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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Canna Bums

    A four plant limit - in pots
  2. The above seems obscure . Whats this thread actually about ? 1. How real is .... what ? 2. What undue influence . 3. how to defend against 'someone playing dice with responsibilities ' ? ? ? Wot ? What do you mean by that ? What are you talking about when you refer to advice given, where was that ? No references , how are we supposed to know what you are talking about ? Obviously its some thread here somewhere , but where ?
  3. I have been trying to get Eden in the East for some time now . I will have to try another attempt . Its been out of stock, another time my card details got snitched and my account closed ( due to attempt at 'suspicions trading OS ' ) - I even got a friend to use her card to order the book , paid and never got it ... an elusive book . Thanks for link to the other two , they look interesting .
  4. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    In a way . In the way a lama did here when he queried someone's idea about meditation and awareness ; he told everyone to 'meditate' , they sat cross legged, closed eyes and drifted off .... and then he .... " Pe ! " Startled people out their skin ! and then lama "Thats it! Thats it ! NOW you are in awareness .... hold it .... hold it ... Oh, you are loosing it .... you have lost it now . . . . That was awareness . " But not the fear and instilled guilt of even existing , of being born 'in sin' of needing 'redemption' against an eternity of torture , the confusion of a mix of fear and loving father that is instilled to many Christian children . That is a sickness . Or a 'speck of dust' might try to make something of themselves aversely ... by conquering and oppressing others , by considering they are the 'Chosen specks' and have rights over other 'specks' rights .
  5. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    Oh def' ! Especially fear . The last week I have been talking on a religious forum with hard case Christian and Jewish historians . It appears the Jews had no real idea about heaven or an after life. Nor did the early Christians , that seems to have developed later; an input from Zoroastrianism ( resurrection and 'paradise' ) and Platonism . So I asked what was the motivation to obey God's laws and do 'right' ... aside from being struck down and punished horribly . Seems that was the 'prime mover' .
  6. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    Well, thats 'the trick' isnt it . To do both but not go too far in either direction . " Remember that this earth is but an atom in the universe, and that thou thyself art but an atom thereon, and that even couldst thou become the God of this earth whereon thou crawlest and grovellest, that thou wouldest, even then, be but an atom, and one amongst many. 15. Nevertheless have the greatest self-respect, and to that end sin not against thyself. The sin which is unpardonable is knowingly and wilfully to reject truth, to fear knowledge lest that knowledge pander not to thy prejudices." also , although one may be an infinitesimal tiny speck in this vast Universe - you are unique , there is only one of you .
  7. Mysticism

    I feel sorry for people that do not have a wonderful life ! Such a loss ... such a shame . Something can be done about that , of course , but for reasons unfathomable to me , they choose not to , some even to be aggressive and battling away from that .
  8. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    Maybe , but I dont think that we can count practices associated with Nuit as 'cultivating humility' ... specifically . Nuit could be seen as " distant, aloof, and all encompassing " , but I dont know why , all of a sudden, humility is mentioned .... in that context . The system doesnt laud the self above all else , it does address the dangers of that but 'humility' is a product of the 'overbearing father' / required in the Abrahamic religions ....... 'fear God ' . I mean, these guys didnt even have a concept of heaven or an afterlife that was not some place of neutral doom and gloom . . . . . "The dead know nothing . " as the Bible says . Nuit's message is one of joy and celebration in life , I would not say it focuses on humility . .... but then again , she is a female deity " I am above you and in you. My ecstasy is in yours. My joy is to see your joy. ... I give unimaginable joys on earth: certainty, not faith, while in life, upon death; peace unutterable, rest, ecstasy; nor do I demand aught in sacrifice. ... Put on the wings, and arouse the coiled splendour within you: come unto me! .... Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you!. I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky. " - not exactly cultivating humility
  9. I can understand relating Mars and Marduk but how does Lemuria fit into it ?
  10. Mysticism

    Sounds like you are suffering from Gattungswesen Entfremdung .'s_theory_of_alienation#From_their_Gattungswesen_(species-essence)
  11. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    So is Nuit . .
  12. Canna Bums

    Oh ... errrmmm .... the only thing I know about 'genetic drift' is it would make a good name for a band .
  13. Canna Bums

    How did it fail ? In my experience , once the cutting is underway (starts producing new leaves, even tiny ones ) it just keeps growing . With all sorts of plants .... at the moment I have 'Purple Passion' ( Gynura) cuttings sprouting their first new leaves .
  14. His different 'adventures' are 'representations' ( or 'propaganda' ) relating to the political to and fro in Mesopotamia and surrounds . Eventually as systems and peoples interacted and formed new systems and people so did Marduk and seems to have transformed into a more orderly and 'civilised' God / system . Eventually he begins to be referred to as Bell / Ba'al , and since that name can also be a generic title , the trail then becomes diffused .
  15. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    " Mother of Light, and the Gods! Mother of Music, awake! Silence and Speech are at odds; Heaven and Hell are at stake. ' Pan to Luna ; 'The Rite of Luna' .
  16. Dreams

    All selves have a lot of problems . Often, denying or doubting we are a person seems based on the issue that said 'denier' is a rather unique person , not like the 'persons' they are surrounded by . A way to progress ? Mine was through an initiatory 'school' - that's how people have done it for 10s of 1000s of years now . Here is a document that more than one of them ( the modern ones ) use as their central instruction 'manual' ;
  17. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    Black Madonna ! ? No no no ..... its just that some statues got old and dirty , that's all . " The Chartres Cathedral in France recently completed a controversial decade-long state-funded renovation. The impressive Gothic cathedral is now brighter, lighter, and shinier. And the 16th-century Black Madonna in it is now white. Defenders of the project claim that the public outcry is unwarranted. The Madonna, like the rest of the cathedral, had accumulated smoke and dirt. They did their best to restore things to what they looked like when Chartres was built 800 years ago. The entire goal was to create distance from what they call “Gothic doom and gloom.” The old 'Black ' Madonna .... 'clearly blackened by all that incense and candle smoke ; [ They are all copies of an original, that's all ; " The image of Our Lady of Czestochowa gets its nickname "Black Madonna" from the soot residue which discolours the painting as a result of centuries of votive lights and candles burned in front of it." - some type of religious miracle soot that only accumulates on the hands, face and other exposed parts of the statues 'skin' ... but not on other parts of the statue I mean , that is direct from the Catholic news agency so it must be true ..... they also state that " ... the image dates back to the time of the Twelve Apostles, and was painted by the hand of St. Luke the Evangelist, who is believed to have used a tabletop from a table built by Jesus during his time as a carpenter. ] Now, here she is after the clean up ( with some white paint )
  18. Father of Light, Mother of Darkness

    No Yes. "Man is made in the image of God, by God ... but God is made in the image of Man , by Man . " We can consider 'the divine' manifests in and via anyway we 'want' , it need not only be predilections/fears/whims. Its up to us what God we want to experience yet most of us have had one foisted upon us . .... it might even be, ' Get down Jehovah' on the dance floor ;
  19. Dreams

    I was a bit rushed yesterday . Of course , the best person to analyse our dreams are ourselves as we are the ones that know the most detail about our lives and the particular meaning of any symbolism to ourselves . However there are generally accepted meanings . a large body of water can represent the unconscious. Floating up through it towards the sun can represent a link being made between consciousness and the unconsciousness or communication between 'Superconscious' , 'self' and unconscious self . Going underground is one , which , of course, represents the 'underworld' . IMO - Some basic dream interpretation of major symbols , some mythology study and put in the context of your own experience would be a lot better than anyone else interpreting the meaning of your dreams for you .
  20. Dreams

    One I had a while back was so classic 'dream world' (and funny ) it stayed with me ; I am riding my old Triumph motorcycle but down the road I used to have to walk to go to school . The residents of the houses are the nurses I used to work with and they where sun baking in bikinis on sun lounges on the road . I have to swerve in and out of them, but loose control and drop the bike . It splits in half lengthways and is hollow, like those model aeroplanes I used to make as a kid. Then my mother comes out one of the houses and yells at me .
  21. Do animals know 無為; wúwéi

    Besides , it doesn't make sense ; what about the cow in front of you ? If you all face the same directions then your nose is at the cow in front behind . Surely its better to smell your own than someone else's ? ..... especially when there are guys like Olaf here , around :
  22. Do animals know 無為; wúwéi

    Here, it changes seasonally . A lot of the time , the morning starts ( ie. first call before the others ) with a laugh. They are VERY quiet at the moment ( and dont think I dont know that you guys have a nest in the hollowed out bole up that tree hanging over the cabin .... just because you are sneaking around and being quiet doesnt mean I dont know trying to hide the fact from everyone else ) . They also have a habit of 'picking' on certain people ( like when a friend from Sydney came to stay here and slept in the caravan up the back yard , VERY early about 6 of them got around that caravan and started such a ruckus and didnt stop until he finally got out of bed and went outside ..... " Git up ya lazy city sleep in ! " My absolute fav was when I stayed up on the mountain . I was seriously ill for a few days and spent some time recovering , each morning, the first sound I heard were crimson rosellas . I had to spend a lot of time sitting on the verandah when recovering , when that was a bit much they would turn up and delight me . I think they played a good part in my recovery . I associate their call with a pleasant experience or time in my childhood but I cant remember what ... to me, they sound wonderful - a 'simple' tinkle like " Tee-too , tee-too " . At the moment the day starts with Pied Butcher Bird ..... but now I am confused as I recently found out they are excellent imitators , so any 'other' birds I hear at dawn might be them doing a copy . When the red flower tree was blossoming near my bedroom window , the Friarbirds would start at dawn .... weirdos ! (Glad the Pied Butcherbirds dont copy that ! ) I think they DO practice wu wei ...... if we consider wu - wei not interfering with the 'unfolding of things' ..... unnecessarily .... or in a complex way ( when one might get what one wants via that 'unfolding' anyway ) .
  23. Do animals know 無為; wúwéi

    Because ..... neglect not the sunset meditation .
  24. new COVID discussion rule/s

    " arguably more perceptive than most. " - I have not seen that argument yet .