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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Mysticism

    Ahhhh .... , < to be read with appropriate Sth African accent > I like those punk Sth African scum
  2. Mysticism

    ! You are dating Hugh Jackman ? A current event ? It must have activated ' boko-maru' ?
  3. Mysticism

    Well, this ' bad spirit ' or ' hallucination of a lower order ' didnt claim itself to be JHVH , but the aversion to bible reading is one of the 'indicators' . " All of the lower order are irreligious or anti-religious. Some actively interfered with the patients' religious practices. ..... Their malevolence and persistence in undermining the patient was striking. And why would they consistently be unreligious or anti-religious? Just the mention of religion provokes anger or derision from them. "
  4. But we all are . Homo Sapiens sapiens is a blend of all different types of hominids, including Neanderthal , right from the earliest . The people who became Australian Aboriginals where some of the first to leave Africa and then seem to have 'rushed' to the east as far as they could go . There, some type of 'culture' evolved (some claim an early 'civilisation' , but that is highly dependant on how one defines the word 'civilisation' ) , on the mainland but also through a vast island network , whose eastern boundary was the shores of Sahul (Australia and New Guinea) * . But already these people had a significant mix of Neanderthal, Denisovan, etc . ( ie. a third 'unknown hominid ) * still trying to get this book ; Here is an interesting stone age 'tool ' ..... or nearly a 'machine' - 'automatic fishing rod ' ; a stream is blocked with a 'dam' made of woven sticks (to allow small fish to swim through) , it has a 'race' which lets bigger fish through and in that is a noose. A fish tries to make its way through, its head gets thorough but not the wider body, so it backs out to try and find another way through but the noose snares its gills, causing the fish to jerk and flip about. This pulls on the noose and releases a slip knot and allows a bent over stick, secured into the bank ( which the noose is tied to ) to flip straight up, pulling the line and fish out the water and flipping it up onto the bank .
  5. Retro Tech

    aerotrain Jet prototype Turbine passenger service;érotrain feel free to contribute more ....
  6. Retro Tech

    The Curta is a hand-held mechanical calculator designed by Curt Herzstark.[1] It is known for its extremely compact design: a small cylinder that fits in the palm of the hand. It was affectionately known as the "pepper grinder" or "peppermill" due to its shape and means of operation; its superficial resemblance to a certain type of hand grenade also earned it the nickname "math grenade".[2] Curtas were considered the best portable calculators available until they were displaced by electronic calculators in the 1970 .... a small, but significant number of buyers returned their Curtas in pieces, having attempted to disassemble them. Reassembling the machine was more difficult, requiring intimate knowledge of the orientation of, and installation order for, each part and sub-assembly, plus special guides designed to hold the pieces in place during assembly. Also, many identical looking parts, each with slightly different dimensions, required test fitting and selection as well as special tools to adjust to design tolerances .
  7. Collecting Unexpected Consequences

    ... with carrats .
  8. Collecting Unexpected Consequences

    That would be 'current events' wouldn't it ? More kabuli palaw available ?
  9. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Deleted ... ( I will PM you instead )
  10. The early type ; Some are huge . I always assume they would have been left at various camps around the place . But one time I saw an old photo of women with a curious headdress , like a moulded flaring tower on their head , on top was attached a flat grinding stone . Moving camp, carrying some supplies , tools, baby ... and balancing a huge rock on your head walking long distances cross country ! I have found a few of these around my place ;
  11. Books about spiritual masters

    I highly recommend this one :
  12. Most people do not understand the real principles and use of a boomerang . We have been conditioned by the throw return back and catch trick . Its done to practice usage, control and to show off but has little practicality . If you hit something, it will not come back, and if it comes back , you didnt hit anything ( which could be handy if you where a bad shot ) . A 'killer boomerang' is a weapon and is not thrown, it is more like a curved club , designed to get around a 'parrying shield' . The real skill and use of the boomerang is to be able to throw it to a specific location and then it will hover there . . As a demo, I have seen it be thrown, return to near the spot it was thrown from and then spin in an 'off centre' looking way , and just hover above the ground , still . It looks really strange and rather impossible The idea is, you wait for a flock of birds to pass , throw the boomerang above them, it hovers above them 'fluttering ' , the birds dive down to safety ( thinking it is a predator ) and are then netted by hunters on the ground . ( and of course now I cant find a youtube to demonstrate this as all films of hovering boomerangs are now 'fidget spinners' and various white guys with American accents doing modern boomerang tricks ) .
  13. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Not so strange .... when you consider how closely you are monitored and being fed products ( hence ' facebook feed' ) you might be interested in buying .
  14. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    My neighbour freaked out one morning, awoke to find a mass of ' coily python togetherness' in her kitchen sink !
  15. Mysticism

    A 'volcanic mountain' spirit where 'unbelievers and wrongdoers' where cast down into the fiery sulphurous pit . Also related to negative aspects of Mars ( jealousy, rage war , etc ) and Saturn ( restriction , domination , punishment , etc ) . Once lodged in the psyche , hard to remove .
  16. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Not tonight ..... Sun disc has a headache .
  17. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Sad ? Far from it . I am very happy to live with it as it is and as it unfolds . I dont think it is actually me that is the sad one .
  18. So, you think the sun rises in the East

    Ah yes ..... but my play is an ancient Greek tragedy .
  19. So, you think the sun rises in the East

    But it can be a 'handy ' one . 'Earth only be flat 'cause yo Momma been sittin' on it . ' Hmmmm ... makes me wonder what they meant by 'The centre of the world " must mean 'universe' or 'cosmos' ? p.p.s. perhaps you will consider a 2021 judgement to offset the 1633 one 😀 in your play There is an interesting part in one of Crowley's degree knowledge lectures . It is a direction to contemplate and meditate on the following (paraphrased) ; people that study many aspects of western spiritualism, the occult, hermetics etc , have discovered a set of knowledge that was developed under the old formulas ; that of the death and rebirth of the Sun each day ( even Christianity essentially follows this formula via death and resurrection . Also it seems to have influenced some views about 'reincarnation' ) . But now we know that the Sun is eternally 'alive' and it is the earth that turns , night being caused by a particular part of the Earth moving into ' shadow' .. So one is then charged to meditate on that old knowledge and how it would be reinterpreted and applied under this new realisation.
  20. Mysticism

    Thats what I mean .... you start off saying you do not read , but when questioned on that ...... you 'adjust ' your wording . many times you have 'adjusted your wording ' when questioned on the veracity of what you wrote .
  21. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Hmmmmm .... ; Two different ( seem to be representing different things or aspects ) snakes either side of a griffon . and two griffins either side of some snakes ;
  22. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    got a 'headache ' ?
  23. This just in ; ( 'possible return migration from Australia ' .... ! ) First ancient human DNA found from key Asian migration route Sulawesi has some of the world’s oldest cave art, but ancient human remains have been scarce — now a fossil with DNA hints at a mysterious lineage of people
  24. Cool, I will check this out later . I am reminded of those wonderful days when I could go and stay at that Aboriginal camp. Up river was out of bounds - 'sacred area ' . When I asked 'the boss' how far I could go up, where was I not allowed to go, he said " Oh You. Dont matter, you can go up there, but do not take anyone with you . " Now I know these guys where fairly well educated in their culture, and would go off and live in the bush traditional lifestyle , at times. But this was a big surprise ; I knew when I was getting into the special area , as everything changed - including the energy I could feel . The river widened and braided out onto many streams, rivulets and cascades around the rocks , there where clear pools and little river sand beaches behind the bigger rocks . The bottlebrush growing about was bonsai and twisted from floods in bloom , various honey eater little birds where flitting about . I saw what looked like a pile of river driftwood - much like one sees piled up against the trees from floods in little island mid river . As I got closer , I saw it was a 'gunya' a shelter made from woven together driftwood, branches and dry vegetation. outside was some evidence of camp and in the middle where some stone tools, in process of working, and the tools used to do that and chips scattered about . WOW ! IT was like going through a portal into the past . I later realised it was the work of 'Tooly', one of the 'lads' that specialised in such matters . Still being made .... today !