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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Bardon and Golden Dawn

    ... interesting to see Burgoyne cited above . Not many know of 'that crowd ' ( meaning him and his contemporaries ) and their organizations . eg The Hermetic Brotherhood of Luxor .
  2. Telepathy is real.

    Excellent ! ( Now to flood all the other daobums in this thread with 'Bella synchronicity ' ..... { Mwa ha ha haarrr } ) .
  3. Telepathy is real.

    This is how Luke looks after making a joke ;
  4. Telepathy is real.

    The 'Christian soul body ' ( ) ... is Jewish now ?
  5. How to become awakened

    " "Something has definitely shifted. Last night I went to the shops and when I got back home something had changed. It felt very subtle at first, something had fallen away and I felt clearer. At the time I thought it was just another release. This morning I woke feeling good, which is a very rare occurrence for me. When I searched for the I, I just felt the pleasant twitching and a wave of relaxation and well-being. This feeling has steadily gotten stronger and now Iā€™m almost dizzy with relaxation." - sounds like he gave up his 'retention' practice.
  6. Telepathy is real.

    No ... but she did have a habit, on meeting new people , of immediately lying on the ground on her back , legs and arms up , expecting a belly rub. ( there I go with 'potential immorality ' again ! )
  7. Telepathy is real.

    Then I would have called her 'dog' . i think its safe to assume a dog who is someone's pet can recognize a few words , especially its own name . What your 'morality' calls 'experiments without consent ' is actually a simple attempt at communication with a child . What if she was deaf and I automatically thought they might understand some simple sign language and tried that ? Would that upset the morality apple-cart ? Then again you could be right .... maybe I should have left her there in the corner , ignoring her and leaving her to her own lonely empty 'echo chamber' ... and assuming I was 'safe' within some sort of set of 'morals ' . Dont try it then .
  8. Telepathy is real.

    I think we do it often but 'forget or fail to notice' . I have tried several experiments that had interesting results . I had a stray dog here , when she first arrived I was (verbally ) " What's your name ? " The name 'Bella' instantly came into my head along with the image of a little girl . Putting it down to my imagination ... but I called her ' Bella' anyway . As soon as I did she was instantly overjoyed and attached to me . It took a while to track the owners down ( her chip was faulty and gave a misread ) . Then this car turns up a guy gets out and then a little girl who sees (her) the dog and runs to her calling out 'Bella ' . Curious . I have niece that is 'badly' autistic . She (as reported to me ) has trouble communicating, connecting and suffers fits of temper violence and screaming . I rarely see my family , but the last occasion was many years back , mother's birthday . Niece was there, a lot more grown up (about 10 then ) , very cute little girl , lush thick long red hair , seems pleasant 'on the outside' . She was 'in a mood' so was left to play in a corner . I 'scanned her ' , a lot of anger and frustration ... a LOT of frustration . She tried a few of her 'tricks' but I simply ignored them and her , which made her curious. I 'felt' her thinking "oh, you are different " ( as I was not reacting , the family really over reacts and draws attention to just about everything she does ! ) I tried sending her some thoughts and she immediately looked up at me in surprise and wonder . By then we where sitting down to lunch , she had a bowl of food given to her as she sat in the corner of the room , as that is what she prefers , she likes to keep away from others ) . She came over (and I knew exactly what she wanted , she wanted to sit next to me , so acting entirely casual and natural - no fuss ! - ) and handed me her bowl, I put it on the table and then she started trying to get up onto the bench seat next to me , so I helped her . Then everyone starts making a big deal about it ; " Look ! Look what Sophie is doing ... she wants to sit with us ! " I am trying to signal them to ignore it and shut the **** up , but no . They not only make a big fuss but decide she is trying to get past me to get to her Grandma ( may family virtually gives me no credit whatsoever ) . She stars ; " No no no no ... " But that doesnt stop them , they manually 'help' her ... so she hits and bites ... the screaming starts up again and she is removed top her room . I sat there internally crying , poor kid . No use telling them anything about what just happened , I know what the results of THAT would have been ! God God, that must be terrible ... imagine if you think you are clearly talking to people ; " I need water ... I need a drink of water ! " or whatever and people are being 'nice' , 'trying to help ' you but totally ignoring what you are 'saying' and giving you colored pencils or teddy instead . I would like to spend more time with her .... but it has not worked out that way . How many others are out there like that ? Snakes even ! I did that one in front of another person ... they where blown away by that ! I have experimented a lot with them as there are a lot of pythons around here , and they can be usually handled , fairly docile and peaceful , usually. i see a snake and I put myself in a stet of emotional fear and start thinking ; " What if it attacks me? Maybe I should get in first and kill it ? " Snake acts aggressive and rears up , head darting around looking for escape route . Then I change 'gear ' ; project appreciation, gratitude and love and think clearly 'at' it : " How about coming back to my place , lots of mice and food there , and some warm safe places to sleep . Its not far , I'll carry you ." Snake not only comes up to me , but I put my arm down , it 'sniffed' it . curled up my arm and I carried it home . Dont believe me ... try it yourself ( telepathy I mean, not snake handling )
  9. Hermit heretic

    Hi, I am wondering where you are from and the nature of your 'corpses' . I am in Oz so I sometimes find some unusual specimens and get to examine them closely . EG. I have a large python skull , I have not noticed this or heard about it before , the vertebrae seem to continue past the join to the skull and inside it and are fused to the top of the inside of the cranium and run down to the the 'mouth' area where there is a hollow tube . Is the snake's tongue and extension of its spinal cord ? The framework of a platypus' bill are actually its morphed canine teeth , on a platy skull you can gently remove them and slot them back in next to the other teeth . ... and this is pretty wild ; if you look at the skull from underneath , it looks like like some type of 'spirit person' / fetish doll (in the anthropological sense of the term ) : I use a large 200 lt. ex olive barrel as a 'digester' - any dead animal , road kill etc . goes in ; 'fuzzy brew' - a biodynamic fertilizer with high phosphorous content for the garden . Afterwards there are bones at the bottom . Another way is to stake them out near a meat ants nest , but I have lost some to goannas that way . I had some magnificent python skins . The hardest thing I ever skinned was a water dragon ... I'll never try that again ! Very loose soft skin , VERY hard to do without ruining it . I used to have the bones hanging up around the porch by the front door . On the very rare occasion 'missionaries' would find their way to my cabin ... one look at that and it was a quick retreat , clutching their Bibles to their breast . Offerings are good, one of the main central practices along with 'expressing gratitude ' from ..... 'all time' - generates 'healthy psychology' * and that helps with the realization and experience that life can be sublime . * " Good thoughts, good words, good deeds " - the Zoroastrian 3 principles .... who, incidentally hold the otter in the highest regard above other animals ( I dont know why though ? )
  10. Vegetarianism

    Why ? When a simple request has the same effect . Not that I want to discourage Steve from tasking up the challenge.; Daobum's ' new forum software development' facilities ;
  11. Bardon and Golden Dawn

    here is a fun read :
  12. How to Be Spontaneous

  13. Dark Chocolate, WTF!

    When i worked as an orderly in the hospital, our boss , the 'head orderly' was way past retirement, in his late 70s - fit and active, never took sick days . He was still on his 'Navy rations' that started as a teen in the navy ; everyday , a 1/2 bottle of sherry and a 1/2 packet of unfiltered Capstan cigarettes . I was rather impressed that he never increased the dosage .
  14. Dark Chocolate, WTF!

    Maybe 'soul' needs to do this ; " .. For a single exposure by ingestion, gastric decontamination by emesis or gastric lavage may be beneficial soon after exposure " or maybe 'soul' should not eat chocolate ?
  15. Bardon and Golden Dawn

    Well. 10 people that make a noise about it . We have no idea how many 'silent comprehenders' are out there ' I'd be surprised if there where 10 people that could understand just parts of the system , or individual chapters . Like the attribution of the tarot to the cosmos - even on a Golden Dawn tarot internet discussion some years back , no one seemed to know the layout and the system . It is somewhat dated and Victorian * but that can easily be remedied by one with a little knowledge and insight . The thing is the whole GD system is dated and Victorian , so anyone that 'gets it' would need to update it as well ... that number might be a LOT less than 10 . * No cards are attributed below the equator due to ' the lack of spirit / spiritual development ' (cant remember the exact quote but something like that ) - a reflection of attitudes about 'superiority' .
  16. Vegetarianism

    No , I replied ; " No. Temperatures went down. " not 'No temperatures went down ' I am not backtracking, you just cant read properly . I see you are pointing out that 'civilization is older than now ' . Really ? Seems you cant write properly either . Now you mention 'longskull evidence from around the world' with no other reference to that at all, even what you mean by it and what the hell such stupid conspiracy crap relates to vegetarianism through history (like you are trying to claim) ... and now, that older socieites where more compassionate than present .... all without a shred of evidence or even intelligent observation - just a half understood and explained mishmash of internet and you tube snippets bought together to to support some self supported idea of yours that the world was compassionate and vegetarian before the 'horrible nasty carnivorous present. ' and you say I am the one making this embarrassing ?
  17. Does anyone meditation with a timer? Or not?

    Well, I dont like that on an ordinary alarm either . My phone alarm selected is very placid and starts off low building in volume .
  18. Does anyone meditation with a timer? Or not?

    and then ... it gets interesting ; I used to set an alarm for my midnight meditation . After a while I would wake up automatically just as or before the alarm went off . Then after a while I I would instantly wake up, alert and fully awake, very quickly .... bing ! Then a moment later the alarm would go off . So I eventually stopped using it . Auto wake up, do my meditation go back to sleep . But then the next stage was, some mornings I had no memory of waking up and doing it and could not be sure I actually did it . So I thought to make note of that ; Here I am , past midnight 'pinching' myself - yes I am definitely awake . I will do this each time . Some times I had a memory of it in the mornings , other times not . So I started leaving myself a note to say I had been awake and done my meditation. Some mornings I had no recollection whatsoever of doing it that night , yet there was the note on the bedside table . Sleep walking is weird enough ... but to be getting up and doing meditating in the middle of the night ( which involves recitations and actions as well ) , fully conscious and having no recollection of that is a strange feeling . ( Who is that 'other guy' doing these night medications that I have no memory of - 'night self ' , who is that guy that wakes up in the morning and will not remember this? ) .
  19. Vegetarianism

    No, I am refuting your claims of ancient unknown vegetarian religion . Not asteroid impacts . You seem to be having trouble focusing on your own subject matter here . I would if written words made sound . What I wrote was that average Earth temperatures went down .... it was YOU refuting that all of the Earth was not frozen over . Now you have somehow morphed that into refuting a claim I never made about all of the Earth turning into Tundra . ( I know these types ; build a straw man attack it, make a pathetic unconnected argument and when shown to be wrong - off they go in a huff 'refusing to talk to you ' anymore Yep, there he goes . Bye -bye . I know there is a crater there . They are all over the place . The one you linked to is old ; " age estimates for the new crater might be more like a hundred thousand to a hundred million years old. " No doubt they had a 100,000,000 year old vegetarian religion too !
  20. Does anyone meditation with a timer? Or not?

    I would use an alarm to know when to start a meditation ... for the midnight meditation . Or if I was up late beyond midnight already , I would set it for the dawn one . The noon and sunset one was done visually . I never needed a timer as I just did my meditation as instructed and that is 'as long as it takes ' , usually less than 15 mins , but it was set ( meaning it was 'active' meditation - 'awareness' ; not some state where I could not tell how much time passed . Perhaps if i did enter into some state like that at the end of each session ( where the 'set' meditation has a space for more free form 'contemplation' ) I would mentally 'set' a time . But please dont tell me people are getting specific meditation timers with little gong noises and such ...... ummm , whats wrong with a phone timer where you can choose an alarm sound you like ? I would even go as far as to suggest that if you are buying crap and trinkets like that for 'meditation' ..... you need to assess what you are meditating on and how and why ... and if it is getting through to you . ( meaning are your ' unconscious drives' that lead your 'conscious' behavior being affected by your meditations ? )
  21. Vegetarianism

    Well well well ... who would have thought our nice little liminal luke was secretly out to repress people ! Okay out comes my list ; The Catholic School and religion. My big brother . The State . The Attorney- General. That neo-Nazi gang. Undercover white supremacy Australians. Marga Polenka (note; all unsuccessful ) and now ( writes in ) .... 'Liminal Luke ' .
  22. Vegetarianism

    No , world wide average temps went down . Now you are going to claim 'science quakery' on that , arn't you ? Isnt it 'curious' that on the one hand you cite science ( actually " our scientist " .... ? one assumes your 'home town' has its own scientist ) lidar and NASA when it backs up your prejudices ... yet if it doesnt it automatically becomes invalid and " doesn't suit their paradigm and most of them are afraid of their own precious careers to have a shread of decency " .... except for 'your scientist ' . I dont suppose you realize how ridiculous that sounds to everyone else except you ? .
  23. Vegetarianism

    I bet he is going to say ..... "Thats why the religiously vegetarian longskulls died out . "
  24. Vegetarianism

    What has that got to do with it ? You where first claiming and I was later responding about religion, not civilization . You dont know what you are talking about , if you did , you could say what 'civilization' Siberian Shamanism comes from . Ah ... another 'youtube professor' eh ? A fan of Mr. Handcock ? I suppose this is your answer to my request about a date for your 'back in the day ' . And how do you know these people had a vegetarian religion ? Let me guess , some 'theosophical mystic' with 'astral vision' told you . Gosh ! really ? .... tell me more . And you know these 300 , 000 year old religions where vegetarian too ? Oh ? Okay, so then you DONT know what religions they had or if they where vegetarian then . It is you who are actually the ignorant one here . And to cover up how you little you know, you have adopted modern new age bullshit to cover up the lack of knowledge you have about our sources of religion and belief . ' Actual past ' ....