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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The wonders of Indian civilization

    I was taught as a child that Easter Bunny bring chocky egg and Santa sneak in and 'gift' toys in exchange for me being 'good boy' . Decades later I heard the Bunjalung say they come from Venus . Now I prefer intelligent and complex beliefs that illuminate the intelligence and complexity of real life and experience . ( and now I understand most of us westerner whitefellahs only get the kindergarten level of indigenous beliefs ... at first . If we show any understanding, consideration and complexity in mental process , then we get taught on level 1 .... and so on . But most dont get to to that stage . )
  2. How do we know?

    I've said it more than once - but I will say it again : I talked to God last night in my prayers . I said , "Dear God , the world is full of suffering and sadness , is there nothing that can be done ? " He answered and said " It is ? " I said , " Well yes, of course it is ; people are stealing killing and fighting with each other , some are fat and rich and others are poor and starved , the weak are oppressed, the elderly and children are being abused . " And God asked , " And people dont like that stuff ? " I responded , "Of course not ! " God ; " Well , if they dont like it , tell them to stop doing it to each other . "
  3. The wonders of Indian civilization

    So now it wasnt the Indians that had advanced technology ( as 'proved' by 'evidence' at M D ) it was ... wait for it ..... ' The alien Gods . ' Not just aliens ... and not just 'Gods ' .... but alien Gods .
  4. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Is that Birmingham ^ ? Was that a Commonwealth Games joke ? Listen up 'English' .... 178 Gold medals ! ..... which leads me to my next joke - Why will Australians NOT vote to become separate from 'The Commonwealth of Nations ' ? Same answer .... 178 Gold medals .... we gonna kick your arzes ... Bangladesh , Tuvalu and Papua New Guinea . Australian dive team- training facilities ; Tuvalu dive team training facilities ;
  5. The wonders of Indian civilization

    Damascus steel is a 'wonder' of India ? Aside from a brief mention of Kundalini Yoga , I dont see much talk about the 'wonders of ancient India ' .- that you wanted to talk about . What about mathematics medicine and architecture ? They where advanced in that .
  6. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Poor sad 'bunny person' ( or whatever that thing is up there ^ ) reminded me of this kid I read about in the news some years back . He started being a problem because he could not get what he wanted , bad behaviour, causing problems, tantrums and eventually suicidal , he could not understand, it wasnt fair , he only wanted one thing .... nothing else , but his parents would not give it to him - and that enraged , confused and depressed him . I mean ... it was only one thing, you would think his parents could help him get the one thing he wanted . It was a facial reconstruction so he could look like Michael Jackson .
  7. Bullshit Mr Han man!

    Ahhhh .... I knew he looked familiar ! .
  8. Bullshit Mr Han man!

    No you are not . I can see it too .... its a picture of two Asian looking men . Are yo seeing something else ?
  9. The wonders of Indian civilization

    yes .... please ! This crap was debunked years back .... it looks like our internet rubbish trawler has scooped up some stuff from the mud at the bottom . Then given further support by someone that patches a sentence together .... like Woda One's time would be better spent studying IVC on its own merits . and of course a 'civilisation with wonders' ( ) keeps records of them - there is the patent registration and copy rite system, libraries* , museums and ....errrmmm ... the 'wonders' all over the place staring you in the friggin face ! * A Library is like a big house with lots of shelves with books** in them and you can go in there and read them or borrow them . ** A book is a written or printed work consisting of pages glued or sewn together along one side and bound in covers.
  10. How do we know?

    Its always tricky with 'our own observations' ; without comparisons or any form of consensual reality , we are left to our own devices concerning any possible objective observations . A bit pedantic on the syntax aren't we ? or cant you see he is comparing a moral value with himself, the society he is in and his expectations . Or did you think HD WAS talking about a moral relativity throughout the cosmos ? And if you had been actually taking in what is being written here m, you SHOULD understand by now, what HD is talking about and what HE means by 'God' ? I fail to see how the above could help anyone with depressive suffering ? " lies need a core of reality, otherwise there would be no solidness " ? Oh yeah ... nothing like a hollow lie with no core of truthful solidness I am sure you do .... some people see them everywhere . Well, thats strange ..... you get a COSMIC answer ! ? I guess the people you ask dont realise that " the Cosmos is rather large, and not a lot of Earth humans have been around much of it."
  11. How do we know?

    Did you know that opinion is very gnostic ( well, some versions of gnosticism ie 'black gnosticism' ) God is an evil demiurge that created this evil world .... its all a trick and pretty easy to see through if you read what God said to do in the Bible and, as they say , the other proof is ; "Just look at the world and the state its in ! " Personally I am a bit the opposite , although I leave 'God' out the formula - a 'white gnostic' , as they say . But each to their own .... " The black and the white are harnessed to his car ."
  12. How do we know?

    So now its been shown that the Tol DOES NOT " fit on the human " as you claimed .... you are going to switch to this ^ ? There is no Kabbalistic reference to use of the ToL on the human body . As I said , that is a Golden Dawn schemata and its use is specific to them and the specific use they designed it for . Then their book and images from it got published , then it got on the internet, then bright sparks started going .... oh look : 3 pillars ..... 3 nadis ! Oh look... the chakras' line up ' ( no they dont ) .... lets put pics of that all over the internet . Along comes the 'internet mystic ' sees the pictures ... now the Tol Is 'inside us ' and can be 'activated ' by ... not years of study, practice and teachers but simple by hearing a single line in a song ....... in a 'suitable' listener of course ( I am guessing you yourself heard that and achieved the resultant ..... 'activation' ) .
  13. How do we know?

    Oh, it fits marvellously ! I especially like the way Hod and Netzach are related to the ebows and Chokmah and Binah are outside the ears . As I said , you just syphon things off the internet. Aside from that post Golden Dawn Internet copied over and over again diagram that is supposed to mean something , you have not shown any Kabbalistic correspondence. Although the addition of the qlippothic dongle is amusing ... but also senseless Nor does this demonstrate any 'cosmic' purpose in Man either .
  14. How do we know?

    The Tree of Life doesnt 'fit on a human ' . A human has a trunk, 4 limbs and a head . The Tree of Life has three trunks, three triangles and a pendant and a bunch of diagonal and horizontal paths . Nothing fits ! Sure you can paste a Tree of Life diagram OVER a human figure , but you can do that with a square and circle or a triangle . And that supposed ly makes the human 'resonate with cosmic energies' - you use a lot of cosmic new agey (trying to sound ) 'cool' statements that have no meaning or significance except as some 'pronunciati / announcement' of some cosmic BS you read on the internet . Go read some real Kabbalah for a change ! So now, you have set up a false 'design' analogy and ask why it might be designed that way - well it isnt i that way , you simply made an error . We all know what it IS designed for and how it adapted ... just like all the other 4 limbed , one trunk and head animals - that is , for life on Earth and environs ... not some cosmic BS reason that you cant even describe properly . Then you ask if the human system is designed for some cosmic function . Whatever that is supposed to mean . " Cosmic function " .... another obscure 'spiritual' term .
  15. Qi machine

    We need to get ready ... to be killed instantly ? Also I am wondering what an alien's 'vicinity' is ? 18 metres around the saucer .... or a quadrant of galaxy around their home planet .
  16. Tic tic tic tik-toc .

    For years now I have been commenting on social media virus and effects of internet usage . It started as a sharp decrease in intelligence , a rise in stupidity and other related phenomena . Now its got physical .... although perhaps 'psychosomatic' . Its a cross between Tourette's Syndrome and fits in motor ability , sometimes violent and agitated , including hitting oneself in the head face and other body parts . Fits can last up to an hour . It seems to be a response to a lack of real social dynamics .... seeded by replacing that with social media time ( and other complex dynamics, that I won't go into now ) . Then pandemic lockdowns made the social isolation worse and it also increased social media , which made the problem worse again . Then kids started posting about it on Tik-tok, including film of their fits and aberrant and uncontrollable behaviour . That amped things up in a type of 'daimonic reality pandemic' * / copycat hypochondria - some kids already had mild symptoms and watching the films influenced an increase in severity of symptoms . " ... Olvera believes that what’s happening among those Tourette's TikTok influencers and in teen girls is an example of mass sociogenic illness, which is when behaviors, emotions, or conditions spread spontaneously through a group." * this type of 'spreading' of an alleged event , symptoms, sightings, experiences is without a recognised medium - in this case they think they have recognised the medium and cause of transmission and the cause of the spread is also the vehicle for the spread and 'copycat' symptoms. - The next stage ( well, the next stage in a 'daimonic reality' outbreak ) would be , people , in this case kids, copying the behaviour , that is , pretending it is involuntary when it isnt .... but that can change and they can get 'stuck' with it . Next stage is , it becomes a 'fashion' and people 'celebrate' it . Then, as mysteriously as it appears .... poof ! Gorn ! Let's hope so for this outbreak . One girl I saw interviewed that had it bad ( bad facial and limb twitches , slapping and punching herself in the head .... sometimes for up to an hour (imagine how frustrating and exhausting that must be ! ) , Tourette's like vocalisations ( eg . shouting really bad obscenities out loud about her mother when she was out to lunch with her in public , etc . ) . She ended up having a good recovery so her doctor was saying there seems to be a cure for it , but he never said what it was or what her treatment was .
  17. Oh sorry . I thought you where an adult ! " No son .... there is no 'Santa Claus' , I actually bought you those presents . "
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I suggest you seal that book back up in its packaging and .... contemplate whether it still exists inside there as the physics book or the divine feminine book .
  19. Nice try .... I mean , bad try . as NONE of that supports your original claim of a Moon racing through space and then coming to some amazing stationary orbit around the Earth . But do continue ... its rather amusing I especially like the one where the very existence of the Moon defies physics ..... 'itself' . I also like the way you support those ideas with links about 'hollow moon theory / aliens ' . And supporting info from mythology as well Down here , they say there is a man in the Moon that will come down here and bash with his club , if you stare at him long enough . ALL ABOARD ! ... however , I am prepared to look at the possibility that the Moon is somehow associated with fantasy and delusion
  20. That 'source' is fluffy woo-woo , it also claims ; 6. The Obelisks: Lunar Orbiter II took several photographs in November 1966 that showed several obelisks, one of which was more than 150 feet tall. "...the spires were arranged in precisely the same was as the apices of the three great pyramids." As well as other RUBBISH ! That link says exactly what I did ; " Geochemical analysis of the Apollo lunar samples suggested that our Moon was formed 4.5 billion years ago, when a Mars-sized body known as Theia hit Earth when our planet had almost completely formed. Computer models indicate that in this “big splat,” most of the material that ended up forming the Moon—between 70% and 90% of the satellite’s composition—came from Theia. " Where is the Moon zooming through space to come to a virtual skidding stop to then make an orbit around Earth - like you claimed . Did you even read that piece , or just randomly cite it .... hopefully ? And that link smacks of the desperate internet searcher that typed in ' the Moon is older than the earth ' . In case anyone wondered , its some scientists theorising about a giant hot fiery spinning doughnut that the Earth and Moon formed out of (which is actually an OLDER theory , before all the recent research came out ) Here is the cracker : he states that although this 'synestia' separation happened 4,500,000,000 years ago : " the Moon emerging from the synestia in a few decades and the Earth coming into existence some 1,000 years later. " So , in a 4.5 bill year timeframe , the Moon is 1000 years younger ? Even if this theory was acceptable it says nothing about your claim of the Moon racing through space and coming to a halt around Earth in an orbit . Did you even read through THIS link ? None of your links back up what you say .
  21. Ascension, Galactic Beings

    ... at some of us
  22. Its amazing isnt it ? Well, it would be if it was true The Moon wasnt racing through space to decelerate somehow magically and move into orbit around Earth - where did you get THAT one from ? The Moon didnt come into existence until after the Earth did, then after the Earth's collision with Thea and then after the agglomeration of the orbiting debris .
  23. The full Moon definitely has some effects on us - but whether that makes our 'energy level' three times higher during 'mediation' is another thing ... actually, what does that even mean ? One assumes it is the energy present or generated during some specific meditation, but what ? Personally, considering the source I would not bother trying to track it down . You would be better looking at ( or seeking explanation, in the case of wanting some feedback ) what specific energy YOU are dealing / want to deal with and what specific meditations. ' Full Moon' is very general ... it is only one of the many cycles and rhythms the Moon has that effect us and our energies . As well as the Synodic cycle ( full through new to full Moon cycle - there are significant other ones , which may effect us more so) . For example , above it was said how the Full Moon is a Sun Moon 'opposition' . It is the relative position of the planets and other bodies, to each other that gives the 'cosmic' forces their impetus (locally ) . The main ones being Sun and Moon . But we have other more significant relationships to do with the usual astrological aspects ; The Sun and Moon at various main angles of relationship , at the four stations of heaven ; Asc, MC, Dsc & IC . Eg , When the Moon is Asc (on the eastern horizon , rising , 0 o ) and the Sun is at another station , eg setting . Most potent is when the Moon is at IC , 'underfoot' and the Sun is at one of the 4 stations - fishermen know this and thats when they prefer to go out as nature and wildlife is more active and feeding . There are also the ascending and descending cycles of the Moon ( the Moon's 'seasons' ) , The Moon opposition Saturn cycle (27.5 days ) . Moon Node cycle ( 27.2 days ) - the Moon crossing the path of the Sun - here we can see why other lunar rhythms can be more important than the synodic . These days give negative influence so I would not recommend energy work, or deep mediations on these days .... in some cultures they do not even do agriculture or harvesting on these days ( I tracked them on calendar for a while , a few large natural disasters happened over a three year period - the days dont cause the disasters and many of those days do not have a disaster ... but when they occur , they are often on those days . ) Apogee and Perigree cycle - 27.5 days . The Moon's nearest and furthest point to Earth . The effect here , with A is to increase multiplicity of form and with P to increase form of singularity BUT , the same caution applies as above 12 hrs either side of the exact time ( the same applies somewhat to to solar equinoxes and solstices ) . The Zodiacal constellation cycle - 27 . 3 days . Which zodiac sign the Moon is in . Often considered very important in magical workings . .