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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. In the other one in the series, ( where Hamilton goes out into the desert to a ranch with an 'acolyte' of the old retired couple that lived there . They where some of the underground next generation that did research after Leary ... the couple was very old , there was still the remains of a lab where they made different varieties , focused on different effects, like intelligence increase They found some stashes out in the desert and dug up some 'products' still intact ) here on tv . I dont think that episode is available to post here ? Ultra LSD With the precise structure of LSD’s molecular target identified, Hamilton discusses a new era of psychedelic research and, along the way, meets pioneers of the field.
  2. Yes. But it went underground . Some experimented ( ie, in production - chemists ) with types of LSD designed for specific purposes, including intelligence increase . Now they are elderly and retired Some had younger 'acolytes' . I am rather keen on Hamilton ;
  3. Jesus from Siberia

    So ... just the usual 'spiritual' cult stuff then .
  4. Jesus from Siberia

    They are Putin' him in jail .
  5. Jesus from Siberia

    here we go ; The Guardian : " Russian authorities mounted a special operation to arrest a former traffic police officer who claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus and has run a cult based in the depths of Siberia for the past three decades. Helicopters and armed officers stormed communities run by Sergei Torop, known to his followers as Vissarion, and arrested him and two of his aides. Russia’s investigative committee said it would charge him with organising an illegal religious organisation, alleging that the cult extorted money from followers and subjected them to emotional abuse. It is not clear what will happen to the disciples now that their leader has been arrested, nor is it clear why authorities decided to move now. The official Russian Orthodox church has long condemned the group but officials have largely left the devotees alone. Some Russian media outlets reported that the community had become involved in a dispute with local business interests.
  6. Jesus from Siberia

    Why ? What did he do ?
  7. Cos we all love Gobekli Tepe

    I dont have a problem with it at all ... he is just reporting on new findings and ideas ( except for the last minute ) . I often dont think we get the full story. What ? ... people involved in the dig thought all those square buildings, being built on top of the ruins of others ... in layers where temples too ? Hundreds of temples for groups of nomads that only hunted ? I often wonder about what is' presented to us ' compared to what people in the field think . Temples ... temples everywhere ! The pop idea seems to be that agriculture developed everywhere the same as it did in the Fertile Crescent . . . or , developed how we think it did there . In this regard the situation in Australia is interesting .... hunters and gatherers ... who also did some agriculture and, in places, lived in stone hut ' villages' . or at Orkney ... where at a time before the building of Stonehenge, they not only had massive gatherings and feasts but the evidence ( feast left overs - bones etc ) shows, not only the amazing amount of cattle consumed , but the where all from one herd . s Sweatman pointed out .... its still question after question after question .
  8. Yes , but that does not matter if there isn't much inside it .
  9. Here , the 'head' male homo sapiens are football 'legends' . " The footage showed a female reject Pearce's advances and attempt to kiss him, saying "I'm a lesbian", before the Roosters captain turned his attention to a dog. Pearce was then seen picking up the dog and simulating a sex act. She then accused the 26-year-old of urinating on himself and the couch. " But ... the advert for the footy games calls these guys 'heroes' . ..... lounge pissing, dog molesting heroes , that is . " ... and then , I pissed on the lesbian's couch ! " " Hooray ..... good on ya mate .... what a hero ."
  10. Home remedy Men are advised to "massage toothpaste on the tip of your penis" in order to "crush premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction". But medical experts are warning this could have dire and unwanted effects, including burns, blisters and scarring. Consultant pharmacist James O'Loan warns the peppermint oils and chemicals in toothpaste - which include bleaching agents - can be "extremely irritating" to sensitive skin. "I'd urge anyone thinking of trying this rather worrying 'toothpaste' technique to cease and desist," he told the Daily Mail. "It won't do anything at all to combat premature ejaculation or erectile dysfunction, despite the claims being made in these videos. "By putting it on your genitals, you actually risk a mild burn, as well as blisters and scarring. And toothpaste should in no way be used as a lubricant, either." Urologist Rich Viney told the Daily Mail the "abrasive" properties of toothpaste make sex uncomfortable. "It could lead to infections in the woman's vagina. You do not want foreign material inside the vagina, it's an irritant," he said. "Anyone using toothpaste for sex is kidding themselves. There's real remedies that work out there." Newshub.
  11. Except for a few. like monkeys , they chew it off . .... waiting for our next 'proposition ' ...... None of them really 'died out' . Most of us ( HSS ) are a mongrel hybrid mix of the above and several other hominins ... even Africans I actually stopped telling the younger generations what things where like in my youth ; free university, cheap rent, jobs galore, social freedoms .... it depresses them too much now .
  12. Being primates , not herd animals or 'loners' we function best in extended family groups, so those numbers seem bout right . The' in group ' thing is hard wiring, but not the only one , otherwise we never would have got anywhere . Outsiders are essential for a good mix of genes . Like a good alchemical process ; introduce an outside element and then 'close the experiment up' let THAT mix ferment and brew a bit , then add some more goodies . Biological wiring surfaces in this regard in two types , the xenophobe and the xenophile ( I am the latter, fascinated and attracted to anything new and unusual ) . I noticed this surface at work , a couple of the guys thought I was strange as I got infatuated with a woman ,what I would call beautiful but what they described as ' weird looking ' ( she had bright 'red' hair , penetrating green eyes and masses of freckles ) .... I think the sperm count went up ... apparently, foods that increase sperm count are asparagus , bananas ...... hmmmm . 'doctrine of signatures ' ? I dont think I could EVER live in a city again . ... not as 'home' , - like city folks say when they come here " I love going on a visit or short holiday there , but I could never live there . "
  13. The bolded statement grabbed my attention as, studying anthropology all my life, it had become a key issue ... a 'key' for the whole 'big picture' IMO . But , I find your premise does not cover many of the species in Australia Well, its fairly obvious we cant continue the way we have been ... another area I studied was 'Cultures in Crisis' ; what things indicate a culture is unhealthy and in crisis . To my surprise i found indications, in specific order across the board that showed cultures in crisis and those that went through these processes ( and ended ... whole 'civilisations' in some cases ) . also there are the opposite , processes which create healthy cultures or heal ones in crisis (if its not too late ) . Thing is 'the world' is being overtaken by a 'monoculture ' and that monoculture clearly exhibits these indicators .
  14. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Doing nothing is an incredible process and way to get things done efficiently . Say, I have a 'chore' or a stage of work I am up to . If I should be doing it ( and that 'should' could be for a variety of reasons ) , or have a schedule it can often not go well, I make mistakes and generally piss about inefficiently , or worse, bemoan how long it will take and what a hassle it will be and ..... but if instead, I simply do nothing , that is, not do it and wait , then I will eventually be inspired, go to it with gusto, it flows, I enjoy it and , lo and behold, it seems to be done in no time at all . Not doing nothing can waste more time than doing nothing , sometimes .
  15. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    " This morning the wife said, ' What are you going to do today ?' I said, 'Nothing' . She said, ' You did that yesterday .' I said ' I ain't finished yet . ' "
  16. East is East and West is West

    Yes. I say it is shit, as there is no other thing like a tax department in nature ... nor bureaucracy ... them tax fellahs come around these parts ... they get an introduction to Old Doris here ...
  17. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    These guys watch me in the out house ( it has big open windows to the forest ) ( Butcher Bird ) .... just in case ... ya know, maybe I will start digging in there and uncover a worm They follow me around a LOT , especially when operating machinery - fearless , I have actually had to stop slashing .... a small bird on the ground Vs. a Massey Ferguson 154 with a steel blade slasher going at 16,000 p/m 6 inches away from its head ... busy catching escaping bugs ... nope , not moving, not finished yet . yesterday I was cleaning out my woodworking shed, making new shelves, stacking timber , lifted a piece up off a damp patch and a HUGE funnel web nest YIKES, where is it ? Then a butcher bird flew in, stuck, and flew off ... in an instant , I didnt even see the spider . Good boy ! They got sausage rewards later . ... I suppose I better tell a joke while I am here . a man takes his pet spider out for a night of drinking ; they start with beer and the spider keeps up - 1 for 1 . Then they go on to mixed drinks . The spider slows down a bit but still, manages to keep up . Then they go on' to straight spirits ; rum, whisky, gin ... the spider is not looking well at all. Suddenly it falls off the bar stool and hits the ground - dead . By now, its closing time so the man staaarts to leave but the bartender stops him ; ' Oi ... ya cant just go home and leave that lyin' there . " and the man responds .....
  18. East is East and West is West

    Australia is really a part of Europe ... when we want to enter Eurovision song contest . But its really a part of South East Asia ... when we want a good a trade deal . Our population is multi ethnic / cultural , yet modern Australia has no culture (unless you want to count' convicts and first settlers' stories , songs and poems ... and stupid concepts like ' Gallipoli ' ( " our proudest moment that defined our modern nation " ..... when we went to Invade Turkey ; for some obscure reason that had nothing to do with us , read the map wrong, turned up at the wrong place, got the shit shot out of us and barely managed to escape with some survivors ) errrmmmm ... is that the right type of salute ? I find this confusing , first , isnt any 'now' just a fleeting 'freeze frame' of a continuum and if good or bad things are happening is not any 'now' just a part of that ? Why does a frozen moment in time ... of itself and 'always' natural and pure ? Isnt any perception of the 'now' an illusion , as, if such a perception is really possible it must be for a moment that is as short as infinity is long ? or we are actually perceiving a series of 'nows' connected and in a 'frame speed' limited by our perceptions. Is it the now, or are we looking at the frames of a film separated by small time gaps ? [ This reminds me of when young Harry got his first digital watch, it fascinated him and wore it all the time ; I used to love asking him the time , " What's the time Harry ? " " Its exactly 12: 23 : 42 ..... ummm 12:23 :43 ... no , wait ... 12:23 :45 .... " ] As far as you being anywhere in the world aand 'not mattering' what is happening to you ..... well, we would have to test that one .... unless we just take your word on it ... but testing you would be more fun Its easy to say when snug and safe at home but , when the tables turn ... I think the human world is very real . But human's often play with the unreal . If I cant see a reflection in nature , of something humans 'made up' , then to me it is human BS ( not real ) .
  19. INFERNO !

    I have seen some bad fires in my time .... but this is insane ! Now I know what they mean by the term 'firestorm ' ; Queensland sunshine coast bushfires from 0 : 35 @ 0 : 14 , the one at 'Bees Nest' is the one I have to watch. The wind change, and continual southerly wind has driven to to the north. Thankfully for me . Its burnt out 66,500 hectares so far ( near 165,000 acres ). As of Tuesday evening there were 79 fires in Queensland and 52 in NSW. No rain predicted for the next two weeks . Satellite image ; North SOUTH wind direction ^ One might think When it hits the lake it will go out . But not always . My sisters house burn down in similar conditions, across a large body of water . They where monitoring it , the fire was way over there across the water, next thing there 'thud' and smoke is coming trough the floor and the downstairs is on fire . Hardly enough time to escape, my nephew was trapped upstairs and had to jump out a window into the neighbours swimming pool . Several houses in the street where destroyed along with a loss of life, that led to an inquiry. A witness told the court ( and later an expert explained ) : The radiant heat from the fire causes volatile oils out of the eucalyptus trees to evaporate, this is heavier than air and driven by the wind pooled over the water surface and filled up the basin of the lake , blown embers can ignite it and a flash burn can travel across the water . The witness saw a comet like fireball, race across the lake, with a " jet exhaust out the back and a pressure wave in front of it " and it hit my sisters house underneath where it is exposed , as it was built on piers on a steep hill.
  20. Wild cats

    Its a dilemma - as we know, 'cats in the bush' are a problem but a farm without cats can be a big problem too . I dont know how many times I have heard on the community " Damn rats they .... " ( any one of a series of options from poo on the sink through to chew into electrical wiring and start a fire inside your wall .... or get under your car up into the motor and randomly chew stuff - if you drive down Kalang Rd you pass cars in peoples driveways, under carports with their bonnets up ( a rat deterrent ) and often followed with a 'threat' " I am going to get a cat " . I have to say , that historically and ethically I can not agree with this statement though ; " But overall, Australia is a relatively peaceful and compassionate country. At this time and continuously there are people all over the world who have been deemed feral and are likewise hunted out and eliminated. " .... errrrmmmmm .....
  21. Looking for tips on reducing pride/ego.

    Thats a trombone not thrombone . thrombone is a bad pain in the ....... well, you will know when it happens ..
  22. Looking for tips on reducing pride/ego.

    I haven't seen a thrombosis-free streak for years
  23. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    and all seem to have something in common .... a 'certain look' about them .... ... like they should all be wearing the same t shirt , or something
  24. It is known

    I expect 'not to be ' ( here ) in the near future . In fact, I dont even know why I am still here . I am grateful for the wonderful life I have had .... and even more grateful that it was in the time and place it was , but that 'time' is ending and going into 'new times' . By the time that is in full swing , I definitely will not be here . I am thankful for that .
  25. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    My friends cat ate a ball of wool . So they took her to the vet . Diagnosis ; ' Looks like she is going to have mittens '