
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Rise up O people ! Overthrow the reptilian overlords !
  2. Cargo cult

  3. Cargo cult

    Ahhh ... but did you know the capital of Iceland is Reykjavík and the average population in Antarctica is around 5000 ? - have you ever had a conversation with Lois before ? I love the 'why did you ask ' response ..... " to get an answer " . Reminds me of when I asked that guy why he was hiding behind a tree in my back yard ? - " Because I thought you would not be able to see me there . "
  4. Cargo cult

    However , they do offer a disadvantage when hula-hooping
  5. Cargo cult

    Did you see the visit where they offered him a giant penis sheath ? Top man must have the biggest one , no ? So need HUGE sheath . One handed it to him and he took it and looked at it curiously ... an aid that realised what it was quickly took it away and handed to others behind him. Apparently the locals where disappointed , he should have worn his present for the visit .
  6. Cargo cult

    ..... they invented bungee jumping
  7. Cargo cult

    Cultural anthropology . Prince Philip must be 'Big Man' - if married to Queen ... he's the best Man .
  8. Cargo cult

    I wanted to join one of those cults , but ......... the penis sheath wearing thing .....
  9. How to recognise a taoist master

    A Daoist priest and a Christian priest where walking in a forest . The came to a stream and the Daoist goes first , he steps UPON the water and walks across its surface to the other side . The Christian is incredulous and thinks to himself ; " he isnt going to get away with THAT ! I cant let my side down ; ' Oh Lord, please grant me, your humble servant, the power to walk on the water , as Jesus did , so I may prove to this man the reality of the one true God ." he sets off and immediately sinks up to his waist, soaking his robe . he gets to the other side and says ; "Okay , what makes you Daoists so special ?" " Special ? I suppose it is our foresight and ability to look for the stepping stones . "
  10. Tibetan book of the dead, which translation?

    Post Mortum instruction and guidance is no doubt essential study , yet as some point out, Tibetan Book of the Dead is very 'culturally focused' on that tradition . In the west , this is what the 3rd degree initiation is about . I have been working with a friend , over the years who desires to undertake initiation in such a tradition so I have been helping them ( yes, I am qualified to do this in Western tradition and did it for a few years , now retired ) . Thing is , since retiring I am not qualified to do THAT specific tradition any more , but this person does not want that anyway and wants to avoid 'organisations' . So I have written up some specific initiations, based on essentials ( and yes, I am qualified to write up rituals , that was one of my tests I had to pass for 'advancement' ) and the usual schemata of western (and many other ) initiation systems , ie, three basic rituals ( for starters) representing the mysteries of incarnation and birth , life and death . We are up to second one and I am working on the third one - death . Obviously it is not going to be from the Tibetan Book of the Dead . It has to be something this person can comprehend and has an affinity with . Personally, I prefer the Egyptian system , but that would not be for this person . Then , some years back I came upon Normandy Ellis' 'Awakening Osiris ' - transliterations of the 'Egyptian Book of the Dead ' and one of her chapters ; ' Moving into the Light ', is rather a wonderful masterpiece , I know it will absolutely resonate with this person . So that chapter will hold the central 'visualisation' / oratory heard in 'trance' ( ie. enacted 'death' ) of the initiate . Ellis seems to have captured the ancient 'valid essence' and imagery , yet presented it in modern comprehensible and artistic form . Some of the chapter even reads , where it details some specifics , as if it was written for this person and their life experience - that is the person, in this chapter 'story' and my friend - and their death experience , is a woman who dedicated her life to helping children and others ... yet a fiery defensive character , that stands up to wrongdoing ; " ..... when the children where hungry , I gave them bread, when they where threatened , I threw an axe into the face of evil .... " If I could find an online copy , I'd post it here . Anyway , the point is ; a valid work may not resonate with you if you dont understand or are even not familiar with its cultural clothing and a lot of what IS written in our cultural clothing may not have a fuller or relevant understanding of a process . - for some reason , I am reminded of an 'evil opposite ' .... an ex of mine caused a BIG kerfuffle at her mums funeral, at the graveside ! Priest : " Oh Lord , forgive this SINNER and let her pass into ..... blah blah .... this SINNER did this .... born in SIN she was but .... " etc . Daughter : " Stop calling my Mother a sinner ! She was not, she was good woman ... and < rant ... rave .... > - Good on her !
  11. How do we know?

    Exactly ! Magick / Evocation / psychology ' 101' . All supply ways of testing such validities . We have been over all this in more than one thread . You will not get any relevant answers to these types of questions . All sorts of remedies and understandings and clinical information, and actually , A CURE ( evidenced by clinical trials ) has been offered here - all have been evaded , palmed off, rejected, judged not suitable , ignored etc . These forces ( think they ) are 'tricky' , refuse to be pinned down , insist on their own version of reality and will not see it and refuse to see it any other way than the delusions they are projecting . I have dealt with many situations like this ; person to person in my private life , professionally and , most of them , on Daobums . The only way I found to deal with it professionally is to go along with it . Eg ; I was called to a ward to calm down a confused patient that was causing a disturbance . The nurses had been trying to convince the patient that there was no dog under bed , unsuccessfully , so ..... in all cases of failure - call the Orderly ! ( ) . I went into the room, where the other three ladies where also upset, being kept awake by this woman and the 'escaped dog' . She immediately tagged me as another 'troublemaker ' (someone trying to dispel her delusions ) and angrily : " Who are you ! and what are you doing here ?" " Good evening Madam , I am the local dog catcher , now what's the problem ? " " Oh, thank goodness ! Finally ! He's got under my bed ! " I grab a blanket, get under there and " Come here you ! ..... Grrrr .... bark bark ..... dont you bite me ! ..... Got him ! " and come out with a bundled blanket I am wrestling in my arms . " Then she went off to sleep ... mostly I suppose, through exhaustion . I had one guy , not in a professional situation , insist we had 'past life stuff ' and he still wanted to fight me about it . Apparently he was Henry II of France , and I was the knight that jousted him and caused the lance to break, a part piercing his eye and causing him to loose that eye . Oh, he had 'proof' alright , he wasnt crazy or anything ; he used to get a pain in his eye ... and his name was Percy .... Percy ..... Perc - ey ...... pierce-eye = Percy . It was indisputable proof .... to him . .
  12. Blocking a user?

    A mandate is something officially sanctioned . So it isnt that . It should be clear I was not talking about 'sock puppets' on another site .
  13. Blocking a user?

    ? ' impactable' ? Surely you meant ...... 'retentive' ?
  14. Blocking a user?

    Unexplained Mysteries forum has mods for each each section , so did the defunct Aeclectic Tarot forum , not pad membership nor paid mods , they are / where fairly large with huge active membership though. My history forum had one lone mod for a while , the owner was and is mostly absent ( sound familiar ), and that at times turned into a hot bed of rival national / ethnic fights ... some going back millenia ! * Busy chap , he appointed some assistants in the last few years . * My Iranian friend told me this; he gets in a taxi and the ethnic looking driver turns around and stares at him : " Where are you from ?" " Iran ... I am Persian. " " I am Greek . You know .... Persians , they come to Greece , make a big war ! " My friend : ' Well, yeah , a few thousand years back ! "
  15. How do we know?

    Hmmmm ..... I too am active and alert for a few hours and then may have to lie down or chill for a while, or the rest of the day . My balance is also effected and my head becomes heavy, foggy, unclear . But I have an untreated brain aneurysm ( they wanted to stick a wire up my jugular vein into my brain, heat it up and cauterize it .... no way ! ) . So I am a bit of a 'walking time bomb ' . I am good in the mornings, but by sunset ...... gleeerg . I usually peak up a bit after sunset though . Eg, yesterday I did well at martial arts training and even last longer than most , but after breakfast and shopping in town , after that , and having to come home do washing and chop firewood ..... its lie down or spin out time . However , I do not have the persecution you suffer from, nor does my physical stuff seem anywhere as bad or debilitating as yours does . So, like I said , I do have sympathy . But I do also feel frustrated with you that you have cemented yourself in this position . I have tried a few approaches and suggestions on you about shifting this , however I now see you do not want to / feel you can not shift from this outlook so I really dont see how someone insisting this is just God being close to you is going to help you at all . Not much I can do for you any more ..... except .... would you like a cup of tea ?
  16. How do we know?

    I certainly dont agree with much of what 'helpful demon' writes . But at least I acknowledge his personal suffering , and I understand his regret at having to go though it . Its very disingenuous to palm it off and attempt a whitewash with your 'God brush' .... especially since I doubt that you have suffered like he is . Even I have sympathy for that ! You know what that above RAVE reminds me of ? I was involved in a round table spiritual discussion , one older couple asked similar questions , if there is a god, why allow such suffering .... they got the BS philosophy , exactly like the above post . I interrupted and asked the 'explainer' if they have ever really suffered , they outlined some immaterial annoyances . Then I suggested our guests with the questions might have suffered a bit more, thus making the 'philosophical answers' rather moot ..... I asked them if this was the case , the husband looked at the wife , she nodded and they lifted up the cuffs on the sleeves of their clothing to reveal a tattoo of a serial number on the inside of their forearms * . That shut everyone and their opinions up ! *
  17. Blocking a user?

    I dont know who this refers to , but its an old time tactic of a specific individual ... who targeted some in this very specific manner . It was reported many times . Then it turned into the reporter getting frustrated due to nothing being done about it . They where probably banned .... but now there is this 'banned members returning as sock puppets' ' thing' going on . Any questions about that just leads to more obscurity and cryptic comments / 'jokes?' . Shame its happening to Buddhist forum ..... it might end up going the way of the esoteric and occult forum - look at the abso crap thats been appearing in there . Now compare it to the older post subjects ..... that include learned and experience opinion / discussion . I doubt peeps nowadays even know what ' an Agrippa' is . Nor care about it . And today's classic ? God help from Rev Billy Graham , via youtube .... in an occult forum ! and " Humans born after 1995 seem to have much clearer sense of this "
  18. Compost Toilet

    Well , your aim seems reasonable .
  19. Compost Toilet

    Well, I once went to a toilet and the men's urinal had a pic of Tony Abbot on it with a target around it . Tony Abbot , ex PM of Oz, looking entirely natural and friendly ( I remember going off at this slight woman in a self defence class , she was weak , retiring, no 'ooomph ' , her punches where like pats . Me ; "Thats no good , that won't do anything ! You cant punch, so dont bother , rather , from that position, whip me across the face with a backhand .... " pat ... " No no no, you gotta put some energy and aggression behind it ! " Pat .... <sigh> ...... " Look ! Pretend I am Tony Abbott ! " ..... WHAM ! (Its become a joke at training , when inviting an attack " pretend I am Tony Abbott ) I guess I should apologise for introducing such a low subject into a thread about toilets .
  20. Compost Toilet

    Errrrmmmm ...... it appears you missed the hole on two occasions . But at least we can see how enlightened you are ..... those 'misses' seem to come out in the shape of a Buddha ! Miraculous ! On a more serious note, is that storage tank ON the ground or is there some type of enclosed pit under it ? That clear thing on the front looks like the bottom of a drink bottle stuck into it ? health regulations dont allow a pit toilet anymore ? Is that new council regs ? First I have heard of it . What council shire are you in anyway ? Oh well then ..... I must have added a huge share of the 'raw material ' here
  21. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    What on earth is that dark green one looking at down there ..... and why are they so shocked about it ?
  22. How do we know?

    Bah ! ....... HUMBUG ! This damn 'God programme ' some of you got going !
  23. Did Lao Tsu Fail?

    Perhaps he meant humanity generally and not 'most of the world ' ? Looking at humanity generally , or lets say , averaging out their traits to consider humanity one person ... and then look at their actions , either from a psychiatric or judicial perspective ...... sorry, but they would be considered criminally insane ! people ..... 'nice' individually, most of them ..... in a group ? Look out ! Lao tsu didnt fail IMO .... not for me he didnt .
  24. Original Dao Bums

    Especially when one can simply avoid answering the questions with cryptic or obscure replies .
  25. How do we know?

    God was created by man in his own image ..... so of course the concept will be faulty , prejudiced, biased .... and have all the failings of Men .