
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Original Dao Bums

    Oh no ! I arrived this morning , expecting the place to be swarming with bogeymen !
  2. Original Dao Bums

    and going by your own account over the years here, banned by other sites or at least displayed detailed knowledge related to bannings] and what is THAT supposed to mean ? " displayed detailed knowledge related to bannings "
  3. Original Dao Bums

    Yeah thats right ...... but what has it got to do with the quote of mine you put this info under ? I am glad that Daobums are not being weird to each other in the current events / political forum and it is little used . - but let's remember I was a previously banned member . . . and allowed back
  4. Original Dao Bums

    Glad someone can see that . They got right wing political here and started fucking up this forums focus on spirituality . So went and started their own 'spirituality' forum .... which got fucked up due to their insistence on being political . ..... and now ? Yeah, but there is an ....... undercurrent here . It isnt you making the decision this time is it ?
  5. Original Dao Bums

    Thank goodness ! I really dont want to know what 'goes on the back room of the club' .... but glad to hear that not many are involved . So I can probably safely assume that when I come to DBs and its quiet and no posts for a day or two , you arent all in that back room 'being weird ' to each other .
  6. Original Dao Bums

    I refuse to have anything to do with that part of the forum here . I welcome your non political involvement ...... comrade . ( that last word was a joke )
  7. Original Dao Bums

    It does not bode well .
  8. Original Dao Bums

    Just getting the story in order here ; You saw OD separated politics into sub forum . You decided to follow that model . Now its wrecked OD . ... and you welcome any of those people here as long as they behave . and they can take their politics to DBs sub forum . - did I get that in order ?
  9. Original Dao Bums

    Yes but according to that post ; " Political discussion didn't impact the rest of the forum for those who didn't request access to it. But it dominated the site as a whole...of course, that really didn't affect people who didn't see it. " It seems they where operating the same as DBs in this regard ? I think the whole thing is a big silly fluff ... this 'free speech thing ' . I mean , really ? People just cant stay focused on a subject and saying that something is not our subject or focus here is stifling free speech ? - you are asking for trouble . It isnt a problem on my history forum ..... anyone starts anything like that and ' Sorry , thats not history , thread closed . " If you persist, you get closed . How is this stifling free speech when you can go to other political discussion groups , and you live in a country that is RIFE with political speech everywhere else . .... and yes, I'm a bitch about it , not least because .... ... we are having an election ....
  10. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    Oh damn ! .... I thought you where going to say .... " and they lived happily ever-after . " Did you read the rest of the story ? They where drunk ... one , so drunk (or just such an arsehole ) that he tried to force their local mixed ethnicity ' digging helper ' to drink an unknown liquid that he said was beer or similar .... or perhaps poison . The poor man sniffed it , refused to drink, he was 'ordered' to , escaped ran away, was chased, bought back and 'ordered' to drink it again . But he ran away again .... and they laughed . I also liked the story about the bird that placed a magic stone melting leaf on a rock , came back the next day and the leaf had dissolved the rock into a little bowl, that collected water and the bird drank it .... what remarkable bird behaviour ! - especially since it was next to a river , and it could have got a drink there .... or any other place every other animal in that place drinks from .... without having to 'soften stone' to make their own water bowl . ow I know what you are gonna say ...... why does the bird need to make a NEW bowl for a drink , why not go back to that last one bowl it made , or the ones all its ancestors before it made ? Well, I am ahead of you on that one , you see I have not mentioned the ancient Peruvian 'rock trowelling' bird yet - the nemesis of the Peruvian water-bowl making bird .... he goes around trowelling over the depressions in the rock / bird water cups and making them flat again . .
  11. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    Enjoy .
  12. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    Some just cant accept that. And not all the skills are forgotten , some still use them - on a smaller scale . It can seem miraculous though .... I sat there rather amazed watching that Maori fellow cut stone with cotton thread .... at first , it did seem miraculous .... then I watched closely and realised what he was actually doing .... Besides .... Egyptology would not not be as fascinating a subject if we knew how they did everything . - I can see the 'machining crew' really isnt into using their brains to figure out one of the techniques I hinted at above . I should acknowledge the modern world , I realise and remove the brain from the equation and instead 'explain' things by ..... <sigh > posting a youtube Oh look , we actually knew about this all along ! - they even got a hieroglyph for it ! And just to add another point of contemplation (if it can be contemplated without a youtube ) We also have to consider their work in statuary - solid diorite ... and that isnt soft at all . A belt sander ? A stone softener ? The tradition in statuary went through to the Greeks .... are we imagining the coming of the iron age changed everything and made us loose technology . Modern stone cutting tools that we use now dont use iron ..... it took some time to develop good steel and 'carbide / tungsten / etc 'tips' came much later . Before that, statuary traditions continued along without a break .
  13. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    The copper tip on the drill isnt the cutting surface ... same as with the tube drills to cut out cylinders . And the cotton doesnt actually cut through the jade . Hint ( regarding modern usage ) ; corundum bigger hint : ' Impure corundum ' - a similar technique was used in Sth Americas , using a ROPE to cut stone .
  14. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    sigh ... anyone who knows anything about the sarcophagus in the King's Chamber knows it has no wide drill holes , nor holes of any type in it . When will you stop giving blind credence to anything 'you have heard ' or are you just having some fun here ? ... and you dont know anything about this process. You can drill through granite with a wood drill, IF you know the simple and not at all mysterious technique .... I watched a Maori cut a fish hook out of hard jade with a cotton thread . Its very obvious and logical solution ...... for some ... and people have been doing it for 1000s and 1000s of years . I have heard there is an anti gravity machine STILL THERE that lifted all the blocks into place ... ... heard it on some stupid youtube , that is .
  15. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    In that OP video ... which 'debunks' our opinion they talk about such a machine that left scoop marks . sorta like a big articulated belt sander ... 'ceptin' that the gouges are convex .... so a belt sander that goes around corners with a convex base plate , But then they say , themselves , that this wouldnt work and their solution is ; It must have been some type of machine designed to leaves the marks behind that we see left behind . - and some people cant seem to see what is wrong with that !
  16. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    Forget carbide tips .... Even with simple knapping, the waste ( chips ) can be used in a wall (galleting ) , although time consuming, requires mastery and expensive - it was used to show off your money actually Flint wall with galleting
  17. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    No, I will not have noticed that at all ! Now we encounter 'the logic of discussion' . On the surface , this ^ appears to be good , except it doesnt actually mean anything . Which of 'the quarries ' are you talking about ? Or are you suggesting all the stone in the GP came from ONE quarry ? is this a Graham Handcock 'fact' again ? GP stone was quarried from Giza, Aswan, Luxor, Fayoum Depression and other sites . For your 'information' to be valid, it would have to do some fancy calculating There is ? I wonder how you got this 50% figure ? Also, do you realise the GP is actually built on a mound ? That reduces the amount of blocks apparently needed . Again you reference 'the quarry', so this point is immaterial . Which makes the next question immaterial as well . Rubble and waste was used to make ramps, causeways , 'roads' to move materials along , etc .
  18. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    One thing moderns dont realise is how ancients viewed / used time . Why would anyone , virtually destroy their body and health by pounding rocks all day ? and the next day .... and the next .... Its a similar issue to ancient travel ; some people travelled vast differences - by simply walking there , sometimes it might have taken 15 years . Modern people gawp at this , and one person in particular expressed incredulous belief at it (from a modern western perspective ) in that ; " Why would anyone want to waste 15 years of their life simply walking from one place to another ? I prefer modern times ... just hop on a plane . " My answer was ; " That ancient person would probably ask you ; ' Why would anyone want to waste 15 - 35 years of THEIR life working in an office all day ? ! ' . "
  19. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    I agree partially but I must also disagree ; look at the first post .... how it is thought that presentation 'puts others in their place ' . Its virtually 'Dunner -Krugerism' ! IF you know anything about this subject . And to think that presentation ( OP vid ) is good and valid, and one is unable ( or yes, unwilling as well perhaps) to see all the flaws and gaps in logic all through it . I mean just think for a moment on one aspect ; flabby white tourists with office jobs go there , try using a pounder for 3 minutes ... and then declare it would have been too hard work for an ancient stoneworker ! Thats the sort of 'evidence' that video puts up .
  20. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    Nah . He said , and I'll quote it again ; multiple groups of 7 sages whose stories show up at the begging of almost all major cultures in our modern history. You cited ONE culture from ancient history .
  21. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    What " multiple groups of 7 sages whose stories show up at the begging of almost all major cultures in our modern history. " ?
  22. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    Yeah, very cool and amazing pics, thanks . Those 'handles' , if you mean the protuberances or 'bosses' / 'knobs ' are a placement aid . Think about lifting a block up and down in its position .... gotta put the rope around it , or use levers against it somehow without them being trapped beneath when its lowered in position. Some where smoothed back and some where not .... maybe they liked the look of that . . I guess my response to this part would be similar .... think about how they would soften the surface of a stone .... and all of that's implications , in many areas - and I'll leave it at that .
  23. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    " Snow " . " Temperatures in Cusco don't vary much during the year (the temperature holds in the 60s-70s Fahrenheit during the day and 30s-40s at night), and it never snows, but the region does have two distinct seasons: dry and rainy ."
  24. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

    So, there WHERE trowel marks but now they have been obscured by weathering ?
  25. The 1100 ton Unfinished Obelisk

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