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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    ... and as for 'I didnt do it ...... God said HE did it ! I am now absolved and pure again. " I mean ........ really ?
  2. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    I must stop fighting to pray ... then throws dirt . A low trick and one that Islam uses sometimes . Eg. During the Bab'i revolution ; The Islamic forces are holding a castle siege ...its time for prayer, the Bab'is send the caller up the tower to give the call to prayer , the Muslims shoot him with an arrow . Another is sent up, they shoot him . After the third one is shot the Bab'i leader, in a rage, charges out the fort on horse back , hacks his way through the opposing forces , who mostly flee in terror ( especially after seeing one man stand behind a small tree and hold his sword up in defence and the sword and tree and man are all cut in two with one blow ) , charges into the other leaders tent and at the point of his sword forces an agreement not to harm the Muezzin , rides back , call to prayer goes out, both sides pray, then battle resumes .* THAT is the way to do it ( and that action got many converts) . And here I was thinking that particular enemy Muslim commander had no decency or bravery ..... I previously had no idea though though that such cowardly behaviour had been emulated by Mohammed in the first place ! * - from , 'The Dawnbreakers' - by Nabil-i-A'zam. ... stand by for more justification folks .
  3. This appeared on 'Ancient Origins' , it's rather interesting: " I have years and years of experience as a stone mason, in particular my experience working on a huge project ($1million of cut slate floors, quartzite wall panels, and granite boulder retaining walls) with just 2 other people gives me some valuable insite to offer here: we made retaining wals that started at the end of the driveway flanking it on either side, proceeding uphill around the driveway and around the property perimiter, roughly 50m by 50m plus a curving 30m x30m driveway kind of like the two symbols here: ❏﹆. we used granite boulders from slightly less than 1ton up to 7 ton for the perimiter retaining walls, and fit the boulders so tight that you could not even slide a playing card between them. they were all irregular shaped and sized and showed no signs of being cut, shaped, or altered once set in place. the bigger the boulder, the more primitive the tools was how we worked. using 1kg sledge hammers, chissels, and hammer stones, we could make the necesary cuts, and fit the boulders next to and ontop of eachother without the need for mortar as there were no joints visible. we made it look as if each boulder miraculously fit like a puzzle piece, perfectly and seemlessly in place with the surrounding stones. it could take 2 to 3 people up to 3 days to set the largest boulders which were about 3m x 1.5m x1m and over 7000kg (15.4k lbs). of course it would have been more efficient and cost effective to use 15” diamond blade masonery saws/grinders, or rotor-hammers instead of hand tools, but the ability to make such perfect cuts, legitimately mind blowing impossibly tight fitting joints on giant granite boulders was only possible doing it by hand and the slow way. we spent years on this project, but it was 2 sometimes 3 people working in the sierra nevada mountains of lake tahoe in inclement weather, and unfavorable conditions a lot of the time. but we produced a work of art where one would otherwise typically expect an unimpressive mundane granite stone wall. we did it simply to make a statement, wheter or not anyone would evemn appreciate it or notice it, given it would be covered with snow for 7-8 months of the year, and the client only intended to use the home as an occasional ski retreat a couple times a year at best. one of the reasons i guess was simply because we wanted to show what we could do with these boulders and make a statement and make people literally ask if that was real, or were they faccades, or was it custom pre-fab kit, or how was that even possible. it was for nothing more than to relish in hearing someone say, how did you do that? thats impossible, thats not real granite is it? next, we laid 6500’ square of cut slate floors with no straight lines (every endge of the slate stones had to be scrolled, not cut straight, and every joint between the stones had to be exactly 1 cm, no more no less, and no 4 way joints (like a ‘X’ where 4 stones shared a corner joint) they could only be 3 way joints or of course double and single. for the slate we used 5” diamond blades on electric handheld grinders, as that is the easiest and fastest way to do such a ridiculous and monumental task for the 2 or 3 of us working. and agin, we made a metamorphic/sedimintary rock with naturally straight edges, crqcks, and layers into something that resembled a jigsaw puzzle instead of a stone floor. we did things that took impossible patience, time, effort, and costly amounts of materials just to prove a point; that anything is possible, no matter what people say. so when i hear people say that these giant blocks in ancient polygonal masonry walls could only have been set inplace after somehow being ‘softened’ with some alchemical, occult, esoteric or otherwise lost ‘high technology’ or chemical process, etc., because even with cnc, water jet, or CAD assisted modern cutting, we couldnt replicate the precision and the tight fit and impossibly small joints, i cant help but say that everyone is all wrong. with nothing more than hand tools, time, experience, trial and success, and determination, it is absolutely possible to fit giant, hard, igneous blocks, boulders, monolithic polygonal masonry together so perfectly that not even a dollar bill can fit between them, if you just put your mind to it. and there does not have to be a functional or purposeful reason behind doing it. simmply wanting to make your work look impossible or better than anything anyone has ever seen before is well worth it today and i surmise it was worth is in antiquity as well. prestige in power. just my personal take on why it is not necesaary to explain precise fitting masonary through alchemical stone softening, geopolymer manufacturing, etc. and further to that " My son was a stone mason and actually showed me some examples of working stone of different grain and hardnesses. Sometimes the finished stone was amazingly fitted so tightly I thought it comparable to monumental stonework I had seen elsewhere. His primary tools were a set of differnt hammers of varing weight and shape, along with stones used to grind the finish into the stone,w hich the usage was guided by the product type of stone and the required finish. "
  4. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    Most 'Christian countries ' are secular . I cant imagine what a Fundamentalist Christian country run with the Bible as the rule book would be like ??? It seems a crazy concept to us nowadays ! Still, that doesnt stop Christians from being violent .... maybe they are MORE violent , just in subtler or more 'insidious' ways ? But I hope this doesnt turn into a 'who is the most violent ' argument . Bible still has a LOT of nasty vindictive unevolved stuff in it . I keep mentioning Baha'i religion (although I am not a Baha'i ) .... and thats for a reason ; it doesnt have this crap in it ... its more modern , evolved and enlightened than all this tribal rubbish ! We are living in a global world now ... about time we 'stepped up' !
  5. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    (actually glad I didnt read all that ...... it might have made me feel a bit violent myself . ) Now, compare the above with the writings of the next prophet and founder of a world religion ; Baha'u'llah . Totally different , has a global view (instead of a near 'tribal' view ) advocates all the good things in Islam and teaches remedies for the bad things * . Of course, Islamic authorities hated them ! And oppressed and tortured them when they rose to power in Iran after the 'Islamic Revolution' . I had personal dealings with them .... helping them ( as refugees) get relocated into Australian society - some where torture victims ..... one woman told me her personal experience and showed me where they had removed parts of her .... a little part each few days ..... monsters ! And some of these people where the kindest most tolerant most spiritual people I have met , but their behaviour in Iran cause outrage as they broke rules like accepting women as equals and honouring others religions ( even reading other religions scriptures in their temples ) . I will also comment that it is rather 'unfortunate ' that the 'Welcome page ' of daobums is full of such Islamic propaganda : it was noted earlier on that it is a good religion for many good people, and some of us have loved Islamic friends BUT it has inherent problems and suffers from violent fundamentalism ... which even other Muslims dont like ! There was no need for the continued pro- Islamic cheering, cover ups and virtual proselyting that this 'welcome beginner' thread about mysticism got filled up with . What a turn off for new people or the casual enquirer ! .
  6. Newbie to group

  7. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    Indeed Bindi ! And I also posted stuff (from a Sufi site ) to show that Sufis do not have to be and where not always Islamic - in fact, the site suggested their origin was in Zoroastrianism . But I think you can imagine what response that was met with from 'certain people' here (like this post will be ) . - they also denied its many forms , claiming it was all about knowledge ... which actually means all their other paths where being denied ; like devotion, good works etc . Actually, there is some movement in the Central Asian countries where some are so sick of the troubles caused by fundamentalist Islamics .... that they are considering a return to Zoroastrianism ! And one of the big principles there is more sexual equality .... Fortunately its a growing force around the world The new Iranian flag ; think those Iranian 'clerics' could do with a dose of Peshmerga
  8. The Gods and Magic

    Indeed ! Good point . . and it should be a basic preliminary step after initial evocation . I knew this guy, now passed on . He was one of the founders of 'Dawn of Ra' a 'Magical Order ' , G.D. spin off that operated down here . He was a stickler for correct process and technique . He told me about an early childhood memory ; a vision he had (one could even call it an adverse 'individuation' experience * ) . He woke up in his room in an energised state , a light, cloud mist appeared and out of that came a figure that looked like Jesus, being light, smiling . He said " Who are you? " and it said " I am your Jesus. " Now, even as a kid, he was smart, as he thought 'MY Jesus ? thats a strange thing to say .... why not just 'I am Jesus ' , he was supposed to be Jesus 'for all' . The he felt something was not right about the whole thing , so he said " No you are not . " And the image got dark and gnarly and he said " You are a liar ! " and it turned into a monster so he said " Your stupid, go away ! " and it did . After that he became interested in magick and psychology Nowadays ? Not a chance ! The rules have been lost, no one knows how to check these things ..... even on the physical plane ! My friend just sent all her savings off to her son , he lost his phone , could not pay bills , sent her a text : here is my new number ... help MOM ! So she did ... silly boy .... then he tried to get more , she got suspicious and rang her sons old phone number , he answered and had no idea what she was on about ! It does not take much to trick people .... you just need a 'way in' . I used to say , you would not let a person in authority manipulate you without checking their ID and bona fides first , why give that up when communicating spirits ? But I cant really say that anymore .... unconscious desired glamour seems more important nowadays. * I have been collecting these lately : what I call ' beneficial individuation experience' - where a higher order / part of yourself or associated 'spirit' , contacts you , 'zaps' you, and becomes connected or a part of you - a link with your 'superconscious' . many people have had that . .. and it seems to come with 'special abilities' Unfortunately some have an 'adverse de -integration ' where a part of the unresolved psyche splits off, pretends a different identity and attempts to convince us it has separate identity , but is still trying to influence us adversely from the 'outside ' . and that comes with 'special disabilities' . This type of work, process or integration can be dangerous if not directed by correct knowledge and correct process .
  9. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Oh yeah .... I forgot about that . I take back my last sentence !
  10. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    No ? Do you know any thing about totemic consciousness ? Doesnt matter ..... I might just leave this so this 'new consciousness' takes over . Sort of, for about 4 years .... more like an 'Abbot' . I had ultimate say on how things went in our PH . And members had rights to stay and retreat there , depending on their level , first order could visit and attend events- max 3 days stay , unless I kicked them out * . Second, depending on level, various lengths of stay , and third order , virtually retirement rights . No outsiders ! One exception , via the rules , all that is null if a pregnant woman , particularly, or a single Mum with young child / children needs refuge . Yep , and this cranky old Abbot, 3 times gave up his own room for that purpose .... slept outside on the verandah I did .... in winter, with extra clothes, 2 doonas s and wooly beenie . * for being untogether dickheads ... so people here are not the only ones that complain about 'my approach ' , it happened with some (juniors) in y own fraternity . However , some people I have been associated with never ran into that side of me .... like those abandoned and discarded pregnant about to be mothers hurled out into the world alone , or the refugees and ex torture victims I helped in another area of my work , or the patients I helped nurse back to health , or the old people and the dying I put effort into giving them some comfort and companionship . So yes, I can seem harsh .... on those that bitch and moan about unimportant trivialities . Nor am I his student nor is anyone else . Do you understand how an analogy i supposed to work ? Yes, thats a common expectation .... that we expect certain behaviours off people . My favourite Tibetan Lama that came here for teaching ( yes, our centre was eclectic and hosted many teachers ), screamed at people while they where 'meditating ' - scared them out their wits . Had a cutting wit , so clever , most did not realise they had been 'sliced up ' . Some even wondered if he was a real lama ... as he did not live up to their expectations ! Why are yu ignoring all the other rubbish he wrote and defending him ? Why are you ignoring the arts I acknowledged ? I even gave him ' a steer ' about the silver, blood electrification, a standing 3D pulsating fountain in a Tibetan singing bowl, and how to use a shaman drum as a Chaldini plate . For ll we know, he might be looking up through the bottom of a shaman drum right now, with a sprinkling of fine river sand in it . while chanting Om Mani Padme Hum and observing the kaleidoscopic changing mandala it produces ....... or ignoring the whole thing . Am I . Or was I responding to some dick on the internet suggesting that WE where only being the way I we where because we are 'hiding behind a keyboard ' ? If you think a similar slap does not happen in debate .... go read Socrates, Plato ...... And dont go being so sensitive to 'Yo Momma' dissin' .... its also considered an 'art form' yeah, okay .... thats fair enough , I can accept that when its put sensibly and clearly that way .
  11. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Ah yes, but dont forget ... with this 'new consciousness' Any word can mean whatever the person declaring its meaning is. Or what I think it is, imagine it is ..... hallucinate what it is . If I see it as bullying .... I demand recognition of my viewpoint !
  12. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    This deserves a thread of its own . In the good old daze of DBs , a topic like that would garner various views from the learned of various traditions , and we would have a good eclectic compendium of ideas coming together ... a resource to draw from . Not in today's 'post-modernity ' world though . Some people could start arguing that the soul is actually a modern day ocean going cruise ship and we would be very nasty people if we did not allow them that right of opinion . When I was actively teaching, that was my method : basically, a big think tank , I would fire questions about THE central question and write up peoples ideas. concepts and understandings on the board and we would examine them together . Wacky stuff would get the 'group boot' (and they had a wacky baseline to start ff with anyway ! ) . Nowadays? No chance , cant really explain much as people dont got no more 'comparative knowledge base ' inside their heads - its now being stored outside their heads in IT systems . Ummmm .... people, if you do not have a comparative intelligence/ information base happening inside your mind then, you will begin to loose that ability, its as simple as that . [ <checks the date > ... now 5 days to go before the big revelation here ( about the above sentence ) on national TV ]
  13. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Not in the least ! Is a raven ashamed of his behaviour ? Does the head monk feel ashamed for whacking the lazy monk with his staff ? Does Kung -fu Master feel ashamed when he beats up a student that began to think he can defeat anyone ? I am wondering how YOU think a 'practising cultivator' should behave .... all the same , in some standard operational approved manner ? If you really read what he wrote , or indeed even read all the comments here ( did you ? ) , and you STILL affirm the above .... you are just as bad . If I insist that if you walk around a tree while touching it the tree will die , and then you ask me about that and I refuse to answer but post more rubbish, excuse , diversion, then moan and cry about being treated unfairly ..... would you feel the same ? Would you say my physics is mostly correct ? Or are you too precious to get a 'wake up ' slap as well ? Of course it should , but he is using the age old tactics of writing BS, diverting , refusing to answer questions about it properly , cut and paste from crank sites .... etc etc . Maybe you too are young or have not been around long enough to observe and see these trends playing out ?
  14. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Man ! Know thyself ! or, one could consider the are not yet perfect , hmmmmm ? A little improvement perhaps ? Could that be considered ?
  15. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Wait a minute ...... you havent been doing it with lizard lady aliens have you ! You might be Aether's father ! Nowadays , when people use any term , it can mean anything they declare it should . You know the drill . It came up the other day on my History Forum , but there people are not as used to it as they are here - it caused a mixed reaction, mostly WTF ??? but this chap summed it up excellently . The whole thing is a great example of the spread of cognitive dissidence happening throughout the modern world at the moment ( note 'the modern world ' ) . An American is trying to argue that 'modernity' came from .... you guessed it ...... the 'good ol' USA ' - like everything did , of course .... just ask your averagely educated American .... The question was about 'Modernity ' though .... 1: " Yea maybe there is a strict period "modernity", but I always considered something modern for example as the newest cutting edge thing. It is kinda timeless. And I think most people understand it this way. " 2; Response ; " Yes they do ..... understand 'something modern' that way . But this is specifically about modernity . I thought I already explained that and showed the definition ? " 1. " This is what I consider "modern". ' . 2; "Okay. It is not what is considered 'modernity' though . It is an 'unusual ' word ( for most people ) so one assumes the OP used that term instead of the more common term and understanding ... for some reason ." 1; " But people should be free to choose their own definitions in this case. ( here we go ! ) 2; " the fact that you are arguing for a certain point of view , doesnt make you or anyone else that decides to insist on their own definitions, especially when they convolute them against accepted ones , automatically right . " Then number 3 enters ..... brilliant summing up of the problem ! ; " "But people should be free to choose their own definitions..." is the very essence of Postmodernity. The essence of 'Modernity' is the notion that with the twin tools of Science and Reason we humans can (eventually) figure out the fundamental truths and facts about the Universe and about ourselves. The enlightenment brought the reason part to the table; the scientific revolution beginning approximately the same time frame brought the 'science' part of it; both with a symbiotic relationship to each other. Postmodernity rejects this notion in favor of it's own notion that there ARE NO absolute truths or facts; "truth" and Fact" are mere imaginary constructs . If a person wants to believe that a dog turd is a lump of precious metal, then it's perfectly okay the hold that belief as one's own personal 'truth', meanwhile expecting the rest of us to cater to that person's delusions for the sake of not hurting the person's feelings." You and your shirt .... needs a haircut .
  16. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Its only fair to warn you though .... if you do decide to continue with this surrealist ' ping-pong ' , that I ..... ahem ... I just happen to be ..... THE Australian Champion ! .... AND I even made it to TV ! Now I dont ever do this as it exposes my true identity ... but what the heck . I have been demanding proof here about other's wild claims .... its only fair I too put up my proof ;
  17. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    What 'time period' is that ? A period is a major rank below an era and above an epoch. It is the geochronologic equivalent of a chronostratigraphic system.[7][12] As of April 2022 there are currently 22 defined periods/systems.[2] As an exception two subperiods/subsystems are used for the Carboniferous Period/System so, which one ?
  18. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Did you realise many of us, of course do PHYSICAL practice , including martial arts, Chi Gung and ..... ohhhh, 'dear boy' , you can not imagine ..... also we have life experience in the REAL world ... a lot of us . Do drop in some time for tea and a chat
  19. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Like radiation ? Well, that might be okay for lizard people , but us humans are susceptible to that ... and sceptical of it . So no we will not be taking your advice (designed to wipe us out so you can take over ) . Go home Lizard Man The talk amongst us Boy, you must think we are dumb ! I have used radical tech to heal myself ..... Colloidal silver saturation in turn with low voltage pulsing blood electrification via vein and similar deep pulsing tech over joints and bone ( to get into stubborn bits ) . It worked . I won't list the rest here but it includes , herbal, physical, energetic, magical, alchemical and even biodynamic learning, knowledge and practical applications .... that worked . n give you a steer on something , okay ? Check out a good Tibetan singing bowl with the right level of 'energised' water in it and a competent person running the stick around the edge to vibrate it . It will form a mandala like , geometric, 3D , puling and changing (as the tone dies out ) ... what they call a ..... 'standing fountain ' . Much better than a 'chladini' plate ! besides , you can do that with a tambourine or the right kind of 'shaman drum' .... now, hold it up level so you can see through the bottom .... and sing ! Anyway .... shall we continue with our usual ?
  20. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    No ....... no . No .... dont argue with the Lizard Man .
  21. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Come on man , that stupid 'internet ' cop out excuse went out in the last decade ! What are ya ! A retro internet kook ? How do we know YOU are not 'controlled' ..... hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ?
  22. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Guess what , our whole justice and policing system just went out the window in Queensland " Thousands of criminals may have got away with murder, rape, sexual assault and other crimes because of a DNA testing bungle, a bombshell inquiry has found. " I wonder how many people are effed up because of this one ! And guess why ! And they say testing has been less rigorous in that state than the others here !
  23. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Well .... my ex- wife seems to have this strain , going back through my Mother-in-law .....
  24. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Well, thats part of your problem ! Its been proven that people that 'speed read ' dont gain comprehension of the text . No, I wouldnt' as Cobie writes sane stuff . Dude, this 'syndrome' isnt about bad grammar . You think my main complaint is about the grammar and not the content . Cognitive dissonance !
  25. Primordial God Body Cultivation

    Nope. You are not answering relevant questions but diverting . For example ; PROVE your claim it and cite an experiment where walking around a tree while touching it causes the tree to die . You will just ignore this and carry on posting stupid crap ... THIS is why you are getting the reception you are getting here . IF you would be reasonable and converse properly , you would get the same consideration back . Yeah . I am the head moderator . yes, there are rules . One is about not posting rubbish , another is about not continually posting stupid conspiracy theories .