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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Sleep paralysis

    No thanks . We already have more than enough of your information to make an assessment of where your sources come from .
  2. The wonders of Indian civilization

    I think their where advanced in medicine, generally . And in astronomy, as well .
  3. The wonders of Indian civilization

    Finally, some sensible Indian accomplishments . Yes, IVC was very advanced , they had a developed water , drainage and sewage system as well as other stuff , very advanced for the time (although BMAC , over the Kush to the north had similar ) .... anyway, its on par with the supposed other 'first ' five civilisations , in China, Egypt and Mesopotamia . but that is ignoring the massive ones in eastern Europe at the time .) Hmmm .... is Indus Valley Civilisation 'India' ? It's in Pakistan isnt it ?
  4. Cold feet, cold hands and hot head

    I have reported you to the RSPCH !
  5. Cold feet, cold hands and hot head

    Isnt that what a 'Sitz bath' does ? - its a small bath for the body with the limbs out of the hot water .... body gets hot in the hot water and sends blood out to the limbs to cool it . I often do it as I have an outside fire heated bath and it often gets very hot so I hang my arms and legs over the side to cool off . I feel very energised afterwards ... the effect of constant heat in ( a normal bath doesnt do that .... you heat the water, get in and from then its a gradual cooling process ) and possibly the 'heat exchange' through me , has very different results ( in feeling ) afterwards than a 'normal' bath .
  6. Sleep paralysis

    that was great ! What a link Shawn has been infatuated with the post-apocalyptic genre since he wore out his horribly American-dubbed VHS of the original Mad Max as a child. Shawn is the former Editor-in-Chief at Joystiq's, creator of the Aftermath post-apocalyptic immersion event, and host of the Through the Aftermath podcast for over 11 years. He currently resides on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere with his wife and four children. Wow ! Ultimately authority on 'reality ' . But then again .... he does 'live on a mountain in the middle of nowhere ' gotta stop ... laughing to much ....
  7. Do What Thou Wilt

    People have been constantly contradicting what you say here ! Now it seems as if your eye sight is failing as well . You keep starting these crazy ideas of yours with a postulation .... 'if ' .... then go on to assume your 'if ' is factual and then run from there ; with your complaints, outcrys and confusions . Why on earth , on a world with such blindingly kaleidoscopic diversity would all the humans have one will ? Where on earth did that idea come from ? You say IF there was one will all should act the same , but that isnt how Crowley presented it . We could list a hundred things and say ' IF they were that, that is not the way Crowley presented it . You come up with the lamest ideas yourself , due to faulty perceptions and and other issues ...... and criticise Crowley for it !
  8. Do What Thou Wilt

    What a strange question for someone who previously claimd to have read all of his books ! How could you have missed it ? Its his central precept ! And these questions have already been answered here ... in great length and even compared to the original doctrine in Zoroastrianism and that has been explained extensively as well . How could you have 'missed ' all of that ? or, have you just not been paying attention or been blinded by your own insistent prejudicial way at looking at it ? here is another quote of crowley's for you to contemplate ; " Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect, and to that end sin not against thyself. The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices. "
  9. Do What Thou Wilt

    No. You keep saying that and it is continually pointed out how that is the wrong interpretation - it is 'True Will,' not 'free will' and what you say is not what the author meant at all , in fact you are touting the opposite of his intentions . You know this but refuse to accept it . Which seems to be your ' free will ' ... for some reason .
  10. Sleep paralysis

    I didnt know you could get a phantom pregnancy after a couple of 'etheric implants ' .
  11. Do What Thou Wilt

    An interesting point of view and philosophy , based on some 'progressive logic' - let's go through it . " You would think it would be simple to act with love. Doing things out of love, if love is the law." - It is simple to 'act' that way, actually, it's a type of 'non action' ; when you eliminate the 'clutter' attached to love and things we mistake for love ( that's the hard part' 'pure love' should flow by itself). " But if the law is freedom, then we don't have to act with love, do we?" - This point relies on your 'if' . I dont see 'The Law' -as freedom . Only in that one is supposedly 'free to do their Will' , and that is the "True Will " as described in the associated literature . That might not relate to commonly understood concepts of freedom at all . However, it is said that a 'greater freedom' is the result . " We are free to act with whatever Will we desire. " - But True Will might have little to with 'desire' , desire is too vague ; I could desire to possess your car, or have a drink, or a burning inner desire to advance and improve myself , or have a desire to serve humanity with my special gifts . The same with 'will'- that's why Crowley referred specifically to the 'True Will' and described what he meant by the terms he used . " But we don't all agree on what a loving act is, do we? " - An act ? We dont even understand what love is ! As I said above , we mistake and confuse love, we name other things love that are not , it is often the supposed reason for acts done under other motivations . So what is 'pure love' ? We should remain here within the realm and the referred understanding of the author of the phrase , i.e.. what did Crowley mean by love . The best reference might be in the Tarot . This lies within the 2 of cups concepts . Cups are emotions and the ace is singular so beyond our understanding, the highest we can come to in that realm is the 2 and 'pure love' - not emotional or sexual, not yet even fraternal or developed in any form . In the commentaries Crowley speaks of a universal energy that draws things together , even on the level of hydrogen and oxygen to combine . I won't go on here about it all , read it in The Book of Thoth 2 of Cups. Suffice to say ' Love is the Law' is about THAT force being a law, not some faulty concept and attachments and misuse of it that is any 'law' . " Some people think tough love is the way to go, while others believe it is kindness and generosity. " - Exactly . So if we take it to mean 'impure love' , then the phrase makes no sense and leads one into difficulties and trouble . " Crowely called Nietzsche a Saint, and Nietzsche believed we like adversity, to be denied things, and to be forced to earn them to prove to ourselves our strength and dominance. " - They seem to be referring to the above 'law', but also it's converse : there IS a law of 'universal attraction' (for certain 'pairings' ) but there is also another ; that which divides . Gravity needed a 'Big Bang' in the first place to come into existence . It operates in all things . Crowley also details this process in other writings , specifically when he refers to Nuit and the love for unity and laments the process of separation , and asks why the separation in the first place . Nuit answers, in essence, that it is to make the Union even more 'juicy' and separation being a "sauce to whet thy appetite " . " If the law is do what thou wilt, then we don't have to act out of love. We can act out of greed and selfishness. " Well .... 'we' can do whatever we want . Most people ARE driven by base desires ... no big surprise there . The thing is 'we' , as a group are not ready for it , and to think so is to make yet another 'big miss' . If we pay careful attention, this little philosophical gem actually urges us .... predictively ..... ' Do what thou Wilt shall be the whole of the Law .' Students of English will comprehend the' tense implications' in relation to 'Love is the Law Love under Will' .
  12. Do What Thou Wilt

    Love and freedom dont 'fit together' ? Naawwww ! You just had some 'lovin' ? You SHOULD feel free !
  13. The wonders of Indian civilization

    Some people get an elephant's head , other people get ........ some other type of head .
  14. The wonders of Indian civilization

    You left out some details about their super weapon . Unlike a nuclear explosion , they can 'destroy the whole Universe ! .... Gosh ! Also they will stop the rain for 37.34 billion years . As the link to the wiki article shows , it is a tripartite weapon ( like Brahma is three fold ), I like the weapon that ; "The astra of Brahma is the Brahmastra, which has the power to eliminate the existence of anything from the past, present and future " - just as well they didnt use that .... or we would know nothing about that war ... or we would not exist to know nothing about it . 'cept they did use the weapon ... 2 of them against each other ... they must have hit head on and neutralised each other - thank goodness for that ! Good story .... nearly as good as the one where that guy got an elephant's head .
  15. The wonders of Indian civilization

    I'll give it a try ..... .... and try and push the 'target human ' right off .... this forum .
  16. The wonders of Indian civilization

    So ... ahem .... I am STILL waiting for the 'wonders of Indian civilisation ' to be revealed to us . ( I think we have had enough revelation of Lairg's wonderful .... 'individuality' and 'experiences' let's look at some of India's ..... ...... anyone ? )
  17. The wonders of Indian civilization

    Now now Steve .... dont go and shatter the patched up You tube universe some of us have created . You will break our dreams !
  18. The wonders of Indian civilization

    I was taught as a child that Easter Bunny bring chocky egg and Santa sneak in and 'gift' toys in exchange for me being 'good boy' . Decades later I heard the Bunjalung say they come from Venus . Now I prefer intelligent and complex beliefs that illuminate the intelligence and complexity of real life and experience . ( and now I understand most of us westerner whitefellahs only get the kindergarten level of indigenous beliefs ... at first . If we show any understanding, consideration and complexity in mental process , then we get taught on level 1 .... and so on . But most dont get to to that stage . )
  19. How do we know?

    I've said it more than once - but I will say it again : I talked to God last night in my prayers . I said , "Dear God , the world is full of suffering and sadness , is there nothing that can be done ? " He answered and said " It is ? " I said , " Well yes, of course it is ; people are stealing killing and fighting with each other , some are fat and rich and others are poor and starved , the weak are oppressed, the elderly and children are being abused . " And God asked , " And people dont like that stuff ? " I responded , "Of course not ! " God ; " Well , if they dont like it , tell them to stop doing it to each other . "
  20. The wonders of Indian civilization

    So now it wasnt the Indians that had advanced technology ( as 'proved' by 'evidence' at M D ) it was ... wait for it ..... ' The alien Gods . ' Not just aliens ... and not just 'Gods ' .... but alien Gods .
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Is that Birmingham ^ ? Was that a Commonwealth Games joke ? Listen up 'English' .... 178 Gold medals ! ..... which leads me to my next joke - Why will Australians NOT vote to become separate from 'The Commonwealth of Nations ' ? Same answer .... 178 Gold medals .... we gonna kick your arzes ... Bangladesh , Tuvalu and Papua New Guinea . Australian dive team- training facilities ; Tuvalu dive team training facilities ;
  22. The wonders of Indian civilization

    Damascus steel is a 'wonder' of India ? Aside from a brief mention of Kundalini Yoga , I dont see much talk about the 'wonders of ancient India ' .- that you wanted to talk about . What about mathematics medicine and architecture ? They where advanced in that .
  23. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Poor sad 'bunny person' ( or whatever that thing is up there ^ ) reminded me of this kid I read about in the news some years back . He started being a problem because he could not get what he wanted , bad behaviour, causing problems, tantrums and eventually suicidal , he could not understand, it wasnt fair , he only wanted one thing .... nothing else , but his parents would not give it to him - and that enraged , confused and depressed him . I mean ... it was only one thing, you would think his parents could help him get the one thing he wanted . It was a facial reconstruction so he could look like Michael Jackson .
  24. Bullshit Mr Han man!

    Ahhhh .... I knew he looked familiar ! .
  25. Bullshit Mr Han man!

    No you are not . I can see it too .... its a picture of two Asian looking men . Are yo seeing something else ?