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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. See ... cant even take a little advice from someone as luvable and innocuously annoying ( ) as our Limi . I think it IS hard for you to see what is going on here .
  2. Ummmm .... suicides ? The Aboriginal Kaidilt . The Ik of Uganda . to name just a few . I met a couple who where concentration camp survivors , they did not think they where happier and stronger when they returned . Same with the torture victims I worked with , they where much happier and stonger before the torture . Again, your underlying principles are valid in some circumstances , but your applications and examples are often rather atrocious . By now I feel confident to deeper analyse your issues ; you lack experience in this field , objective experience , you base your theories on what you had to do yourself to get over your own grief, thats fine - for you , and I am glad you have been able to do it. But it certainly is not valid for everyone else's situations and experience . When one starts helping others to heal and stops focusing so much on one's own experience , ones; conclusions become more objective and valid and one does not feel the need to project one's personal solutions out on to everyone else ... and then get angry and insulting becasue they dont agree with your narrow viewpoint .
  3. like suicides .... "They didnt wait long enough " fudge /fÊŒdÊ’/ Learn to pronounce See definitions in: all food journalism noun noun: fudge; plural noun: fudges 1. a soft crumbly or chewy sweet made from sugar, butter, and milk or cream. h Similar: chewy sweet toffee North American rich chocolate, used especially as a sauce or a filling for cakes. modifier noun: fudge "a sundae with whipped cream, ice cream, hot fudge, and a cherry on top" 2. an attempt to fudge an issue. "the new settlement is a fudge rushed out to win cheers at the conference" h Similar: compromise cover-up halfway house equivocation spin casuistry sophistry speciousness cop-out h Opposite: straightforwardness archaic nonsense. "I hope your marriage will cure you of your silly fudge" 3. a piece of late news inserted in a newspaper page. verb verb: fudge; 3rd person present: fudges; past tense: fudged; past participle: fudged; gerund or present participle: fudging present or deal with (something) in a vague or inadequate way, especially so as to conceal the truth or mislead. "the authorities have fudged the issue"
  4. Ummmm ... its not us that have the thick heads . I dont even disagree with you about your take on suffering , generally . I disagree with you about the stuff I wrote about , but you reacted and claimed I disagreed with everything you wrote . I actually said that previously ! and I said 'water tastes delicious to the thirsty . I also quoted , right at the beginning that separation is a sauce to whet one's appetite for a greater unification to come ... so what is wrong with you ? Why do keep doing stuff like this, not reading what people say and then getting upset and insulting them for not understanding you when in part they agreed with you ??? If you punched me in the face ... I dont think 'grateful' would be in my vocabulary , I would 'switch modes' very differently . But then you would probably whine , complain and report my behaviour . here is a better example to show I agree with this in principle ( but not by example ) - I have seen a lot of death and suffering and dead and mangled bodies , even small children . I have come so very close to death myself , a few times , that I now love life very much and appreciate it , I am grateful to be alive , and usually start each days first consciousness with " I am still alive ? ! Thank you ! " This is a deep and true contentment that has come about by two things - experiencing suffering and actually doing something about it . By the way , I acknowledge your own suffering that you outlined with your family and I am glad YOU have found a way to deal with it . Again THIS IS NOT what I am criticising in your posts .. I would not be using me for such an example , again I understand the principle ... but I have been hit a lot , its second nature . It remains to be seen if you are able to hit me in the first place Yep . Much better analogy . Doesnt mean murders need to be committed for babies to be born though , or CSF rises on a full moon or at high tide . Hint ; try to remain focused on the issues . Yes same again . They are all examples of the same thing , but these are not the things I am disagreeing with you about . Do you find that you have communication difficulties with people face to face and get into arguments and misunderstandings a bit ? see above Okay, now its getting a bit weird ... that first part . I am pretty ugly ... but it never stopped numerous ( according to outside observations ) women wanting intimacy with me . I have to admit , gaining contentment via plastic surgery would have to be one of the furthest things in my mind to contemplate ! Okay okay we get it ... I never disagreed with this . Its remarkable how much you are prepared to lay out point by point what I never criticised in the first place . In case you forgot , or still do not realise , my criticisms are about your analogy of your (misunderstood ) process of tides and full moons with a fluctuation in the flow of the CSF in a tantric application. Hmmm ... I was kinda suspecting this list would morph to something like this , ya should have quit while you where ahead < ahem > How dare you sir ! I was spoilt rotten and still am ! I was bought up in a rich affluent western lower middle class society, we always had food and shelter, my parents looked after me and loved me . I had schooling and friends, a beautiful clean environment. This gave me a great head start and the ability to be able to show care and consideration to others ( that actually needed it ) ; working in a hospital (try a 5: 30 am start in winter , starting the day with showering old people and helping them get dressed and eat breakfast , consoling parents after viewing their dead mangled kids in the mortuary, working with ex torture victims for amnesty international, who showed me where parts of their body had been removed for 'punishment ' , working in assiting refugees for relocation etc etc . Yes, partially . I do find contentment with work though , as now I only do work I want to do and choose to do for enjoyment , and have for a while . I enjoy 'working' in the garden and growing my own food . I can be a real materialist , yes, shopping, driving ( and motorcycling ) I enjoy , especially having a home ( I am fairly cancerian / lunar ) Being complimented ? not so much ; as my lodge master pointed out to others : ' He does not require ear tickling ." [ ref; 11. Do good unto others for its own sake, not for reward, not for gratitude from them, not for sympathy. If thou art generous, thou wilt not long for thine ears to be tickled by expressions of gratitude. ] Nope, it would just annoy me and make me wonder what you you want from me . Nope again . If you scorn me that is fine IF you can show valid logical and reasonable cause for such scorn , then I will correct my mistakes . You would not have said that if you knew my wife ! It started okay then got repetitive then got weird . The dumb part was how you keep explaining what I know about and agree with you about but didnt adrdess anything I did not agree with you about . ..... but it did give me opportunity to post a wall of text
  5. I think the confusion here is mixing the idea of 'life' ... that is , a definition of life ... the 'animate ' with the concept 'one's own life ' or another's individuals life . I think you DO understand that birth does NOT create life and are just being a bit obstinate .... but maybe you are not and are genuinely confused about it a bit . Birth s NOT the act of creating life ... surely you know that and know that even a fetus is 'alive' . However 'our life ' is usually understood to start at birth . But maybe check with a mother about that first before you come to firm conclusions . They are WELL AWARE that life begins before birth . I am not saying the opposite of birth is death , I am saying birth and death are a part of life and can represent life's polarities . I suppose one could say the opposite of giving birth is taking someone's life (murder ) , but that doesnt mean what you suggested previously that murders have to be committed so babies can be born, and THAT is what I had contention with . yes. That would be right . I am not surprised you could only find one ... its a very 'unusual' view point . I also notice an interesting dynamic here , in your usage of 'realised' . Even though only two people where found to have that viewpoint (that includes you ), you are not saying ' Oh ... only one other guy thinks what I do. " You are assuming everyone else lacks 'realization' as if it is a fact . I think this is at the root of your psychological syndrome - where you have become so sure about your limited knowledge , you find it hard to take in other information or valid criticisms . See , you are asking if I 'believe ' yet . That further demonstrates this syndrome . Anyway, I will answer you question ; I believe the opposite of murder / killing someone is saving someone's life . Also, on a large scale of murder and killing ( say, a war for example , or a genocide ) the opposite of that is saving people, helping them and offering them refuge and assistance . Which , incidentally, is a field both I and Earl Grey have worked in . (And also I have done it a few times on the individual level , in my hospital work ... and 1 on 1 'out in the field ' as it where ...... seeing someone about to be killed , or close to it and stepped in and stopped it ... while onlookers dumbly watched like a herd of transfixed cattle .) For me thats a much better 'opposite response ' .... I mean I could have left them to their own fate , and ran off and got a woman pregnant instead ..... but at the time , I did not consider that course of action would help others much .
  6. I appreciate an archaeological pun
  7. He already did . The Moon pulls it up .
  8. note ; he said USED TO read by the way ... you are not 'bullying ' him are you ?
  9. I could guess you are refering to what I wrote since I mentioned that . But its hard to tell as you dont cite, quote, or debate reasonably . Its more of a rambling rant . Also its hard to debate or even discuss when syntax is confused eg; " The ones who commited suicide is not a good argument against this. " What does that even mean ? ... and you said WE are not making sense ? Toundesrtand what a person says (in this case , maybe , me ) you have to look at the CONTEXT , especially when they are replying to something ... the context is within what they where replying TO . And it was a perfectly valid point ... in context to what it was responding to. 'Waiting long enough' has nothing to do with it ... in the correct context . But I am guessing you cant understand this . You would not be the first one here that does it ... actually, sometimes its rife ! ... with some people . I have heard that and agree with it . But it makes little point on the other issues . I am not automatically disagreeing or dissing EVERYTHING you say . I have been posting soloution and corrections ... but you didn't read it , didn't like it and now insult it . Thats fine , I dont mind , But then dont go 'chuckin a tantie' if you get some back . Dude ! I posted the answer , you admit you never read it and now you are still whining that all we said 'you are wrong I am right' with no explanations . Here is what you do ; you post stupid stuff like ." without murder babies cant be born " and when you are picked up on it you try to change it to ' the opposite of birth is murder ' ... then get all upitty and insult people ... and then get all upset when they 'play back with you' . And YOU feel like you are talking to children . Now you are changing what I said , I clearlyaid and gave reference as to how the other side of the earth has a high tide where there is no full moon . The issue is how you compared a faulty understanding to a tantric process , which makes the process false . But you clearly dont have a clue what we are talking about . Traditionally and according to many many people .... that's a good starting realisation .
  10. How do you know it makes zero sense if you haven't read it yet . Ya know ... you are not the first 'one of these ' we have had here .
  11. and if its a bulge on the opposite of the planet from the side the moon is on , you have a high tide ( but not AS , but higher than low tide ) with NO MOON OVERHEAD By God man ! This IS like talking to Drew ! No, I will not forget the Mon as I use it all the time to calculate things properly ! And I do like the Moon . I have written extensive posts on it here - how the Moon's position effects things on earth, not just the tides but in agriculture, gardening and animal husbandry, how its phases and another 8 major dynamics are used , plus the uses of constellational lunar alighnements on a more cosmic level - you might want to read them to educate yourself better about it . That's better ! Now try looking up perigee , instead of confusing this with the tides , which was your first analogy . Also, try doing a head stand on a full moon and see what happens .
  12. Oh dear . there you go yet again ! I did already explain this but you must have been speed reading and now ask me to explain what I already did , even though above you say you have not read it yet . Then throw in a smart arse comment about me enlightening you and being so smart . When I have already given my enlightened and , oh so smart reply previously . ( see , I can make smart arse comments here too ) But maybe you will read this , so here is your answer again . First, your opening premise is at fault ; " What is opposite of birth creating life ? " birth does does not 'create life' , conception does and then life starts for a new and different being - from the sperm and cell that where already full of life in the fist place . In case you did not know , life is created in the baby BEFORE it is born , life is not created when the baby is born . also see my previous answer . And they dont come by stalk delivery through the chimney either . The opposite of birth is, of course death . And that death does not have to be a murder , any death will do it . They are the polarities of life . The opposite of life is not death , death is a process ( or perhaps even ending ) of life . The 'opposite ' of life ( if you need one ) is 'the inanimate ' . and dont tell me its easy to say you are wrong and harder to give an answer ... when I already have given my answer . or you can ...... but then I will toy with you
  13. Nope . You cant back out of it that easy , and its not really tidal dynamics at issue here , its what you used them as an analogy for in the first place ... when you said " Like the Moon does ..... " its not about the Moon exactly but about the thing that you claim is like this ( wrongly outlined ) process . And it shouldnt take too long to read , if one doesnt rush off all over the place and make posts in a similar way , not reading thorough the responses but responding to them anyway ... as earl Gray pointed put earlier .
  14. There was a bit of confusion in that talk . It was suggested that occupation in Americas far exceeded that of Australia . Nope . The thing is, this type of evidence is elsewhere . That type of secondary evidence talked about above ... that is , a suggestion of human occupation / or signs attributed to human activity (in this case 'butchered' bones ) does predate primary evidence of human occupation in Australia ( ie. actual human remains ) but it does not predate secondary evidence also found in Australia , ie . 'fireplace and midden' at Point Ritchie in Victoria ( approx 120 , 000 years ago . ) This fits in with the earlier 'warming period' mentioned above , where it is suggested the ice sheet barrier allowed access to central north America . But then there would have been a greater expanse of water separating Australia from Asia than there is even today ( Eemian Interglacial had temps a few degrees warmer than today and sea levels about 8 metres higher { maybe where we are now heading ? } ) . In a few places we have , not human remains, but signs suggesting human occupations around this time period .
  15. ... maybe its a way of being able to post rubbish or drivel , without opening yourself to criticism because you never actually said anything in the first place ?
  16. I could not find anything in those songs about murders being necessary for births . For some reason, you take one word out of my ( wall of ) posts and then use a song that relates to that word ???
  17. Closing presence
  18. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    She got that 'cat disease' . Its started to spread here ( we have a no dogs and cars policy) OHHHHH ... the ways and justifications people try to get around that I have a solution for them ; they can get one of them new 'robo cats' and programme it to do what they want and never do the other stuff .... even programme them to NOT say fuck off but " Awwwww ... I wuv you too ! " And they will not ( really will not - not just in their imagination ) sneak outside and kill and maim the rare and endangered wildlife ... because they will not be programmed for it (unlike the real cats programme ) .
  19. True Limi . Now, can you find a meme and a song about how murder is necessary for babies to be born ?
  20. So... after much thought you come up with an answer for E.G. as " to justify all the greastest suffering and evil's in this world. " by saying ". But getting rid of plague and genocide is like slapping god in his face because he is the one that created and allowed it to happen." and . "It indeed happens for a reasons us lowly mortals are too stupid to comprehend. " this is the reason you came up with to justify plague and genocide ?
  21. No, thats not the problem at all here , and with you . Many of us know full well and understand that " suffering can have a positive outcome " , its what YOU did with that . meaning ; this does not imply that " If you are down the only way for you to go is up." ... errrm, have you heard of suicide , self mutilation and other horrible processes ( when a person or whole culture even) 'collapses and results in death and extinction ? Yes, suffering CAN have a positive outcome, but that does not mean it always will . You have discovered some principles but have misinterpreted their applications . The perfect example of this is your claim that murder is necessary for babies to be born . Maybe that is what 'they' cant understand and it isnt that they cant understand " suffering can have a positive outcome" , at all .
  22. I agree! It is crazy . Oh ! I thought this was going to be without reference and details .... but I see " a guy " was there and he made a 'story' out of it . Did he put that story in a 'light novel' ? Like tides and full Moons . Hang on , this book and 'guy' you are referring to , it isnt is it ? It does ? .... " Sense " ?