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Its just pop culture , Man . Chaos is cool . Chaos Magick .... Chaos theory ...... fractals Man ! And as in most things pop , people usually have no idea .... or forgot . " Chaos theory is an interdisciplinary scientific theory and branch of mathematics focused on underlying patterns and deterministic laws highly sensitive to initial conditions in dynamical systems that were thought to have completely random states of disorder and irregularities" So there ! Disorder seems to come about by humans imposing 'order' on what was previously deemed 'disorder' by themselves .
Really ? How did you know that ? HMMMmmmmmmmmmm ! Normally I would not reveal such sensitive information here , but being on the brink of WWIII : Psychic cat predicts Russia will win ! .
Like my last night's dream about the cat and the baseball bat ?
Can anyone teach me Psychic techniques?
Nungali replied to Lightseeker's topic in General Discussion
I did not notice that Jdb1d asked for " psychic technique which can be acquired via study alone " . He seemed to be asking about a teacher . - anyway , now that this 'introductory stawman spanking ' is out the way ..... My first suggestion would be to seek a teacher that understands some people have psychic ability and some do not , and it is a matter of helping you develop your ability . I would be suspicious of any teacher that claims they could teach anybody fruitful psychic techniques . A classic western method was to practice , collate results , collate what type of efforts resulted in positive hits and cultivate those particular efforts , eg ; The Golden Dawn suggested using the tattva images https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tattva_vision Pretty much in the same way modern 'Zener cards' have been used for testing 'ESP' ; Then up levels to include Tarot Cards ( 'guessing' one out of 78 - the idea here is that 'psychic' energy is involved as your Tarot cards would be imbued with 'energy' ) . Other techniques exist for development of other abilities. .- 354 replies
- gurdjieff
- mind control
(and 1 more)
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Hi Jb and welcome . What do you want to talk about first ?
Yes. 'Agape' not 'Eros' . This is apparent in the Zoroastrian concept of 'Good KIngship ' going back to 'mythical' King Jamsheed ( all of a sudden , somehow, a different idea other than 'warlord force' formed a new type of society ) and entered history with Cyrus the Great ( known as great due to these principles ) . Freedom to express your true nature is known as 'The Law' yet its 'mode' of operation is ( we are told ) , love ; " Love is the Law . "
Ah yes, the old misunderstanding when people have interpreted ' Do what thou WILT ' ( basically , structure everything towards your main aims ) to 'Do whatever you feel like doing in that moment' . I can maintain ease of my body by undertaking yoga ( ...oh Man ! do I HAVE TO ? ) or , I could shoot up some heroin ( ahhhhhh ..... what body ? ) . Thing is , after a while I will need more in a single dose .... and more again until I will be taking large doses just to feel 'normal' and when I stop .... VERY 'uncomfortable' in the body . And yes , this is the path we chose to go down , en mass , in many things ; pop the pill, dont treat the cause ; its a mode that has caused serious environmental and psychological problems as well .
Whaaaat ! Chaos ! What is that soft toy doing in top row second from right !
Ooooo ! What an old and out of date attitude ! ' My Brother, first, let me acquaint you with the first paradox of philosophy ....... in order to gain freedom to do your will, you must put yourself under discipline and organisation .... " So said my first initiator , in my first imitation into the western mysteries , first sentence of first knowledge lecture . Then many examples where given . I think here, the best example might be Yoga ; to gain freedom in your body ; freedom and ease of movement , freedom from restrictions ( of a tight and tense body ) you have to go through , perhaps, pain and discomfort first . The dawn meditation is good example too , especially if that includes yoga ; It involves discipline; " ' get out of bed 'you' ! " One might think the 'free' and 'do what you WANT ' person , sleeping in has freedom . Its all tied in with 'higher' and 'lower' aspects of the self . I tried to get this concept across when I taught ( adapted ) heremetics at local school ( year 10 ) .... nope , they where not having it ... until ; " Okay , you want to be free to do whatever you want to .... Duncan ! What do you want to be free to do , pick anything or your favourite thing , or even a real intention you have . " " I AM GOING TO BE ( loved his self assurance ) a top class first grade soccer player ... professionally , I want to make a living from it as well . " 'Thats going to take a bit of training .... giving up other stuff ... getting up early , flogging yourself ..... " Then they got it . I even find that I have to put in a lot of effort to maintain my current level of laziness . - I will go out and mow the lawn now ..... even though I dont want to or feel like it , not due to any sense of anything except .... when the grass gets longer , its harder to push the mower through it Dont mow it all ? Then there is the 'bother' of getting tics, avoiding snakes ...... Oooooooooh the pain !
Bravo !
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
" Ewww grose ! Anyway , it seems I have penetrated the mystery myself , thanks for your help old one . " And Prince Luke set off down the down the mountain . Eventually he got back to camp and gathered all around to tell them of the mystery he had uncovered ; " We are all actors in a play, characters in a story ." "Not this again ! " said Apech , thats old hat . 'Where is my crown and sword I lent you? " asked Nungli . "No," ( now plain old ) Liminal Luke protested , its actually true and not only that , we all used to be on the other side , reading the stories , this , all around us, this consciousness , is not real , we all have somehow become trapped in each others stories as characters . We are not the characters ... we where and are supposed to be readers ! " " Cant we we be both at the same time ? " offered Nungali . " Oh, there he goes again with his obscure silly comments ' protested Old Bob ..... he even left the bit out about being both at the same time ! " - everyone looked at him strangely . " No, look ! This is important " protested Luke , thinking that no one was giving valid reception . " You will all be stuck in this delusional world otherwise . " " Blah blah blah " said Nungali , " You and your Buddhist illusion , do - gooderisms again ! Actually, I am very happy in this place . You just made up some story about some experience you had up there to justify your own belief system ! " "What ! ? " " Yeah ," piped up Ralis .... and your delusions are probably contagious as well ! No one listen to him ! " "I've had enough of this .... I am going back to the other side ." ...... and promptly vanished ! All looked at each shocked ... except Nungali " I am already there .... and here at the same time . " he told the others . " Yeah sure ... big mouth ! " Apech shot at him . . -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
Prince Luke thought for a moment ; “Where was I now? Ah yes, life would not make much sense and the writer could just write whatever he liked, and change things at will and, well … that would make life crazy, illogical and insane.” The hermit pondered this and then offered , "Well … that’s the conclusion a few people have come to regardless.” “But how would we know?” “Pardon?” “How would we know if we are different, what could we compare it to? I mean, what if the writer decided to …” Prince Luke lifted up his shirt exposing his chest and his three nipples. " Say? Only give us two nipples. How would we know if that looked weird?” The Hermit muttered dismissively; “Well, I don’t see what all this has really got do with …” Prince Luke looks around again : “Hmmm, writing for an audience … wait a minute! I just had an inspiration ! Someone is reading this right now aren’t they?” “Well, this is getting rather philosophical …” “You have to tell the truth!” The Hermit slumped in resignation , " “Yes … they are reading us now.” Prince Luke jumped up excited and looked around, " “I knew it! Where?” The Hermit stood and gestured expansively, " “All around.” “How can they be all around at once?' Luke protested , " I’d be able to see them.” “Well, not ‘all around at once’." The Hermit replied , " They are in a different dimension to us, you understand. But if you concentrate, you can feel them watching. It changes position a lot - their viewpoint.” The Hermit closed his eyes and concentrated. He gestured towards a tree in the distance and opened his eyes. "They are over there now. But often, when I’m talking to someone, they are over here.” He turns his head over his shoulder and points backwards . " " But , " Prince Luke went on. " If there is a writer, and an audience … in another dimension … well, that writer then, being our creator, is like God! And the audience … well, they must be angels or something.” Luke goes into contemplation , The Hermit looks around nervously. Prince Luke seems in deep contemplation now , " It seems to me though , I remember being in another place , a place beyond and behind this place . The place of the reader of the story .... I actually remember being there and reading some of the stories myself ....... wait ! I actually wrote some of those stories ! Now I am wondering how I have become trapped inside one ? " Now the Hermit was pondering too , " “Hmmm, I suppose that is possible, but, but I doubt you will be able to get back there . " " Ah ! But now I have become PRINCE Luke .... I can pretty much do what I want ! " " No , " reminded the Hermit , " You are still at the mercy of the author ." - just then a huge pentadactyl swooped overhead and deposited its dropping upon both of them -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
After a a few more more hours of climbing Prince Luke saw a grass clearing ahead , behind that was a rock wall with a cave and sitting in front of the cave , cross legged on the grass sat The Hermit . The Prince approached , "Wise one , I have found you ! I am Luke and I .... " “I know who you are. I’ve been expecting you. Come, sit.” The Hermit patted the ground beside him and prince Luke sat down next to him . Prince Luke began immediately; " “They say that the Wise One knows all and can answer all questions.” The Hermit noded smiling. “What happens to us when we die?” The Hermit laughed , " O, young Prince, not even I know the answer to that one! No one knows … until they die.” Prince Luke contemplated the view in silence for a moment. “Wise One, what is all this?” he sweept his hand out over the view. “Life.” “But what is it FOR, what is it all about?” “THAT is what it is for! To ask that question. You have to work it out for yourself.” Prince Luke meditates a bit more; “Some say that all life is a stage on which we are players.” “They do.” “Is that true?” The Hermit looked a little uncomfortable and shuffled in his previously composed posture. He goes to say something but hesitates. Then he slumps, as if in resignation " Yes. " Prince Luke looked up at the Hermit with surprise. “So it IS true! … Then life … well then, life must be play on a stage.” “Oh yes, life is a story.” agreed the Hermit But Luke went on ; “Yes, but not just metaphorically. I mean, if say, this, is part of a story it must mean somebody has written the story.” “Well, logically, yes.” “And they would have written the play so people could read it.” The Hermit looked cautious .... " “Well, I think you might be getting a bit ahead of yourself there Prince Luke .” Another thin fish swims past in the air. Prince Luke goes to make a grab for it but stops. The fish scoots away on the air. Prince Luke's stomach rumbles, he rubs it as if hungry. He looks around slyly and then suspiciously at the Hermit. “But that wouldn’t make much sense would it?” The hermit looks relieved; " “No, no, it wouldn’t.” “Because the writer could just write in whatever he felt like …. making stuff up as he went along , he could make up crazy stuff , and us , we in the story ... life , well, we would be having all this crazy stuff happening to us , and thinking that was 'normal' and really confusing us . " A fish, the same as the others but very fat, swims past on the air. Prince Luke grabbed it. " Ah a! At last!” He put the fish’s mouth in his mouth and sucked it, the fish shrunk. He stoped and looks at the Hermit and offered the Hermit some ; "“Fish-sup?” The Hermit held up one hand and placed the other hand on his stomach and shook his head. “I’ve had my fill today thanks.” Prince Solomon finished the fish and now it is as thin as the others were, he lets it go and it swims off through the air. -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
After many days travel our little band of seekers had finally come to the Sacred Mountain where the Holy Hermit lived . Camp was set up at the base and it was decided one member of the group should attempt to scale the summit and reach the hermit in his cave , put to him the questions the group had been considering and return with his council . They held a quick discussion and decided Liminal Luke should be the one ( ... I know, right ! ... oh well , that's democracy for ya ! ) Apech informed him ; ' Beyond yonder arched gateway lies Chapel Perilous , there , things are very different , you will need your wits about you . " Nungali stepped forward ; " Here , you should take these ritual symbols of your symbolic princely quest ." He placed an ornate golden crown on his head and belted a sword to his waist . " Now you look the part ! " Luke set off, climbing the steep hill . As time went on the hill became steeper , but not too hard going , it was mostly grass with some smaller trees and rocks to negotiate . Prince Luke was tired so sat on a rock to rest ; " I which I had bought some food , " he said to no one in particular , " I am getting quite hungry . " Just then a huge fat colourful fish came along , swimming through the air . ' Ah! " Thought our Prince , " I must be at the beginning of 'the strange realm ' . He snatched the fish out of the air and examined it , it appeared to be smiling at him but also a little uncomfortable . It burped and a bubble appeared around its mouth and then burst , some went on the princes hand , he noticed the smell was pleasant and familiar ........ ? ... what WAS that smell ? ...... Tacos ! ? ... NO . He smelt it again ... yep , Tacos . He dipped his finger in and tasted , definitely tacos ! "Oh well", said the prince , " I am hungry enough so he stuck the fish's lips in his mouth and sucked . " Wow ! Thats good ... its like that astronaut food , in a tube ." As he sucked the fish, it got smaller until it seemed normal of a proportion . Now, also it seemed a lot happier , and swam off happily through the air . Then along swam another fish, it was fat as well and a green colour , Luke snatched it out the air and tried it , " Honeydew Melon ! " He supped , the fish shrank , he let it go and it swam happily away . " What a curious place ," he said , then he arose and continued his trek up the hill . At one place he had to negotiate brambles , they kept catching his clothes and particularly tangling his sword hanging from his belt .... "Why do I even need this thing ! .... was it a joke ?" He stabbed the sword in the ground upright and hung the crown from it " I'll get them on the way back " . -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
any one for some squid randori ? -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
.... and then slowly as they where drawn down the Great River unto the Great Sea , the post mortem hallucinations began ; my time in the jungles of Colombia ...... my one true love ..... -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
Indeed ! Apech is soooo Barbaric ! Putting pics up of a penis ..... without a kynodesmē ! ..... disgusting ! https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kynodesme -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
Pssst ... Apech , have you noticed, all of a sudden , everyone else left ? I wonder why ? -
! " Video unavailable " with a further explanation under that which says " This video unavailable " - just to make it clear it is THIS video here that is unavailable ... not another one somewhere else . Moving along .... 'Gidim' - ancient Sumerian : gig - to be sick , unhealthy , unwholesome ; dim - a demon . or Gi - black , dim - approach ; to approach darkness .
Using psychedelics for cultivation or any other spiritual system.
Nungali replied to Salvijus's topic in General Discussion
Yes , If you need to say something like that , or get it treated go to Traditional Chinese doctor . Tired and without mood indicates you need MORE drugs ..... my GOD ! Sound like one of those 'add two spaces guys ' ? I hope you are feeling a LOT better now . -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
Well ....... I've never had any trouble . -
Curious . You see the Earth's electro-magnetic axis as its sushuma ? Venus in he role as Proserpina , of course . I was just about to answer , just to give you a peek . But I now realise, its not an answer you seek . If I may make a suggestion ...... you have put the answer before the question . .
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
Well, that just plain silly .... if me and Apech had a fight it would not look like that at all , and his low tactic would not work . Because I been practising iron ball Quigong ..... you start small , then work your way up ; -
We few, we happy few, we band of brothers, sisters and all
Nungali replied to Apech's topic in General Discussion
Nah ...... no mate , I'm not gonna hang on to that !