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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Do What Thou Wilt

    Sure . In our group we would collate these things and then discuss them . I think thats the best next stage , some good 'to and fro' which cant really be done in this medium . On 'true Will' itself the source would be Crowley, so you read up on it there . And what Zoroastrianism has to say about it . Some might say to join the appropriate group or Order . We did stuff like that , but my take on things and 'style' was pretty different to others (so I was told , some poo-pooed it, yet many candidates wanted to 'come our way' . Hosted some high rank (but very nice ) OS visitors from International HQ for a while ... they seemed to like my take on things) . Or if you are really keen to try more here , you could get in depth more here , but its a public forum and open to 'diverse commentary ' ( and sideline heckling, rude abuse , etc . Matthew 7:6 .... and all that
  2. Do What Thou Wilt

    Good idea . I neglected that . let's add it into the mix as well .... I went through a period of sorta hounding mine for her last few years about that . here is a classic : " You where such a different child , I used to worry about you . I would have strange dreams about you ." "Like what ? " " We where at the snake and reptile show * and there was this earthquake, it was terrible and scary, everyone was running around in terror and the ground split pen into a big hole right over the snake pit and deep down into the ground . I tried to pull you kids back but you broke away and ran to end of the hole .... everyone was screaming and panicking but you where laughing , I called you back but you just turned to me , laughed and then deliberately jumped into the hole .... then I woke up in terrible state . " Poor old Mum ... she didnt have a clue about that sort of stuff , it just generated fear in her . * That place was very significant to me ; we didnt have much money, father would be often finding things for the family to recreate with that where cheap or free . This outside snake and reptile show was one , it was run by some local Aboriginal snake handlers , they would do that , throw some spears and boomerang and then pass the hat around . I loved it ! A lot of tourists , the Aboriginals would like to come up to the English with some huge snake and watch them run . they did it once and everyone was "WHOA!" and backed away from the low fence of roofing tin used to keep the reptiles in their enclosure . But not me , This old blackfellah comes up to me and goes " This little felleh isnt scared " and draped the huge python around my shoulders ... my mother nearly had a fit . then next time round , showing a large blue tongue lizard , put that on my head .. it just sat there with its tail down my neck, its four legs around my head like a hat and its head dropping down my forehead with its tongue occasional licking out, down on my lower forehead . Musta looked pretty funny . Anyway , that was my first contact with Aboriginal shamanism and our reptiles ... something that has continued to this day . Interesting aside ; I have a relationship with the goannas here ( ' Nungungali' - goanna in Bundjalung lingo ) I had a GF that lived here a while , she didnt like them or my relationship . She said she had a 'nightmare' one night ; she wakes up, thinking it is real and not a dream , and I am not in the bed , so she looks outside and sees under the cabin, it has a hge hole in the dirt going down into an underground chamber .... she goes in and there are small chambers in the dirt like little caves , off to the side and goannas are sleeping in them . In the middle are some goannas standing there and I am putting a tarpaulin over one of the goannas heads . She goes ' What are you doing ?' and I turn, see her , and scream at her " YOU GET OUT OF HERE ! ' ... and she woke up freaked out . The underground tunnel / hole thing again Goannas DO live under the cabin , but mostly in an old drain pipe I have stored under there ...... on the physical plane that is . Just as well she still not here , now sometimes they come inside . I like to sit still while they sneak around , right under my nose . Then I suddenly move and " WHAT ARE YOU DOING INSIDE !? ' and they freak out and try to run, but their claws skid on the wooden floor ... a lot of running but not much forward movement ...much better than a dogs do on a smooth floor ... creating all sorts of antics, mishaps and slide outs .
  3. Do What Thou Wilt

    But what if they didnt think it was from 'God' . Also Corley never claimed it was from 'God' . There is a whole section in his autobiography where he writes about it in detail, how it came about and what happened on the day . Without knowing about that, yo are running mosty on gossip and a little more accurate details , taken from about 10% of the info Crowley offers on it . You should realise that any , even low degree, magician would never take such things at face value ! During and after any such converse tests should be made to ensure no 'identity theft' has occurred . In short ... why believe any spirit is who they say they are ? Why believe any spirit is who you want / think/ hope/ fear it might be ? Okay HD ! Up against the wall - POLICE ! Will you do that for me ? or will you want to see some proof of my claimed authority ? Why should spirits be any different ? This is basic magick school 101 and to neglect it is a sure recipe for (as Crowley said ) confusions and madness .
  4. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    I got a pad . and dont laugh ! Its not my fault .... I'm gettin old !
  5. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    I dont have a mouse .
  6. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    You would think after 3 pages and all the claims I made , this guy would demand some evidence or back up proof beyond my mere words i put down here . Maybe he is too scared to ask ?
  7. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    I cant believe you just wrote that ! DUDE I got it from YOU ... YOU cited and quoted it in your previous post ! Are you one of those guys that posts references without even knowing what is in them ! Like I said , I dont have to do much to discredit all this .... you seem to be ding a fine and blunderous job all by yourself ! Okay .... you are one that said it first . Do you want credit for that .... okay, you got it ! Universal messiah of salvation is Mongol butcher that killed tens of millions . ... and that he never murdered anyone ? Are you sure he wasnt a 'Black Tengri ' ... sounds like one, with all the murder and cannibalism . Those black tengri (and their Bo followers ) can be a bit 'troublesome' . That isnt what Shambala is about ! DUDE ! Its a whole eschatology of new and peaceful enlightened civilisation .... not war bought by a Messiah who was actually a Mongolian human butcher ! " Hitler forgot to send warm clothes " Your uninformed and naive view of history is actually rather 'cute' . I gotta get this one on a tee shirt ! " Universal Messiah - King of Shangri-la has tolerance for Islam ... but moderated by vicious force and violence. " I think you better start reading back your own posts to yourself and check through them before posting again . I am going to highlight that bit as it is very ' revealing ' " Buddhism totally subverted all the religions of the world so as to prove that they're 100% false and heretical and that the only and highest form of culture in the world is Tibetan Tantric Buddhism. " That is extreme prejudicial bias ... and its going to be obvious to anyone that IS bothering to read this hodge podge of connections that appear to reside only inside your own mind . and also, again, smacks of a highly political agenda . Mhe .... so . if it what you claim then it has its protectors against unauthorised use . Political stuff again ! So what if YOU dont approve of them . Sure. The Chinese own ( for now, its a long lease ) the Port of Darwin on our north front and an air strip in the W.A. interior . But is this thread really about modern Chinese influence . Get your ducks in a row, mate . Or start a new thread in CURRENT AFFAIRS . That just means they clicked on it .... after the stuff they read, they probably soon clicked off it . But I already have done that .... and done a much better job at it . People already knew where it was thanks to me ! Thats why no one else is bothering to reply to you Well, for Aussie Royalty, like me , its important to expose BULL SHIT And now this . You claimed superior understanding on this subject , over me , because I cant read Tibetan and you can . Now YOU are calling out for a translator so you can send your 'most important message ' to Tibetans . Why dont YOU do it ? Hmmmmmmmm ?
  8. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    " tolerance ... but moderated by vicious force and violence. "
  9. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    Well, I DID mistake a ships compass for its wheel ! And I am qualified . My Grand Uncle used to clean PM Bob Hawke's yard glass ! He was ' The Bearer of the Prime Ministers Chunder Bucket ' - you cant get a better Vice-regal appointment than THAT down here ! Ample qualification !
  10. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    I am clicking on t the letter icon here (and other stuff ) , but nothing seems to work ?
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Me to little girl : " Where is your Mummy ? " "Over there . " - points. "What is her name ?" " Julie . " "Oh ? You dont call her Mummy ? " " Yes, but people call her Julie . " Mum hears her name being used and comes over . Little girl ; " This my mummy .... " ( Mummy smiles ) " ... she got BIG boobies ! " .... Me : " Oh ... ummmm .... okay ... "
  12. will a hungry shark fall for this!

    Sure .... if you see a friendly shark in the distance ... its best not to flee . But most victims dont see nothing ... and it isnt a shark trailing along behind them like that . It hits you like a freight train out of nowhere ... jaws first , coming in one 'blind angle' , you would not even see it coming . Not always of course , we have seen film of people fighting them off . A shark was caught that was following an ocean liner , inside it they found all sorts of rubbish that had been thrown overboard plus half a divers swim fin, the front end of a dog, with collar and lead and a large roll of old carpet . Something that vacuums up anything like that one isnt going to be 'de persuaded' .... Unless of course , when it attacks , you just stick your hand out near its mouth and gently guide it down and away .... Just like you should do when a funnel web spider attacks just tickle him on the underside in the middle of his belly - they like that .
  13. With modern computer programmes that can simulate trajectories and reconstruct the night sky thousands of years ago the researchers have established what the Planisphere tablet refers to. It is a copy of the night notebook of a Sumerian astronomer as he records the events in the sky before dawn on the 29 June 3123 BC (Julian calendar). Half the tablet records planet positions and cloud cover, the same as any other night, but the other half of the tablet records an object large enough for its shape to be noted even though it is still in space. The astronomers made an accurate note of its trajectory relative to the stars, which to an error better than one degree is consistent with an impact at Köfels. " " ... The landslide of Köfels (named after a small village in Tyrol) is one of the largest recognized landslides in the Alps - large enough to dam up a 92 meters (300 feet) deep prehistoric lake and divide in two the valley of Ötz. Wood fragments discovered during the construction of a gallery in the landslide deposits where dated to an age of 8 . 710 +- years BP ( 9,800 before present ) . ( it explains why some think it is an impact site, but it shows it is probably a landslide, and says others similar exist in such terrain .... and a BIG landslide can produce radiation ! )
  14. On second thought I won't. The dates dont appear to match up . I take back that gold star ... and issue this instead
  15. Good boy ! very interesting . I'll run it by my fellow ancient history freaks and get back to you .
  16. Interesting ! I just got to a breakthrough point ( with some others ) to some real possibilities of the origin of the Sumerians ... and how their 'start of civilisation' probably happened . Previously somewhat of a mystery . So I guess I will 'check the sources of this' . And Lois .... it better not be Zachariah Sitchen anywhere in that link ...
  17. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    It all makes sense after I slapped myself in the head . Indeed ! I have that tattooed on my right breast . A bit different from the one above - like this but red , a single crown above both heads and holding a sword in its claws Often the jewel of this degree (in various orders) has a phoenix associated with it , some on the reverse of the jewel ... similar to the Rosicrucian degree ( the previous to red eagle ) jewel has a pelican on one side and ..... something else .... on the other . Your dual outlook is a good description - in some orders, achieving this degree entitles one to be elected to a seat in the Senate ... where such 'dual ' view is essential , especially concerning decision making . or a kingfisher ..... and as I wrote that they started laughing outside ! - they nesting in a tree over the cabin ' Bennu . ' Australian 'Sacred Kingfisher ' ;
  18. ... and I got his Porsche !
  19. I have had some beautiful experiences with some rare ones that 'shared their death' with me . A shame it cant be beautiful for all . Especially I remember ' Good old Mr. Carpenter ' - a beautiful spirit , a beautiful life ... of which he shared his memories of with me . . . and his last moments .
  20. There is a drug that does that . I have seen it in action . The drug has no toxicity that kills you itself . It can be administered to those terminally ill that are just hanging on for some reason, when they should have died already . They get stubborn, difficult, in pain, complaining , saying they want to die ... but they cant , some 'earthly force' is holding them back (as well as hospital care ! but that is needed to try and decrease their suffering ) . Its amazing . Patient causing trouble again ... continually ... disrupting other patients, abusing staff for not letting her die ... call the doc and shoot her up with horrible ' pain killers' , yet again ! But now, its the middle of the night , I am on night shift, amidst a THREE YEAR DOCTORS STRIKE ! They have to call in the only doctor available at that time ... one that was already called into the psyche ward ... a psyche specialist doctor . he turns up, a 1 minute assessment and gives her a hit . She calms down . I come back 15 mins later, she is sitting up in bed ... GLOWING , looking beautiful, spirit shining ... she who was an old stubborn 'death hag' an hour ago . She says to me with a smile and a wink " Its alright now , Now I know , HE came and explained everything to me ?" "What ? The doctor ? " 'No silly ... you know ..... 'HIM' ... everything is alright now and dont you worry about it ." "okay" - shrug, and I went off . I come back 20 mins later and she is still sitting up in bed smiling like an angel, still glowing, and stone cold dead . I asked the doctor and he told me to look it up in MIms (the big drug manual) , nothing in it is harmful .... it just seems to allow people to 'let go' when their body wants to die and has to die but they let go. I dont know who "HE" was , this mystical 'visitor' , for her it might have been Jesus or her deceased husband , IMO that doesnt matter - 'they' probably take on appearance pleasing to us anyway ) In the morning, when day shift arrived and night report was to be given and the old battleaxe _ Ward Sister / boss turned up ) I ha dto ask why other patients with the same issue dont get the same - it impacts them, us and our job and other patients , why not give them this drug instead of the pain killers that dont wotk . I got a gruff look as if what the hell you talking about , she checked the woman's charts , for record , then checked Mims for the drug used -indications ... then gave me a disgusted look as if I just tried to sell her kids heroin ; "Well no wonder we dont normally use that ... its a psychedelic ! " "Not on my watch they won't ! People in MY care will be dying the good old fashioned way ... in pain torment confusion and fear ! "
  21. The ability to write good fiction ?
  22. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    Connection of Neter to Sirius would be Sop-det not A-set ( Isis) . maybe you are referring to the ' Isis temples' alignment t at Dendera and Philae to Sirius ?
  23. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    The boats sterring wheel is connected to the eagles heart . Interesting , what do you think that means . My question was actually more about ; why do you connect this picture to " depiction of the ruler of Shambhala - greeting a relative from the dog/wolf star (Sirius). " ?
  24. Do What Thou Wilt

    Well, we could go down that avenue . Aiwass or a version of that can be a first name in Egypt . Crowely says the 'voice' that dictated to him' seemed t come from an area of the room (in Cairo ) near the curtains . That voice also called itself 'The Waiter' Was the hotel waiter called 'Aiwah' hiding behind the curtains playing with Crowley while he was clearly out of it . ? others see in the diary at the time that it was actually Rose's voice . Ww have to remember NONE of this was crowley;s idea ,it was insisted at by his wife Rose , he claimed it was all rubbish, the messages she was getting in Egypt ... she was carried away by it al and started getting messages in museums from statures and thngs . otlining a ritual he should do he said it was all imaginatuve women;s rubbish with no deep hermetic understanding of the principles but he would do it anyway to prove to her nothing would come of it . he toght nothing would, tolde her 'See ! " and tossed the ntebook i with his other books and forgot abut it . Perhaps Rose should be the 'Prophet of Thelema' ? Here is another of her with her 'Supremus Magistimus' husband You think so ? I am always giving insignificance to what is given to me from 'on high' . Sometimes it takes me years to accept, process and realise . I am often cursing myself for being such an idiot ! Like a goanna , you toss em food, they know its about, they can smell it about and searching, sometimes going right past it ! then eventually : " There it is! Right under my nose all the time ! " I am glad they' are SOOOO patient with me/us !
  25. Finding Shambhala: Just 3 Easy Steps There.

    Ta - DAAAAR ! Not these days, but more recent than old Leo ; Swedenborg . and Scientific period The Flying Machine, sketched in his notebook from 1714. The operator would sit in the middle and paddle himself through the air.[22] p. 32, or on the video clip at 5:48 on its timeline.[23] In 1715, aged 27, Swedenborg returned to Sweden, where he devoted himself to natural science and engineering projects for the next two decades. A first step was his meeting with King Charles XII of Sweden in the city of Lund, in 1716. The Swedish inventor Christopher Polhem, who became a close friend of Swedenborg, was also present. Swedenborg's purpose was to persuade the king to fund an observatory in northern Sweden. However, the warlike king did not consider this project important enough, but did appoint Swedenborg to be assessor-extraordinary on the Swedish Board of Mines (Bergskollegium) in Stockholm.[24] From 1716 to 1718, aged 30, Swedenborg published a scientific periodical entitled Daedalus Hyperboreus ("The Northern Daedalus"), a record of mechanical and mathematical inventions and discoveries. One notable description was that of a flying machine, the same he had been sketching a few years earlier.[21] In 1718, Swedenborg published an article that attempted to explain spiritual and mental events in terms of minute vibrations, or "tremulations". Upon the death of Charles XII, Queen Ulrika Eleonora ennobled Swedenborg and his siblings. It was common in Sweden during the 17th and 18th centuries for the children of bishops to receive that honor, as a recognition of the services of their father. The family name was changed from Swedberg to Swedenborg.[25] In 1724, he was offered the chair of mathematics at Uppsala University, but he declined and said that he had dealt mainly with geometry, chemistry and metallurgy during his career. He also said that he did not have the gift of eloquent speech because of a stutter, as recognized by many of his acquaintances; it forced him to speak slowly and carefully, and there are no known occurrences of his speaking in public.[26] The Swedish critic Olof Lagerkrantz proposed that Swedenborg compensated for his impediment by extensive argumentation in writing.[27] New direction of studies ahead of his time During the 1730s, Swedenborg undertook many studies of anatomy and physiology. He had the first known anticipation of the neuron concept.[28] It was not until a century later that science recognized the full significance of the nerve cell. He also had prescient ideas about the cerebral cortex, the hierarchical organization of the nervous system, the localization of the cerebrospinal fluid, the functions of the pituitary gland, the perivascular spaces, the foramen of Magendie, the idea of somatotopic organization, and the association of frontal brain regions with the intellect. In some cases, his conclusions have been experimentally verified in modern times.[29][30][31][32][33] In the 1730s, Swedenborg became increasingly interested in spiritual matters and was determined to find a theory to explain how matter relates to spirit. Swedenborg's desire to understand the order and the purpose of creation first led him to investigate the structure of matter and the process of creation itself. In the Principia, he outlined his philosophical method, which incorporated experience, geometry (the means by which the inner order of the world can be known) and the power of reason. He also outlined his cosmology, which included the first presentation of his nebular hypothesis. (There is evidence that Swedenborg may have preceded Kant by as much as 20 years in the development of that hypothesis.[34]) In 1735, in Leipzig, he published a three-volume work, Opera philosophica et mineralis ("Philosophical and mineralogical works") in which he tried to conjoin philosophy and metallurgy. The work was mainly appreciated for its chapters on the analysis of the smelting of iron and copper, and it was the work that gave Swedenborg his international reputation.[35] The same year, he also published the small manuscript de Infinito ("On the Infinite") in which he attempted to explain how the finite is related to the infinite and how the soul is connected to the body. It was the first manuscript in which he touched upon such matters. He knew that it might clash with established theologies since he presented the view that the soul is based on material substances.[36][37] He also conducted dedicated studies of the fashionable philosophers of the time such as John Locke, Christian von Wolff, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, and Descartes and earlier thinkers such as Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus and Augustine of Hippo.[38] In 1743, at the age of 55, Swedenborg requested a leave of absence to go abroad. His purpose was to gather source material for Regnum animale (The Animal Kingdom, or Kingdom of Life), a subject on which books were not readily available in Sweden. The aim of the book was to explain the soul from an anatomical point of view. He had planned to produce a total of 17 volumes.[39] -Wiki. a piece on using Swedenborg's system within 'possession' cases in psychiatry ( which also reflects magical principles of evocation )