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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    Oops ..... got them mixed up with each other .
  2. A $ 360 Time Machine

    .... with new improved ' navigational aids' .
  3. A $ 360 Time Machine

    I like the topic of time travel ... but I dont have time for role-playing games ... I am busy enough with this one thanks . - and a I got a GREAT space / time ship ;
  4. A $ 360 Time Machine

    " Oh, let the sun beat down upon my face And stars fill my dream I'm a traveler of both time and space To be where I have been To sit with elders of the gentle race This world has seldom seen They talk of days for which they sit and wait All will be revealed ... Oh, pilot of the storm who leaves no trace Like sorts inside a dream Leave the path that led me to that place Yellow desert stream Like Shangri-la beneath the summer moon I will return again As the dust that floats finds you We're moving through Kashmir ... " - Led Zepplin .
  5. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    ... Diary : " This morning I was whipping the dwarf in my underground prison, but my silver nose fell off, just after that I debunked the geocentric universe , realised stars where distant suns with their own planets and that the Universe is infinite with no centre . " ( Its not THAT unusual , ack in the old days , you never knew what you where in for when attending dinner . One ( who was it now ? ) had a whole guest room rigged up . You would go to sleep when you stayed over , in a lovely room . But during the night it would slowly fill up with water , so you where awoken , floating around with the furniture . - hilarious ! WTF ?
  6. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    He had a dwarf 'companion' . Apparently he would like him to jump out from under the dinner table and startle guests . His observatory was even equipped with a prison, while his retinue is said to have included a pet dwarf. Yet despite all his shortcomings, he must rank with . Bruno had a pet dwarf&f=false On February 17, 1600, after Bruno had endured a long imprisonment, ... even as a noseless noble (with a pet midget) and a German astrologer-mathematician ... Bruno had a pet dwarf&f=false ... you probably know he had a silver nose as well .
  7. Current Events Discussion

    Ditto .... good solution . ' The (current events ) Pit ' is back !
  8. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    Ya gotta luv a guy that keeps his pet dwarf under the table at dinner parties
  9. The Clarity Aspect in Buddhism

    No . I read TTC at a young age . But I see it as more than .... ' effortless action ' , more like , ' best results with least effort ' ( well, on my part anyway ) . .
  10. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Sean McCallif -local comedian and topical commentator , on his weekly show ... the last few weeks it has started off as nearly every other news or topical commentary show does - about the pandemic and lockdowns . The show starts , Sean looks very concerned and serious ; " Yes, we all know how annoying it is an how it has taken over all aspects of our lives . It keeps returning and I have to say I am sick of it ! Its actually becoming boring now ! There is so much hype and focus about Australia ..... what about other countries people think its so important , it rules their lives ! But ... dont get angry , calm down ..... it isnt THAT bad if you think about it ..... you can do something , you are not powerless . Get off your butt and stop sitting there winging ..... get up and change the channel ..... the Olympics are not on EVERY channel .
  11. Combat Tai Chi set by Mark Cheng

    Yes, keep going , give us more . I dont practice Tai Chi but a very early form of Kara - te ( which is unlike modern karate) , one of the guys I train with is a tai chi instructor so we both comprehend the combat potential in some tai chi forms . There is a lot of similarities. I have another friend that does tai chi, he seemed flummoxed at what I did . Some of his moves where similar to what I practices but he seemed to have no idea of any applications and I found anything he tried on me he was easily put off balance . He didnt even seem to know what happened when, in close quarters, I 'shouldered' him and we went flying backwards . . I guess there are 'practical forms' and stuff thats just 'done in the air ' . Is one derived from the other and understanding has been lost or are we looking at two different systems here ?
  12. The Clarity Aspect in Buddhism

    How to hunt . " You see that little boy over there, watch him. He has spotted a crab and he is after it . Watch how he stalks it and observes it , he is totally fascinated, so much so that the rest of the world has virtually ceased to exist . Its his whole concentration and focus, nothing else matters to him in this moment . He is intensely watching how it moves , how its eyes work, how it eats . He is learning about it . He has become one with the crab, there is no difference . Yet, although he follows it with all his focus, he doesnt step on an oyster and cut his foot, he doesnt tread on a mangrove root , he weaves in and out, his body takes care of that , but his mind is now on the crab and nothing else . "
  13. simplify

    Damn it !
  14. The Clarity Aspect in Buddhism

    Well ... we cant all be a 'Steve on the Internet ' .
  15. I do, becasue I think the examination of past extinctions and environmental changes of the past are a part of 'environmentalism' environmentalism /ɛnˌvʌɪr(ə)nˈmɛnt(ə)lɪz(ə)m/ Learn to pronounce noun noun: environmentalism 1. concern about and action aimed at protecting the environment. "he claims to embrace modern environmentalism and an ecological approach" 2. the theory that environment, as opposed to heredity, has the primary influence on the development of a person or group Also it goes with my own experience . particularly with the spheroid segmented miniature scorpions that lived at my place ; amazed I enquired with a local authority to see if it was a recognised species ( some species are VERY localised ) . It wasnt and the response was 'No big deal, there are MANY unrecognised species out there .' I havent see them since , or course I cant prove they went extinct , but they may have . We had a near extinction event here with our (only in this immediate area ) rare river turtle . That was only 'discovered' as different species rather recently . Go further up river into the wilderness and I have seen things I never seen before in small local environments . Things are changing so rapidly that many undiscovered species hay have gone extinct , like the recent mega fires entered areas of rainforest that have not burnt before . Then again, us Aussies are rather expert at extinctions Ummm ... you need to look into that 'bee thing ' .... and they are NOT anything like 'livestock' , the way we consider chickens and cows are .
  16. The Clarity Aspect in Buddhism

    It takes effort to let go . Not as much effort as the 'original grasping' ..... but over time, we forget about that and it appears 'automatic / without effort ' .
  17. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    < sorry computer going haywire > the similarities in each stage above with the relevant planetary attributions ( via kabbalistic attributions of planets to ToL ) ; 1st Naf , Earth / 'Kingdom' , Malkuth , material self . 5th is Tipharath . 6th Binah , which is 'the home ' of Buddhism , The Trance of Sorrow ( and its alleviations ) , of course it goes on from there .
  18. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    Howdy 'stranger' Yes. And the 'alchemy' refereed to is a general term term that focuses on the alchemical stage of transformation . ... somewhat removed from the other stages of alchemy , which make the transformations possible . However we can see the influence from hermetics in the idea of the 7 naffs , ie , the idea of incarnating down through the 7 spheres (of the planets ) and, in life on earth, navigating back up through them Insert other media by learning how to balance their energies (or transform each of the 'negative qualities' related to each sphere) as we 'rise towards heaven ' . You can probably also detect
  19. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    Most definitely there are influences from Zoroastrianism ! We need to consider Alexandria , and specifically 'The Alexandrian Synthesis' . A mixture that included the sources you mentioned ( Pre Islamic Middle East ) Zoroastrianism ( and its earlier forms and roots ) and Zuvanism ( things like ' Magi' and 'Chaldean Mysteries' ) , and of course the roots of hermeticism in 'the Art of Hermes ' / Egypt . An interesting period ( and place ) is the rise of Harran and its role in transferring this knowledge into Islam .
  20. and do not forget , we are not suppose to be rude to each other here
  21. The Clarity Aspect in Buddhism

    I dont think I have ever thought of a couch potato when someone mentioned emptiness .
  22. Middle Eastern Alchemy

    I have a question ( as well as the 'why middle -east ' question, but you answered that ); at the beginning of you post you wrote You mentioned Greece and Egypt and focused mostly on Islam ( and Sufism ) , is that the only 'pre - Islamic influence' you see from the middle east ?
  23. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    ..... so that's where all those rabbit eggs come from !