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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Abyss

    Finally! You got what is going on ! You make junior high school posts ... thats the type of response ya gonna get .
  2. The Abyss

    Thats the great thing about desireless posting 'from the Abyss' ..... note how absolutely one is detached from the information they are conveying
  3. The Abyss

    I am in the Abyss ... and I made this post with no personal desires whatsoever attached to it
  4. The Abyss

    That definition of Abyss seems to only exist in your own mind . No other scholar or psychonaut describes it so . And by using the collective 'you' in your descriptions is wrong , it should be " I " - it appears you are attempting to use a form of psychological projection in order to try and give your own personal experiences some type of outward objective reality .
  5. The Abyss

    Nah . Its YOU that I am mocking due to you PURPORTING to have understanding and experience of things mystical and / or occult when by the posts presented - you clearly do not have experience or understanding of them . However , you do have experience dealing with your mental disability , although that is certainly NOT the same thing .
  6. Story of Atlantis Part 1 - Ice Age and Deluge

    Ahhhhh .... Tony light and love .... 'Recognise' what Paul Weinzweig and Paulina Zelitsky of Advanced Digital Communications, said THEMSELVES as to why 'nothing further has occurred' . Its rather bullshit that these formations are as described as above and to suggest there is writing on the formation ? Do you realise how deep it is and what form the original images where in ... and how they got translated to another form , and what the original images actually looked like ? Or would you rather have a 'channelling' description of the scientific research ... and another question ; Do you realise how stupid and ridiculous it is to look at scientific research via a 'channelling organisation' when one could just go to the research itself ? In any case , all this was already discussed , and the 'process' of bullshitification outlined and the original images posted . Now, waiting for the next new person to come along and post some random Atlantitis ......... that we have already examined .
  7. The Abyss

  8. Evidnece for the super natural

    (Again ) What 'professionals' ?
  9. Evidnece for the super natural

    yes .... CONTEXT Is it a video of a car going trhough a red light in a public street , or me levitating as I flap my arms in my basement
  10. Evidnece for the super natural

    A pity you missed the threads on this here on DBs when this info first came out and the various technicalities of such thermal imaging where discussed . If you dont understand what you are looking at , then any 'evidence' . real or photographic or video will fool you . - one of a set of photographs that fooled people for years , some , even up to today ! These photos where posted as recently as 5 years ago on the old defunct Tarot forum. I posted a link to a Wikipedia article explaining the scam and how 'historical' and well known it was used to be , 'Faire-wanna-bees' got upset and reported me and mods gave me a 1 week suspension !
  11. Evidnece for the super natural

    James Randi or a 'Ghost Hunter' ?
  12. Evidnece for the super natural

    Round and round he goes ! I hope you are enjoying this So, if someone accepts something as proof to them, it is accepted as proof to them ? You should join the Philosophy department of the University of Wooloomooloo . Pfffft ! I'd bet $500 you thought the earth was already round BEFORE YOU EVER SAW footage from the ISS ! - Point is, you came to that decision about the Earth's shape from a variety of sources not just because you saw some video footage from ISS ! Do you think there would be any difference in validity between video driver cam footage presented in a court , ie footage in a public street with the traffic signals working and a car going through a green light and private video camera footage shot in some one's basement showing them levitate ? Is the requirement of video evidence the same if I say ; I can show you a video of me juggling 3 balls to prove I can juggle , or I say , I can show you a video of me flying around my yard flapping my arms , as proof I can fly ? You got things all skew-whiff ... actually, you have made things all 'skew-whiff ' inside your head ,,, just so you can accept some stuff you want to believe is true .
  13. The Abyss

    Apparently it is up the crack of your root chakra .
  14. The Abyss

    Along with all this 'Helpful Demonic' advice ... I just luuuuv the consistency of his 'gnosis ' regarding 'The Abyss ' ; Yet ..... Maybe try again and think it through a bit first ?
  15. Evidnece for the super natural

    You do realise WHY Mr Turtle is pushing video evidence ( with 'professionals' in attendance ) as something very significant ?
  16. Evidnece for the super natural

    Originally ; You probably meant ; " To prove something to another party so they accept it ..... thy would have to accept it . Yep , thats what I said above . But their lack of acceptance does not negate any proof . Proof must stand on its own and not suffer rejection just becasue some stubborn retard refuses to accept the facts . sigh .... But that in no way impacts on the proofs themselves . And video certainly is NOT proof ! And who are these 'professionals' whose attendance during filming make the video proof ? Plumbers ? DOPs ? Solar panel salesmen? Helicopter pilots ?
  17. Evidnece for the super natural

    Until you decide to mess with Vladi here ; ( You can just tell he is going to grow up to be head of Russian Mafia . )
  18. Evidnece for the super natural

    I wonder how many have done this ? about 2 % probably * , if that . * of people that have an opinion on it .
  19. Evidnece for the super natural

    " Professionals " ? " By definition " ? Proof , definition ; ' evidence or argument establishing a fact or the truth of a statement.' ' Something which shows that something else is true or correct ยท an act or process of showing that something is true.' ' evidence sufficient to establish a thing as true ' ' Proof is a fact, argument, or piece of evidence which shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists. ' ' countable/uncountable information or evidence that shows that something is definitely true or definitely exists ' - nothing in the definition depends on some random person accepting it , or not . Thats a rather crazy premise .... I can stand steadfast in my ignorance and declaring I do not believe in this or that ... and presto ! It has not been proved . methinks you are pushing, or setting up some agenda here .... or just so used to this false premise being bandied around that you have given it some validity . You seem to have mixed up 'proof' and 'prove' with 'proved to ' ( a particular person ) . Besides I can prove the earth is NOT flat , if it was , cats would have knocked everything off the edge by now . And , if it IS flat ...... that's only because yo Momma been sittin' on it ! Yes it is , thank you, me and my handy dictionaries and BS detector shall fight on !
  20. Official Government Disclosure Of UFOS

    It wasnt that long ago that similar was thought about 'ball lightening ' . Since then we have found all types of 'critters' up there .... including 'sprites' ; ( some type of electrostatic atmospheric jellyfish ) Got some 'Pixies' up there too !
  21. The Abyss

    Have you ever considered that ?
  22. The Lost Wisdom of the Pharaohs ;
  23. ? Did you mean ' since getting better , I realize all of that was a delusion ' ?
  24. Well, I have a fair bit of western esoteric knowledge about it, if you are interested in that . Also I am 'winter born king' , birthday is on winter solstice . There are strong pagan / Wiccan usages of it , being the main' crossroads' , and then they are divided up into the 8 magical ' festivals '. The Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn ( a main stream influence in magical tradition ) used them strongly and had specific rights . Also they mark very interesting areas of space ( eg , my birthday , siderally is on a grand cross of constellations ( 4 of them ) and intersected by solsticial colure , and two other 'great circles' . plus a whole lot of agricultural stuff from bio-dynamics .