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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Possession!

    I wasn't responding to him . regarding your question ... how would I know ?
  2. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    More strange covid news from Oz ; I was watching an economic report on the news . Seems like our economy is doing amazingly well NOW , becasue of covid . A series of all sorts of graphs where presented and they all go up over the last few months . Looking at a projected graph of growth made before covid existed up to the present , compared to a graph from what actually happened . the actul one is WAY above the projected one . As I noted earlier , friends have more money, are spending more money and some have multiple jobs . The problem is ( and of course this is happening ! ) all these benefits are mostly at the top end of society, that is , the gap between rich and poor is also increasing . Although in my observations , of people with more jobs and money, they are not rich people .
  3. Possession!

    You go back and check responses to your posts here .
  4. Hmmm ... I have been put on hold ..... all operators are currently busy .... your question will be attended to as soon as an operator is available
  5. Aside from all your evasion , to avoid answering any questions - how do you KNOW Kalaripayattu loses against karate ? This is your problem , you generalise to a type of 'patriotic ' degree . What if its a shit karate guy against a very good Kalaripayattu ? Thats no priof of anything . Anyone can just type out words like that its merely 'proof' by personal assertion ; Create the conditions for a cross style matchup and the results will speak in Kalaripayattu favour . - see . Thats a wide definition of politics ! I could explain all those things using other motivations . It didnt appear in the post for some reason . Since I need to posit , it appears you really have not seen the use of a horse stance in MMA HINT - you can just google 'use of horse stance in MMA' , if you ever decide to educate yourself about this - unless you are too biased to allow r to watch it ? but anyway ; the first part is for your elucidation the second shows examples with stop go motion on the use of the stance . Its actually one of the MOST common used stances when executing a technique , especially in close quarters Of course , now that you finally actually gave a response to the question. Thats what it is supposed to represent . But the extension of the question still stands ; why practice that in Kihon ? Why practice it when attacking and delivering a tsuki when the hand isnt grabbing anything ? Look at most karate drills And why use hikite when 'blocking ' - what ? You are going to seize a wrist and pull it in while you are blocking an initial tsuki attack ? why move the arm right across to the other side before 'blocking' ? Why point the other hand up before doing an 'upper block' with the other hand / arm ? A straight tsuki needs little force to direct it sideways off line . Same with a hooked or curved punch . So why do a hikate movement before a block when you have not even grasped anything ??? Look from 1:28 , why attack with a punch, and draw the other hand back, leaving that side of the head and body wide open to the really obvious and telegraphed 'counter' that is coming ? This is what I mean about bad practice , and exactly why some karateka get cleaned up by street fighters , MMA guys, boxers , etc . Why do things 'just for drills' when the drill teaches you a bad habit ? I asked a 6th Dan about this he said 'Its just a punching exercise " , I then asked ' Why teach a bad punching exercise then ?" He didnt have an answer . I invited him to punch my extended hand , he did and did a hikite movement with his other hand , out of habit , I cuffed him upside the head with my other hand . he didnt like that , but then I said 'Do same punch as in Sanchin " ( ie, no hikite ) when I tried to slap his head, he easily deflected it with a slight flick with his other arm's elbow . - he is still pondering it . karate training is more like : Punch me badly, drop your guard and leave the punching arm floating out there ... dont retract it ! Now I can do a senseless hikate first , grabbing nothing , block your punch and counter becasue you have no guard up , and I might also seize that arm that is STILL floating out there extended AFTER I have done my counter , and use that for the next counter or take down . @ 2:44 we have the tricky move of even a double hikite ! and at 3:09 we see this double seizing and pulling back .... without touching the other guy , being used as some type of telegraphed wind up to do the double block . If they knew the REAL applications, those movements would be totally different . and not look so silly, rigid, impractical downright 'suicidal ' . Why do karateka then constantly use hikite when attacking , ... and why is it NOT used in Sanchin ( first series of punches ) Maybe comments like these are what originally got your goat ; Most karate ka dont have a clue what they are doing and are practising corrupted forms due to several FACTS + The system was taught by the destroyed and defeated Okinawans to the Americans that defeated them - as if they where going to teach them everything or correct things ! + at an early stage, it was modified as a school physical education system , for children . + It got imported to Japan where they greatly corrupted and modified it and basically stole it and transformed it into a Japanese product ( like they where doing with just about everything back then - 'Made in Japan ' ) using non Japanese traditions (like French Savate - that just happened to be touring Jaoan at the exact time Funokoshi's son started making up modern JKA karate ) and adopting other parts of Japanese budo to make it more Japanese .. of yes, and modifed the kanji meaning to make Karate from 'Chinese Hand ' to 'Empty hand ' .

    Happy Chinese New Year - covid style
  7. And not too far fetched to say that a piped up 'youngun' , even in the same tradition , can get one over on 'Old Pop ' . The cheeky blighter is smiling and laughing ! For a little while .... It seems you are claiming that ALL other martial arts BUT karate are in those camps . I am wondering what specific type of karate you mean , or what one you have personal experience with , to give you this opinion ?
  8. I agree that it is unfortunate that his chanel is called 'karate tv' . It should be called ' Kalari Payyatu TV' What is your definition of ' authentic karate styles'
  9. Oooh goody - stories .... My teacher once fought a tiger and .... . Nah . Real fighters are a different kettle of fish . I know a guy - outback bare knuckle boxing champ ... and they tough ! Amy martial artists that fights him had better watch out . He has easily cleaned up 3 on 1 . Thugs that are used to fighting, but not used to people like him . he gets a lot better after he is drunk and has been punched in the head a few times ... then he comes 'good' . Still, I seen him intimidated and back off from a flurry of quick distracting kicks at his knees and same with finger eye strikes . Same with an MMA guy ... its against their 'rules' so they are not used to it . But they are used to a whole lot of other stuff, like taking a massive amount of punishment and still continuing ...... for a few years .
  10. Oh, I see now . It did not t have to do with what you quoted me as saying here . It had to do with some thing you where holding onto that I said elsewhen and elsewhere , where you decide not to respond , or maybe did , and didnt like the answer you got . Anyway, I see the 'threadstarter' here doesnt mind some slight diversions , so , let;s examine this : I see, you are NOT going to make a reference to what I actually said, but are going to paraphrase it in your own words AND leave out any background and context as to what was said . But you will not waste time looking up this thread/s but will rely on your memory of what you have been holding on to AND THEN invite me to waste my time trying to find and supply background and context ? I said " Kalaripayattu loses against karate " . ? Or is this more of your 'memory' 'paraphrasing ' I see again you are not directly quoting me . Where did I say " Kalaripayattu loses against karate " ? Nor did I mention ANY reasons related to such a topic. UNLESS You meant I failed to mention ALL OF THAT ? Well, yeah . I also failed to mention a lot of things ; some , apparently are the things you think. I probably also failed to mention everything that dwai thinks , or anything Illumarin thinks . I could try to rectify it ; HEY GUYS ! Oneerionaught thnks Kalaripayattu loses against karate and blah ... blah ( see above ) There you go . ( Not that I would think such a general and silly thing myself,. But If anyone else feels I am not mentioning stuff they are thinking or feeling, please send me a list and I will try my best to list them all in a post for you . ) Oh, thats what you mean by 'battle' . I have a different understanding of the word ... the dictionary meaning ; " a sustained fight between large organized armed forces " A lot more is holding karate back from developing than politics ! And that also depends on definition . How should it 'develop' ? as a money making enterprise with 1000s of dojos American style . As a slowed down archicortical tradition using the unique Japanese cultural insanity of 'tatme and honne ' ? or as the orignal masters in Okinawa intended , under the contracts they made with the first westerners that trained there ? As a blood sport ? As 'sports karate' ? As 'sports karate' entering and adapting into the MMA field (another sport ) . What ? You are on the subject but this isnt any type of answer to what I actually asked about hikite . Anyway ... how was it used in combat sports with success. Okay, then what is this exact same principle of ' the chambering ' . Oh dear , do I need to post a string of videos . Maybe you are not looking close or fast enough , its there all the time . But again the words 'getting into horse stance ' seem a bit of a giveaway . Like it is assumed that one would be standing there in a formal kata / kihon exercise of 'being' in horse stance but not in its dynamic moving form in real application ; moving off line angling off, take down , follow downs . Here is a collection of them in one video . With a bit of advice that goes beyond 'white belt' (or 3 dan black , depending on where and with you you train ) on horse stance ... from the MMA perspective . Not that you 'not seeing this' helps explain my question about hikite . Why would they not allow it ? and to return to my original question : Why use hikite in kuhon, and kata ? What does it represent , what are you doing by doing hikite ? Also what is the 'theory' about it ? - which is pretty much the same question as 'why do it ' ? I hope you understand the question by now ? I am not saying tsuki does not work , I am asking why do hikite WITH tsuki ? I agree that all sorts of 'hybridized punches' can work ... especially if opponents are not used to them ! I know tsuki 'works', I never said it didnt . and yes, I do know karate didnt traditionally wear gloves Gloves also hamper a wide range of other hand / finger strikes and techniques and blunt the force of striking the Kyushu - its hard to use the middle knuckle joint or point of big toe with 'gloves' on ... even grappling gloves is a restriction . . The only time I use padded gloves is when I have a jo and go against a bokken, for certain exercises ( that is , in more realistic training experiments; the swordsman will go for a strike on the jo and slide to smash the fingers , or a direct strike on the fingers , because his weapon has a hand guard and the jo has not . The jo wielder must adapt their technique accordingly ). So I do know about that .... a bit. Looking forwards to your responses about 'hitike' .
  11. Thanks for the little lecture ....... but , what on earth was in my post that you quoted that you think it needed this above response ? And why would I need to not " ... take my word for it go and see for yourself " ..... I have been 'going and seeing myself' , practising and studying history and development of 'karate' for over 50 years . Are you claiming Karate is 'battle ready ' ? . Maybe you can explain why hliite is used in tsuki during kihon but not kumite and especially not in MMA ? .
  12. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    Stop destroying that flower Limi .
  13. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    Strangely , I get that side of it . 62. At all my meetings with you shall the priestess say — and her eyes shall burn with desire as she stands bare and rejoicing in my secret temple — To me! To me! calling forth the flame of the hearts of all in her love-chant. 63. Sing the rapturous love-song unto me! Burn to me perfumes! Wear to me jewels! Drink to me, for I love you! I love you! 64. I am the blue-lidded daughter of Sunset; I am the naked brilliance of the voluptuous night-sky. 65. To me! To me!
  14. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    Oh Gawd ..... he's awake . .
  15. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    This bit ^ This is the reason that Wunan Law keepers , who have held a secret tradition for about 12,000 years regarding the 'unknown' ' Gwion Gwion rock art tradition, have recently 'come out' with their knowledge . That, and the destruction of their 'written record ' and people. Desperate times need desperate actions ( first part , 'Old School' Euro interpretation , 2nd part , updates . )
  16. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    Urrrmm .... I think I get it . I do live in a happiness that sees the divine in everything material ( no difference with or transition between 'heaven and earth' ) But I am more inclined to say ' Thank you for all of this ' rather than 'I want you ' . So I still dont get the 'I want you ' bit . Maybe if I didnt have my happiness bringing awareness I might ask ' I want that ' or even, 'I want to feel your presence' is what 'I want you' means ? . Maybe I have trouble with the idea of 'wanting' a personification or an ' entity ' ... it seems too much like 'possession ' ..... for me
  17. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    Good ! Now he has gone to bed , maybe I can get a response from forestofemptiness to whom my post was actually addressed .
  18. Yes, my instructor vacillates between laughter and getting pissed off with me here is a fav of mine for OS visitors , during training ( which we do outdoors in nature ) " Oh Look ! A kangaroo is watching us ! " They turn to look ...... < slash > .... down their back with a wooden sword ( gently , of course ) .
  19. Also .... they are funny be fun to train with .
  20. Well, I have had my posts trolled before . but not usually one single conjunctive conditional clause from a post trolled !
  21. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    I was with you up to the part where I inserted ............. What do you mean " I want you ' regrading a God or Goddess ? I can understand wanting a Gods qualities , attitudes , communications, knowledge, outlook, etc . But what does wanting the God themselves mean ? - Bear with me here ..... I dont really even understand the expression when its one human 'wanting' the other . ... if someone said 'I want you ' I would either be suspicious or .... " What for ? "
  22. Anyone that thinks I really am 'being deceived ' is more than welcome to explain that to me logically and reasonably - if they are capable of that .
  23. Dwai , I think during the first vid 'empty hand ; techniques were mentioned , but I didnt see any on the video . Got any of that to post ?
  24. I was the one that was deceived ? Dont believe everything you think about what you see on the internet . .
  25. Yeah , thats because you where in a karate class . I had a Chinese guy in one of my karate classes , he didnt fight like a kung fu guy at all . So I guess kung - fu is bunk too ? I bet those Indian guys in your karate class didnt use those long flexible ' whip swords' either . ( and I am betting you dont even know why 'karate class guys ' fight the way they do ) .