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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Karma of prostitution

    Its supposed to 'happen' 'in the box' . 'Orgone' was supposed to be accumulated ..... but it wasn't .... or couldnt be proved . That started off the fraud charges .... the imprisonment and ... wait for it .... the confiscation and book burning of Reiche's books ( by the USA ) , including the valuable books and theories he wrote about before he went nutso .
  2. Karma of prostitution

    aka orgone energy accumulator
  3. Karma of prostitution

  4. Karma of prostitution

    Yes ... also known as 'The Excessive Machine ' Dont tell me you never watched 'Barbarella ' ?
  5. Karma of prostitution

    Agreed . I put it into, that rather primitive way , of interpreting karma 'basket ' . That basket contains all sorts of nasties judgements and inequalities falsely created and justified by 'karma ' . If I am rich and you are poor , I won't help you because that is 'your karma ' . Dog bite ? You kicked me in a past life when I was a dog When what the Law of Karma IS about is more like .... you crap in your water ... you get crappy water . You pollute the air , the air is unclean ... and that might cause a health problem and other issues .... you Karma for THAT bad health was you polluting the water .. Or we all get bad health (and heaps more 'knock on ' effects ) for our 'new world culture ' polluting the oceans . Its NOT to explain prostitution by suggesting that someone's wife in a past life was horny for other men . Although I expect the traditionalists here to cite tradition against my views .
  6. Karma of prostitution

    The pimps and all the nasty side of prostitution seems to have come from its prohibition , like alcohol and everything else . When 'sex work ' was legal and government supported and instituted as a THERAPY no such problems arose ; Wilhelm Reich's Socialist sex party had great success , sex advice , therapists and workers touring around in vans , visiting factories and other places . The factory owners loved it ! (excuse the pun) , becasue workers sick days dropped and productivity increased . Wilhelm Reich: the man who invented free love . .... Peeps be havin so many hangups nowadays
  7. Karma of prostitution

    There are all different reasons . You didnt think there was just one , did you ? Different types of karma depending on what how and when said services where sold . Eg , I sell you a good car at a cheap price to help you out ... or I sell you a dud to pass on my troubles elsewhere , Similar as above . Did you give her a bit extra money to help her out . Or did you treat her bad and throw her a coin ? Life aint black and white ya know . Think analogue and not digital or you might become biased and prejudiced Pre - judice - making a judgement without considering the specific facts at hand .
  8. Wild cats

    What's up with you two ? You never seen a small man and a large cat together before ?
  9. Wild cats

    These ones 'jumped out at me ' Jaguarondi and this clouded leopard ... what a coat ! and a Canadian lynx , out for a walk with her snow boots on
  10. Art & the Internal Arts

    Magical colour theory is a big part of the (real) magical tradition . The Golden Dawn talked about 'flashing colours' in constructing equipment , that is , the use of opposite colours together, as described above . But it needs an artistic imput as well . I have seen some traditional daggers , for example painted red and green ... ghastly ! Again the shades and tones need adjustment . Check out p 5 & 6 for the colour scales in 4 words 777 Revised.pdf These levels of correspondence should be shown on the above posts Enochian Tablets - and where used in my altar construction pics . here is a basic intro for working out what colours relate to what energies ; It s overall divisions are in 4 'worlds' colour scales ; Knight Queen Prince and Princess - like the Tarot court card s , their basic attributions are elemental ; fire water air and earth . Or another way to look at it that I like ( from an old post of mine from defunct Tarot forum site ) ; " Although not intentionally Qabalah or Hermetic Qabalah I think the following ideas can easily be related to colour in the four worlds: Colour Consultant Don Parvey writes about the need to create a colour "Stimulus Gradient". Highest (Knights)on the grade (in his 4 level system) are colours of high intensity and luminance, including the most "intensive stimulants" - usefull as Parvey says, "for the lunatic fringe of Op and Psycadelic Art". At level 2 (Queens ) are the "rich and powerfull or forcefull colours, strong but not strident". Third (Princes) are "hard and stable colours with firm contrast" that "produce no emotional overtones". And lastly,( Princesses ) the "sedative and tranquil colours". He also attributes these ranges of colours to sound (via voice): 1-scream. 2-command. 3- speaking tone. 4- whisper. All this seems to fit in with the 4 level Knight, Queen, Prince, Princess and the related colour scales. Others have looked at colours "insistence" - its attention getting power or impressiveness, being a formula associated with tone and intensity (brightness and saturation) eg. Katz, but seem to be at a loss as to how to go about constructing a working table. perhaps we already have one in 777? Also as an adjunct to the info in the tables, make sure you read the related appendixes to the colour section in the back of 777, v.interesting. " Regarding the use of sacred art on altars , here I am looking at , not just the placement of sacred art on an altar but the actual construction and design and colours used on an altar ( from same source ) ; < I am searching here for some old pictures I posted of my old evocation temple and the colourful altar I constructed ... I might have to get back later with this > - Also, some time back I did a study of the history of colour use eg The Palaeolithic palette (ochres and charcoal, white from clay ) as time goes on different things are discovered that enable more colours to be used . I think red was one the first ones added. In some cases its natural. Green came later , after certain mineral processes where discovered . Purple , I think came with Phoenicians , from a type of crushed sea shell , it was rare and expensive and the colour became related to royalty and later 'high clergy' (that how it got to be a 'spiritual' colour ' . ) .
  11. Art & the Internal Arts

    My fav was Pelikan plaka gouache . I used them for 'poster style' painting - things like my GD adapted Enochian tablets , took about 90 hrs . They are used for 'trance work ' , figuring out 'evocation language and calls ' and exploring different ' levels ' or inside the various 'pyramids . Each 'square' represents a pyramid In 'astral work' I discovered these pyramids dont just have coloured sides , each side has a texture like it is made of the appropriate coloured stone or mineral . . . the way inside is often concealed and different to other pyramids , some i could not figure out how to get inside . . . . what's inside them ? - " Wonderful things ! " ; There are 4 large elemental tablets arranged on a table in square , one in each corner with the Tablet of Union ( or Spirit ) in the centre Water tablet detail ; Making all those straight lines, neat little symbols and keeping colours in the borders ...... And the choice of colour tones , the tablets dont 'sing' / vibrate properly unless all the colour tones and opposites are in harmony (technically the above tablet is incorrect any lettering should be the opposite of the background colour ; black : white , red : green , blue : orange , yellow : purple . . . ie. a primary colour's opposite is the combination (secondary colour ) of the two opposing primaries Dr Dee's * original usage was to set out ( just the letters) on a sigil on a table with a 'shew stone' that reflected the sigil. After invocations the image of an 'angel' would appear within the stone and point to letters in turn , that would be written down and used as 'angelic language ' for communication eg Enochian lettering : The First Key – Phonetic : Ol sonuf vaoresaji, gohu IAD Balata, elanusaha caelazod: sobrazod-ol Roray i ta nazodapes ...... *
  12. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Politics and slang in Oz ; We have the National Party ..... known as 'The Nats ' . We have the Liberal Party .... known as ' The Libs ' . We used to have the Country Party ..... but that was disbanded for some reason
  13. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    .... I always thought dreads would be hard to keep clean
  14. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    Owner Finds A Baby Possum Clinging On To Her Dog's Back
  15. pick a leaf , and drop it your feet ; 11th post
  16. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I met this guy at a conference interstate , he invited me to break my journey home on the way home and stay at his place at Canberra ( Oz capitol city ) . At the end of the weekend I was heading off and he had to go to work on Monday and invited me to stop off at his work on the way out to 'see what I do' . Well, it was at ' Tiddy ' . Tidbinbilla - Joint Oz NASA Deep Space Communication Complex . So I am getting a tour , being shown all this stuff, they where friendly and informative from my questions , except for one room I wasn't allowed in, the door had a small window and I peeked through " What's in there . " " You are not allowed to know that . " " Oh ..... is this the room where you filmed the fake Moon landing ? " ............ Deadly silence .... my friend looked horrified . The guys sitting around the control desk froze too and looked at me as if I just let off a huge fart . One of the guys then snapped out of it when he realised I was joking ' No, its where we filmed 'Alien Autopsy ' . But for a moment there .... they all froze .... I think communications went down for about 20 seconds .
  17. Lake

    Sitting here writing and looking over this huge lake that I staying by . I have travelled south for a Martial Arts seminar thingo ; Pretty amazing place - Lake on two sides, ocean on the other pelican concert Its chock full with prawns and crabs and mostly shallow all you need is a light and net and ....
  18. More than half your body is not human

    Oh ...... okay . I just thought there was some resemblance
  19. It is known

    ... and their black halo s .
  20. Art & the Internal Arts

    Alex Gray And Tool's use of his art try from 8:30
  21. Most of life is delusional

    Belief is one of the 'tools' in the human psyche's ' tool kit ' , it is best USED by the psyche and not - the psyche used by its beliefs . Eg, I have beliefs about the after life but if you ask me what I think actually happens to one after death , I will say 'I dont know .... who can be sure ? ' But if you want a nice belief about that , I could share one with you . The thing is, that GD material is best viewed as VERY advanced . I also dont recommend re wiring your house with 240v ac without undergoing electrician training . Also it can be viewed as a manual of what to do in case you 'get into trouble' Two schools of thought on this ; 1. leave it alone, dont mess with it , trouble 'Pandora's Box ' (most people ) 2. To be 'fore learned' is to be fore armed - also the maxim ' know thyself ' , know what constitutes the human psyche . ( people like Steiner, etc . ) If you want to try GD stuff , start with the pentagram ritual and practice clearing your psychic space and strengthening the balancing of the energies around you
  22. Mmmmmmm ! Chinese red date soup .
  23. LOOK ! LOOK - he admitted it ! You would win, I think. The thing about archaeology is, it is based on what has been found - so far . Years back , I proposed a theory based on my extensive studies of ancient southern Centra Asia . Many westerners and Indians seemed to have a really wrong idea about what the dynamic was in Central Asia - a virtual vacuum until arrival of IE . This is not the case . I realised it was an area greatly misunderstood . Not surprising since it was an ancient culture that developed civilisation , only recently discovered last century in the 70s ( terrain, war and other issues have made further research very difficult ) . It appeared that 'Aryan' influence' in India was gradual (over 'phases' ) - over time, each with smaller numbers and a lot earlier, than previously thought . I was poo-pooed by many . But more recently [ Phase Two: The Indo-Aryan Evolution phase (before 2500 BC) ] "The Indo-Aryans may have first arrived in the Northern most tip of India in statistically in significant numbers and settled in the Sapta Sindhu region or the Vedic homeland comprising of present day Punjab, Uttarakhand, Himachal Pradesh, Southern Kashmir and large parts of North Eastern Pakistan) from a homeland believed to be somewhere in Central Asia (formulated in several hypotheses already discussed in this write-up) sometime before 2500 BC (3000 BC " ( check out the 'The Proposed Nine Phase Acculturation model between the Harappans, Indo-Aryans and other cultures to explain how the transfer of power took place from the Harappans to the Indo-Aryans .)