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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I only had one with dinner !
  2. Hello to everyone

    Yes, its a projection ; supreme God rules everything , how he likes and no one to answer to .... 'supreme Man ' rules all animals and nature however he likes with no one to answer to (except for the next guy up in the hierarchy ; God ) .... till the shit hits the fan .
  3. Cave Art - 'writing system' discovered

    Interesting ! If , as they suppose, marks represent Moon cycles (months ) appearing near animal ( when they breed or are available for hunting ) signs ... that is like a first recorded 'zodiac' . [ " We have seen above that the quantification of things using mental number lines and the additive/plus one principle, wherein one mark equates/represents one thing, was a characteristic of Upper Palaeolithic mark sequences. In our hypothesis, when associated with an animal they should mark units of calendrical time. Given that the number of these is always relatively few, it is unlikely these represent days. We think it likely that the total number of marks in a sequence is one way of denoting a number of months. The most obvious units of time for non-agricultural groups are lunar months (de Smedt & de Cruz Reference de Smedt and de Cruz2011; Marshack Reference Marshack1991). The recurrent cycle of the moon's four individual phases provides a readily visible framework for quantifying time, particularly when assisted by material scaffolding and, if necessary, the cycle of ~29 days could be subdivided into four subphases of ~7 days (Jègues-Wolkiewiez Reference Jègues-Wolkiewiez2005; Overmann Reference Overmann2013). As none of the sequences in our database (see below) contains more than 13 marks, they are consistent with the 13 lunar months of a year. Hence, we hypothesize that sequences are conveying information about their associated animal taxa in units of months. In other words, they present ethological information as a seasonal calendar." ] 'Down here ' , we still have the traditions alive so some can read our cave art symbols and preserve their meaning ; The big difference here is , it is said , there are no tally marks , Aboriginals did not count beyond three ..... I find that hard to conceive .
  4. Hello to everyone

    I became interested in it way back via anthropology . Now many of our serious problems are related , in some way , to not just overpopulation but the whole 'expansionist' mind set - the idea of continual growth and expansion based on concepts of limitless land and resources available . It even came down to the home level of the community I live on . Years back we had to put in development plans ; how many house sites would we have . To my surprise people wanted far too many . My position is ; these things can not be infinite , they must have a limit and that means a limit must be made .... why not make the limit on the comfortable healthy sustainable side instead of 'close to the edge' or over it . I have done some interesting studies on isolated and contained groups ; in that situation , you work it out or its extinction ; two cases come to mind ; one is a remote Pacific Island that had a long history of stability with a fixed population due to limited resources . They came to light years back when a bad cyclone went through the area . Some of their lifestyle methods where exposed in the media , and that caused outrage , so I suppose they dont operate as they did any more . Another area of interest is Lake Biakal in Siberia . I've written some posts tracking ' the essential good teachings ' in some religions and how they manifested . Tracking them backwards from the east to west ; Tibetan Buddhism ( and perhaps all Buddhism ? ) came out of reformed Bon , which was reformed by by teacher Miwoche who bought it from Pamir area ( south east central Asia ) Zoroastrianism came from an eastern influence in a similar area ( that is to the east , from Iran ) which was also a reformation of an earlier tradition ; both seem connected to Bo a form of Siberian Shamanism and probably evolved out of it via traveling teachers and traders coming down from the north. Bo can be tracked back to ( and it still holds central significance ) Lake Biakal , which seems to have been an Ice Age refugia , ie surrounded by ice and glaciers yet habitable in , possibly because of the geo thermal nature of the Lake . The main teachings they have in common seem to be laws and respect for environmental protection and animals , both wild and domestic , greater equality of the sexes, certain customs ( which make the archaeology easier to track as well ) like 'air burial' , a more egalitarian society , the replacement of sacrifice rituals with offerings of appreciation etc . I think the case with Lake Baikal example is , if you are isolated in a limited area with fixed resources you HAVE to work it out ... or perish .... many probably did , but we can see that those that did survive offer some evidence in their survival , so they probably have a lot to teach us . The same with many indigenous people ; Australian Aboriginals offered many classic examples . Some dispute that ... " They burned down the rain forest ! " - I did some study on that , in Tasmania ; various analysis from high altitude photography can track these burnings, over thousands of years they 'moved across' the landscape; that is , yes they where burning forest at the front of their 'expansion' and yes they where changing , utilizing and managing the land after burning, but at the 'back' of their expansion , the forest was regrowing . You can see, in the pictures how these areas made a 'path' though the landscape ; a few decades ) and a a few kilometers ) behind, new regrowth , behind that its new and stable forest and behind that old growth has returned . It possible that after a thousand years or so , they could have 'come back the other way ' or started a new strip 'below' or above the last . Indeed " we need a complete reappraisal of what it is to be a human on earth " ... we have a LOT of righteous , entitled, ego- based, stuff to get over .... - Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground "
  5. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Ooooo ... thats such an old one ! I had to change my 666 number plate to 616 years back ! More to the point its a 23 year giving us a numeroillogical value of Chaos and Discord ! But dont worry .... its golden apples for everyone !
  6. .... you waited 16 years and then bumped a thread to respond with ..... J ?
  7. Hello to everyone

    I had not realized we where on the same island . So I told you about stuff you already know . Granite country 'up the hill' sounds like 'New England ' Armidale / Tenterfield somewhere ? I like that environment ... and the boulders . We have a slight intrusions of granite here ( Bellinger valley , so south of Murwillumbah ) at places like Glenifer pools - idyllic ! I note when camping on that country, if it rains , it soaks in and even grass is dry not long after it stops . Here, its more clay and turns to mud . I am interested to hear your ideas on 'degrowth' as well .
  8. Hello to everyone

    ... so, where is your habitat ? ( as soon as I hit post on this , your reply came up ....... magic ! )
  9. Hello to everyone

    Oh good .... I will expect to see you in my secret training camp .
  10. Visualisation - any good?

    I voted yes, being totally selfish and coming from my own experience - I am not going to comment on if its any good for others . I voted yes as it works for me . I have been doing a fair bit of tricky building and renovations lately .... I dont know how I could have without visualization skills . Some times I am thinking of a way to do something and then the right way 'comes into my mind ' by visualization . I think its a basic human skill and the specific type of visualizations we can make , and bring them into reality, is what makes us different from all the other animals .( and so as not to start a debate about that ... I am referring to our technology ) .
  11. Hello to everyone

    I like your likes . I too enjoy gardening ,including growing some food , ( I worked in Bio-dynamic agriculture for a while ) living in harmony with environment. Luv dogs but dont have one .... BUT I do have the benefits not having a dog brings ..... got pademelons hopping around my place ; A lot of the food we grow here is exotic , as well as indigenous , many years back the local doctor bought seeds back from Sth America and planted a rainforest garden , so we have wide range ( its a sub-tropical environment ) . Walking through the forest ? We have some good ones here .... a unique environment ; across the small river that borders the north of the property and 15 mins drive UP the road a unique environment ; across the small river that borders the north of the property and 15 mins drive UP the road I am not a potter but I have always liked potters ; most seem to have a certain practicality and a 'down to earth' nature about them . I do a bit of herb gardening , culinary and medicinal, including native remedies . Done some extractions, concoctions and alchemy with them . I'm also a poet ... perhaps I should say , used to be , a poet and story teller / bard but thats just about died off now , mostly due to the internet and other medias . We got great beaches here , the mountain range comes close to the coast here so beach is 1/2 hr drive away , so best of both worlds ; sometimes the beach has no footprints on it , even on weekend in summer . I am up river in the foothills . As far as 'rain ' goes .... well, I am in a rain forest ... and birds galore ; three near front door recently had kookaburra nestlings ( and then fledglings ) all sorts of birds ; lately there has been a ' froggy ' and a 'mopoke' ( aka 'more pork' or 'boobook' ) doing a duo outside the window at night , sending me off to sleep . Here is a recording of them calling together And I always have coffee in mornings , just before sun rise ... while I annoy people on Daobums ... after noon , its always tea .... just dont give me a nasty 'tea bag' cup of tea . - where is your 'habitat ' ?
  12. This could be the year....

    Friend is worried about 2023 ..... 20 23 ! Oh no ! 23 is the number of chaos and discord . I told her - only if you use the common western calendar . She said " I know , I know ... but still ." In some weird way, I think she secretly 'enjoys' being apprehensive and worried . Then we talked about how the calendar has changed over the centuries .... we lost days here and there , things got shifted around many times - " I know , I know ... but still ." I mean, how do I know that today is even 'really' Tuesday ! ? - that didnt even make her laugh . So a year of chaos and discord .... okay . But I dont see how that is going to be any worse than what's been happening ? Now , as far as our Liminal friend is concerned and his 'decorous ' comments ..... I'm still trying to figure out if he wants a smaller tummy or a bigger dick ?
  13. Interesting question . By the nature of the word , one would think 'having to do with spirits' would be the main definition of the word . Most people seem to have a rather vague but inclusive idea about spirituality ... yet it usually not associated or even precludes 'spirits' themselves . I avoid the term in describing my own practices .... yet it has everything to do with 'the world of spirits' . But English is a terrible language and a very limited terminology for these practices .... even if I try to use a combination of English words to describe it ; spiritual, ethical, philosophical, spirit world , connected , energetic, nature based ... or even a descriptive paragraph nope . But one word can encompass all that , and a lot more and is directly related to my practice - Alcheringa or Tjukurrpa ( a different language version of the same term ) . Wikipedia made a decent attempt at it : Firstly " eternal, uncreated" ( that might seem interesting from the Daoist perspective . ) ... " an all-embracing concept that provides rules for living, a moral code, as well as rules for interacting with the natural environment ... [it] provides for a total, integrated way of life ... a lived daily reality". It embraces past, present and future.[4] Another definition suggests that it represents "the relationship between people, plants, animals and the physical features of the land; the knowledge of how these relationships came to be, what they mean and how they need to be maintained in daily life and in ceremony".[5] ... ( one's ) ...own law and related cultural knowledge systems ... A dreaming is often associated with a particular place, and may also belong to specific ages, gender or skin groups. " Living in a 'particular place ' and being connected to sacred land and 'spirits' is rather hard to avoid here living under the gaze of 'Ngali' - ' The old man - watcher ' ; - The 'Bump' on the left ; long thick dreads and beard , looking to the left, the west .
  14. Semen retention debunked

    They should call them ..... ' semenars ' .
  15. To me , who does NOT practice this stuff ( thought I would make that clear ) it seems like a mistake and a blunder . Even if he meant something else , its still a mistake and a blunder in terminology, and that causes confusions, doubts etc . Here is my take on it , from outside and from a totally different system and approach . One needs to concentrate energy into the LTD ( I'll use my familiar term 'hara' ) to be able to project ki and maintain your central pivot / placement in the Universe . But concentration of ki in hara and projection and circulation of ki are only two of the principles . The other 2 essential ones ( making 4 and relating to the 4 elements ) are 'sinking' and 'no mind' . 'Sinking' or 'making weight underside ' is not a physical thing , its a visualization , tricky enough for the beginner while sitting or standing still in a posture. It is a lot harder to maintain when moving , especially dynamically and when engaging with another as all the underside surfaces are constantly shifting . Eg. The 'keeping weight underside' or 'sinking weight' visualizations go like this : hold your arm out and imagine all the weight has sunk to the underside of it .... the top is heavier than the bottom ( yes, that makes no rational sense ) . Now imagine this all through your body on every 'underside ' ; under your chin , the soles of your feet , the underside of your nose - but not the top ... and so on . Now just with the arm visualization , move your arm vertically straight up, there is no underside . Rotate your arm while horizontal, the underside rotates as does the 'weight' - a very tricky visualization when moving dynamically . The weird thing is, it makes you incredibly stable and powerful ... even, from a standing or sitting posture , virtually immovable ( when balanced with the other 3 principles ) - some have probably seen the films of aikido guys doing that , two either side of another lifting him up, or rather, not lifting him up . But non of this is physical . The other issue is where we 'unconsciously' visualize where our power is centered ; for many men it is high in the body around the chest area , that is certainly above the center of gravity and will make you unstable . In teaching I was constantly thinking up ways to get people , mostly men, to lower their center of , not gravity, but 'unconscious power center '. I found usually women did not have trouble with that . It seemed sort of natural to many of them . The strange thing is , it can have a physical result ! I put on an intro class at a festival we had here many years back . To my surprise about 40 people turned up - yikes ! I was expecting about 4 . How do I even start all this ... I decided to risk starting and intro with a blind experiment ; picked two of the toughest looking big muscly guys and the smallest slimmest woman out . Told her to be strong and resist with all her might and told the guys to take her by the arms and lift her .... up she went . Then I got her to do the four visualizations , signaled the guys to lift again the same way, thinking I would ask them after if they noticed a difference , but she didnt go up ! So they got a bit more serious and tried harder ... nope . You could see the strain on their faces and their muscles bulging and you see she was relaxed and not fighting it . I have seen this before and it can be explained by physics and opposing forces . But the they tried harder and she went up, with her feet just an inch or so off the ground , but they could not get her further than that , and then you could really see the effort and strain on them .. and so could the whole group . Then because they where using force and straining, although she was not going up she started moving from side to side and around a bit , like she was on a slippery surface , this sensation surprised her ( I think she thought she was still on the ground ) so she opened her eyes , realised what was going on, got startled , lost it and ... up she went . Anyway, I would say it isnt about sinking your center of gravity its about 2 things ; lowering your imagined 'center of power generation ' - stop beatin' your chests like gorillas guys ! - which is NOT physical and the knees bent stance thing ... connection to earth and use of 'anchored gravity' , etc , which is physical . I won't go on about that as good stuff has been written about it in above posts .
  16. but ... but .... my little treasure chest where I keep all my Daobum 'likes' .... what will become of that ?
  17. Christmas Presents .

    Answer 1. ; Ummmm .... " Whhhhhht ! ( thats the sucking in noise ) ahhhh ( thats the exhalation ) .... floor hash ! ..... < hack hack cough > ( thats me coughing ) .. and other stuff " Answer 2 ; Answer 3 ;
  18. Christmas Presents .

    I have not done anything like that for years ... nor get involved in Xmas , but today ( being the 25th ) I got a surprise ! I am so uninvolved with Xmas I started a long awaiting cleaning of the cabin ... struth its bad ! Anyway, I went outside this early this morning bare foot and came back, wandered around barefoot in tha cbin for a bit and 'Oh, forgot to check feet for leeches before I came in ' so did then . Whats that big black lump on my heel .... won't come off, had to scrape it ... wow its really cemented on there ... what the hell IS that < sniff sniff > .... hash! WTF ... its been weeks since I .... Christmas hash ! Thanks Santa ..... now .... Whhhhhht ! ahhhh .... floor hash ! ..... < hack hack cough > .. and other stuff
  19. Oh ? I imagine that could be used also to get back into any forum you where previously banned from ?
  20. just as well you edited the above two posts ... they made no sense previously .
  21. Nah ... that is how the copyright infringement lawyers are gonna find you
  22. Nah .... you know what I meant . If you really do not know what I meant .... I could run by some of the rationalizations for you ... and you can see if you think they are self deceptive ... and by the way , I didnt suggest anyone was being turned on ... they where just having their whiny selfish questioned answered with reason and rationale . hey MD ... ya know what they say about stepping in quicksand .... the more you struggle to try and worm your way out of what happened ......
  23. Huh ? I did laughing smilie first ... is that not the appropriate 'cultural signal' nowadays ? Of course you would not advertise IF you where going to do it .... Like the guy that used to 'threaten' to ... no ....joke about it .... " It would be a real shame if your ....... git accidentally smashed ." Me; 'Yes, and if it does .... you will now be the first person I will take it out on .... even if it wasn't you .... because from now on .... I will always be suspicious and think of you when any 'accident' happens . " Its good to have a ' scapegoaty ' ..... you might be it now yeah but they are such blabbermouths .... now its all over the PM system here ! and naughty people have published that info all over the internet ... 'cause they dont like keeping secrets I think I will leave that dilemma to this new generation that wants to deal with such youtube matters . Back in my day, we learnt stuff a different way . But you go right ahead doing what ever you want , learning weights or even boxing from you tubes ... what would us old guys know anyway ?