
The Dao Bums+
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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Mysticism

    I remember being on the gate at a hippy festival, trying to extract entry fees from people ; some paid up happily . Others ; "There should be no individual payment we are all one , man . "
  2. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I had one living in the wall above my bed . Occasionally I would give her a bush lollypop ( stick dipped in honey .) . One time while I was giving her one , a tiny head and hands popped out her 'stomach' and snatched it . The one before that lived in a box I made under the eaves on the other side of the cabin . She was a real sweetie, I would stand on the lounge chair open the box and she would sniff my face all over , and I would do the same back - wonderful smell , like gum leaves, blossoms and puppies . One particularly cold winter I got into the habit of waking at 'first light' , getting up and making a coffee and a hot water bottle , going back to bed and reading or going on line . One morning as I was doing it, Nu-nu ( this possum) came home , I opened the box ( from my side ) we had a sniff and I thought she looked a bit 'shivery' / cold . So I got a small plastic bottle and filled it with warm water and put it in the box . I got into the habit of that ; one for me, one for her, each morning . Then one morning , I had a friend stay over and she was in my bed , I awoke early, and got up, made 2 coffees and out of habit made Nu-nu a hot water bottle and lobbed it in the box and returned to bed . My friend was giving me the strangest look ; " What did you just do then ? " Me; " Oh, I was just ..... ummm ..... making Nu-nu a hot water bottle . " "What ? " " There is a possum in there and its cold so I make her a hot water bottle when she comes into her bed in the morning . " - the look I got . Then she adds " You're nuts . Thats a wild animal. covered with fur , it doesnt need a hot water bottle ." I thought she was probably right ..... but I went back and had a peek, slowly opened the box and looked in and there was Nu-nu one of my old t-shirts I had put in there for 'bedding' straddling the warm bottle, with her tummy on it and holding her hands on it . She glared at us, as if ' Well, what are you looking at ? "
  3. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Old time farmers in some areas of UK used to let their goats wander along the railway tracks . The train would come , slow down , blow its horn , but nothing, goats being like they are would not move . So the train would have to stop and the engine driver and fireman would start throwing lumps of coal at them from the train . Eventually the goats would run off and the train continue on its way . And then the farmer would go and collect the coal .
  4. Martial Arts From Home

    Well, I dont beat the shit out of people any more
  5. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I luv em ! No doubt they are trouble ... but I am 'immune' to that .... closest thing we got here would be a possum I suppose . They are nice possums , ring tails and pygmy possums ... not like that other sort .... with the 'O' in front .... ugh ! What the hell is that thing ! Looks like a bad cross between a panda and a rat .
  6. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Here is my fav racoon video ;
  7. Non Homo Sapiens hybrid found

    It depends what is in their database , yes . We had some confused scandal here a while back ; a few obviously aboriginal people got one of these 'public' genetic tests and they came back with a variety of ancestry but no indications of Aboriginal ancestry .
  8. Hi... What is Dao Bums really..?

    I see your forum is fairly active . I occasionally search for other interesting forums , including magic /occult , but rarely get hits . I dont know why yours has never come up before ? Many I have found seem defunct and 'recent ' posts are very old . So I will check your forum out more - thanks for the info .
  9. Hi... What is Dao Bums really..?

    Your forum sounds interesting . I have a looooong history of studying and practising in such matters . Farming and gardening can be 'magical' and improved using occult sciences and the processes of alchemy . Check out the Daoism and Buddhism have extensive magical practices in them . Actually, of you are involved with western magical / occult practices you must realise the input of those practices into the western magical tradition over the last 150 years ?
  10. Non Homo Sapiens hybrid found

    How did you find that out ?
  11. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    reading comprehension problem as well ! Seems you cant concentrate or perceive what is written YOU SAID contact the hospital for visitor records, I suggested they might be a tad busy at the moment to run off and supply that info ( even if it did exist ) due to the pandemic . Not that you claim you visited after pandemic . If you cant take in basic understanding from one of my simple posts ... how on earth did you take it on from Masters or Daoist teachings ?
  12. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    Okay then .... exactly how evil are you ? Nope . Diversion won't work either .
  13. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    Hospitals have records listing al the visitors of patients ..... and any one who rings up , they run off and go search through those medical records and come back and say " Oh yes, Mr. Who-ever-you-are , he visited him on ........ " (and all that during a pandemic )
  14. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

  15. Introducing Heavenly Dao School

    I have lots of money .... LOTS ... actually, so much spare cash lying around, it obscene . Now, what do I have to do to learn 'real cultivation ' ?
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I sent this post card to my ex ( birthday prez ) with ; "If anyone wonders what it would be like to have a relationship with you .... just show them this. " ..... I haven't heard back . - hope she took it the right way .
  17. Metal implants and Qi

    I have a metal 'hip' joint . I didnt notice any interference due to that . I certainly noticed interference in the year before I had the operation , due to the degeneration and 'bad' ( degenerative ) pain and other things * Not long after the operation - about two weeks - I started gentle training again and immediately noticed the difference ( improvement ), even though incapacitated and with pain, but now it was 'good' (associated with healing , not degeneration ) pain - and this was significant as I am 'allergic' to pain killers , so could not have any ( after the 'pump' was removed 2 days after surgery ) ** . * I have a, maybe, different approach to Qi generation and flow and give body posture, alignment and movement great significance . So before and after physical 'dis-abilites' did play a part . I mostly discounted that above, as , due to that improving as my physical movement, weight distribution, etc improved , so did Qi flow . If it had stayed effected , then I might have thought the metal implant was interfering . ** An important aside . Here they give 'Endone' ( and really nothing else ) for pain relief . It and things like it are atrocious ! They will scramble everything , not just Qi - make you do crazy stuff that you may not even be aware of and that may well endanger you ( eg, friend looking after someone post hip replacement , found her bent over in the garden - a big no no - days after operation digging weeds ... she had 'forgot ' . Another , hip replacement again ... went surfing ! days after , pooped it out of the socket . Both off face on endone . I have a lot more info on this and morphine receptors in body , but probably not relevant if you do NOT have allergy to morphine derivatives , or they give you something better . PS . Not a fan of plastic and other unnatural fibres . Some times I feel strange and flow does not feel right or erratic , or even everyday activities . Particularly at end of day, at night . I noticed its a particular 2 sweatshirts I have . I noticed this link first, when one time in the dark, I tool it off and threw it to the floor , Thin hair like crackles of light where running through it and I could actually hear a faint electrical crackling sound .
  18. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Just like the two snakes on the caduceus ?
  19. Was that an offer ? No thank you .
  20. so ... according to 'spiritual science research foundation , there is a narrow corridor of atmosphere leading to the Moon - quick, someone call NASA , they wont have to carry that air on board any more, or those astronaut suits , or even a rocket ... they can now fly a plane to the moon .
  21. I see, now you are posting about ; the benefits of genocide OMG ! genocide is not suicide . people suffering genocide are not killing themselves . Unless you are saying 'we' as general , in that case this is one of the worst things you have written .... so far . We need genocide to stop overpopulation ???? MODS ! HELP !!!!