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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. No, I am not JUST grumpy and old .- being grumpy and old is just a part of it . If you have not noticed the ever widening gulf between even semi serious study research and practice , and what goes around on the internet as 'magick' then you must be young ( ie. not around that long to have experienced the previous ) . ...... and you are probably one of those God damn cloud lovers as well !
  2. Am I being led towards a path?

    I would suggest practicing some * and see how it makes you feel . Some people get a great feeling of satisfaction and fulfillment from it . It could be a part of your life journey and purpose if you feel so attracted to it . * of course, I dont mean illegally as a doctor , try a lesser role first before committing to long training - I did assistant nursing / orderly stuff for years , it is often VERY rewarding and positive , in the right circumstances .
  3. No , that would be thinking the worst can happen and focusing on the worst aspect of things . I am just going from the content of what has been posted here .... check the record of what used to get posted ( yeah, was wacky and all sorts of stuff in the past too but a lot of good content) and what has been posted in the last couple of years . And it just isnt here . I think generally that people are not serious about learning magick ... and more so as the time goes on . They are also not serious about learning a lot of other stuff that this site focuses on - read the content . or trying to 'learn' about things in a short cut manner .... or even pay (or charge ) . 'Tis the way of the modern world .
  4. Beauty

    Indeed . 'The righteous' is probably a subjective illusion . Maybe in their postmortem hallucinations they get rewarded ... but no promises . Pain and sickness are real, but one of the miracles of life is - life can still be good with all of that . And I am not just speaking from my own experience here . I spent some time in the past caring for the sick and elderly - many still enjoyed the 'miracle of life' amidst their suffering . I have had to face my mortality more than once ( I dont know why I am still here actually ) AND that was with a consideration that it could result in nothingness and finality - that process certainly changes one's life - its a type of 'illumination' . Love your last sentence .
  5. Now that's a novel thought ! You think there might be people here that are serious about learning magick ?
  6. Dreams

    Then why did you bring it up in the first place ? And if it isnt up for discussion with unknown people , why give its location and 'intent' ? You cant really help seeing Wallenganda - especially in the desert - even 'without being directed/shown' ;
  7. Advice for magic/talisman for bad timing

    Mercury is often the solution - especially when one is caught up in a Mars / Venus dynamic . And he works equally well in inner and outer worlds . A balanced Mercury can be a 'godsend' - more than once , lightning quick decisive action ( and the right action, of course ) has saved me from 'disaster' (including death ) , i such cases one does not have time to 'think' about it . Considering any type of Mercury talisman , first I would be looking at your natal Mercury
  8. Dreams

    I tend to deal with what my teacher ( indigenous, elder and site guardian , 'Kadiacha' & 7 th son of a 7th son ) directs me towards . ... and ? What do you think its structure and its purpose is ? Its 'the big spit ' . By the way , what is your location ( country / area ) ?
  9. The thing with group energy though - it is polluted . It passes through all the people in the group when they share energy . Once I was accused of getting people together to use their energy to my own magical ends Why would I do that ? I draw from the source .... which is unlimited . Why drink water that has gone through someone else when you can get it direct from the spring ? Care needs to be taken when doing deep and serious work with others .... you better know them and their energy well ! Ideally, you would have gone through your magical training and initiations together .
  10. I have over 30 years experience with it - both in research and practice ( just so you know ). Okay then , carry on and enjoy the fantasy .
  11. Dreams

    As usual the dreamer is asleep for all of the dream , not part of it . When he wakes up, the dream is over . Two flows of ' water ; heaven and earth ( this is in the Bible and other sources - the waters above and under heaven ) Horizontal flow from heaven to earth , vertical radiating flows outward , underground and out to the oceans , but mainly out through the Gulf . In traditional lore, that would depend on what time of year it is . In other lore one might find 'The Queen of Discs ' But really, I suggest going a lot further out , then you would find 'the source' aka ' Wallenganda ' .
  12. Beauty

    You started off describing the effects of someone that 'failed' in the abyss crossing - thats not a judgement , I just notice that what you wrote , others have warned about as the outcome of a failure , usually to do with an improperly prepared attempt . Then towards the end, it got a lot better ... until that last sentence ! You old 'Grandpa Simpson' , you !
  13. Dreams

    Perhaps we are already in a dream world, in life ? The indigenous central desert cultures here have 'Rainbow Serpent Dreaming' : 'the world' and everything in it is actually a dream , dreamed up by a huge snake curled up underground , under Uluru . hence , all of this .... our 'life' is seen as a dream . When big snake wakes up, the dream will be over - everything 'finished' .
  14. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I can just imagine what goes in that guys ^ begging bowl ;
  15. What an old bump I hope Yang got his answer ... eventually . It appears, in the central tradition ( the one behind most western religions ) that we have both 'types of soul' . Collective and individual - sort of . There is the 'Fravashi' , 'divine spark' , 'universal soul' , the cosmic 'animating force' ... or perhaps, even 'life' . Some see this as like a little reflection in us of, for example, the Sun - we are all reflecting the one 'light' The individual soul ( 'Urvan' ) is the a combination of ; a reflection of that light , the need and desire to fulfil this life's incantatory purpose ( ' Khvarana ' ) , and its store of thoughts words and deeds . If these are bought into harmony and joined together , a second or spiritual birth is achieved . If not , as said in the OP , the body departs from the 'central soul' and returns 'to dust' , along with those forces and complexes that are not united with 'that which is immortal ' .
  16. I suppose some have tried it ; like a message going around the internet for something like 'world peace day meditation' - to stop wars , or similar . They appear well organised , focused, everyone in sync, doing it at the same time . One would think it had massive impetus . Except it didnt work .
  17. I think you are talking about psy-op technologies . For me, I have no interest in trying to use technology to achieve magic , that was the whole point in practising magic - to achieve things in a different way than the materialist / technologist . Your idea about " The practitioner can send messages into the internet that are connected to/represent this intent. Not only will these messages be stored on the internet, but they can also reach some or even many many people all over the world. And perhaps this would help in the manifesting of the desired result. " sounds like crowdfunding to me . That is, it is already happening , if you want to see such things as 'magic' ..... The magical approach would be to send messages / signal intent to the array of 'spirits' associated with you and they will bring about the desired result . Of course that means getting such an array developed, ordered and in sync with yourself . However , if your main aim is to get some desired result with magic ( aside from developing yourself ) then it matters little if you use technology or magic, as long as that result manifests .
  18. Advice for magic/talisman for bad timing

    .... all these little details would matter if someone was going to construct a talisman . I would say any such talisman would have to do with the root of the problem . For example ; it would seem that a part of the issue - " I get stuck in places where I can't make decisions because I have to wait so long for the next thing to happen, which when it does happen always draws out the process in some totally unexpected and extreme way. " One might think a Mercury talisman might kick things along, but depending on what the above actually means ( 'meeting girls' ) , it could be more related to an issue in the realm of Venus ? .
  19. Advice for magic/talisman for bad timing

    Yep . Ohhhhh ...... 'meeting' ? Ohhhhh ..... 'girl' ? I thought 'introduction' was meant, not a ....... meeting of ...... ' parts ' with a woman . A ....... one might say .... ' conjoining of yin and yang ' .... or 'yon and wang ' . If that is what is meant ?
  20. Understanding Chinese martial arts

    Thunder martial arts ;
  21. Its amazing to me that some think his original name was Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh
  22. I know more about ALL of that , than you can imagine . I would explain more, but I have to 'nip off' , do a painting and then design a basilica whilst calculating the trajectory of Mercury . .