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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Evidnece for the super natural

    Did you say, 'related to Fajin ' ? or, 'related to fakin' ' ?
  2. hippie

    Thats tough ! Here we got supported for being hippies , via social security . You would go to the 'dole office' ; " Got any jobs ? " " No. " "Okay , here is my form. Can I have a cheque please ? " " Here ya go. " Ohhhh Man .... gotta go to town once a fortnight and hand me form in ...... hassles ! Then they let us post it in . OH, Man ... hassles ! - getting to the post office once a fortnight . WELL ? Just leave the letter in your mail box and the post man will collect it . Ohhh Man ..... hassles have to go down my mail box once a fortnight and post the form in !
  3. hippie

    I guess that means 'no' then ... no you have no involvement with the real culture .... you are just internet hippie ?
  4. I would say murder does not effect the 'abilities' IF one can 'resurrect' in a body of light and appear to others . But was it a body of light ? " Doubting Thomas , put your hand to my side and feel the spear hole . " The Gnostics ? Wot ? Gnostics mostly want to run away from anything earthly and material ( evil ) and get straight to heaven . But here is something for your belief to chew upon . Tonpa Shenrab Miwoe - he came from Tajikistan / Pamir Mountains area , a prophet and teacher with higher principles ( a bit like Zoroaster - he forbade the current practice of animal sacrifice, substituting it with non animal 'offerings' , other laws about protecting animals and the environment , different burial practices - 'air burial' so as not to pollute the earth or water , and so on ) . He travelled east to Tibet ( both areas where heavily linked back then ) but Tibet was too savage to accept such advanced teachngs , so he went on to Zhang Zung , an empire to the north , where he was accepted . Eventually this did filter to Tibet and primitive Bon, making second stage Bon . Miwoe is known as the Central Asian Buddha and bought Buddhism to Tibet way before 'Buddhism' came there . I've got posts about it all somewhere on DBs . Before the Persians became Persians ( ie, the Persian ancestors ) they lived in south Central Asia area extending east through the Pamirs ( 'The Roof of the World' ) ... where they located ' Airyana Vaeja' ( a type of 'paradise homeland ' ) towards Tibet . While the Tibetans thought similar ( Shamballa) was to the east ( Pamirs or Zang Zung ) . Even back at 2,200 bc - waaaay before 'Persians' they had a very advanced culture . They had a VERY interesting concept of 'energy work' and spiritually, going waaaay back , possibly to the Ice Age and earlier 'Homelands' in Siberia .
  5. Well, Vedic culture was not Indian , it was an import There are some 'modern' 'dharmas' that tie in modern Indian practice, back through the establishment of Hinduism , back through the Vedic period and all the way back to Indus Valley Civilisation ( eg Sanatana Dharma ) , this view is how many westerners see 'Hinduism' as well .
  6. Evidnece for the super natural

    < cock my ear > .... Did he end that with; 'Ok ... come and join us in the temple ?' (in an ever so calm and spiritually advanced voice ) . Gonna break out the classics are ya ? I shall see your Yellow Bamboo ... and raise you one Lama Dandrup ; Tibetan Master with fake aikido skills makes would be Sanyassins do Zifagong shuffle ; ( hang on, I will get my flute out .... ) My fav is the guy at 1:50 , everyone else behind him has hopped and bounced away , but he cant tell and just keeps going , then he has to do three backward rolls in a row to catch up with the others So .... we got the Zifagong explanation ... and thats weird enough .... but the REALLY weird thing is , what makes people behave like that ^ . They are doing it all over the place ! I 'fought' one of those guys once , well, not one of those guys , one of 'those guys' students . He wasnt a bad guy, just really stupid and mouthy , ( he said his teacher could come to my place and put me on my arse without touching me so I asked him to show me how he does that ) so I didnt hurt him ; he got a light finger touch on an eye lid and a big toe flick kick on his scrotum - he freaked out ! " You jabbed me in the eye ... you kicked me in the balls ! " " No I didnt , I touched your eye lid , I kicked your scrotum , are either of them hurting ? " " Well, no ..... but ..... I felt it . " " I stopped in time , I did kick your scrotum but didnt penetrate to the testicles . . and note , all that during a scuffle while you where trying to hit me ... even though you do 'no hit ' magic tai chi ." " Thats too risky man ! I could have got hurt ! " " Okay, we will stop there then , send your teacher here , he can use ' magic chi' on me , and I will be going for his eyes, nuts, kneecaps and throat , " " Thta's a bit heavy . " 'Hey .... You where the one that said you where going to send someone here to my patch to put me on my arse ! I dont take kindly to threatened home invasions ." - some people ! Brain needs to be in gear before you let out the mouth clutch .
  7. No , I dont recall that . When he died his body was still " up on " the cross , it got taken down and put in a tomb .
  8. Oh ? really ? Then ; No it doesn't . 'Hinduism' is a synthesis that occurred after the Vedic period - between 500–200BCE and 300 CE .
  9. Evidnece for the super natural

    A good teacher .... that keeps their eye on the student and then works with what comes up . The rajneeshiees had a 'laughing meditation ' thingo going . It became weird ..... a type of artificial forced laugh . Then their normal spontaneous laugh turned into that .... very creepy . I guess that is the result of doing stuff like that in a 'cult environment' . So do it with a good teacher , if you go down that path .
  10. hippie

    Come on dudes is this all waffle, fluff , youtubes , and 'I was on a hippy forum once' what ???? NONE of ya were ever real hippies or did anything like that ?
  11. hippie

    Errrmmmm ... yeah, I know . I quoted that question 'who are you ' ... that came from you ... so I could tell YOU who I was , regarding my 'hippie side ' since that is what you are seeming to want to know about or post about . But knowing you ...... I cant really say anything ... I'm laughing too much .... ( I'm wondering what a person to person conversation with you would be like
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I hope you realise some Americans may well think that is an accurate map .
  13. Blocking a user?

    Oh ... I just found it in my old files . It was Chi Dragon . Now .... this Mithras fellow ..... his pantothalic vermilion seems obscured by a neo-rhetoric diet . .
  14. Evidnece for the super natural

    Possessed . Well, thats one term for it . You never seen the Rajneesh people do their 'exercises' ? One in a group starts doing it then it spreads . Fake martial arts ' no touch ' crap 'victims' often do it . The classic fiasco on the beach with people running at others and stopping them with 'chi' .... when the bad accident happens ... even their 'master' takes a dive to the ground and starts convulsing . I've seen it in a voodoo ceremony and other similar similar tribal rights , it happens in church too . Like the hypnotically susceptible ..... some are convulsively susceptible . There are two types of it ; one where the muscles and related structures spasm in a type of short circuit, or a faulty nerve signal , the other a deeper psychological process that makes the body fit and spasm in attempts to release and remove 'blockages' that are psychologically considered to be associated with certain body parts . Eg some 'possession patients' complain of possession in , or strange imagined problems associated with, certain body parts ; sometimes in the head, but anywhere really . The closest I have come to experiencing it was a conscious reaction I had ( these people are having a reaction from the unconscious ) when I had Ross River Fever ; a cold freezing stiffness/ pain / agony through my joints and bones ; I had to do vigorous exercise several times during the night - get my whole body moving , jumping shaking all the joints , that would give a little relief for about 20 mins afterwards but it was crazy .... like , I imagine , ' St Vitus Dance ' ; Sydenham chorea (a neuropsychiatric manifestation of rheumatic fever ) .
  15. I wanna be your ..... lowest common denominator ;
  16. A treasure not honoured is a treasure lost . But they did not need to revere intelligence , just follow it through to outcome .... physicality ... practicality . Puckered flesh like avocado sags into a green pool. All the birds leave turquoise ruts across the velveeta sky. It's time to scream. .
  17. hippie

    You dont seem to realise Lois ..... that right here , is a very prominent 'hippy' . I mean me ....... Nungali . Well. not anymore but 'in the day ' . Would you like to know more ? About real 'hippy stuff' that actually happened ( that is , I actually got a LOT of the Hippy dreams actually manifested ! While many others just talked, dreamed, fantasised about it . ) It started as son as I left school , I dropped out and went straight into a commune , the first and oldest 'community co-operative' in Australia . What great experience it was ! Glenfield Farm : I have VERY fond memories of 'Old JIm' the founder and owner , he was in his 90s when I was there , helping to 'look after ' him - he didnt need much help , it was mostly making him meals, as my share of the work was 'morning cook ' ( make 6 loaves of bread a night for the communes breakfast , stay up and make breakfast , serve, clean up and that was my duty for the day , the rest of the day off , I had a wonderful spot up in a huge tree house , the whole thing gently rocked and flexed in the wind ) . Jim was a legend ! He fought in 3 major wars ! Boar War , WWI and WWII ... and his horse, the same horse went to two of those wars with him . " In 1920 James Leacock purchased Glenfield Farm. In 1924 he married a Broughton and in 1930 they moved into Glenfield Farm after modifying the homestead to serve as a dual residence, accommodating himself and his wife in one half and his sister and mother in the other. This dual dwelling arrangement began in 1932.[1] James Leacock brought dairy farming to the Liverpool district. He formed the Hygienic Dairies Ltd at Concord in 1909 to supply Sydney with its first bottled milk. His idealism embraced many interests, ranging from organic farming to Aboriginal rights. He undertook many activities on the farm property which made Glenfield a meeting place for groups concerned for Australian and international justice and many humanitarian issues,[1] including a place of work for conscientious objectors during the Vietnam war. Leacock pursued the establishment of communal living, discussion centres and co-operative farming. The first serious co-operative was the Rural Homes (Glenfield) Co-operative Ltd, formed in 1951. In 1960 the co-operative went into insolvency. In 1970 the Glenfield Goodwill Co-operative Society was registered.[1] A decline in the co-operative spirit was brought to a head at the 1976 Annual General Meeting, when it was decided that the Co-operative should be terminated. However, the Co-operative adopted a more realistic landlord role and increased rents to near market levels. After the venture failed Leacock bought back the farm and approximately 14 acres on which he resided until his death in 1974. The residents at Glenfield Farm continued farming activities.[1] " Main farm house , community kitchen ( at rear ) and Jim's residence ; The old barn - upstairs, along the wall was a line of mattresses on the floor , I was led there when I first arrived and told that was my / our bedroom - pick a bed ..... us 'young ones' (back then ) sorta all slept together ; After I 'proved my worth' (making bread and breakfasts) I was allowed a space in the tree house ) Jim would tell me mazing stories ; one was about how after the Boar War, him and a mate stayed there, travelling around as mercenaries for hire , making their way up through Africa and through Arabia . " Once , we even got a job rescuing the daughter of the Sultan of Oman, she had been captured by bandits who where demanding a ransom for the Princess . We got her back for them ." Hmmmm ... are these stories true ? Then eventually, after Jim getting to know me , he let me look in his 'museum' - and old small farm building (out of shot , just to the right of the barn in the above picture ) always wondered what was in there as the windows where covered up from the inside and it was always locked . " What's in there Jim ? " 'Oh ... nothing you would be interested in ... just an old man's memories . " Eventually he agreed to take me in there , with a lecture about keeping it secret , he was cautious as he had done this before , trusted someone , and they ended up ripping some of it off . I guess he trusted me . Wow ! I could not believe the stuff, the collection, the variety of a things in there ! I saw a 'golden coloured' smallish scimitar , ceremonial, decorative (not functional ) " Can I pick that up ?" Jim : < smirking > " If yer strong enough ! " My God it was heavy ..... " This isnt made of gold is it ? ??? " It had huge red and green gems set into it .... " Are these real rubies and emeralds ? " - Jim; " What do you think ? " The blade was etched with designs, curlicues and intricate interwoven Arabic calligraphy " What does this say ? " - " English translation on the other side ." Jim told me . So I turned it over ... I was stunned : " Awarded to Jim Leacock by the Sultan Of Oman , in celebration and appreciation of his return of Princess ..... " - and that was just one of the objects in there ! Due to its rare surviving architectural style the farmhouse has now been restored and is on the national trust ; here is the old commune kitchen I used to work in ; Jim; This man, a Boar War and Gallipoli veteran , was probably Australia's first 'Hippy '. Photo on right is Jim attending a meeting at the 'Australian Peace Institute' Sydney . " The second phase of Glenfield’s life began with the purchase of the property by James Leacock in the 1920s. A Boer War veteran, Jim Leacock planned to use Glenfield to set up a dairy farm. He was an idealist, activist, advocate for Aboriginal rights and a social reformer. In the early 1970s, he converted Glenfield to a communally managed or “cooperative” farm, known as the Glenfield Goodwill Cooperative Society. The farm was known for its herbs and home grown produce. He used the barn as an art gallery and showed and sold Aboriginal artworks there. He lived at Glenfield until his death in 1974 at the age of 95. " I'm still living on a Commune ( well, the remains of one - how things have changed ! ) , if anyone knows about these histories ; it used to be fairly famous (in such circles ) due to its early set up and association with Findhorn in Scotland Plus my community was known to have one of the best small festivals put on in Oz ( some OS people that came even said better internationally ) ... for a small 'low key' event . I was on the organising committee for nearly all of them ( about 8 I did , last one it was just me and one other organiser ) ..... plus all the stuff I did at those festivals as well ( like ; being the person that 'held' morning circle / start of the day / connection for a group of hundreds ; running a food stall { for some income , as all or festival work was voluntary } , doing tarot readings , building (out of bamboo) and organising the indigenous Aboriginal village , ritual circle co-ordinator , including writing , organising and directing a 300 person spring equinox ritual .... plus plus plus ... Plus living on the place for more than 30 years and dealing with that ( we also had visitor programme and h guest accommodation so we got a lot of hippy visitors what wanted to come and stay at the 'famous hippy place ' ) ... it goes on and on . So I have a 'little ' experience in the area . But I dont want to tread on Lois' toes here ... it's is his hippy thread... and he is 'closely associated with them' ... and he did make it to the ' most important American ' hippy forum ( ceptin they then banned him ) I have to say .... I dont have those 'qualifications' ..... I'm an 'unqualified hippy ' . I shall finish with the most delightful statement I have heard .... it came from Judge 'Betty' ( luved her ! she ruled on our court case , when the government tried to seize all or land , houses and property and as accuse us of fraud and corruption , resulting in a 2 1/2 year court case in the Supreme Court (and appeal ) ..... that I WON ! - both of ( in yer face ! har har ! ). Our solicitor kept freaking out and could not believe our 'luck' (as he called it ) - 'Judge Betty ' is the Head Judge in the Supreme Court , she had to allocate our case to a Judge and then decided ; " I will take this one myself ! " - turns out she is the only Supreme Court judge in the state that was bought up on a Hippy Commune ! Anyway, the delightful statement part ; the prosecutor just heard Betty deliver her final judgment - after 2 and half years of investigation, attack, cross examination , the court had found no wrong doing , the prosecutor freaked out and ... " But Your Honour ! These people ..... they are .... they dont work ! They... they dont do anything, they have no responsibility , they live on a multi million dollar property , on hundreds of acres or pristine rainforest, park and farmland , on a riverfront adjoining a national park ... they dont even work, they dont have debts, or even a mortgage ! They just all live toghter having a big party and all get away with it becasue they contribute a mere $30 a week to cover expenses .... it been going on for 40 years ! " And Judge Betty just smiled at her and delivered the line : " Yes , that's right . They managed their company very well to be able to live like that . " OOOOOOOOOOoooooo YEAH ! .
  18. hippie

    Its more of a fashion thing now .
  19. hippie

    Okay .... this is now the worlds third worst museum .
  20. Blocking a user?

    hang on ..... its been a while , you should have asked back then ...... < rummaging through files > ....... I might not have it any more . This started previous to May .
  21. Electrostatic Propulsion?

    Lots a birds make one BIG bird - cool ! BTW ... birds navigate using the earth's electromagnetic field ... not 'ley lines ' or 'dragon paths' ( plus a large amount of vision and recognised landmarks , eg they will follow a highway if convenient ) they do it via a gland in the base of the brain that is like the balance organ but has magnetic particles suspended in fluid and relies on magnetism instead of gravity . We got the remains of it too , in most of us nowadays its atrophied due to lack of use and 'interference ;
  22. Electrostatic Propulsion?

    Thats what 'country' * looks like to an Aboriginal with 'native vision' . And the night sky as well of course - one is a reflection of the other ; I have seen this once , sitting up on a high view point , looking out over landscape . My teacher 'lent me his vision' for a moment ; everything started to go fuzzy grainy , with a hint of geometric patterns ... just like 'psychoactive hallucination' beginning to form, then it cleared into a pattern of centres , 'nodes' , lines , energy flows , but it followed the form of the landscape ... mostly , as it also revealed things the normal eye could not see . Forget 'ley lines' , feng shui, and all that stuff for a moment ... this is absolutely a REAL physical skill and enables people to actually stay alive , navigate, and find food , water, shelter and many other things , often through extremely harsh environments that would kill the most experienced of us . For example , Scott Cane , a VERY experienced Australian anthropologist and prehistorian and also a well trained explorer and survivalist trained by Aboriginals, who has gone on many treks before, was sitting in on a conversation between some very elderly men, who he knew well and had done previous harsh desert treks before and they where planning another one ... this one 'serious business ' . Scott asked if he could come with them . The simple answer was ' No." " Why? " Simply : " Because you will die . It will kill you ." and this isnt make -believe , those guys been doing that stuff for 10s of 1000s of years ! Some of the 'song lines' ( travel routes - which is just one meaning of them ) are phenomenal and go right across Australia . Here is how 'white fellahs' see those 'paintings of country' : ' 7 sisters songline ' - (after the Pleiades ) google earth version .... care to take a 10 day walk though this , without taking supplies, compass or maps with you ;,127.7986471,5120m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m5!3m4!1s0x2a392a2e89f384d1:0x6e0e4adf3200a399!8m2!3d-27.6728168!4d121.6283098 - and if you think some of the art work is surreal and fantastic .... you should the 'normal vision' of the landscape itself ! * their local environment that they where born in and 'belong to'.
  23. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Diner : " What is today's special ?" Waiter: " Wild Tasmanian Salmon. " Diner ; " Oh ? So they where not raised in captivity ... in floating cages in the ocean ? " Waiter: " Well, yes, they where .... but they where not very happy about it . "