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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Grades of Initiation

    And now , randomly, instinct enters the picture ? I thought you would have been able to make your own New Age Cosmic pronunciati about it like you did about intuition - who needs a dictionary when you can do that ? Instinct is an in born, natural fixed pattern of behaviour in response to certain stimuli . While intuition is that ability of knowing something without obvious external input ., it is a process of unconscious mentation with a conscious solution or answer We come 'hard wired' with instinct but intuition gets developed through life experience . .
  2. Define spiritual ignorance

    Spiritual stuff ? - dont know , dont care ..... dont want to know .....
  3. The Grades of Initiation

    Only if you define intuition in your own terms . A quick scan online about intuition will show that is going on with it . A BIG hint is that people have most effective intuition in the field they have the most experience in . My intuition tells me that any valid research on this subject is likely to be ignored in this thread
  4. The Grades of Initiation

    I KNOW the Moon is still there during dark Moon even though it is not ILLUMINATED . Therefore it isn't what you said according to the analogy . .... mental process ..... should be required
  5. Experiments in Weather Magic

    I would agree . Any successful result I have had was not due to my "consciousness" .
  6. Canna Bums

    Dont ya LUV science ! - a little 'alchemy' : How do you get that last lot of finer suspended particles out the fluid ( sedimentation ) before final stage filtration ? ( The issue is; the finer the particle, the finer the filtration needed and the finer the filtration the more clogging of the filter occurs. The solution seems a preliminary process of sedimentation to reduce the amount of waste liquid (poring off ) so it doesnt all have to go through filtration - in short, how to increase sedimentation . Of course , no chemicals should be used . There are natural ' flocculants ' .... even a local gum tree ! But ...... eucalyptus flavour ? No thanks . I needed a physical method . Increase gravity ? That would be one hell of a big centrifuge ! Then ... bingo I found exactly what I wanted ; a simple easy non polluting hassle free pure nature / natural ( one of those 'weird laws of physics ' ) : Tilt the bucket . ' The Boycott Effect ' . Plain old G force takes to long
  7. The Grades of Initiation

    'Be' all the fun stuff ... or 'do' all the fun stuff ?
  8. The Grades of Initiation

    Oh ! Dont ya just hate them grumpy old would be transpersonal staters ! You would have thought the Old Boy would have realised that ' ib / heart stuff' previously ..... ya know, from Egyptology and all that . Plus being a Sufi
  9. Experiments in Weather Magic

    Hmmm ..... 1. Congratulations, well done . 2. Damn ! 3. I might have to pay for our dear and seemingly departed 'Lord Josh' to visit Down Under for a bit .
  10. The Grades of Initiation

    No . You just consider yourself a probable Ipsissimus ... no bragging there at all eh ? Just stating facts . Have you considered that Crowley wrote that there are only 3 grades ? ' The Man (or Woman ) of Earth. The Lovers. The Hermit. Now, I challenge you to cite the place where Crowley says ; " there is no more magick at the higher grade, " Go on . Or just admit you are making it up as you go along . It might be how YOU feel . But not how you ARE and not how you act . Someone with no will any direction would not be posting as you have , would not have such a BENT agenda of self complaint and self aggrandisement at the same time . No you dont , your mind can meander as much as it wants .... but when it breaks out into the sort of things you write .... in a public forum , what do you expect ? If I wrote in a home maintenance forum " I am crazy , I go to psychiatrist , I take psyche meds . God put a burning black star on the soles of my feet and now I cant stand still . By the way, I am a fully qualified electric engineer ..... I think ... anyway , if your lights dont work, turn on the power point and stick a fork in there . " And then bitched winged and complained that a people picked my posts and ideas apart , got uppity and said " I can think what I want and allow my mind to wander as I will ."
  11. The Grades of Initiation

    Its typical of him - look at his early posts ; a self confessed psychotic having hallucinations , weird fantasies , psyche meds - all info offered up by himself and posted on the record right here ! Its as if he thinks WE forgot he posted al that ! Then tries to pass himself off as some type of 'helpful' magician ... giving the worse advice to any would be beginner and then getting pissed off at anyone that points out how confused , illogical, undisciplined and self contradictory he is ! Hmmmm ...... I just got an interesting idea ! A demonic exorcism ..... ' at a distance' ..... I dont need his permission or anything , I can do it from here . ' EAD '
  12. Do What Thou Wilt

    Another mistake ! First That post was not a 'contradiction' . It was an observation of your current mood . Second I have not contradicted everything you say . Third , you yourself contradict yourself nearly as much as I contradict you Fourth , I am not the Crowley police .... I am the ' Helpful Demon' police . I have been correcting YOU not Crowley . Fifth, try to pay better attention , then you might get the gist of what posts are actually about . and sixth ...... you are on 3 months probation
  13. The Grades of Initiation

    Nowadays , via self declaration . It is further cemented by making posts about how you are a mage on the internet . The advanced mage will have a website and a 'donations' or fees section . yeah .... thats it ! The more you pay the better . I mean why would any one want to even consider what a person might hold in tradition and 'instruction' that had a provable 'grade' and seat ( 'stall' ) in the national R+C chapter .... and had to work , study and pass tests and exams ( set and tested by competent real people , other than the self .... ) to be invited to it , after passing through 7 preliminary levels WHEN you could find some guy that tried all this and only got to.... the first level ... , and then abandoned all that to run off and create a fake RC body with now, internet instruction , mail order fees to grant you a certificate and teach you how to put glass of water in sunshine , and then drink it . Hmmmmm .... ... I know ! The second one ! 'Spencer Lewis style ' ! AMOK ... ooops, I meant AMORC . Oh heavens no ! Those sort of things need to be denied or imagined . Whatever you do, do not involve others , they might give an objective view of your 'certainties' and 'Pontifical decrees ' . Well, apparently that only applies to Sufism ... it's Islamic , apparently other forms of Sufism deserve derision and mocking ( even though Sufis themselves say it has been and is through many religions and non religion ) . But thats the sort of things religion is 'good' at . Wonderful ! And I'd suggest to keep up the gardening all through one's training and practice . I think it is in Crowley's MWT ; A 'student' asked a whole lot of technical questions and listed all this stuff he was doing and a lot of technicalities and asked 'The Beast' for advice . He told him to go and do some gardening . Hey HD ! Go do some gardening !
  14. The Grades of Initiation

    Oh, okay then ... a 'change of tack' is it ? It doesn't matter what grade ... you say .... in a thread YOU made about grades of initiation . And now you are inferring that you might be a 'magician' ... even though you no longer believe in it , or any of the essential processes of Magick . At this stage , even you, should be able to detect the rampant confusion here . In other words .... you are ranting all over the place, being inconsistent with views and instructions, obviously demonstrating your incompetence and lack of belief in the field but constantly giving your advice on the same field ... you might be near Ipsissimus , even though grades dont matter ... And by now you will have thought the best approach is to just ignore any criticism and continue on the same .
  15. Do What Thou Wilt

    Today .... you seem quite the fan of Crowley , even attributing to him what we are allowed to do or not , a power of adjusting our morality ( and saying Crowley has a Christian morality .... to boot ! ... minus the forgiveness ) and dictating what types of freedom we may or may not have . It even reads like now , you are a Crowley follower . ... and have decided to teach us about it your 'version' of it .
  16. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    Oh ? She would fit right in here on DBs esoteric forum ! Just what we need , another self taught made up system that declares all the past academia research understanding Rosetta stones etc etc are wrong ... and she is the only one that knows . Its a kind of madness that is sweeping 'western' culture that seems particularly attracted to this forum The other two forums I use dont allow it to enter DBs forum seems to luv it as do all 'sacred languages ' ( where a letter or symbol represents not just a sound but a number and concept . I leave this one for ' Royalty' as we know how holy and valid royalty is
  17. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    It isnt coming out as Tibetan though . Just a bunch of boxes with numbers in them . Just like the Buddhist traditions about it Okar was 1 of numerous things I used, in that specific case it is about rivers , comparing river descriptions in Shamballa tradition with those of other traditions and targeting their origin area in Central Asia . Its just one of the many diverse pointers I used . Many diverse pointers ... you are acting like i am depending solely on Okar research ... no I depend on Nungali research ... its been going on for over 40 years , started at Sydney University - multiple disciplines - and not restricted and bogged down by believing in only one 'truth' and not being brainwashed by a specific religious view on it . . . that is also all mixed up with political in fighting . try this ; read this again ; From the owner of this site : If you're pro-Trump, please leave. If you're right-wing, please leave. If you're pro-border wall, pro-ICE, racist, homophobic, transphobic or misogynist, please fuck off and leave. The web is awash with other far-right friendly dumpsters you can crawl into. " So Jamdrop in the words of this sites owner .... " Fuck off " . "
  18. The Grades of Initiation

    I know what you mean . I had total understanding of what people did in India ... yet when I went there ... the stubborn buggers would not conform with my understanding ! Dude ! You're gold ! And now, people that actually might know what is going on in India try to explain my problem ... but I dont think they have actually been to India at all as their experience was different to my expectations and 'understandings' yes, that could be it .... you are about to become an Ipsissimus ! Congratulations ...... I'll get you a hat . So, you could outline ' magick' ( spelling suggests Cowley's style ) yet don't think the Will is a driving force behind it that nor can it effect others, objects or the Universe ... which is in direct opposition to what Crowley said . And you are setting yourself up here as some type of magical / (nearly / maybe) Ipsissimus magical councillor . Your posting history clearly does not show someone that is comfortable nor organised in understanding ... and you just rejected , in a previous post , the supernatural and now you are playing with the idea that all of this might constitute enlightenment ?
  19. The Grades of Initiation

    I am assuming such thoughts are generated by ignorance of the process . Eg; if I think ' I am going to make a magical sword and 'will' it to be .... even if I stare and grimace and shake with 'power' of my projected will ( ) and it doesn't 'manifest' .... bah humbug, magic is BS . But if I actually decided to follow Crowley's instructions regarding Magick .... which our little demon friend seems caught up in (and protesting about at the same time ... while claiming a high grade from it ... as well as mental and psychological ruination ... and then advising us on how to get to the same level ) Then I might understand that a LINK is required between such 'will' and any resultant action required .... if one actually bothered to read Crowley on this you would find instructions to , ideally, learn how to smelt and cast the metal yourself , forge the sword , and learn other arts that would go into it , including elemental rounds of fire air water earth ( furnace, bellows, quenching and hammering on anvil ) ... all processes and actions , initially set off by your 'will' to have a magical sword . And, as you say, if will does not believe it would be able to achieve it , will stops there and does nothing and it is 'sufficient to render it useless' .
  20. The Grades of Initiation

    I doubt you can .... but let's see .... See . You just made it clear what you do not believe . ... what you used to believe .... Well then, are people being effected by your action and consequences OR by their choices they make in response to them ? 'They' make us feel these things ... yet you seem confused as to why they would choose only a few to do this to . Then you say you dont know why they would do this as it makes no sense . It doesnt make sense as you yourself seem to seed your own ideas with the things that dont make sense and then insist they are true things .... but senseless ... but still , must be true . And you are claiming a GD grade with that type of confusion going on in your head ?
  21. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    I never said that folks ! But I will say this now ..... Obama is King of Shamballa !
  22. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    No , it seems its YOU that are mixed up . Here you go, some clarity : Leonardo ; The King of Shamballa; ( Oh look ! He is a Black African .... just like Obama ! ) Here is the beef ;
  23. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    Indeed ! 666 is the emergency number you ring when bothered by religious fruitcakes .