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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Why it's time to say goodbye

    First off, how delightful and refreshing to read intelligent comment on Freemasonry instead of the silly old incorrectly informed conspiracy crap . And also interesting , to me, to read a woman's perspective on what is considered a Man only realm ( except for Co-Masonry) . Also to read a perspective that comes from reading and observation that seems perceptive and balanced . Poor old Hiram . He was privy to the mysteries , being a Master . But as is the way of the world , the unscrupulous sought to seize his power. He refused and the first 'ruffian' dealt him a blow on the head , the second a blow to the heart and the third , to the lower body . Death and rebirth , a new life, activated by a new 'power of three ' So a Master Mason is ritually killed and 'raised again' . A note on Hiram ; In 1 Kings 7:13–14, Hiram is described as the son of a widow from the tribe of Naphtali who was the son of a Tyrian bronze worker, sent for by Solomon to cast the bronze furnishings and ornate decorations for the new temple. From this reference, Freemasons often refer to Hiram (with the added Abiff) as "the widow's son." - Wiki . Jesus Raises a Widow's Son ; ... As he drew near to the gate of the town, behold, a man who had died was being carried out, the only son of his mother, and she was a widow, and a considerable crowd from the town was with her. 13 And when the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 14 Then he came up and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And he said, “Young man, I say to you, arise.” 15 And the dead man sat up and began to speak, .
  2. After the stuff you have posted here , why would anyone 'trust' you . And particulalry why would anyone trust you to 'look at it your way ' especially when you have clearly outlined the huge mess you have got yourself into FROM looking at things your way ?
  3. Humans Without Souls

    Did you like that explanation ?
  4. Humans Without Souls

    One supposes ( since no explanation is forthcoming ) that it is considered 'of Gaia' because 'Man' is a product of Gaia and hence his products are a product of Gaia . But I dont buy that , and I dont buy 'Intent' excuse more so . If I cant see an underlying pattern or force of nature* in Man's works I write them off as ' human mental aberration ' , which I do not see as 'natural' . * of course, this requires a wide ranging knowledge and understanding of those forces . .
  5. Who are these happy people?

    Those type of psyops have best 'success' when interfering with young minds ... which are even more 'plastic'.
  6. Who are these happy people?

    Wiki also gives 'contentment' and " Davies (2018) interprets the concept of ḥtp as "the result of action in accord with maat [the proper order of the universe]" also , what we might call gratitude / showing appreciation for ( even for just being alive ) / offerings is known to be 'mentally healthy ' ( or generate 'yohu mainyu ' - good mind ) . And Wiki also adds : " The word also refers to an "offering" ritually presented to a deity or a dead person, hence "be pleased, be gracious, be at peace". It is rendered in hieroglyphs as an altar/offering table " . Anyway , they are some dynamics about 'happiness' generated by 'good mind' .... But what about false happiness generated by participation in , aiding and abetting 'evil' ... and not even knowing you are doing that .... 'The People's' minds are plastic .
  7. Who are these happy people?

    'Real' happiness includes contentment but is more than that . And if it is a real 'spiritual' happiness it is stable ; amidst the natural turmoil and 'suffering' of life . Unless it is real turmoil and suffering .... not the type of 'suffering' I often hear westerners complain of . I think we all know about 'those people' that have 'nothing ' and yet ;
  8. Who are these happy people?

    Its the Hitler Youth Secretariat having their morning cereal and skirt length inspection ( the inspector is lying just OOF at the bottom you can see his head and arm and his stripped measuring stick next to him ). As was the custom then , all dress and underwear inspections where accompanied by the official 'accordianmeister' - which is further evidence of their heartless inhumanity .
  9. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I like telling that to the kids , they are " Huh ? What ? "
  10. Humans Without Souls

    I still got mine ..... damn ! I missed that A.I thingomajig
  11. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    When there are so many variations of covid out there that they run out of using Greek letters , they will have to ....... start using French letters
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    What does covid and wearing a condom have in common ?
  13. I can clearly see that occurring ..... ' somewhere ' There is even a formula to calculate it ; or if you prefer a simpler way of looking at it ; (using a network that does access and measure another beings energy) the total energy radiated in one day is about 80 MJ . [ The megajoule (MJ) is equal to one million (106) joules, or approximately the kinetic energy of a one megagram (tonne) vehicle moving at 161 km/h (100 mph). ] Its a combination of THREE DIFFERENT TYPES OF ENERGY WE RADIATE . Oh yeah , there is also this thing called 'empathy ' ; empathy /ˈɛmpəθi noun noun: empathy the ability to understand and share the feelings of another. " Contemporary researchers often differentiate between two types of empathy: “Affective empathy” refers to the sensations and feelings we get in response to others’ emotions; this can include mirroring what that person is feeling, or just feeling stressed when we detect another’s fear or anxiety. “Cognitive empathy,” sometimes called “perspective taking,” refers to our ability to identify and understand other people’s emotions. Studies suggest that people with autism spectrum disorders have a hard time empathizing."
  14. What are you listening to?

    ( there isnt just one smilie that can explain what that did to me )
  15. Atlantis

    Earth only be flat 'cause yo Momma been sittin' on it .
  16. Atlantis

    Whaaaat ! ? .... Oh ! ...... You meant your forehead 'head' . .
  17. Atlantis

    Okay , I have to admit I NEVER knew that ! I had no idea that Atlantians had developed industry-proven, cloud-based e-commerce and digital marketing solutions !
  18. Atlantis

    Then my ' If this if is not that is, it is an isn't' would probably turn into 'if this is, that isn't, it is not an is ' .
  19. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Those cold desert environs fascinate me . I had a friend here from New Mexico that used to show me pics of her home . I would like to try living in that environment . She gave me a present , a chunk of rock from there , dont know what it is ; 3 layers , a pink crystalline one , a band of lighter green and a white crystalline layer . I guess its a 'dry cold' .... not like here ; cold and damp /wet . Actually, hot and damp/wet as well . We certainly dont have any high deserts here .
  20. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Even if it isnt cold enough to light the fire , sometimes I just put a lit candle in the fireplace . A little fire going in the fireplace is like the heart and soul of the home .
  21. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    I saw a doco on some Arctic explorer , cant remember who , but he seemed a smart one . He was worried about his men if something went wrong on an upcoming trip, so he went to stay with some local indigenous to learn the skills needed for survival if something bad happened . The natives where very obliging , a bunch of them took him out for a trek in the snow and ice ; dig a hole in the ice to catch a fish , find the right spot to make a shelter , how to cut ice blocks and form an igloo . By now its night time. All the men are in the igloo and they put waterproof skins down first, then furs , then fold out this giant sewn skin of two layers sewn together around the edges .... just like a sleeping bag . The men strip naked, smear seal fat all other each other and squash into the bed like sardines . ... Man, the look on that explorers face ! " Come on, get in . " Shaking head , no . " We will keep you warm .... you can sleep in the middle . " " Uh - a " ( he still could not get any words out ) . " Why won't you get in?. " " Ahem .... I will be fine , I will just sit in the corner and sleep there . " " You cant do that you will freeze to death . " "I'll be fine . " So he sat against the wall, all rugged up in all his clothes and freezing his butt off . - If his expedition did end up in trouble .... " Sorry Men , it looks like we are all going to die . " .
  22. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Actually, that relieves ' me ' of SOOOO much responsibility !
  23. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Really ? I have a shower on a cold night and I dont need to light my inside fire . Fire is also another good way to keep warm ... if people did not realise .
  24. Atlantis

    I love Atlantis threads