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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    get a longer tie then ;
  2. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Is the one on the right a cobra ? It does not appear to have a hood ? But has a beard . Is the one on the left the way a cobra is always depicted, with a flared hood, or is that specifically to hold the Sun disc ( if it is a sun disc ) ? .... and it isn't bearded . Hmmmmm .... ? ( I just did a quick image search of ancient Egyptian depiction of cobras and they all appear to be hooded, without beards .)
  3. Mysticism

    No, not that . Things like; Someone suggests a reading list or books to help you and you respond with ; "I choose not to read anything, just to avoid the words. " Which is obviously wrong as you are here reading posts and responding to them .
  4. So, you think the sun rises in the East

    such are the principles behind astrology . Conjunction, opposition, trine , etc . Ie. the angular relationships between the planets . Still, it doesnt change the 'reality' of local observations ; the Sun still does rise in the east . I was just writing this the other day ( in my play I am working on ) ; ‭Raven : “ I can vouch to that ! It ‬ was certainly true of Apollo‭! ‬But still,‭ ‬here I‭ ‬am‭; ‬stuck here and cannot move.‭” ‭( ‬Raven flapps and flutters his wings to no avail.) Centaur ; ‭“That is our fate and function. My centaurs move about and converse with me as do your ravens. It is not for us to move along Man’s path but to assist that movement. We feel that we are suspended in space unmoving, pinned in position by the unmoving stars that make up our bodies while beneath us the world spins on its axis and turns about the Sun. But from Man’s perspective, he is stuck on Earth and watches us and the heavens rotate above him. - It all depends on one’s point of view.”
  5. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    and behind that green screen she is holding a rope, that goes up to a pulley and is attached to an anvil .
  6. Mysticism

    Then some of what you have told us is not accurate at all . You often make a statement about some 'fact' of your experience and then when questioned on the logical fallacy of it , you shift to something that actually denies what you previously wrote . Or just repeat your first and original statements about your condition .
  7. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    As much as I like some suggestions, they seem modern and projected back onto the Egyptians . I think we have to look at what the Egyptians themselves saw in the symbolism of snakes , two snakes and the face to face thing . I am thinking it is representing a polarity of forces 'coming together' or the 'magician' utilising both ( or opposing forces) One snake could be Nehebkau - the primordial snake God that became one of the 42 assessors of Ma'at who also provided dead souls with ka ... so they could continue 'life' . In later times he became more powerful and attended on the deceased King , was associated with the Sun God , and perhaps more importantly ( in this case ) was evoked in magical spells of protection. OR Apep . Chaos , an opponent of Ma'at and light . An opponent of Ra , etc . " The black and the white are harnessed to his car . " There is also Wadjet ( a Goddess from Lower Egypt ) but she was not pared with another snake , but a vulture ( Upper Egypt deity ) and is not depicted bearded . The beard was a symbol of sovereignty and divinity . So it also depends on the dating of the OP image and what period the symbolism comes from . It appears very 'New Kingdom' . In the New Kingdom Renenutet and Merseger. Meretseger protected the Theban necropolis and Renenutet was a guardian of the king and also a protector of the harvest. They represent Isis-Thermouthis and Serapis (Serapis is the bearded one on the right). Isis was the consort of Serapis, and the two came to embody the forces of male and female fertility. They are sometimes represented on door-jambs as human-headed serpents. The Sumerian deity, Ningizzida, is accompanied by two gryphons Mushussu; it is the oldest known image of two snakes coiling around an axial rod, dating from before 2000 BCE. ( note; the 'original ' form has the snakes looking at each other ) ... and the beard is a symbol of divinity and sovereignty
  8. Caduceus - staff of Hermes

    Even when gripping your staff ?
  9. Mysticism

    Except what on the internet .
  10. A lot of you are deluded

    There is such a lack of 'ludes here ... I am gonna start selling them . Psssst .... wanna buy some 'ludes ?
  11. Mysticism

    ..... and spend time on the internet ..... hmmmmm ?
  12. The Cool Picture Thread

    I will go back and check .... first glance ; clockwise . I can get her lower half to oscillate left and right ( each half turn ) but as I work my way up I loose it . Maybe with practice ? ... and if I had the time .... actually , what the hell AM I wasting time on this for anyway Interesting in that it is actually a flat 2 dimensional shape that is constantly changing ( that is , what is actually being shown on my pc screen ,
  13. Retro Tech

    ^ I think his cap might blow off ....................
  14. deleted

    yeah, well ..... I thought I would get some things clear before I went ahead and wasted my time here ..... again !
  15. Mysticism

    F**k that 'fear God' bullshite ! More like 'fear us' ! (us being the people that installed whatever messed up programme they wanted to put in your head ) You cant really blame mysticism , as there have been many successful mystics that have NOT had the experience you claim to have had . Just like there are many electricians that have not fried themselves by getting electric shocks . If they are fried , do we blame the electricity or their lack of preliminary research and caution ?
  16. Retro Tech

    Retro adrenaline junky ; for some reason, men did it in their underwear ;
  17. The Cool Picture Thread

    Only if I start by looking at the big toe of the grounded foot and work my way up , but not from sighting the whole image . ... after some practice I can do it with the extended leg .
  18. deleted

    What tradition do you follow ? Or, if you dont have one , what is your cultural / ethnic background ? The reason I ask is I feel that is relevant to know before offering methods . I see little point talking to someone about , for example , getting a Christian 'exorcism' if one is anti-Christian , or someone offering you a Buddhist invocation if the terms and concepts mean nothing to you .
  19. Retro Tech

    'Uncle Lewi' has the 'best' of these stories , I doubt his unsafe playground can be topped ; Back ground ; when rounding up the Aboriginals and incarcerating them in areas , it was thought they would give them a better situation ; at Baryugal they built them houses ( little asbestos fibre boxes with tiny windows ) and supplied them with work to do ( at the newlt opened asbestos mine, coincidentally, just next door . Thats where Lewi grew up . They used to go to the 'playground' , the asbestos tailings dump and turn an old car bonnet over and use it as a sled to ride down the huge hill if asbestos tailings . In more modern times , not to be outdone , they made real playground ( construction pipes)....... by flattening moving that big hill over to the school house, flattening it out and sticking some play equipment on it . Asbestos worker in 'protective clothing ' ; " We didnt know what it was , we even made 'pancakes ' out of it and ate it . " ;
  20. Wild cats

    I think this needs a new thread . 48. Ching / The Well above K'AN THE ABYSMAL, WATER below SUN THE GENTLE, WIND, WOOD
  21. The Clarity Aspect in Buddhism

    Only on Daobums could a conversation like this happen in a thread about 'clarity'
  22. Oh look, I got covid

    Dontchya hate it . People seem to love giving home medicine advice ( which I doubt they even follow that advice when they themselves are sick ) . Its like something takes them over and they 'change' . If I dare to moan about some chronic issue thats been plaguing me for years , I often get the most basic suggestions , like 'have you had a massage ? " Why no ! Over all these years I have NEVER thought of that ! How stupid of me, I shall go and get one right away . Or whatever is going on their head ! " Try wheatgrass juice ." " Drink a pint of black strap molasses every morning .... Have you tried sticking licorice up your arse ...... etc etc " I remember many years ago , we where flooded in and isolated ( services needed elsewhere at more important places ) I had a double inner ear infection ( both sides ) - extreme pain . I had gone to the laundry to do some washing but could not manage it and virtually collapsed onto a laundry tub , I was leaning into it, to hold me up . This woman, who is normally nice ( but was into that Loise Hey healing BS ) asked what was wrong with me . " I have an inner infection in BOTH sides . " Her ; all of a sudden in a smarmy sing-song judgemental voice " Ohhh ? Well , what is that you dont want to hear then ?" Instead of going off and meditating on my faults like she expected me to do I decided to answer her ; " I will tell you what I dont want to hear . I dont want to hear some smarmy judgemental woman giving me 'spiritual' advice she believes in for herself while I am in virtual agony half collapsed and unable to even wash my own clothes . Thats what I dont want to hear ! " I only heard the word 'plandemic' for the first time last night , I decided to watch that stupid sky news for 10 minutes . Talk about shite ! It was all vacuous and hollow , tying to suggest things but pre empting them with " yes, people are suffering but ...... BS BS BS " or 'I know it is spreading and people are getting sick .... but BS BS BS . I soon turned it off wondering how he could say that, how a channel would allow it , why people would watch it , why etc etc . Sometimes its bloody well hard to have a bit of awareness ... and see what is going on around you ! And the sheeple thing ! How God damn annoying ! YOU are the 'sheeple' for getting sick , yet they are not sheeple , because they are in QAnon ? Arrrgh ! How frustrating . Anyway , I suspect you have a fairly rugged and stubborn constitution, which, in my observations can really help recovery . But I am pissed off with that downstairs bitch non mask wearing food blocker ..... I am tempted to present her with a very different thangka ..... a wrathful one ..... however , I suppose it should be one that dissolves ignorance, and fosters understanding and compassion . My hope is that you recover soon , remain healthy and then have developed a natural healthy immunity ...... against what is still to come .
  23. Mysticism

    I am wondering if you , HD , remember any previous correspondence ? Anyway, doesnt matter . I have a friend that wants to build a house for his family here . It is well possible, many other people have done it . I know how to navigate through all of that, been here over 30 years and helped many a person on many a level bring it to manifestation . I have drawn up architectural plans , built models and worked on building . My new forest bath house is 98% finished now ... its VERY swish. People admire it and ask 'Did YOU build that ? ". Yes, and I designed it and did all the interior design , materials and color matching , etc . I said I would help him.There are certain rules that need following , which I know , a certain 'flavor of approach ' needed for approval , which I am very familiar with . I point to another neighbor and say to look what she has done ; we have a friend with a lot of land and timber , and a bush saw mill ; " Look at that huge stack of cut lumber he has delivered over there for the new shed and house extensions . I have a near by shed , a bench saw, wood working tools, a generator ..... what more could could one want ? Oh yes, the land is for free as well . I even helped his partner for 3 hours write out the suitable proposal to get things underway . She came back with a different proposal . I said it was worded strangely and would give people the wrong impression. She said "Well, what would you have written ? " I responded " I would have written what was on that sheet that we wrote out together that I spent a few hours with you on. " She mumbled something about 'loosing it ' WTF ? I dont think she lost it at all . I detected HIS hand in that and I believe he has rejected my advice .... he wants a 'tiny house' ..... because he has seen them on TV and likes them . ( And I know why ; he likes all the little gadgets and innovations and space saving ideas ... but that can be put into any house ). There is some type of obstinacy there . Well, he went ahead and started trying to get approval signatures on their proposal. But it didnt work .... it was pointed out to him that he left out all these things people wanted to know about ( exactly those things I included in the original proposal ! ) ... and of course it has failed . So he amped up, yelled said stupid angry things now people are off side . Ho - hum . What ya gonna do ? Hand some people a HEAP of help, knowledge ,personal experience , advice .... but - nope ! They will INSIST on failing their own way . ..... Sorry for being 'off topic " .
  24. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Some time back, after some loggers bashed some greenies at the nearby town of Dorrigo , some one subtly changed the sign with arrow on the highway to ; >>>> Dont'go