
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Moral Truth.

    I suppose that depends on if one would rather see the daobums esoteric forum continue the way it used to (check most of the threads on tarot , Agrippa, and other such subjects ) or become a full time forum for your own personal mental-confusion ping pong table . My preference is for the esoteric forum to be an esoteric forum and for ' your own personal mental-confusion ping pong table' to be posted in one's 'Personal Practice Page ' . " Bring back the pit ! "
  2. Moral Truth.

    And in several hours time , you will post the opposite conclusion of this . Its nice the way you use the esoteric forum as your own personal mental-confusion ping pong table . Otherwise people might start filling this space up with valuable and worthwhile knowledge ... now, we cant have that, can we ?
  3. Emotions are the path

    You need ; 'Steve from the Internet ' sunglasses .
  4. New Age Translations

    ** and why teepee and all this Amerindian stuff ? They are mostly Euro stock with a variety of their own 'blood traditions' to explore , and live in one of the most ancient and primeval places on Earth with some of the oldest indigenous traditions .
  5. New Age Translations

    But ... what are they going to develop in .... where do they go from there ? They dont really have anything else , or anything else they do encounter is a modern new age form of it . I mean ... what a hopeless situation ! I cant conceive where else they can go from there . They certainly are not cut out to encounter the real or original sources of the things they 'play at' . And a lot of their stuff does not make sense on even the most basic levels * , AND they dont seem to realize that , or even care about that . * eg. I go along to ( cause a friend asked me to come ) a 'teepee gathering ' * * . The ' focaliser ' is sitting at the head of a circle , and occasionally betas on a 'shaman drum' , encouraging all to 'be in the present , forget about the past , forget about the future be in the now . Now .... go around and each one say what they want for the next coming year . " I am sitting there , dunbfounded , yet no one else seems to realize what just happened . ... and the shit some of those people said ! which had nothing to do with either being in the moment or projecting a year ahead . It came my turn , what a cute 'koan situation' the 'focaliser' had created for me . There could only be one answer that fulfilled both requirements . " I hope to be sitting in this teepee for a year , being 'in the moment' . Of course I got looks of incomprehension , all round . - back to the hermitage !
  6. Emotions are the path

    A good observation Luke . I noticed , in the past when working with refugees and some of them where ex-torture victims , there was a variety of 'recovery modes' , effects and different responses . One even felt sorry for her torturer ; " You can see what that man did to me ( the scars ) and I have to live with that and the memory of that pain . But I would rather live with this , than knowing I had done these things to other people myself . " On a much lesser scale , I have a friend who went through a catholic school and had similar experiences to me . He is sort of broken and effected by it , he fears oppression and conforms to it and suffers depression . I rebelled against it , broke out of it, challenge oppression and enjoy euthymia . The same things can weaken and break some, or make others stronger , so what's with that ? The individual 'constitution' ? On another level , some people seem to 'need to suffer' .... I have said this a few times ; I live in one of the BEST places , clean, pristine, space , wonderful nature, beaches , certainly no lack of modern activities , yet the amount of anti-depressant and pain relief meds out there is phenomenal ... very high per population density . Same for Sydney , anti -depressants detected in Sydney Harbor ( due human elimination via sewer pipe leaks ) . Some people around here have it sooooo good , yet complain about the trivial .
  7. New Age Translations

    Should I show this to the local 'rainbow tribe ' ?
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Moral : Make sure you ask about your LUCKY numbers , not your unlucky ones . cause unlucky numbers can also give lotto wins - the ones where the windfall leads to disaster anyway .
  9. I dont think its off topic and I will be brief ; the Eastern approach has this 'drain / loose your jing thing going and the Western is that it increases , energy, vitality, etc. and that energy can also be directed to other things . Obviously I am not talking about 'normal everyday sex' that a lot of people have ..... let's call it ( as 'tantra' is a wide term and often misapplied and the other term , 'sex magick' ... urrrrgh ! ) ' energized sex / love making ' . Well said . Also dont think the energy ( if you can find this type of energy ) comes from you , realize you are a 'gate' as well .
  10. Cool . One way is through love+sex That can produce not only excess 'jing' , but ... something so magical and amazing .... it nearly approaches the work and ability of gods ; or just through love alone well ... that's enough for me today ..... I'm off ! .... oh no ! A woman ! A a a a a r r r r r g g g g h h h h h h h !
  11. I like this 'new guy ' Is there no vitalizing in this process ..... as there is in western tantra ? That is what I do not understand ; IF it is a physical process connected to a body function, why should it operate differently under a different philosophy . We are not talking here ( I think ) about the differences in east and west tantric approach ( ' philosophy' ) but a human physical function (sex / sexual 'release' ) . And that , for me, opens up another question ; male orgasm without ejaculation ( now there is subject to confound the boys ) .... I think one guy , in all my years of trying to explain this knew what I was talking about . Would this be considered a drain on 'jing' ?
  12. ' High Expectation Jing ' ; Naruko 30Ml Jing Cheng La Creme Supreme Rejuvenating Elixir Oil From $94.77 eBay AU 30ml. bottle . Top quality . $94.77 ( plus tax and shipping )
  13. 'Real men' .... in the Samurai tradition , as well as being able to wield a sword, fight unarmed, etc are also supposed to be able to compose beautiful poetry, and write it out in beautiful neat handwriting, arrange a nice bunch of flowers (ikibana) , know how to make a nice cup of tea AND serve it properly , etc . In my tradition ; '7 heads' ( levels of consciousness ) are required .' including the poet, the angel, and the 'adulterous woman . I had a 3 hr conversation with my ex last night on the phone ( the one with 4 little kids ) . She gets all this stuff ( wow ! what a woman ! ) ; I told her I was considering offering my new friend 'my dials to play with ' - she knew exactly what I meant . Any of those 'heads' has a dial that can be turned high , low or off . It dont matter to me , I can adapt . As I said last night ( this concept in other words ) 'we need to relate to people in the areas that we CAN relate to them ' . No use forcing a connection on someone that isn't into that . A long talk , mostly from her about relationships , men, and she talked a lot about how she felt men have been dis empowered legally in relationship , but also how they can be immense idiots at times . She would steal ya jing in a moment ! She is exotically beautiful ( and that isnt just physical of course, she has a certain 'energy' ) and 'stops them in their tracks' , literally . I've seen it ... men stopping and gawping in the street . she has to keep changing where she goes in the street , changing towns where she goes shopping , as too long in one place , it becomes too intense . I remember once when we really had 'energy' generated and radiating off us , this woman stopped us in the street ... ' Wow ! You guys ! Can I have some of that ? " We said okay , got her between us and had this giant energetic hug . It had a very noticeable effect on her and she went off , floating along the footpath . Me to A. " Who was your friend there ?" her to me ; " I thought she was your friend ? " .... I am SURE men feel A. is stealing their whatevers ... hypnotizing them, putting a spell on them ... When she first talked to me about it ( in her 'Latino way ' .... fast , animated , yelling , hurling insults about it ) I looked at her in shock .... ; " KHA VORKA ! Khavorka, kavorka ." and made the 'protect me' sign at her . She was what the F ! , So I explained it to her . (I gave her a dose of that last night when she was complaining ; " Well my dear ... that is because YOU are .... KAVORKA! " ) I wish I had a recording of some of the stuff she said ... I'd post it here .
  14. I can affirm the above post is GOLD Actually, I might go through it : I have felt this support for a long time , actually it has blow me away to see how this can operate. But I had not realized that 'living in that' would make me seem grounded, secure confident , non anxious , relaxed ... and happy and joyous . Yes. 'non - needy . Sometimes women friends ask for or give me a hug , if I feel they need it , I give ... a large flow of that energy to them in the hug . A few times I have been told they where great hugs ; ' just what I needed ' . IMO , one of the definitions of 'being a Man' , for me, is ; being able to not only support yourself well, but to be able to create a surplus for others , whether that be material wealth , food, energy, emotional balance , love , etc . ( Of course, women might find that apt to describe themselves as well ? ) 'Think ' ? They ARE very abundant . They have been in my life, somehow . Even in work, it was fields that had a lot of women workers. Now I am in an area that some really nice women leave due to "lack of men" . Well, I do that for myself . However I have noticed that some notice the 'care' ... also the gardens, paths, entrance, fish ponds , possum , glider, and micro-bat boxes . Ummm .... hmmmm . I'd say , with this one 'timing' is essential . Knowing when to take charge . I certainly know and understand some women , who like a strong confident man , also require him to NOT always 'take charge' . [ I went to work on a rival crew once ; a production in my home town, no going away to have to work . But my boss was not on that job , another crew . he used to be on that crew , his GF was the boss (and still is ) they split up and he formed a similar rival company , and we often found ourselves working side by side . That could be 'fun' at times . Anyway, I went to work for 'the mad woman' , and her crew of 'bitchy lesbians ' .. I was warned by many , dont do it ... she and they are shit to work for . Meh . So I did , first day boss woman gets me aside , the 'lesbian' (all women ) crew are listening : " Now , Dr Bacon , you are not going to have trouble taking orders from a woman are you ? " " Oh no .... as long as she knows what she is doing ." She smirks , as we both know how successful she is ... still top dog in her field in the industry. Then she ; " So , you dont mind 'women on top' ? " " Oh no .... baby ... hop on, I'll just lie back and you can do what you want . " ........ a moment of still silence . Me: " And that's basically because I am lazy . " Then they burst out laughing . After that I kept getting the easiest jobs , kept getting told to take a break , go have a smoke ( i didnt at first , but they kept insisting ) .. okay then . Then they bringing me cuppas and little cakes and fussing over me . And I got paid more too ! Nasty old ' lesbians ' . Thing is , I have noticed those things are not that important . Many women are but many are not interested in the superficial , they want the gold inside . But once they see that , and if you have not been too 'glamorous' ... any little 'spruce up' is certainly noticed . I mean , my God .... I had friends visiting last month , ex boss and some crew . I was on my out to meet them in town , and called into 'honey central ' * where a couple of the delightful young ladies where working . All I had done was have a shower , sort of 'did my hair' , had some half decent different clothes on , and sun glasses ( cause I was driving ) and they Ooooh and Ahhh and go 'You look like a rock star ! " What the ..,.. talk about the illusion of glamour ! I was ' You mean one of those half dead burnt out old rock stars on heroin or something ? " NO they insisted . Hilarious IMO . * see my 'signature' below 'meditate on ' I guess that could be a description of what I did . For a while it has been a converse between me and 'Big Mum' ; surely there is a woman out there that could do with what I have to offer .... it would be good if she was like this and like that ( details ... but nothing about the physicality , just the type, energy , etc of a person .... NO 6'2" redhead/auburn , between the age of .... with big ..... No NO No . I am even looking up to the sky <shrug> " Where is she ? " Its amazing how things turn out sometimes . She is here now , it took me a bit to realize , but now I see every step along the way, every request has been fulfilled ..... wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ! Have I actually died and gone to heaven ... why over the last few years have I been getting not only everything I want but exactly how I want ? Thats it isn't it ? I'm actually dead now . Got a friend who was OS . he went into a shop and saw this funny little rainbow hat and thought ' Thats for my wife.' and bought it , but he didnt have a wife . Later, in another place he saw a woman on a bus . he knew it was here and went up to her and said I have your hat and explained it . She accepted it , went on a date with him. Liked him , got married , now they very happy, got two beautiful kids , they shunt back and forth from here to Laos (where she is from ) ... and WOW ... what a wife ! She might be little but .... ! Boy can she multi task, garden, do heavy manual labor , look gorgeous ( me ; after she had her 2nd child and I see her in town in a tight sexy dress ; ' Hyen ! You have two children and ... you have figure of beautiful 19 year old woman ! " The women she was with looked admiringly at her ... and she was ... S M U G ! - also he tells me he was getting a beating once in Laos from 4 guys , she came charging in, started screaming at them and whacking them ... chased them off . Thats a great wife ! All I can say about that is ...... and For me, to think this process is 'stealing my jing' is ridiculous ( but then I do 'western tantra ' , not 'eastern ' ) .
  15. Emotions are the path

    One does ? Or 'you do' ? I have awoken like that at times (maybe, as I am assuming what you mean here about finding oneself awake ) ..... heavily asleep then .... bing ! Eyes snap open, awake and bright instantly .... spring out of bed ! But then there are times when it is a slower process, one is 'trying' to wake up ( 'one' , as I have heard others describe or agree with this description ) but seem to be half way through the process and there is some , often unusual , interaction between waking and sleeping consciousness . If we are dreaming, outside stimulus can effect and warp the dream more . 'Illumination' can be like the first process ....... bing ! But many that are trying to wake up seem stuck in the second process .... they are trying to awaken , maybe they are part way there but they are interpreting things strangely and 'suffering' other indications .... which maybe why in the 'illuminate arts' we get so many , well ...... nut cases ? Sleeping people are not too hard to manage , just need to be turned every so often, put in an IV , a production line human-robot job, some shelter and food ... oh, and dont 'disturb' them . Me ? Oh, I'm awake ! I just like to take 'Grandpa naps' every so often .
  16. signature edit ?

    Thank you . 'Honey' is now 'out there' .
  17. signature edit ?

    I forgot and cant find how to edit 'signature' .... ie. the info that appears below each post one makes
  18. Emotions are the path

    " Excellent ."
  19. Emotions are the path

    I talked a bit about it in my post in this thread page 13 (no post numbering here ) . I have a few posts and threads on the subject on site ( good luck with the search engine here ! ) . basically the HGA concept seems adopted from Zoroastrian Khvarenah concept and angels generally from one understanding of 'yazata' . Thats the concept . The 'summoning is a different thing. I have never heard of that before . It should already be present . Its more of a 'knowing' , coming to know , a revealing or illumination . One could try invocation ( which is sorta like summoning ) to get 'clearer access' . Yes I have posts on this too, extensive and with some imagery scattered about , again, good luck with the search engine . But I am amenable to satisfy some of your curiosity if you want to PM me . I dont really see the need for any type of system that does not yield some results . belief systems are an interesting one ! Many years back I started studying Comparative Religion at university , the first few lectures where all about belief . That did not go down well , a very high drop out rate . I asked the lecturer about that and he said it was normal . Its a curious topic ; once a guy got modded here for going nuts on me because I stated I believed that we are all generated by the Dreaming of a huge python curled up under Uluru in the center of Australia asleep and dreaming in water that came down from space ( I didnt mind he went off at me , I was trying to lead him to an illumination ) . He was reminded to accept peoples beliefs . But during his incredulous outbursts I kept reminding him, "Well, that's my belief ." not " Well, that is my belief ! " . Eventually someone understood and asked me 'Okay then, how do you think creation really came about ? " Me : " Oh that .... I would have clue about that . " - its all belief or supposition or theory . At one stage , after completion and integration of the stage before , many seemingly disparate and unconnected experiences, knowledge and skills came together in my life .... chaos began to form the big picture that this jig-saw puzzle was revealing . As time goes on, it happens in a larger arena .... the many different traditions hold essential similar information and techniques, adapted via different 'cultural clothing ' . I'm a sneaky bugger (or should we say Mercury encompasses the 'trickster' as well .
  20. Emotions are the path

    Have you ever clearly answered a question put to you ?
  21. Emotions are the path

    I got an 8 track in the back seat of my Cadillac ... yeah, yeah .
  22. Emotions are the path

    Was that an invitation to experiment on you ?
  23. The Dao Bums demographics

    Then , clearly, the majority of members reside in polar regions .
  24. Emotions are the path

    Yes it does sound familiar .... but that does not give the statement any validity . I imagine I could hurl a few insults that might seem familiar to you ..... would that give them validity ? But dont worry , I DO realize that with hurling compliments that seem familiar , then familiarity gives them validity .
  25. Emotions are the path

    here is the other side ; if you dont get rid of guilt and move to finding joy and happiness in life , even seek it out and abandon yourself to it , how will ' The Goddess' (or insert the term of your choosing ) , be able to experience the fullness of life through the vehicle she made so she can experience that ? You would be denying the purpose of creation, not to . And hey .... I live out in the country .... if you ever come on holidays down here , I INSIST the first thing you do is come here .... I will have my outside speaker system set up , the amp ready to go and the solar batteries fully charged ...... at dawn .