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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. It depends on the medication of course .... in some cases PLEASE keep taking it , in others ; chuck it . I'll put my experience here to clarify things . yes I have 'seen' many of the things Shadow self talked about ; the suicides, the self harm, etc etc . But also I worked in a public hospital for years (not as a professional ) which included the psyche ward and before that worked a youth 'drop in' centre where many times people with 'mental problems' or having a bad drug experience would turn up . One experience stood out ; Young woman turns up late at night , I am sitting at the desk and she " I want to kill myself . " She sounded light and half joking ... ho-hum, we get a few of these a week . Me ; " Knives are in the draw in the kitchen ." - that stopped here . " Oh ! I never got that answer before ! Just as well you knew I was joking because ..... look ." and shows me her writs, which are a mass of scars .... and not going across the wrists either , some the other way . This looks serious . Anyway , lovely girl it turns out . Had problems since adolescence ( surprise surprise ! ), 'treatment' and a regime of psyche drugs for years that really messed her up . It all started when she drifted out of her body one night and could look down in the room and see it . It scared her so she told her parents . Then it kept happening , she did a few trips around the house , then she started to feel like she was 'slipping out' while awake and walking around kept telling her parents so it was off to the psychiatrist . My work partner gave me a curious look and asked her ' Have you ever heard of astral projection ?' She was totally ignorant on such matters . She was given a couple of books to read , came back a week later beaming " I dont I was ever crazy after all ! " Every so often she would come and talk to us about issues . Eventually he was off meds. She even admitted herself ; "I have a LOT more work to do getting rid of this stuff out my system - the drugs AND the stuff they said and put into my head . " In other times she would have been considered a Priestess and her advice sought . In other times again, she might have burnt as a witch . - Poor old humanity
  2. I hope the first paragraph is not based on personal experience ! Man, if mere pot did that to you ... dont go near psychedelics ! You are in no condition whatsoever ...... with those 'wires' torturing in your head and the other stuff you claim to experience .... to go near them .
  3. I'll support that in ; my indigenous shamanic teacher never even bought up the subject of psychedelics .... those guys are half in the 'other world' anyway .
  4. I got benefit from them . I am glad they 'broke the ground' . I claim to I have a strong, balanced, happy fulfilled and healthy psychology . vs.,of the journal PLoS Medicine. Really ? There is a plot amongst psychiatrists and University faculties to dope up the unsuspecting to try and cover up some dodgy research in other areas of psychology ? Okey dokey ! You do realise such 'expose' can be made in all the sciences , even the hard ones ? Even against the whole way the current 'scientific method' is worked ? 'Soft science' , I do understand it isnt maths or engineering . Nah . I know people in other fields of science similar complaints ! Well, if you feel you really need to .... actually all I did was ask " Wot , not even Robin Carhart-Harris, " . I think you answered 'no' to that. But hey, if you need to pick a trial apart - go for it .... you can even pick the trial . And I bet I can top it with some of the stuff I was served up at Uni ( eg . regarding fossil reconstructions ... they are supposed to be a science to .... or I could direct you to a paper on 'Outdated Empire based interpretations in archaeology .' )
  5. Even Jungian ones ? Hmmm .... I guess, thats why I dont 'administer' the substances . However that is exactly how I went into it myself .. and here's the thing ... due to that I now have a lot of 'clues' on what it is and how it works . . . . well , my mind that is . Not someone else's I seen how some people CAN react already . Actually , I already have enough problems in the past with people visiting and informing how much better they feel ...... now they have stopped taking their medications .... Beep ! Beep ! Beeeeeeeep ! Mmmmm ... yeah I suppose so . For me , it would depend on the type of psychiatrist , individually . They can always 'supplement ' from other sources . I would prefer that happening rather than what IS happening around here ; self styled shaman distributing it , some 'kung fu spiritual master ' who a very disturbed woman I know is getting it from ... wot a mess ! A new 'centre ' opening (illegally and underground ) offering all sorts of experience ; Ayahuasca weekends ( with 'shaman' present )
  6. Its not a new thing actually . . In the 1950s and 1960s, scientists published more than 1,000 articles on using psychedelics as a psychiatric treatment; the drugs were tested on around 40,000 people in total.
  7. I will take that as a no then . Does your PERSONAL dislike ( meaning 'dislike of the people) extend to the University Departments involved as well ? ( Wow.... I wonder what he thinks of Lily , Leary , etc .... < ducks and runs for cover > )
  8. ' Personal accidental experience ' ; Had a beautiful ( physically and in spirit ) young part African girl staying here . BAD anorexia , so much so if she lost any more weight ; into hospital against her will and food tube up the nose . So of course I wanted to 'wasup ? ' ... which of course required a 'way in ' ... to get trust , etc . She eventually told me sh thought she didnt deserve food , she was worthless and useless , a waste of space , " Why should an animal or even a plant have to die to feed me ? " I listened, didnt criticise and didnt judge , offer advice or anything . From observing interactions with her father , and his subtle abuse ( and mom wasnt that great either ) , part of the problem was obvious . Anyway, she starts running with the kids here her same age .... oh - o ! I mean, they where great kids but ..... they lived here . She turns up at my place, middle of the night glowing ; " I ate psychedelic mushrooms ! " Okay beep beep beep (Thats my sensor going off ! That censor that lets me know ' I am at a crucial cross roads for somewhere here , how I handle this could have a great impact , for much better or for much worse . ) . I knew her family would FREAK if they knew ( other family members had now turned up for the weekend ) . She was 'wide open' ! She had sought me out or was led here or just 'accidental stumbled' here ( thank GOD ... the mushroom God that is ) my goodness , if she had gone home or elsewhere in that state ! . Anyways, I know about set setting and etc . did all that , she seemed fine ... great actually and then she dropped the bomb , while trying to define what had /was happening to her and burst out " I FELL IN LOVE WITH MYSELF ! " . She didnt start eating straight away .... subsequent therapy was required ( cause she eventually did go home and what a furore ! ) her father called her a stupid little bitch that ruined everything , what sort of a place IS this ? and he was going to take her to hospital ( she was well on the way 'down' by then and someone else convinced him not to ) . She would go to town with us (me and few others ) and we would go into cafe and order all this food . No one would ever say anything to her , coax her, nothing , just eat in front of her and she started .... ' Can I have a bit of that . " ( tough love ) ; " NO . Get your own . " Ignore her . Give it no energy whatsover . She actually ordered something and ate a good part of it .... and it didnt even make her throw up ! She had put on weight after 2 weeks and didnt have to go to hospital . Unfortunately , it may not have lasted , hols over and off north back home with her father (ughhh ) , who was still suffering guilt and abuse from her mother for ever taking her to a place like that . - they grow wild in the fields here . Not much we can do about it . Slashing them just spreads the spores . They come up in my veg garden ! I dont take them though ...... I gave up years back .... didnt need the 'therapy any more ' (okay , no smart comments that ) . I was aware though when I had my last dose that ot would be my last , so I asked for a good trip ..... WOW ! Yep that did it . Dont need to take more after THAT anyway .
  9. Wot , not even Robin Carhart-Harris, a psychologist and neuroscientist at Imperial College London, and Head of the Centre for Psychedelic Research, Division of Brain Sciences and ; ONE case study ; ' Pharma pursuits' are always a problem .... with any substance .
  10. I thought turtles had big ones ? and for once , its too gross for even me to post a pic of it ! Dont look folks , dont look it up .... you will which you hadn't !
  11. I had same problem with my GF .
  12. I thought I did on page 1 ? No one wanted to seem to follow up on it . I even said when done right it is rather delightful . In case anyone forgot I am privy to the western tantric 'mysteries' . I been talking about this stuff here for years . ; here are some early 'heroes' in the 'ground breaking tradition ' ; I have made many posts about Ida , she was a dawnbreaker, heavily persecuted, jailed and died in jail ; I also recommend reading in conjunction with this , Wilhelm Reich's works on 'orgastic potency' . Another who not only was jailed but his books burnt ..... in USA , not Nazi Germany !
  13. I guess not then . Oh yeah .... give you bad karma - look what it did to THAT family ! Thats more like 'intuitive process' - which research has shown , that the most 'intuitive' are those having 'intuitions' within the field they have the most experience in , eg. police with crime , nurses with sickness , old crafty codgers with .... life .
  14. Yep , I posted a little 'paper' on it here years back . Its mostly 'atrophied' in the modern person, the indigenous have it developed more . To my surprise, even in NZ I always knew which path to take or which direction to go (more curious as paths change direction ) I retained the ability from Oz. yet when I returned home it had vanished , and came back several months later .
  15. The Hidden Life of Trees

    Ummmm ..... " attract those who want to strip naked for you, "
  16. The Hidden Life of Trees

    No , that unrelated diversion isnt going to help .... the cat is out the bag now ! zerostao , it is clear , is a Carrotwitch ( and just rechecking my theory that if I make something up it already exists n the internet ; ..... yep ;
  17. Would you like me to explain the 'sense of direction organ ' to you ?
  18. Synaesthesia does not mean that senses do not need to be attached to sense organs . Actually, I have no idea what that means . Sight can register heat , hearing can register colour . Smell can feel . Also 'wires' can get crossed . Also we are one huge sense organ . Senses float around sensing things with no apparatus to do that sensing ??? err wot ? Perhaps you are trying to say a smell can exist without a sense organ to smell it ? I mean DUDE ! you only had to read the first line of your 'proof reference' that you yourself put up ! " Synesthesia is a neurological condition in which information meant to stimulate one of your senses stimulates several of your senses. " ( I know some new posters feel the need to go around the threads and answer every post with their 'wisdom' ... but at least READ your own references first ! )
  19. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    To become a mystic all you need to do is maintain your own 'soul searching' without 'joining up ' to a religion or group . Its like A meaning of 'gnostic' in ' self found knowledge ' .... or 'approaching divinity without thinking you need a priest or similar ' . Mystics dont automatically have the powers and characteristics you mention as anyone can start along this path and become a 'mystic '. Some have made BAD mistakes and some are 'the best mystics' I assume you want to be like the best ones ? Also I assume you use the term generally , so, in the general field of mysticism , I have found no better than this advice ( and I have spent over 40 years examining the subject in both theory and practice ... just so ya know I am not some random internet goop sprouting something I just looked up pretending I have knowledge about it ) THEOREMS I. The world progresses by virtue of the appearance of Christs (geniuses). II. Christs (geniuses) are men with super-consciousness of the highest order. III. Super-consciousnes of the highest order is obtainable by known methods. Therefore, by employing the quintessence of known methods we cause the world to progress. ESSENTIALS OF METHOD I. Theology is immaterial; for both Buddha and St. Ignatius were Christs. II. Morality is immaterial; for both Socrates and Mohammed were Christs. III. Super-consciousness is a natural phenomenon; its conditions are therefore to be sought rather in the acts than the words of those who attain it. The essential acts are retirement and concentration — as taught by Yoga and Ceremonial Magic. {196} MISTAKES OF MYSTICS I. Since truth is supra-rational, it is incommunicable in the language of reason. II. Hence all mystics have written nonsense, and what sense they have written is so far untrue. III. Yet as a still lake yields a truer reflection of the sun than a torrent, he whose mind is best balanced will, if he become a mystic, become the best mystic. THE METHOD OF EQUILIBRIUM I. THE PASSIONS, ETC. I. Since the ultimate truth of teleology is unknown, all codes of morality are arbitrary. II. Therefore the student has no concern with ethics as such. III. He is consequently free 'to do his duty in that state of life to which it has pleased God to call him.' II. THE REASON I. Since truth is supra-rational, any rational statement is false. II. Let the student then contradict every proposition that presents itself to him. {197} III. Rational ideas being thus expelled from the mind, there is room for the apprehension of spiritual truth. It should be remarked that this does not destroy the validity of reasonings on their own plane. III. THE SPIRITUAL SENSORIUM I. Man being a finite being, he is incapable of apprehending the infinite. Nor does his communion with infinite being (true or false) alter this fact. II. Let then the student contradict every vision and refuse to enjoy it; first, because there is certainly another vision possible of precisely contradictory nature; secondly, because though he is God, he is also a man upon an insignificant planet. Being thus equilibrated laterally and vertically, it may be that, either by affirmation or denial of all these things together, he may attain the supreme trance. IV. THE RESULT I. Trance is defined as the ek-stasis of one particular tract of the brain, caused by meditation on the idea corresponding to it. II. Let the student therefore beware lest in that idea be any trace of imperfection. It should be pure, balanced, calm, complete, fitted in every way to dominate the mind, as it will. Even as in the choice of a king to be crowned. {198} III. So will the decrees of this king be just and wise as he was just and wise before he was made king. The life and work of the mystic will reflect (though dimly) the supreme guiding force of the mystic, the highest trance to which he has attained. YOGA AND MAGIC I. Yoga is the art of uniting the mind to a single idea. It has four methods. Gnana-Yoga. Union by Knowledge. Raja-Yoga. Union by Will. Bhakta-Yoga. Union by Love. Hatha-Yoga. Union by Courage. add Mantra-Yoga. Union through Speech. Karma-Yoga. Union through Work. These are united by the supreme method of Silence. II. Ceremonial Magic is the art of uniting the mind to a single idea. It has four Methods. The Holy Qabalah. Union by Knowledge. The Sacred Magic. Union by Will. The Acts of Worship. Union by Love. The Ordeals. Union by Courage. add The Invocations. Union by Speech. The Acts of Service. Union through Work. These are united by the supreme method of Silence. {199} III. If this idea be any but the Supreme and Perfect idea, and the student lose control, the result is insanity, obsession, fanaticism, or paralysis and death (add addiction to gossip and incurable idleness), according to the nature of the failure. Let then the Student understand all these things and combine them in his Art, uniting them by the supreme method of Silence.
  20. What's a mystic and how to become one?

    OMG ! Do you realise there are actually OTHER forms of alchemy !
  21. The Hidden Life of Trees

    Too big for that ( see above ) , ya gotta pull them out WAAAAY before that ! Besides ..... how do YOU ... know so much about CARROTS ! ...... Hmmmmmmm ?????? ( from 0 :22)
  22. The Hidden Life of Trees

    I missed this before - somehow . There is a huge one, In India I think, has a 'village' living in it ; corridors , rooms , part is a toilet , which feeds the tree . Its very ancient . There is one in Brisbane's botanical gardens that I went to see , not that big, of course, but still it did look like it was big enough to live in ! I peered from the little barrier and yes, I could see a way in and an interior . Looked about, no one around, hopped the fence and went in . The entrance went around a corner , it was low so I was crouching and creeping in the semi dark, then it got a bit bigger and ..... " OI ! What you doing here ! YOU get OUT HERE ... THIS OUR PLACE ! " A quick retreat - someone had 'beat me to it ' a group of Murri having a drink
  23. The Hidden Life of Trees

    Indeed ! here is something fascinating . Oz was connected to Antarctica - Gondwanaland . back then it was rainforest ! near 'tropical temps ' with trees that grew there , HUGE forests . But it was still the south pole . and it still had months of no sun - darkness . Yet the trees where not deciduous ! Looking at starlight indeed ! A seed's a star A seed's a star's a seed A star's a seed A star's a seed's a star