
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Canna Bums

    A note on current legality in Oz. Laws be crazy ! Its still against the law down here and if you get done and get a judge on a bad day ...... nasty . BUT get this Now, due to a still running doctor availability shortage due to pandemic ..... please do not hold up the urgent doctor seeing patient process with mere prescription writing .... you can go online and get a prescription from an on line chemist . WTF ?! Really ? So dudes are going online ; "dear online doctor , I cant sleep, I have back pain , I am .... ( whatever it doesnt seem to matter ) I need medical marijuana medicine .... preferably some to make me feel good and happy and some other stuff to really zonk me out for sleepy night time ... thank you . " Bing ! email in .... Oh its my script ... I'll just email that off to online chemist . 5 days later a package arrives for dude at local shop ( with a post office) for him ; I jar of indica and one of sattiva , both official and approved both legal with his name and prescription details on the label . And he ; " And when I finish this lot , I can put my own stuff in the jar for transport , then If I get hassled I can point to the label ." - yet 'authorities' are still debating and arguing over legality and others are still getting busted .
  2. Canna Bums

    " With your genius in producing such a great raw material , and my genius in creating such a great extraction method ... we got something going here ." - " Mmm-hmm ... good . " " And the last batch ..... have you ever heard of the the near mythical ' Lebanese red blonde " ? " No " . " She's a Lebo redhead . Well, I think we are one step away . " " Really?" "Yeah , at first a bright gold colour with a distinctive red gold look to it ...... but it faded and darkened after a few days , I'm not sure how to stop that .... oxidisation ? " " 'Lebanese red' ? " " Well, not that dark earthy typical Lebo red , thats more like a brick read or a darker ' brown/maroon'... nah, this is a bright red tinged gold , like alchemical red gold .... Egyptian red gold . I assume the colour loss is due to oxidisation. " " Probably . Didnt you say you where doing a run with your mate's ingredients, to gauge the difference ? " " Oh yeah, that was interesting ... or I should say 'disinteresting ' .... very dark mud , ended up black . " " And the effect ? " " Hmmm .......... well, his is like .... Friday Afternoon 3 pm dark and stormy, going down into the tomb ..... yours is more like Sunday dawn, stepping out in resurrection. " " And the last run ? " " Ummm .... no red colour , gone ..... but this one very light and creamy , I call it 'Jersey caramels' "
  3. The Grades of Initiation

    Yes. We do whatever we want , without repercussions , over many lifetimes . - dont worry, I shall spare you . The guy had an injury to the 'same foot' ..... what , your foot ? Someone else had an injury to your foot ? Yes, that is strange . Oh yeah , good idea , maybe resign from the local Neo-Nazi Party .
  4. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Heyyy ! Apech ! ... where's you been ? A joke : Apech is sitting on his front porch early morning . The garbage truck comes along and the garbage man calls out to him . " Hey ! Where's ya bin ? " Apech ; " Been ... 'away' ! " Garbo ; " Naaah ! Where is ya wheelie bin ?" Apech ; " Ohhh ... okay den .... I wheelie been in jail . '
  5. The Grades of Initiation

    I thought Shaman farts made thunder and it was their pissing that caused rain ? I used weather majixs yesterday to make 'shaman rain ' on someone , it worked ! - they got soaked !
  6. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    No one going to play ? I'll go again then . " Look, that planet is just like Earth ... except South America ends at the Equator "
  7. The Grades of Initiation

    Do you think its possible for someone to be an intelligence vampire ... and suck out your IQ and then add it to their own ? And if so, could they do that over the internet ?
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Caption competition . " .................................................. "
  9. The Grades of Initiation

    Wait a minute .... does it grow back or something ?
  10. The Grades of Initiation

    Great ! I am glad to hear that now the wires in your head that torture you and stop you thinking have gone and I am glad that there isnt a God that singled you out of the whole Universe just to be cruel to you oh yeah , and I am glad you got rid of that ego ..... that made you think God singled you out of the whole Universe to give you all that special attention .
  11. The Grades of Initiation

    Sorry HD ... but your ego is not destroyed at all . In fact, its one of the main sources of your trouble and its VERY active . Now you can spend 1/2 an hour being mad at me and getting angry as I keep telling you the truth . Then 'blow it out' and sit down and watch something nice, interesting and stimulating .... like toroidal vortices ;
  12. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    'The dude' cant seem to realise all of us are galactic beings ! " Me too ! "
  13. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    You dont know ? Not surprised . No, my imagination is entirely as I imagined . What a great example .... now I understand everything .
  14. The Grades of Initiation

    Get on the queue !
  15. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    I have no idea what you are talking about . ' step outside of myself ' - what the hell does that mean and why use those terms ? When my light body leaves my physical body , my light body can look back at my physical body . - I have no idea what you are doing , but it reads as if you 'step' , in your physical body ( which retains its consciousness ) out of and away from your light body ... so now you are a totally physical material animal with no spirit soul or light body . Hmmmm ... that might explain a few things . No . I will leave such things up to you ... who appear to think you stay in your physical body to send your light body off travelling somewhere . Errrmmm ... that is called 'imagination' If you gave my comment the slightest intelligent thought, instead of interpreting everything in a 'new age cosmic enlightened manner ' you would realise all humans ..... including 'genuine ones' are Galactic beings . What all these idiots are missing is ..... they should be talking about Intergalactic beings .
  16. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    I am a galactic being .
  17. Yes, many things in pagansim or Euro myth advise a sunwise (deosil) direction . In Wicca ( Lunar ) they often go the other way ; 'widdershins' which can be interpreted as a Lunar energy . But down here its reversed ; Solar / deosil is 'anti-clock wise ' ( and no clocks do not run backwards down here .... but we do have the 6 at the top of the dial and the 12 at the bottom .... handy hint ; if you come to visit though, you dont need a new watch , just turn your own one upside down and wear it on your right wrist ) Thats what it looks like up the back of my place ... and across the road over the river Never seen a live wild quoll though , you can hear them ; nasty, snarly, viscous, sound .
  18. Interesting statement . I have heard some Aboriginal people relate the Moon to 'reincarnation' ( "coming back again " ) its part of 'spotted quoll dreaming ' (aka; tiger quoll, spotted-tail dasyure, native cat or the tiger cat, : He told the other animals we do not come back , one of them insisted we do , as the Moon Man assured him we come back .... like he does ( ie. The Moon's Phases ) * Quoll lost the argument . * Its interesting as both Sun and Moon relate to a return ; The Moon via phases, the Sun via both diurnal and seasonal cycles . Do you have a source for this old3bob or is it your own speculation ?
  19. Experiments in Weather Magic

    Yes. That is why I put up the images of El Nino , La Nina and 'Normal' . The current problem was an imbalance away from normal . Its all explained back through the thread posts < < < " "We wanted to make things better, but it turned out as usual." - reminds me of Sufi proverb ; 'Death in Samarkand' .
  20. The Gods and Magic

    I belong to the category that can have a rational conversation and the one that does not make a false claim about types of people in Islam Then when the evidence is put up about what the real catagory is ...... totally ignores the logic and reason of how the conversation got to that point , and tries to turn it back on the one that is pointing out the error or ignorance and asks such a stupid question as you just did .
  21. The Gods and Magic

    Which addresses nothing about the reason that comment was made and what it related to ...... ? YOU used the word in an attempt to justify you statement that Jewish religion had saints . Are you having trouble concentrating and following the rational stream of the conversation ?
  22. The Gods and Magic

    I'd say more than that . To be able to have a reasonable and intelligent discussion on it one needs , not only an open mind, but some education related to the subject . That is why IF you study Comparative Religion, there are certain units you must pass through to be able to comprehend the curriculum . The first is ( or was for me ) a study of and a gained comprehension of the nature of belief . of course, after that comes history ... the context of the times . .
  23. The Gods and Magic

    I dont know of a religion that does not do that . All scripture does that as well . So do oral stories and so does mythology. I dont see the significance . The Bible is a hotchpotch of different stories, myths, some geographical information, social laws, etc etc . I have no idea what the second part of tat is supposed to mean, have reference to or how it is significant ? No I am not . Nor is anyone else that doesnt have such a black and white view . Of course its a made up story . We can identify all through the story where it comes from . Every part from the creation to the Garden of Eden, the guy that Abraham was based on , the movements of people, a description here and there , a fantastic story, now a tribal hero arises ( several times ) , attempts at borrowing monotheism, mentions of times of oppression and capture ( which might be true events or a tale of a true event ) and so on. There is no compulsion whatsoever to accept the Bible narrative as either all true or all false . I have never heard of such a thing except from extreme fundamentalists or extreme anti-religious, anti Christian atheists . Okay . I will . And to de-muddy the waters , this part was about you saying ; "There are many currents in judaism, some of them are religious. Sometimes, it's a pure monotheism... sometimes there are some devotions to saints. " . ..... and me responding : " Hasidim are nothing like Catholic saints . " To which you respond : "In Judaism, orthopraxis is certainly much more significant than in Christianity. " orthopraxis - from Greek orthos correct + praxis deed, action . " the belief that right action is as important as religious faith " and doesnt even address the issue of 'saints' , in Judaism . - and I won't be going into further details on this either If you are going to take that approach ..... Ummmm ... you do realise their is a fair bit of written material in Hinduism ... other than 'unsophisticated idols ' to express spiritual ideas ? They have a few books on the subject . ( " on a more sophisticated level than creating an idol with 3 faces " ...... and people wonder why I get 'snarky' with others ) Dontchya luv a monotheistic religion where you can pray to God OR Jesus Oh ? There are temples to Brahma . The above one is the most famous and is at Pushkar in Rajasthan. So .... no praying allowed in there ? What , like Jesus and 'God' are on the same level ? Ah yes ... but that is because I was comparing some similarities .... not saying they are exactly the same . I know that . THIS is what I mean : " There are three major players in the Qur’an: God who wants to guide humanity, humanity who are ignorant of God and the prophets and messengers who are selected by God to communicate his word to humanity. " Professor Walid Saleh ( Professor of Islamic Studies at the University of Toronto. He is a specialists on the Qur'an and the history of Qur'anic commentary tradition.) AND Baha'i adopted / continued the same principle . You are going to have to show a reference for that ^ . There are 5 pillars of Islam , that have nothing to do with your 5 above . Also there are 5 types of men : 1. The Muslim/Submitter · 2. The Mumin/Faithful · 3. The Mushrik/Idolater · 4. The Kafir/Rejecter · 5. The Munafiq/Hypocrite. here is the reference ; Ohhhhhh ! So Jesus became a God AFTER he incarnated , and was not a Son of God / 'Son of God / God , yet ... then during his life he became a Son of God ... and then later in his life , he achieved .... and became God . Just like an Islamic 'messenger' will (one day , as predicted by you ) become elevated to God himself .... just like Jesus was . - Okay then
  24. yes, I should have listed 'mathematics' as separate from the general 'other' advancements made ie " very advanced in some areas " as it does stand above a lot of other advancements . However , what I am saying about the Moon effecting us due to its position around the Earth in conjunction with the Sun's position is not 'science' ... and there is " no certainty even on the part of the scientists on the reasons for these correlations " either .... and neither do I understand them . They are part of true and tried old folk traditions used by farmers, hunters , fishermen . Whereas the idea that a Moon phase ( like full Moon ) effects behaviour was attempted to be proved, here, by science ... ie. the links that where put up ... and these said that it is not a part of science ( and as you rightly added ) there is " no certainty even on the part of the scientists on the reasons for these correlations" - as they dont see any correlations - and also the evidence showed that there was not any correlation . The phase influence idea is a 'folk' idea too but unlike the other ... there is no real evidence for it . Except as I said ..... its lighter at night . Evidence for the folk tradition of Solunar energies is everywhere eg. fishermen use them to catch fish and have for a long time , this isnt a recent thing . I am sure even Vedic science must know about it . I can understand a scepticism or doubt about science ..... but the science was not put up by me and what science was put up disputed the idea it was supposed to be affirming . Whereas what I am saying isnt science but is demonstrated by it actually working - that is the fact that it used by farmers, fishermen, hunters, birdwatchers, etc becasue ......... the Moon and Sun position in relation to Earth is what drives or marks changes in behaviour . and nowadays , the internet is full of them ; .
  25. The Grades of Initiation

    None of that detracts from what I said about your claimed GD initiation though does it . Looks like I hit a real 'sore spot' with that one ? I liked this bit the best : " You contradict yourself " . coming from you that one day warns all not to practice magic, say you do not believe in it and then claim a GD initiation . The only reason you see a contradiction is due to your insistence I am a Crowley devotee (when its you that cant stop writing about him and YOU who initiated all the 'Crowley stuff' ) and when I say I am not, you see that as a contradiction .