my magical dagger and stab the imposter right through the throat ! ... and frankly, I would care if I did it to the imposter apparition or the person responsible for generating it . " This pedo was popular , 'spiritual' and wooed people with his songs and guitar playing . It was sickening to watch . I went in top report it at child services , boy did that open a huger can of worms ! He left the area , he moved to a 'cooler and more spiritual place ' where new people adore him under his new spiritual name . And ..... some still do not approve of my opinion of him . Some point blank refused to believe my reported experience , even women close to the situation ! No wonder victims themselves hesitate or refuse to expose them !
  14. ... he called me an egg ! ... and Silent Thunder ... why are you letting your cat get ' as high as fuck ' ? Thats very irresponsible , you do know where you are going to have to send him now ....
  15. Nothing is 'up' with them .... they are all 'down' .... here . Eg. people ( that have not grown up with them ) say a platypus is a strange creature ; it has a bill like a duck, it doesnt , it has a bill like a platypus ( and its frame is made by the evolutionary metamorphosis of the canine teeth ) , a tail like a beaver .... what is a 'beaver' ? , and so on . One time, while a rather spectacular rain forest scene was happening to the north , a visitor was amazed " Look at that ! It looks like Ecuador ... or somewhere like that ! " me : 'No, it looks like a remnant Australian east coast Gondwandian rain forest ." I'll tell you what is strange ..... having to worry about out the back to the outhouse and hoping no giant furry , huge clawed, gigantic toothed ..... something ..... might pounce on you or bite yer arm off ! yeah .... I know , we got 'strange' versions of them too ;
  16. A contemporary story ( going off memory here , back to the days of Ram Das ) , I think it was 'Maharishi' that some people gave a good dose of LSD to . he took it and sat there .... nothing ! Then after a few hours smiled and commented ; " This is a very interesting drug ! " .... and left it at that . back then .... psychedelics and gurus (and certain rock musicians sometimes 'went together ' ) .
  17. No thanks Stirling ..... if I see a fault that is clearly there , and especially if my subjective viewpoint is supported by others ... and also by my own experience , I am not merely going to 'drop issues ' because 'reality is already enlightened '. And I am certainly not going to support such a narrow and incorrect viewpoint concerning psychoactive drugs and societal issues just because someone claims to be , and/or is held up to be a guru or 'spiritual;/teacher' . Otherwise I might end up like the others and take 'holy ash' from a 'spiritual teacher' to help relieve my poverty .... or cure my cancer . In other words , personal discernment would be thrown out the window . But thank you for your judgement anyway .
  18. just a question

    Okay, I took your advice . But Tesla wants to know where he said lightening rods are useless . And he also suggested Lairg might have been lying on his side during his observations .
  19. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I recently had my ex and her 8 year old daughter staying here . She is a gem .... and loves martial arts . When I was with mom , I showed her some sword patterns so I had someone to practice with when we went away on a trip , or we stayed together . Eventually, she started scoring points on me ! They turned up with bokens , apparently mum has been teaching daughter . Anyway , we had fun , she was in awe re my 'weapons wall' in the shed . Anyway, here is the bit that made me laugh . She is a cute little thing .... during lunch , she looks at me hopefully : " After lunch ....... can we have a machete * fight ? " Me : " Sure sweetie ! " * they are wooden
  20. Another silly one ! Many have that opinion after studying the source material . However it does 'rub up against' the New Age 'understanding ' of karma
  21. Well, you did ask for our opinions . Considering reincarnation , my definition also fits in with that . (trying to be simple here ) If you incarnate to learn a particular thing ... and you dont learn it OR the experience and knowledge did not imprint on 'that which survives' , then you might have to 'try again' . - its not a punishment for 'wrong doing' . Now I am wondering what your 'test' is that shows reincarnation exists ( perhaps it is what people have said , or what scripture says ) ?