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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Yes, in thinking about it, I suppose my own general personal experience was as I described above ; 'present' , alert , interactive and not the other type . Yet generally , overall , not person , there would be a LOT more of this other type Interesting, in that you made me think about and , generally, for me, they have been as I described . That exact experience I described above was a one off and an exception . But generally (again, for me ) I'd say more of them have been like that . The others , that you seem to mention , I would put in two classes (again, in my experience ) ; one I would term 'personal visitation ' meaning I did not come upon it , or in some place I went to , it came into my place , the other I would call 'general background ' , not personally interactive but collectively there . I better explain that . I live in a valley and it has had three indigenous massacres in it ; up near the headwater , at the middle in the fresh meets salt water zone and at the river mouth . So there is a lot of 'residual energy ' embedded in 'country' . If one can hear such things it can range from a general deep grown to wailing sort of sound . Sometimes like women and children screaming . Its always there , you learn to live with it and work with it , and most of the time you can not hear it .... unless you listen . My 'medicine women friend ' knows about it and feels it . Most dont , it has all sorts of effects on people , regardless . This is probably what she feels are lost souls , ghosts, spirits or echoes . I think that is what they are , but I dont see it as all those people trapped here or something . I know many Aboriginal groups feel these things need to be 'put to rest ' ; 'bones bought home to country ' , so they can rest . Not sure if it means 'to move on ' with them . They all think 'sort of 'different about that . Some stories seem to suggest reincarnation ' you come back again after you die ' ..... and that is from the Moon Man .... and he goes away and comes back . Here ,people, when born , 'come from country' and that is where they return to as part their country when they die . I certainly hope to ; everything I got from Earth I will give back to it . But I also think there is more than those aspects . I think all those slaughtered people did move on but their experience lives on and IS embedded in landscape .... to remind us , as a lesson to us ... and as I write this it came to mind that this whole valley is under a 'lesson' and that lesson is told in a story that ends with the main character being 'embedded in landscape ' - cast into the mountain ..... you can see his face , some days , startling clear , as he gazes up the valley . If I am on track with what you mean , that can be anything from your 'constant experience' as you 'share your life' with 'spirit' . ..... to a 'God invocation' ..... to a Voudon ritual . I try to remain constantly mindful of the first , I have done several of the second and one of the third ( with 'Simbi la Flambeu ' the fire snake ) .
  2. AMA: Ask me anything

    Regardless , I will still fill up the page with my obscure Hebrew grammar if you don't define define .
  3. Lois Collection

    Yes . You have amounts of money shown under your pictures dont you ? Alexandre Lois ... that's you innit ? 'Lois Collection' , that would be you to, no ?
  4. AMA: Ask me anything

    How and when did you become a sea lion ?
  5. Lois Collection

    Perhaps it could be for the same reason you assume people want to by your copies ? Like : (info and price removed ) .
  6. AMA: Ask me anything

    Pumpkin ?
  7. AMA: Ask me anything

    Ahhhhhhhhh .... ahem .
  8. AMA: Ask me anything

    That means no doesnt it ?
  9. AMA: Ask me anything

    Define define ! if you dont I will fill the page with textual references and obscure Hebrew grammar ! ( That'll show em ! )
  10. I wont comment further on that since I was not the person asked , but I want to address one thing ; " Generally speaking, we arent exactly aware of them, and as for ghosts, they arent normally aware of us either. This is why you seen them obliviously repeating the same things over and over like a video clip on loop " and I do note you started with 'generally ' , so this is more directed at another opinion , many seem to hold it, especially my friend ; she is a 'gurudgegen' ; basically, in training to be an Aboriginal medicine woman ( she is a survivor of about a half dozen out of near 40 that started over 6 years ago , thats how many have 'failed along the way ' - there was a recent purge of a fair few recently ; they 'broke law' by putting some things on social media that they should not have .... their boss is strict and warned them she would 'come after them' if they broke the law .. anyway that's 'women's business ' - traditons are seperated down here ) point is she believes and I think, was taught, that ghosts are sort of like an echo that repeats impressions , or something . Now, I think that might be the case , for some type of 'cast off' part of the psyche but I asked her how she explained that in one case .... I could talk to them, and they could respond and seem to be aware of the current environment ... the time of day, comment on the angle of the sun through the trees shining into the room and comment on the type of music playing at the moment and how they felt about it . That aint no echo ! - and , I wasnt the only one that had a similar conversation with her . My friend then asked me what my explanation was and I offered ; " I dont see why OUR catagories need to contain them in an either or, this or that ,thing or 'box ' . For all I know they can do what they will, travel to and fro here and there , maybe even 'split' and be in more places than one .... Again I am put back to my view that ... whether they will absorption in the Infinite, or to be united with their chosen and preferred, or to be in contemplation, or to be at peace, or to achieve the labour and heroism of incarnation on this planet or another, or in any Star, or aught else, ... or aught else ... I certainly cannot concieve everything that might be out there or possible .
  11. Lois Collection

    (removed by me as it contained the above information that removed by moderator ... oops , removed by the 'concierge' . )
  12. I wanted to address this separately . I agree . That is why I have done several studies on this particular currents evolution and travells into the complex depths of organized later religions relating to them and filter out the essential and crucial elements we can follow and practice . There are many posts I put on the site scattered about that look at different aspects on this , and with the help also of other daobums , directing me to missing info and things , I fee there are some valuable posts on it floating around ... i haven made a 'magnum opus' out of it here though . For example. latter Zoroastianism (and I think Buddhism to an extent ) can have complex rituals , dieties , what I see as knowlkedge of the parts of the psyche being interpreted into angels and devil battles and all sorts of folf mythologies intertwined . Yet thay also contain simple directives or avoidences that make changes in our mind and psyche that allow us to intuit and enact 'good thoughts' that lead to good words and good actions . For example One thing I can site is making offerings of appreciation (n ote not 'sacrifices and certainly not animal sacrifices BOTH Buddha and Zoroaster didnt go that way ... its 'bad for us ' , but apprecitaion and showing it with offerings of gratitude is good , and that doesnt mean its a full blown yasna ceremony ( thats a cultural thing as well ) , it can be as simple as ofering a flower and saying thankyou ... thing is , that can change consciosness , for the better . Here is another example ; ancient Zoroastrial respect and protection for animals and environment ( well, of course, nowadays , but unusual 'back then ' ... during its founding period ) ; farm animals should be used for one purpose , and when they can not provide that , should be put out to haoppily retire in nice pasture . I see that as not being selfish to the animal ; if you get eggs of chicken , and it gets old, do not kill it and eat it , retire it . If you do want to eat chicken , keep those ones seperately and dont make 'pets' out of them . If you abuse animals and use them as your slaves .... thats one step away from feeling/ thinking you could do that to people ... and some certainly did and do that ! They had special legislation for dogs , you get into a lot of trouble for abusing a dog , they where considered 'the friend of mankind' and have been a companion and helper towards civilisation ( human , dog, cattle { and goat /sheep} and horse ; the 4 creatures of 'civilisation' . ) regarding protection of environment ... I think we have come (some of us ) to make that realisation already .
  13. Me too but I am a critical. doubting , double checking, and so on .... bastard ! I analysed it 'cross checked' it , got 'proof' against it (that was rather lame ) did the same over and over until one day ....'They' got impatient with me ; " Right, last chance , now ......" - 'They' said a certain thing was going to happen , right now, in your face - it was so nuts, I thought, nah that is NEVER going to happen . " ... and if you are not convinced after this , we give up goodbye ! " Wow, I really thought I had lost the plot ! But then ... right away , and right in my face , that thing happened . I have no explanation (physically or psychologically ).. even the person that did it seemed to have no idea why she did it , she where confused about coming up to me and saying what she did (repeating what 'they' said , verbaitum ) and I realised , to keep looking for another physical cause or demanding one , at this stage , would be going against my own principles; ' the independant investigation of truth ', I realised the experiences had passed years of 'harsh critical testing' on my part , so I just accpted it and let it wash over me ... Boy, did things change then ! Jeeze I would be fucked up now if I had not done that ... what I would have missed out on ! (offerings of gratitude and appreciation ) Same with my Aboriginal teacher , him : " Always say bugglebar ." ( meaning ; thank you , it is good, I appreciate the experience )
  14. Then , regardless of this lame and avoiding excuse ... you have not a clue what you are writing about . and again, I ask, what is the point of this thread . and dont merely parrot 'book club ! '
  15. Need more Daniel ?
  16. THE NINETEENTH CHAPTER. OR every description of Affection and Love. (1) To be beloved by one's Wife (or Husband). (2) For some especial Love. (3) To be beloved by a Relation. (4) For a Maiden in particular. (5) To acquire the affection of a Judge. (6) To make oneself beloved by a Married person. (7) To make oneself beloved by a Widow. (8) By a girl already promised in Marriage. (9) By a Maiden in general. (10) By some especial Prince. (11) By some especial King. p. 215 (12) To obtain the friendship of some particular person. (13) To have that of a Great Man. (14) To be beloved by a Woman. (15) To make oneself beloved by Ecclesiastics. (16) To make oneself beloved by a Master. (17) To make oneself beloved by a Mistress. (18) To make oneself beloved by Infidels. (19) By the Pope, by an Emperor, 1 or by Kings. (20) For Adulteries in general. (1) D O D I M O D I M (2) R A I A H A I G O G I A H A I A H (3) M O D A H O K O R A D A H
  17. see 'notes to the second book' Unto What Prince the Operations of Each Chapter are Submitted Instructions and Explanations... Chapter IX. (To transform Animals into Men, and Men into Animals, etc.) ASTAROT and ARITON both do execute the following ... Chapter XVI. (To find and take possession of all kinds of Treasures, ORIENS, PAIMON, ARITON, and AMAIMON will execute by means of the Ministering Spirits common unto them, the following, namely:-- ... Chapter XIII. (To cause a Dead Body to revive, and perform all the functions which a Living Person would do, and this during a space of Seven Years, by means of the Spirits.) Chapter XVII. (To fly in the Air, and travel any whither.) AMAIMON and ARITON together perform:-- Chapter XXVI. (To open every kind of Lock without Key, and without making any noise.) ORIENS alone performeth:-- Chapter XXVIII. (To have as much Gold and Silver as one may wish, both to provide for one's necessities, and to live in Opulence.) MAGOT (performeth):-- 1 .. Chapter XXX. (To cause Comedies, Operas, and every kind of Music and Dances to appear.) BELZEBUD (performeth):-- Chapter IX. (To transform Animals into Men, and Men into Animals, etc.) Chapter XX. (To excite every description of Hatred and Enmity, Discords, Quarrels, Contentions, Combats, Battles, Loss, and Damage.) The follows, in the third book , the details of how to do these things ; O cause a Dead Body to revive, (1) E Z E C H I E L Z E O F R A S E E O R I A L A I C F I R T A R H H R A T R I F C I A L A I R O E E S A R F O E Z L E I H C E Z E
  18. THE NINETEENTH CHAPTER. A DESCRIPTIVE LIST OF THE NAMES OF THE SPIRITS WHOM WE MAY SUMMON TO OBTAIN THAT WHICH WE DESIRE. WILL here give a very exact description of many Spirits, the which (names) either altogether or in part, or else as many of them as you may wish, you should give written upon paper unto the Eight Sub-Princes, on the Second Day of the Conjuration. Now all these (Spirits) be those who will appear on the Third Day, together with their Princes. And these (Spirits) be not vile, base, and common, but of rank, industrious, and very prompt unto an infinitude of things. Now their Names have been manifested and discovered by the Angels, and if you should wish for more the Angel will augment them for you as far as you shall wish; seeing that their number is infinite. The Four Princes and Superior Spirits be:-- LUCIFER. LEVIATAN. SATAN. BELIAL. The Eight Sub-Princes be:-- ASTAROT. MAGOT. ASMODEE. BELZEBUD. and so on .... ..... Infinite be the Spirits which I could have here set down, but in order not to make any confusion, I have thought fit to put only those whom I have myself employed"
  19. The practical magic of Abramelin (found in both Book III of the French text, and Book IV of the German original) centres around a set of talismans composed of magic word squares. These are similar to traditional magic squares, though the latter are usually composed of numbers, while Abramelin's squares contain letters. Commonly word squares are used as puzzles or as teaching aids for students. In the context of Abramelin, the focus becomes mystical—so that each square should contain words or names that relate to the magical goal of the square. A parallel is found in the famous Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas word square, an altered version of which is also found among Abramelin's squares. For example, a square entitled "To walk underwater for as long as you want" contains the word MAIAM (מים), the Hebrew word for "water". A square for recovering treasures of jewelry begins with the word TIPHARAH they are a corrupted and bastardized form of mathematical 'magical squares that long predate this work , some from India, some from China . the idea is if you want to attract or capture a spirit or demon , to use or get its specific powers , you use the appropriate mathematical formulae , converted from its name ( to have the name you have power over it ) into a mathematical formulae to cast a 'sigil' on the talisman . I will ask you again about some questions you ignore and seem to refuse to want to answer ; Have you ever studied or practiced ritual magic Daniel ?
  20. And then I just quoted this post elsewhere : "Occult abilities are just flowers of the Tao, and the beginning of all foolishness. The master rests in the root, not in the flower. Relies on what he can use, not on the superficial". DOH !
  21. I think he doesn't want to 'loose out' on seeing a naked maiden .