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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Atlantis

    So its one of those 'milk and honey' things is it or more of a 'Mars & Marduk' thingamajig ? So my answer to your 'what if' ; If this if is , it changes nothing about Atlantis or Alchemy . If this if is not (that is, it is an isn't) , it changes nothing about Atlantis or Alchemy . ..... you're welcome . .
  2. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    I shall send you some beams psychically ... just deposit $50 in my paypal account .
  3. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    What ? What about them ? Are you saying they are good for psychic protection as well ? Some of your posts are like a puzzle ... what IS this guy saying . Tobacco is the incense of Mars . How is coffee protection ? Throw the coffee at them ?
  4. Atlantis

    Before I make a suggestion on your 'what if ' ... can you please explain what you mean by it ?
  5. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Didnt you also say to drink sage for psychic protection ?
  6. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    You would be safe with me .... my enlightenment is so strong that the light beaming out from my chakras will obscure any visions of sagginess, wrinkles , warts. moles , scars, stretch marks ......
  7. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Then , if you ever meet him, give him a jacket and tell him the above .
  8. I think there are two types of bow . One is a peasant grovelling before his superior . The other is making a mudra (triangle with fingers and thumbs ) , placing that on the ground , putting your 'eye in the triangle ' ( 'earthing your third eye' ) . Try it with that intent folks .... I found the results rather interesting .
  9. Excellent . The devotee follows the teacher first and his teachings second . The magician practices the techniques that the teacher used and developed . " Super-consciousness is a natural phenomenon; its conditions are therefore to be sought rather in the acts ( ie. methods) than the words of those who attain it. " " Super-consciousnes of the highest order is obtainable by known methods. Therefore, by employing the quintessence of known methods we cause the world to progress."
  10. Yes, good, you bought up the issue of translation . What word was translated as worship , and what else could that word mean . In my tradition it is specific (and in English - thank God ! ) . One is admonished never to 'bend the knee' in sublimation but as a practice in adoration (as a part of ' magical technology' ) it is acceptable .
  11. I think most founders of the religions would be shocked to see the manifestations that came out of their teachings . Then you should have done a Jesus ; flipped the tables over and scourged them from their temple ! Actually, I am interested to read if any Buddhists here can defend this action .... not my suggestion just then but the actions you describe in your first post . Yes. The west is esoteric , spiritual knowledge is occult , hidden , obscured by clouds , materialised and commercialised . Hmmmm ... struggling to think of something significant or some system that DID come from the West . Sumer and Babylon seeded a lot of things that came afterwards . Zoroastrianism came from Central Asia. Judaism from Middle east . A whole range of major stuff from India and China . Baha'i from Persia . Greek religions seem developed from Egypt and influenced by migrations from further east . I know ! I know what a big huge thing the east developed ...... the Roman Empire !
  12. In many ways people try to make Buddhism a religion , its human nature, we dont seem to be able to help it . The same with Buddha himself , he has been deified , worshipped, idolised , etc . really , he should be approached more like Socrates or Plato - a philosopher of the mind teaching practices . But his area of operation was very exoteric and 'out there' - meaning, people there where immersed in a society that saw everything as religious and magical and the associated practices where open explored in public . Maybe they and many people nowadays have difficulty putting it in a context that is not religious . And they didnt like that pointed out to them ? Really ? ..... A word on worship . Its a great practice as long as it is consciously understood as part of invocation and it is supposed to be directed towards a 'force' ( a 'God' one wants to evoke so as to incorporate a articular energy into your psyche . ) But in magic this is said to be a dangerous practice for the unprepared ; the magician may loose himself in it as it is powerful . Eg. Instead of the magician convincing all the other parts of himself that a particular God force is real and he is receiving the qualities of that God , he might start actually believing that himself . Its like the difference of practising certain Hare Krishna beliefs to becoming some sort of mindless devotee that only ever has an interest or operation in that area . Eventually that can blind one to lead to obsession or fanaticism .
  13. Well , I GOTTA tell this story here . Had a giant burly big brother , was one of those bronzed Aussie Surf Life Savers , and surf boat rower / sweep ( sweep is the back steering oar ) Him and his mates 'clubbies' we used to call them ( and the rivals of the 'surfies' ) got into a habit of picking on me when I went to the beach . It started to get out of hand and I realised if I didnt bite back hard enough , they would not back off . One time, I had just picked up a fairly big octopus from a rock pool and noticed the surf boat riding a wave to shore so I walked , with 'puss over to the lading spot . They did the usual ; hoicking the boat upside down and standing on either side put the gunwale on their shoulders and grab it with both hands as well ( to try and take some pressure off the shoulder , they are heavy ). Then they march up the beach taking the boat into the club house , parading in front of all the bikini girls ( who just happen to like sun baking at that particular spot ) in their 'scungies' and little caps . The Aussie scungie aka ' budgie smugglers' . I know how helpless you are in that position . I waited until they were about half way up the beach, ran in , hooked a finger in the top of his scungies , pulled them out as far as I could, flung the octopus in, let them snap back and legged it . I took a few glances back ; he starts doing a little dance ..... he has to reach down and his side of the boat is collapsing , his mates are yelling " Hold yer side up ..... what the hell ya doing . " ..... a collapse and the boat lands on them ...... a parting view of my brother on his back on the sand convulsing , his mates around trying to assist but very reluctant to , trying to grab the octopus , but not what t has wrapped itself around . I didnt get hassled any more , well , one of them tried it on once , I pointed at him and said ' Remember the octopus ! ' No more probs
  14. Best way to stay warm in winter?

    Have you told the Dalai Lama yet ?
  15. Oh , I see what you are searching for ! I get that from 'just' being alive . Of course, there is a path to this state , I have found it is not a normal state for the westerner , but is common in indigenous societies that have been able to preserve their culture and integrity ( and not having their environment and people being fucked over . ) If I may ... without offence , they would say you have ( not lost ) but 'misplaced your soul ' . This 'soul' is not what most may think it is, it is more related to your fundamental and particular purpose for being here . In other words , its related to the 'True Will' 1 or ' Khvarenah ' 2 .. this soul is generated , strengthened, and fulfilled by following your Kavarenah. 1 . 2. (Extracts) The khvarenah is the archetype of the person one can grow to if allowed to grow to the limit of her or his capacity in grace, that is, in keeping with the fravashi and thereby in keeping with Divine purpose. In the Avesta, the khvarenah is frequently described as 'Mazda-datem', i.e. God-given or God-gifted. The khvarenah is also a person's higher calling - their meaning in life [the Middle Persian Pahlavi rending of khvarenah is khvesh-kari meaning own-work or own-purpose (in keeping with Divine purpose i.e. the higher calling)]. Every human being is endowed with natural talents that can be harnessed and developed to achieve one's highest potential or one's higher calling [sometimes thought of as one's latent destiny in life]. Alternatively, through choice, these talents can be employed to achieve base ambitions. A spenta mainyu - a brilliant, positive, constructive, and beneficent spirit - allows a person to perceive their higher calling. An angra mainyu - a gloomy, negative, destructive, and harmful spirit - leaves a person vulnerable to base ambitions. A spenta mainyu enables a person to choose asha, the path of goodness, and pursue her or his calling without expectation of reward. The khvarenah is specific to a person and is different for each person. When all human beings realize their calling or full potential in grace, the world will attain vahishtem anghuim & frasho-kereti - the ultimate and ideal future existence, a heaven on earth. Human beings often limit or loose themselves. In either case, they do not achieve their full potential or capacity. While to some extent, a person's lot in life is determined by birth and circumstance, a person can find her or his latent khvarenah or calling by envisioning the person one aspires to become in grace, and then taking steps to realize the khvarenah despite daunting obstacles and adversity. To loose oneself is to loose one's khvarenah.. The source of the khvarenah is said to be the divine spiritual light that is eternal and which casts no shadow (Denkard Madon 347.6-7). A person's realization of her or his khvarenah is evidenced by a halo (farr in Persian), glowing brightly over her or his head - radiant as the sun ( perceived by the spiritual eye and senses.) The opposite of the light of a halo is darkness - like a dark cloud hanging over someone. A person's realization of her or his khvarenah cloaks that person with the aura of charisma and grace, Khvarenah and the resulting charisma enable leadership that does not rely on authority. Building this particular part of your psyche with some other parts , enables you to continue on after death as well ( See ' United Fravashi" in the link above . )
  16. My local city has a very interesting marine reserve They have a research centre with an aquarium , open for tours or to the public on a Sunday . Checked it out , cool . Then a young woman says " I am going to feed the octopus , wanna watch ? " Sure ! " Sometimes we put his food in things to see if he can work the puzzle out , but other times , he is a cheeky one ! When I am leaning over the tank , looking at what he is doing he comes up to the surface and squirts me in the face . "
  17. Octopus is one of my magical animals . I had very interesting experience with them , handled them , even our deadly venomous ones ( as a small child , very young , back then we didnt even know we had a venomous ones ) The blue ring octopus - beautiful ! (That's why little Nungers started picking them up . )
  18. .... but then again, one might feel this lacks the adventure and excitement of loosing oneself and not being in control. * So I am wondering how old you are , as this also can be 'an age thing' . Young guy ; 'Go Baby ! ' Old guy : " I ain't getting on that thing with her ! "
  19. straight up the middle path ( between attachment and aversion ) . Boy ! In my past did I put away some alcohol ! Now , I have a huge cocktail bar and rarely touch it . Occasionally I will have a drink, maybe . IF I REALLY CHOOSE TO . I am not averse to that and avoiding it , and I am no longer attached to it . In other words , you get to a state where REAL choice may be possible .
  20. 'Energized enthusiasm ' ! It puts you in a 'higher vibration' , energy , more so than normal . It can keep you going and overpower the need to eat, sleep , etc . Maybe work on something non stop for three days even . Of course , you still have a limit , but it is extended you still need a recovery but the time may be shorter than the usual period.
  21. What Is Nothing?

    Indeed : it contains 'the polarity' however you see it ( yin yang , + - , etc ) 0 = +n + - n . or 0 = '2' ( 'things' ) .