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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Philosophy And Spirituality

    'Recall ' is memory . What cognitive function distinguishes between the memory of of actual events from the memory of fantasised, imagined, or dreamed events ? .
  2. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    " ... the phrase means one intends it to be understood as a joke, although one might appear to be serious. " - to Achie I made a 'joke' (as I am sure he sees things the other way - a definite 'electional' . But no 'tongue in cheek' to you , of course , as I acknowledge what you outline below . I suppose the simplest idea about that is with the outer planets - slow moving and perhaps creating long terms 'trends' in human events 'below' . and that can happen in the most 'reputable research ' . Just sayin' . I think certain symbolism got adopted .... and also certain 'timings ' ( eg ' The Dog Days ' ) from ancient Egyptian ( and other ) culture and inserted into Hermetics ( specifically certain things , of course, as the whole hermetic thing is a supposed adoption from ancient Egypt ) , especially around the time Egyptology first became popular and in Victorian society ; occult and general . Sirius is definitely something that was adopted , even if misunderstood or alluded to . Much of this stuff got obscured and hidden as the symbols evolved through modern Freemasonry .... they might have Sirius on their apron, or in their temple, but they might not no why , or even say its Venus or even 'God' . I have witnessed this first hand in a Masonic museum discussing the symbolism on old displayed aprons , with the Freemason guide present . He thought the things in the corners where decorative 'curlicues' and yes, the form of the once Hebrew letters had de - generated so much over time and copying ( with no understanding ) that they where barely recognisable . As was the descending 'Shin' near top middle . A few have made some noise and books about symbolism in 'Masonic murders' , it usually relates to 'traitors' and 'symbolic penalties ' , but they are not the same ones that Masons talk about , so curious that . During one affair ( was it 'P6 * ' / Vatican bank connection thingo ? * ) the guy was hung under a bridge in the form of 'The Hanged Man ' ... Oooooo 'Masonic murder ' . But where is that punishment in the masonic literature ? Others are clearly outlined . But a long going Free-masonic type cabal of historical assassinations ? Yeah ... them 'Hashishims' died out a while back Indeed it does ! And let's not let any 'innocent targets' stand in the way of a good story ! Nesta Webster just came to mind .... she was an 'early instigator' , or might even have kicked the whole thing off ! ; ... and she is STILL being published ! Nesta Helen Webster (née Bevan, 24 August 1876 – 16 May 1960 " Nesta Helen Webster was an English author who promoted antisemitic canards and revived theories about the Illuminati. She claimed that the secret society's members were occultists, plotting communist world domination, through a Jewish cabal, the Masons and Jesuits
  3. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Of course, I already made a point about how 'electional astrology is a crucial part of magical operations , so I had my tongue in my cheek when I suggested it was the 'Stars' fault' that caused people to get involved in political machinations and assassination . However it did manage to extract this gem from you ; " .... but the odds to what I find are in favour of my thesis ..... "
  4. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Did I just read that .... different groups 'aligning with Sirius ' ( another strange choice of words ? ) whose by product is heat, they become 'more brainy' and need more energy ..... so ..... global warming ? Wot ? The Earth warmed up to provide energy for people in groups who 'align with Sirius' becasue they got more 'brainy' . Or their efforts are like Sirius in that by aligning themselves with Sirius they give off heat like it does and warm the planet . ? Either way .... ummmmmm ..... Here is a different take on the (now ) subject ; Astrological 'powers' ; say, the Natal ones present at our birth , create and 'make ' us the way we are , or if you like 'set out potentials and tasks for us' . What if none of these people or groups used 'astrological magic' to those nefarious ends ..... but it was the astrological energy itself that caused their actions ? In any case , yes, some people do do nasty stuff , and the 'best' time to have success at nasty stuff is doing it at 'the nasty time ' . Just as the reverse applies . I'll give a demo ( mind you this is of course just the Nungali view, ie a Neo-hermetic Magician Renegade Abstract Taoist .... but the 'biodynamic theory' is 'sound' ) A friend asked me ; " You know about Bio-dynamics and stuff and those 'peppers' that repel bugs and animals . I am having trouble with possums, can you tell me how to make a 'pepper' that will scare them off and repel them , I dont want to trap them or use any nasty chemical or anything .... I want a natural method . " Me; " Sure. First of all you have to be prepared to do some 'black magic of destruction ' . " Her ; Me; " You would need to catch a possum, and then under an adverse astrology , Venus retrograde in Scorpio, or something perhaps combined with some other harsh cruel and destructive aspects, and kill the possum , in a nasty way, so the bad vibes are increased (actually a bit of torture first will add to that . Then dry out the body and make a small funeral pyre , burn the possum and afterwards collect the ash . Now sprinkle the ash around to repel possums . " She was silent , mouth agape just staring at me ... " ..... or, you could just do what I instead ; just make friends with them and feed them bananas and honey and let them sleep over you bed . " Her; " But ... they are destructive and eat things in the garden . " Me; " Mine aren't ...... we made friends . " - And I suggest that is the far better and easier 'magical approach ' . Besides - they are cute little guys ( I thought to add that as a few years back I had visitors from USA , woman asked what is that big box on the wall . I said it also opened to the outside and was a possum box , she shuddered and 'Ugh , a possum , they are horrible ." her and little girl looked apprehensive . I said no they are not , but they insisted and said 'Maybe ours are different to yours' so I opened the box , they both broke into an expression of delight when the head popped up and cooed about how cute she was . ) :
  5. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    " So you see Nungali .... " ? Well, I have always seen , " implications throughout history with astrological magic" , that is in the historical record , all over the place * . However, I doubt the media is actually 'astrological magic' , as such . All magical practice should be at times for the right astrology , as should alchemy, biodynamics, even gardening and many other practices like fishing and hunting . 'Astrological magic' by itself isnt really a thing . So the astrology is one part of a set of conditions .... not the actual magic itself . And there are many other parts to a successful operation . And what you have outlined , or are chasing seems to me a far cry from " implications throughout history with astrological magic" - it seems more like " Implications throughout history of Freemasonic and pre Freemasonic societies being in involved in political assassination and other machinations being done at similar times relating to what some consider 'favourable' astrological conditions" . And one further assumes this 'implication' is there is a world wide cross historical Masonic conspiracy of murder and assassination ... or something . These posts seem more about that ... well, they where about designs and fractals , and I mentioned , within that , Ben Franklin , you mentioned he was a mason ... and then ....... here we are . * That is ' implications throughout history with astrological magic' can be demonstrated by the cases of ; Seer Asita and Gautam Buddha. Alexander and the Chaldeans. Theogenes and Emperor Augustus. Varahamihira and King Vikramaditya. Al-Biruni and Mahmud of Ghazni. Humayun and Akbar. John Dee and Queen Elizabeth I. Johannes Kepler and Albrecht von Wallenstein. William Lilly and the great fire of London. Evangeline Adams and the Wall Street crash of 192. B. V. Raman and the Second World War.
  6. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Yes I became familiar with all of that as a teen . Our group did The Rites of Eleusis annually ... for years - and one of the things about multiple performances in these rites is you can take a part represented by an astrological character eg. ' Brother Capricornus' and take related parts in other rites that develop that astrological theme. Then next cycle , take on another astrological character and follow that astrological theme in the characters you play in subsequent rites . Then you could take on a major role as the central God of a rite - and if game enough, work your way up to the final culmination of the 'Brother Capricornus' current in the first rite , to Pan in the last (Luna) . You cant get that experience from reading newspaper clippings about them . Of course a whole show is involved that develops many skills ; first building or procuring a temple / temple space . Making the furniture , design and set up for each planetary rite , making the costumes and props ( all in the appropriate correspondences to the planetary right one is working on ) . Even some re writing and development of the script . Practice and learning of lines and actions , then performance ..... one rite each week - that will keep one busy . So each temple needs to be made / set up for each rite and all the designs and furnishings in it should all be in harmony with the planetary energy for that rite. Doing that repeatedly, over the years , one develops a flair for it . Crowley once wrote that an accomplished magician should be able to walk into a finished temple and intuitively feel things are in harmony and be able to detect intuitively any thing , object or colour not in that 'correspondence scale ' . He seems right about that .
  7. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    For more political occult scandal ... see who was in the Hellfire Club .... the 'trick' about dressing up a baboon 'like the devil' and releasing it out a cupboard in the middle of a 'magical' ceremony , and the expose and resultant fight about the whole thing on the floor of parliament .
  8. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    I dont 'do' Harry Potter , Narnia or similar . I am not interested in where the authors pilfered their characters from ( 'based' them on , if one prefers ) . Why read about fictional characters based on real one's when one can read the writings of the real ones ? Although, I suppose one could amuse oneself by matching fictional characters with the people they where based on ?
  9. Bad Luck?

    Thats up to you . But the answer of 'abundance' was to the question you asked about humans being afraid of birds . You seem confused lately .
  10. Wild cats

    ... and owls go jogging !
  11. Wild cats

    I suspected as much ! The answer to why a feline can laze in the sun all day like a fat blimp ... then suddenly move like agile greased lightening ; they do callisthenics in secret ! the do callisthenics in secret ! .
  12. Bad Luck?

    The answer was the Trump ; 'Adjustment' The answer was the three of cups ; celebration and abundance (on the emotional level ) .
  13. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Blue lodge Masons certainly dont use astrological magic , nor would they admit to using any type of magic . The more esoteric Red Lodge ( above third degree ) have spawned all sorts of magical groups and have been behind the revival of 'modern' hermeticism ( ie. a modern revival of hermeticism , mostly based on old, confused or defunct knowledge . Which is why it contains little validity ). However 'neo-hermeticism' - a much more modern and valid subject exists within this and this too came out of (originally ) esoteric Freemasonry, via the 'magical revival', and through the re-integration phase , eventually forming as 'The College of Hermetic Philosophers' - a 'college' that incorporates members , of the same degree, from different organisations , that comapre and share research. (Just so you know , I am not just looking up stuff on the internet and regurgitating it here , its something I had practical involvement with for many years . ) here is a good intro if one is not familiar with this subject ;
  14. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    It didnt show .... try again : BF's 8 ; draw a line from 1 to 2 to 3 .... to 64 . .
  15. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    We looked at a lot of these structures and flowers when I worked for BDA ( Biodynamic Agriculture Australia ) . A plant can, by its flower shape and structure , signal which plant is more influenced by which planet and then use the appropriate astrological configuration for , planting, growth and harvesting . Similar shapes can be generated via certain 'magic square ' generated mandalas . You might like this one ..... I made a banner of it in appropriate planetary 4 colour scale colours , for the Rite of Mercury ; It' is Benjamin Franklin's magic square of 8 Apparently Ben could draw these up virtually automatically - if the reader does not know what a magic square is , it is an ... ( actually 'any ' ) square grid 8 x 8 with all numbers listed once from 1 to 82 now, add the numbers in any column , up, down, diagonal and compare them with any other column total . Plus a whole lot of other hidden surprises ; But my point here is the relationship between Mercury and Gemini : to see the Gemini glyph in the Mercury square, simply draw a line from 1 to 2 to 3 and so on ( from the same point in each square eg , the middle or the same corner of each square . ) Bored with proceedings at the Assembly, Franklin says he drew "magic squares or circles" to occupy his mind. You might find this interesting Archie ;
  16. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    No, for once I think he is right . The numbers did get upset with him mus have been all of that undercurrent superiority combined with a 'flare' for not answering questions put to him .... who can blame them ? But you are also right as 1 + 1 = 2 ... if they where alive 1 + 1 = 3
  17. Electrostatic Propulsion?

    The 'LEA Atlantis high life' model eh ? I have the Lemurian version . Gosh that's right up my alley Or rather , this product of theirs is actually designed to be 'right up one's alley ' : Chi generator ..... sexual healing .... " Deluxe LEA InnerQuest System: $6,000 Includes: two 11" wands, Far Infrared Plating with your choice of 24 kt Gold or Platinum. One bottle of OxyVital The Bliss Factor Book, Coaching Self Inquiry Workbook with 9 audiocassettes, and an LEA audio and Video cassette. Also includes Deborah Stuarts paper: "33 Seconds To Create Exactly What You Want" Please add $900 for formula 5 Includes your choice of 24kt Gold or Platinum with - Gold, Nickel, Rhodium, Palladium, and Platinum underneath. I assume this is somewhat different to your as this one is ....well ... basically its a dildo . Six G for a dildo ? Well, if peeps got 6G to to hand over to these types ..... I guess they must have soo many Gs it dont matter ? But why a dildo for that price ? I could get a life-like albino Asian conjoined twins midget sex dolls for that ! IMO that site is one step above Seb Pierce's site ;
  18. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Better than what ?
  19. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Better than what ?
  20. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    "better" ..... than what ?
  21. Random Thought

    But WHY did your brain have that 'random thought ' ? My friend that criticised my music choice was having a 'random thought ' . Why didnt your 'random thought' go like this ...... " Hey .... these Jedi are based on Daoists . " The issue that it was 'random thought ' is no excuse at all ... and why did you miss the whole point of what I posted ? And why does your lame 'random thought excuse ' make you laugh ? Think about it .......
  22. Random Thought

    " Taoists are like Jedi " ............ Yes. This is a prime example of a 'modern outlook' . Ho-hum . I listen to all sorts of music , from Tool, NIna Hargen, Vangelis .... all the way through to classical , Philip Glass , etc . I would say I am reasonably educated , thanks to free education supplied by government and my own continuing ongoing efforts . So, I am at the markets and a young group of buskers / merry minstrels are playing .... they are good ... actually, they are very good . I talk to them during a break , Aha ! they are actually music students from a distant city University , doing a little busking tour .I listen to more after the break, I like their music as it plays and experiments with many classical themes , within this they have a good sense of humour, irony and inventiveness . So I buy a CD . Some time later I am in car with friend, put the CD on and she ' Why are you listening to that for ? It sounds like 'cartoon music ' . " Dear friend; if you didnt realise , 'cartoon music' often did what these guys where doing , imitating, playing with and developing certain classical music themes ... to think, that it is thought , that those young creative musicians where merely coping music they had heard from watching cartoons ..... < shudder > , no I didnt explain to her ... I am over explaining things and watching the dumb look I get in return , or the 'amp up' ready for an uninformed opposing argument .... ho - hum . Another ( now ex ) friend ; I make a point of philosophy , and he sorta agrees ..... because he is familiar with that from watching the Simpsons ... where it was once alluded to .... and he thinks I was quoting the Simpsons . ..... ho-hum . MY point ? NO withering tree ..... Taoists are not like Jedi . and a heap of other things are NOT likeJedi and not 'like Star Wars' . I mean, would you think 'Samurai are like Jedi ' ?????? Star Wars copied themes from things that already existed ! A type of existential plagiarism , recycled to gain popularity with the uninformed . Surely you must realise what comes first and who copied whom ? ... and in case you didnt understand any of that .... here , watch this instead ;
  23. Phi & Mandelbrot Set Master Key?

    Butterfly eggs and plankton skeletons ; Fun with septagrams ; and just for fun - down the microscope ; 'Antarctic Landscape ' ( High resolution Vitamin C crystal )
  24. Map of Hyperborea

    Oh right ! that explains it .