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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Native Tibetan shamanistic Bonpo

    Maybe after the Bo Bon one - its very good and comprehensive and seems to address exactly the 'migratory philosophy' I have been hunting . This 'existence of Buddhism before the Buddha ' is rather interesting . I will post more after I have read more .
  2. Acting on your true will

    as I said , its a long tradition that winds through good and bad ... you didnt even mention Sir Francis Dashwood and 'The Good Nuns and Knights of 'St Francis ' Rabelais yes, Rabelais ... and others , in ONE focus .... and right back to whatever religions influenced early Zoroastrianism . By the way ..... who gives a 13 yo that as Christmas present ! My earliest was around 16 when a copy of The Book of Lies fell out the library shelf into my hands when I was rummaging through other books near it - try starting with that ! Around 13 , people where giving me really stupid presents for Christmas ... like one that gave me a huge Teddy Bear Annual book - yeah , great way to show appreciation of my mature entry into teenhood !
  3. Acting on your true will

    Well, this be fun " love is secondary to will." ? Do what thou wilt shall be the whole of the law - yep, thats first . Love is the law - yes that appears to be second . Love under will . But if do what thou wilt is the law , and that law is love ad do what thou wilt comes first as the law , and the law is love , then love comes first .
  4. Acting on your true will

    " Love is the law, love under will " - which of course means nothing , because a ' right bastard' wrote that .
  5. Acting on your true will

    I think a few of us here now realise that ruling armies, having palaces and teams of dancing girls are not really the supreme aim of life . Aside from the issue that the modern world IS ALL ABOUT VANITY .... or so it seems at times . And what does Solomon conclude about what is NOT vanity - the " coming out the other-side of that conundrum " ?
  6. Acting on your true will

    I get it through a WIDE range of comparative studies and practices . To many that do understand , Your viewpoint is very exoteric and not backed up by the understandings needed to comprehend such issues . I would also add that someone who openly admits in public forum that they do have issues comprehending reality and understanding things , to the extent that you have have persecuting hallucinations, have or are having psychological treatments and have or are having professional treatments including medications , might have a slightly clouded view on such a subject that has been veiled in the mysterious and occult . Well, if you do want to get personal here ... and I am not being bitchy, I am merely outlining some facts that you yourself have told us ... I think it would be sensible to take these facts into account when analysing your individual understandings and observations about things .
  7. Acting on your true will

    Now yer talkin ' ! Looking at the makeup of the psyche ( and MANY cultures do this ) there are several 'parts' , and a part of our life's work / evolution is about a right combining of those . In Zoroastrianism its essential for successful 'transmigration' , the Kvaranah is an essential component of that . Then you WOULD be led beyond limitations and into a greater world ... that of the 'Faravahar' That is, the person's urvan (soul), mainyu (spirit), fravashi and khvarenah can unite and the spirits of the departed are generally referred to collectively as that person's (united) fravashi . The symbol of the fravahar or farohar three meanings nowadays: As a general symbol of the Zoroastrian faith: a symbol of belonging to the Zoroastrian community and of being a Zoroastrian (a symbol in a manner similar to the Christian cross). As a fravahar or farohar: a general symbol of the united fravashi or a guardian angel. As a symbol used by a Persian Achaemenian king: a personal symbol of the king's khvarenah or farr, his kingship in grace, or his fravashi. One might note the similarity in the image with the winged disc of Egypt ... and Egyptian 'soul science' also relies on a bringing together of soul components during our life to achieve 'immortality of spirit ' .
  8. Acting on your true will

    Why are you here ? Why did you incarnate ..... at this time, in that body, under these circumstances ? What is your purpose and mission in life ? What is it that your individual point-of-view / consciousness experience ( which is totally unique and like no other ) has to offer others , in their quests ? What do you love doing and find the most joy and real abiding satisfaction from ? What do you hope to achieve ? And why would any of this be spooky magic or self spun sorcery ? I would like to add , what some others have hinted at ; some just 'do it ' , the doing and expression of their True Will flows naturally from them , I have even seen it in children ( those special, aware ones ) . Yet some lament as even in latter adult life , their life is little more than some type of automaton / worker , for the system .. They even talk about 'loosing their soul' and having no purpose . I find it mystifying, that when separating this idea abuot one of the components that make up our spiritual being from one of the authors that tried to explain the concept is met with such hostility . I mean sure ... shoot the messenger if you have to .... but ripping up the message before its read and examined ..... ?
  9. Acting on your true will

    I agree . I think the non harming in hostile ways also means that we are not to interfere with other people's True Wills . I have never thought that expressing and living my True Will should in any way oppress others , especially in their development , finding or expressing of their True Will . Its a sign of intelligence , and here I am going with Carlo's definition ; Intelligent people find ways of expressing themselves and needs and wants that ALSO assist others . Stupid people come up with solutions that harm others AND them selves , and dont even achieve their own objectives . However , this does not eliminate the possibility that two True Wills may be in conflict .
  10. Acting on your true will

    Well, its a long tradition that winds its way through many manifestations and NOT original to Crowley . But going back to the topic at hand , ie, the concept ( forgetting Crowley for a moment .... if that is possible for a moment ) what do you think about my comparisons to the concept of Khvarenah ?
  11. Heatwave in Antarctica
  12. Acting on your true will

    Your protest is not valid . First of all you partially quote the original line leaving out the qualifier, which is not only specific to Crowley , but one he is infamous for , and then the Wiccan one , which is very specific wording : Its very clear what you where talking about and what the conversation was about . But now, all of a sudden you are preteding it doesnt relate to those quotes at all because some people, going back to 5000+ years ago have not wanted to harm anyone . Clutching at straws it seems . I dont want to harm anyone either ..... but I sure feel sorry for any Wiccans that need to defend themselves, their family or kids while trying to not 'harm anyone ' . .... what if it is your True Will to be soldier, or even a hunter to provide food for your family ? Have a think about what 'harm NONE ' actually means . What, you are going to become a Jain ? NO ! You are , if you REALLY have adopted that philosophy of 'harm none' ging to have to modify it ... as it is against the reality of life ! What it actually means is a catch phrase that people bandy around who are prepared to forget about it at a moments notice when it suits them .
  13. Solar power in ancient Egypt

    What would they know ! Its Obviously a high tension tower with insulators to carry the electrical wires from the solar panels to the arc lamps inside buildings . Have you ever heard of ' Cladking ' ? No, its not a company that clads your house - its an infamous poster on several forums and some that he got banned from ) , mostly where he can slip in 'inside info' about Egyptology ( based on his interpretation of hieroglyphs ... or I should say 'hydroglyphs ' - his main theory that the Great Pyramid was built by water power using a cold water geyser at its base ..... You should hear his interpretation of 'djed' and its additives and he went on to show how the pyramid and coffin texts explain every part of the process. Oh yes ...... and by the way , he is quite stark raving mad .
  14. Acting on your true will

    Poor Sterny .... - just when he though it was 'safe' to come back .
  15. Acting on your true will

    Okay ... let's make this all about Crowley, specifically the bad parts and the failures , huh . let's not even discuss such things as the True Will BETTER STILL , let's discuss Tibetan Buddhism .... wait ! Dont some of those guys invoke demons and and rip their own brains and guts out and stew them in their own brain case and offer it as a meal for demons in the graveyard ! I sure hope you guys havent swallowed any of that shit ! I sure hope any of you guys have not Tibetan chanting ( where you dont know what the translation is , and t turns out you invoked demons ... cough coughkamakargucoug cough ) .... If so, adious ! OR people can look up my posts on the Khvarenah .
  16. Acting on your true will

    I sure hope you can start getting a lot more lucid about what it is thats bugging you ? - OR you can keep playing cryptic . .
  17. Acting on your true will

    I could try and guess what you mean , or you could explain exactly what you mean . My guess is you took some sort of offence at my directness or that I am not as 'nice' and graceful as Sterny or I was too direct . Mhe . But what I said is accurate and what I assumed about also seems accurate . - some may not know this but that 'and harm non' addition , not only cancels out the true intent of the original concept but is a latter addition of Wicca ( modern witchcraft ) that has passed into a lot of New Age / Modern 'spirituality' , to the extent that, it now appears , some think the original is lacking the latter addition . [ And further on Wicca - its a 'watered down' ( to put it nicely ) version of a lot of Crowley's system , including an 'earth' triad (of three degrees of initiation ) , a morphing of Nuit on to a pagan concept of Goddess , and their whole interior rite ( that their whole system is based on ) ; The Great Rite , was a lift of of The Gnostic Mass ... originally it had identical passages in it, later versions where changed to hide its origin. Further Gerald Gardiner ( the creator of Wicca ) was a mate of Crowley's ( he even gave Gardener a lighter engraved with ' With love from Alice ' l ) , discussed with Crowley about developing a system for the 'simple folk', , took his Minerval initiation in OTO , and then lifted/added some nudity and 'symbolic flagellation' to his rites . Thats 'Gardinarian Witchcraft' , the next development of Wicca was another 'Old Boy' Alex Sanders , who combined half Gardinarian and half Crowley Stuff - 'Alexandrian Witchcraft' . ]
  18. Acting on your true will

    In case some have been away or missed it , here is some info on it ; 2nd post . .
  19. Acting on your true will

    yeah .... but I had to address the above first . My first thought was . I have not acted on my True Will .... but it has acted on me
  20. Acting on your true will

    Sigh ..... not this again ! 1st . it didnt forget anything - what you quoted was a latter addition / corruption. 2md You will NEVER understand what this means unless you understand and comprehend the specific terms used - mistaking 'doing what you want ' for the 'True Will' . Its a bit like someone thinking being 'enlightened ' means they can now afford a table lamp . To make such a comment as you did above, I have to assume you have read nothing I wrote on the subject here , including my extensive and all important comparison with the Zoroastrian concept of Khvaranah - which is where Crowley probably lifted it from ; his recommend reading list ( BEFORE ) reading his works includes the Chaldean Oracles and the Avestas ( as wel as a whole lot of other stuff ) . besides .... people like Putin, trump or whoever dont need no 'default ticket ' .... what does that even mean anyway ? Putin eventually gets doe for war crimes and he pleads he was just following Crowley ? It doesnt make sense . The whole thing about finding and expressing your TRUE WILL / Khvaranah is that it can and does alleviate suffering
  21. Native Tibetan shamanistic Bonpo

    Thanks . I 've started to get some good feedback here . Your link mentions and I keep running into the word I was looking into them at the beginning of this research, some years back . If one looks at a map or photo ( from altitude ) of Pamirs or western Tibet it seems fantastic that people could live there , let alone an advanced society / civilisation . This is where Beyul comes into it . The Avestas describe them as beautiful, fertile, clear clan air and pure waters , the original concept ( I believe) of Para-diz - later, the Classical Persian garden design - 'paradise' . In scriptural tradition they range from anywhere from a physical settlement to a pure state of mind , or a combination; a beautiful 'hidden' valley, with a settlement , that only the pure of mind can find / enter . The 'pure of mind' or 'the enlightened' could mean a lot of things, but I reminded of this story ; a friend of mine was in Nepal ( I think it was ), she went trekking by herself , didnt stay where and when she could have - to early , and decided to press on to the next village , she got lost, a snowstorm came in and night started to fall . She realised she was done for unless she came up with some smart solution. She did, and although it was rather amusing , it was the right one . She stayed put and ..... " Heeeelp ! ...... HEEEELP ! ...... " Eventually this small man ( like a dwark, she said ) turned up out of nowhere, took her by the hand and in the dark, led her along the trail , she said it was precipitous , once or twice, her foot slipped off the edge but as it did, a strong yank on her arm bought her back up . Eventually she got to safety . She said her feet could barely keep up with him . - perhaps its not so much the pure of heart , but 'local skills' ? Anyway ; Bayuls .... in the Avestas , they are said to contain beautiful pastures and fertile fields ; Yak grazing in the Fergana Valley adjacent to the Pamirs Yurt in the Pamir meadows Amu Darya (Oxus) River - Wakhan Valley & farms. - A word on climate change ; Some of the earlier dates ( too early IMO) attributed to these centres, going on stories about climate changing , relate them to the ice age , far too early for early Bronze Age / Chalcolithic. But looking at climate indicators , there have been several 'mini-ice ages ' and warm periods . The great cold and deep snow warned about in the Avestas could have been one of these mini cycles . At the outset of the Jamshedi era, the weather in Airyana Vaeja was fair and equitable. However, a thousand two hundred years after the start of the Jamshedi era, there was a sudden climate chill and a drastic cooling . [Pollen and tree ring analysis indicates the Chang Tang plateau in Northern Tibet had a far more liveable environment than it has today - one that supported a primordial civilization - until the climate become colder and drier starting around 1500 BCE, a climate change that caused the population to migrate out of the northern plateau. ] It seems logical that people effected by cold climate change would move down valleys into lowlands , in this area to the west, the rivers run down into deserts and alluvial fan oasis - The Oxus is the biggest, it's 'Oasis' being the (once ) huge Aral Sea and the delta there, yet another ancient culture. However there is a whole chain of oasis / river fans running along the south edge of these deserts, west, all the way to the Zargros Mts in Iran . This settlement probably developed after the Pamir ones and this is where BMAC culture developed . Some artefacts ; Ceremonial axe head - the two headed 'vulture man' is a common motif . 'Bactrian' Camel. 'Minatures' ! ( Yes, that is a finger behind them ) .
  22. Native Tibetan shamanistic Bonpo

    No , but .... Bingo ! Thanks. Looks like I will be ordering another book ! Number 2 seems far too late , 4 much too early , forget 3 , 1 seems from standard old school history ( pre discovery of BMAC - 1970s) .
  23. Question regarding color meanings

    Well, it helps - you , but I wont be looking it up further - I supplied some tools so you could do that . You can then combine those results with your own psychological meanings - only you can do that .