
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Acting on your true will

    Well, there is a whole range of indications . These can start with the observation of children , we need to be careful here as its a fine line between allowing any expression they seem to be attracted to, or have come 'pre-loaded' with and protecting them against bad, wrong and dangerous decisions . Natural abilities and proclivities can be some indication . One has to allow full expression of the individual child and not see them as an sort of property or copy of yourself . Of course , parental judgements can hamper or assist : In my case , I remember once as a young lad ( and already being asked 'what are you going to be when you grow up ? ' ... a little confusing as I thought I would be myself , then I realised they meant , 'what are you going to do with your life' , bu later realised that was wrong too , they meant what job or profession would I do .... even as a kid I was ' your job defines who you are ? ' ) I saw a man doing a job, watched him a while and then declared to my parents ' thats what I want to be when I grow up ' . They asked what, and since we where still in the location ( a shopping centre ) where I was watching I took them to show them . They where horrified ! It was in a department store window , and a window dresser was making a little scenario ; back drop, some items , dried flowers , some models in clothing , a bit of furniture .... he would stand back ... no , the arrange things differently , yes . Then match colours , I realised some things he did seemed ... not right , then when he re arranged - right . Like someone working on a life sized diorama . But he was 'very gay ' ( now that I think back , but I didnt even know about that at the time .... this is early 60s in a very straight catholic family .... I didnt even ever a conversation with either parent about ANY type of sex ! ) .... parents where shocked and led me away ; no no no YOU dont want to do that ( MY God ! Little Nungers wants to be a homo ! ) . Later they booked me in with a professional 'vocational guidance councillor ' , I got interviewed, did a test and it came back that I would make a 'good ' shop assistant . In later life I realised why that was an attraction . Several other things I felt the same way about . I kept chopping and changing interests .... but at a latter stage in life I realised they where actually all facets of one thing ! At a certain stage of 'initiation and realisation' , they all came together .... it was like watching a reverse slow motion film of something shattering ... all those different things fitting into place and creating ' what it was ' . And , of course , part of that involved creating an harmonious space , with everything within it vibrating to the same frequency ( ie, specific 'temples' for working specific energies ) , 'life sized dioramas' . ( I have written about this process in the form of a short story , by developing a kids story - to introduce them to the idea - based on an old Sufi story ..... with updates ) Happiness enters into it, but I dont mean ordinary happiness , I mean an abiding , long term deeply satisfying happiness . Some people have things ( hobbies, sports, careers , professions ) that they absolutely LOVE doing ( love and will again ) more than anything else , some can do it all day and they might be brilliant at it . Imagine having something you feel like that about , as your job ... and getting paid to do it as well , when you would be prepared TO PAY to do it anyway .... some people have found that . To me that's an indication that 'you are doing what you came here for' .... mere physical pleasures cant give abiding 'happiness, sustenance and satisfaction like that can . Then there is that 'Daoist aspect' ..... doing things or going down pathways that dont assist one finding their True Will is like swimming up stream to cross the river . And the reverse applies ; especially when we see manifestations of many things happening 'effortlessly' to assist a person in that direction ; 'luck' is on their side , " How on earth did you pull that off !? " or as my solicitor said to me once ; " What the hell is going on here , every time a trap is set for you, or they ( Government prosecutor) ...
  2. Easter

    If that is all the priests are trying to get you to eat .... you lucky ! ... and poor old Aleister got into big trubs for only eating a little bit of ....... you know . I've had it ! I'm going back to the graveyard for my guts and brain stew ..... at least I know what's really in that .
  3. Solar power in ancient Egypt

    I was responding to your " as I recall the Djed pillar is the only graphical representation with both eyes looking at the viewer. " I am not sure what you mean by 'so none with the Djed '. I am not familiar with a djed image with two eyes * ... but I thought you where, so I had no reason to include one .... even if I could locate one . * Not surprised though , combining symbols , sometimes in strange and unusual combinations ( to us ) is very common with them . Hold still ! There is a HUGE beetle on your cheek !
  5. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Well , that type of 'footwork' seems to work for some ;
  6. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    I did a better one - freaked out a whole bunch of people ! At certain times of year , under certain conditions , an afternoon thunderstorm can arise , virtually out the blue (sky) and bring hail and rain rather quickly ...then its gone . One time, under those conditions , I was telling some people I could call up a storm ..... and I did Like I said , some people WANT to be fooled ( perhaps an unconscious want as well ) .
  7. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Stone breaking is an 'art' , first you need the right stone (and they can be brittle ) , just as you hit it, your other hand that is holding it , lifts the stone slightly so it is actually the impact of the stone on the surface as it comes back down from the hit that breaks it . Its an old 'tameshiwara' trick .... there is a whole range of them . The longer and thinner a stone slab is , the easier it will be to break . Slabs of ice are a good one - I have seen a huge collection of them set up, each about an inch above the other , unfortunately some began to break under their own weight while awaiting the strike Thats , one thing , now lets get to the above gif ; what a bastard ! These kids get continually pummelled from early age . They develop health problems and defects . I saw one, who was older then , do a demo, people cheered, he liked that, then he was interviewed about how it was possible , he started looking sad and told his story, it was horrible ; he started as a little kid by having to constantly ram his head into a wall - all sorts or 'tortures' where done to him , some of these things are actually tortures ; like being under the board with pressing weights , although in that case it could very easily be faked . The scary thing is , it may not be faked ! Anyway, this guy went on to explain what he had to endure all through his childhood , he never had a real childhood , just got trained to be some sort of circus gimp . He admitted he had developed terrible headaches , back problems, neck issues .... well, I wasnt surprised , they stuck his head between two concrete slabs and broke both with a blow from a sledgehammer ... in slow mo , you could see his head squish and flatten a bit at the blow and then 'bounce back ' . You can see this as a demonstration of chi if you want .... but I am seeing a very different story here .
  8. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    I had this experience yesterday at training , we train at a park, in town by the river , a beautiful spot . Anyway, it gets a few visitors , and sometimes people in the nearby car park , travellers and such staying overnight . First off I tagged this particular guy - I think I will avoid him . I could tell he was 'scanning' . Two others turn up for training and while we are waiting , he eavesdrops on conversation and interrupts , misinterpreting what was said and asking / calling out a question to me about it . I tell him not to worry about and he immediately has this little cranky tantrum and storms off angrily . He is checking us out from a distance during training . Afterwards I am walking across the bridge into town to have coffee with one of the guys who has his dog with him on lead , the dog is worried as the footpath is like a grate and he doesnt like it on his paws , so he is wanting to walk on the roadway and pulling lead . Weirdo guy is now coming the other way , makes weird assumptions about the dog and starts offering advice . Mate tells him (again ) not to worry about it . Guy amps up again . So it is explained to him, as my mate decides to walk the dog across on the road . Weirdo goes " Dont worry, I'll stop the traffic for you ." Now he is on the roadway , flagging down cars, stopping traffic ...... ey yyi yi ! Later I return to my car , weird dude is walking around car park 11 am with a half drunk longneck in hand ( large bottle of beer ) , now he is hunting some women that have slept overnight in a car ( a lot of people have been displaced on east coast here due to recent massive flooding - houses gone ) . I pass one, sitting on her folded out tailgate , she smiles pleasantly , I smile back . Weirdo is heading in her direction , but comes up to me and asks me how much I charge for lessons ! I say I dont charge for lessons . He says , that he will do' energy exchange' ... " I can do some gardening for you . " YOIKS ! I dont even want this guy to know where I live, let alone come around and put some of his 'energy' into my garden ! I did my usual ; " We are here each Saturday , turn up next week if you want a lesson ." 99% of the time they cant get that together . Then as I leave , I see he has sat himself on the tailgate of the woman's car , beer in hand ranting at her , as I past I look at here, she nods , but rolls here eyes in a " not ANOTHER one ! ' signal . And he wants me to give him lessons in what I do ? ? ? If he does turn up : Lesson 1 - sober up .... should only take you about 3 months .... come back after that for lesson 2 .
  9. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    That is an entirely inappropriate comment ! And was unnecessary
  10. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Shotokan ! ? Oh dear . What a history I have had with THAT mob ! But I suppose we should not go too hard on them , of course that No 1 student could have been defeated - after all Shotokan was developed as a sport style from 'karate' style primary school kids physical education programme . A very different thing from Okinawan arts that where a blend of karate ( which itself developed from Chinese Fujian white crane and incorporated 'tegumi' , a type of native 'wrestling ' - locks, throws, take downs etc ) and kobudo - weaponry . Lesson 1 . Punching .... stomp up and down the hall punching and yelling ..... no no , dont punch like that , pull your other hand into your hip and leave it down there , and when you punch, leave that hand sticking out there in the air with your arm straight and extended . Why 'Sensai' ? So your guard will be down and I will be able to demonstrate 16 different ways to cream someone who punches wrong 'Evil Shotokan Master ' ( ) ; " WE shall subdue the world and bring all karate under the Shotokan / JKA umbrella ! " ..... or you will not be 'recognised' as valid ' .
  11. Acting on your true will

    Anyway , to press on with our subject (amidst jeers, catcalls, the outraged , and ' those upset due to past disciplinary actions ' ) I will venture to ask a question that was stimulated by the above interaction . How would we know or identify what our True Will is ?
  12. Acting on your true will

    Often when people try to mask their identity , they cant help slipping a mistake in or doing something stupid due to lack of imagination , like inventing a name that was like their last one , or a name that starts with the same letter as their old name ... Eh, Mr. G . .
  13. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    I doubt you will get a response of any validity . Its an hour long vid ! I started and it took SOOOO long to get anywhere I gave up . Who has an hour to spare to watch the whole lot just to give you some feedback . You would be better off outlining his case in your post in text and giving us some reference times in the vid to check it . regarding your question : Who is more qualified to talk about this subject archaeologist or engineers ? I am sure you realise that would depend on what type of archaeologist and what type of engineer . I have a nephew that is a qualified archaeologist and I tried to engage him in conversation and he didnt have a clue what I was talking about ... and I am , in no way an archaeologist . He said he doesnt 'do that stuff' . What does he do ? he sits at a computer all day , entering data so it comes out as images . or 3 d scans etc . A modern engineer might be good at modern engineering , but what would he know about ancient engineering ? One might be better off to listen to someone like Mark Learner , who started off as an alternative ... geee maybe space aliens did all this type of guy , but was so determined to get an answer , started studying archaeology and Egyptology ( field you neglected to mention as a possible 'best' candidate for study ad solutions ) , graduated and is now respected in the main stream . But STILL, have heard him say really weird stuff that contradicts current theories and even what he said 10 mins earlier ! * But this is all on TV docos and, they are much like youtubes . Sorry to disappoint you , but you cant really learn about this stuff from youtubes . * tv doco is marvelling at pyramid of Khafre " WOW , we have discovered that this pyramid changed everything ... it broke tradition by being the first one to have its chamber at ground level , the others before it had them up in the body of the pyramid . " Abso BS ! The one before this broke 'tradition' by doing that , all others before that had ground level chambers . - they must mean that it was different than the one before it ? But no, they keep insisting . Then Learner comments that it it is different , than the ONE BEFORE IT . Okay, maybe commentary was pushing some exciting mystery ( fake ) BUT then at the end Learner says exactly that 'Its broken the tradition of all other pyramids before it by having its chamber at ground level . " So what's going on here ? TV thats what , its cut up, mixed around edited . Gotta look like something new and wonderful has been found 'cause ....... we just spent 10g on 'Lidar', 12 G on data point laser photography to make a cool 3 d model , plus the drone fees (all tech not available before ) so we need 'findings' to justify the expenses . In short, you cant learn much from youtubes and tv docos .... that is accurate . ... if I DO find I have a spare hour, I will try again , but if you want a discussion I suggest you do what I sad above . - it did get my curiosity though, I would LOVE to hear about any new VALID and NON STUPID* ideas on this . * like the guy that believed they used gold mirrors to focus the sun and melt through rocks = a 1 hr tv doco and at the end he couldnt even scorch a piece of paper with it .
  14. Solar power in ancient Egypt

    "Feast for Nebamun"
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Apech ! You shouldn't laugh at people that have a smaller one than they are actually claiming . Its a fairly common problem in America . - I think I will just flop this out on the table to make my point :
  16. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Regarding being 'a zapper' ( as said in video ) Sometimes at night, with light out getting into bed , I take off top, drop it on the ground and its alive with electricity running through it , you can see it in the dark, and its making a crackling sound . Under those conditions , if I finger tip touch any one ZAP ! But, in my case , I am assuming its a build up of static electricity . ...... but at other times , I can give people a real shock ... just from a handshake !
  17. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    When was that woman the Australian Prime minister ????? or is it the guy on the table ? ..... Bob Hawke ? Must be an old video !
  18. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Okay . And what have you learnt from this experience ?
  19. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Ya gotta feel sorry for the pizza guy .
  20. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Well, they do have a mutual love
  21. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Cant for the life of me see how why or when you need moderation for anything you wrote ??? Especially in a response to someone who continually brings up a contentious issue - under a smoke screen - in all sorts of ways.
  22. Acting on your true will

    I think he meant to say ; I am a troll on the internet that has already been banned from daobums but I snuck back in under another name (although I can be tracked to the same address ) What these types 'forget' is that they can be identified as their behaviour has not changed .... you would think they could mask it a bit .
  23. Solar power in ancient Egypt

    I missed this reply . Ohh ... please DO 'bore' me about that . I was wondering if SOME symbolism of djed goes back to ; ( you can even bend them over so ; which used to be common in many 'delta cultures'.
  24. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    ... I remember once doing tarot , a woman asked me at the end of the reading , how much money she could give me . My answer was , "If you are a struggling single Mum , then nothing , but since you are a very wealthy woman .... $50 . " She laughed and handed it over - pulling it out of a bunch of $50 s . The woman on the next stall, who was spying on us , said to me ; " Wow , your psychic ability is in good form today ! " DUDES! - The woman was wearing diamonds , gold ......
  25. Video as an acceptable form of evidence

    Yup ! I wonder sometimes if some of 'us' want to be fooled ? I guess, if you are stuck in a rut of 'sameness' every day and removed from natural life and nature . Me ? I am amazed nearly every day by natural life and nature . . . the really magical stuff , I appreciate , but have no need to 'prove' it to others . I might even deny it ; Some think / have noticed ' strange things ' occur around me , sometimes they will ask " Did you do that ? " My answer is ' Of course not ! It was a 'coincidence ' . ( the wise will know why this is a good response )