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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Simply Be -- Summa Iru

    I call that the 'unaware conscious state' . You may as well be unconscious, yet the body is performing - as an automaton . Can be good or bad , I call the 'bad' version what has happened to me in the past during the few rare moments of factory / process line work. I was young, earning money in my school holidays - a good experience as I soon realised it wasn't worth it .... and I missed my holiday ! A half way ( between my good and bad , here ) , something like 'highway hypnosis ' . and also certain states ( or 'trances' to put the idea of different states or levels of consciousness in magical terms ) examined engendered from some 'magical meditations . The 'good' version is something like the mental state I cultivate during sword practice - 'no mind' , or a mind encompassing 'clear blue sky'. This state seems associated with a 'joy of practice' . May people experience this ; ' When I am ..... (insert activity, sport, hobby, etc ) I am not thinking or worrying about anything else , I am totally focused on .... " . Some go be beyond and do not even feel they are ' mentally self directing ' the activity . So, what has then become of self , where has it gone ? Which of course leads to the question ; what is self ? Which was a purpose of the magical meditations, and no doubt some others , from different cultures / practices. I found certain indigenous people blessed with this ability . I soon learnt to just sit in silence with them and appreciate ... well, everything . After a while visitors would turn up ... and never shut up What a disturbance , and what an insight . My goodness, look what is occupying their minds - you can tell as its continually gushing out their mouth . After they are gone , their hosts, who where very polite all though this, would wink at me and ; ' White fellah talk to much - always jabber jabber ! " I see it as a combination of a lot of the things I wrote about above ; There is an awareness , a very high awareness, a stillness in observation , a 'witnessing' . But its totally different with them, I think, due to their identification of 'self' . For them, they are part of 'country' - their environment , in a very intimate way. Sitting there , looking out over country , waiting, contemplation, observation , may as well be rock or a tree. Its feeling how 'one' is part of everything . I first experienced it 'just' sitting on a rock looking at the river with an elder . Words would have been sacrilege , yet a strong bond formed . Of course, this is not their only mental state , they have rich life in many aspects , including using a LOT of words, when its appropriate, or singing and dancing all night . Seems appropriate as, in my experience , this 'simply being' state , brings joy of life and joy in simply being alive . Hunting is another interesting one where the consciousness of 'simply being' is needed . Mental and emotional 'traffic' radiates out and animals can detect it . I have done interesting experiments with this , animals can definably detect our presence due to it, yet when one shuts it off, they have trouble detecting your presence . - there is art of using this to attract animals ( I am talking 'wild animals' here ) , usually accompanied with a song . Here is another bee simply being a bee;
  2. Christianity

    It seems a misconception that Christianity is based on monotheism . An examination of their scripture suggests something more like monolatrism .
  3. Christianity

  4. Then try writing a post without using that first-person singular nominative pronoun . (One of our exercises was to write and speak for a period of time without its use . It is a bit of an art , that many found to be a useful exercise , ) .
  5. Personally , no . I have 6 - one for each level of initiation ( except for the 'Rite of Annihilation ' ) Of course they don't give any power , but represent 'powers' gained and serve as reminders for 'sets of principles' to access those 'powers' . I met a ( adult ) woman who had opted , for who knows what effen reason, to have a 'SpongeBob SquarePants' tattoo in a visually prominent place . - poor thing ! She is a real mess .
  6. Be very careful with icecreams

    This is a red circle - there . Now, wasn't that refreshing . .
  7. Merit

    Whoever wrote that 'fridge door poem' could have used a lot less words . I regret to inform you that I am the perpetrator of the plums missing from the refrigerator .
  8. Shave your head Wear an over the top collar Get an eyebrow lift .
  9. Nungali. To answer you questions. Answering questions .
  10. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Here is a good trick ; get your nation to host its own 'Tennis Open' in the middle of its propensity to spring surprise lockdowns on people. Invite International tennis starts to compete ( with some fine print cintract details about testing and all that stuff ... dont worry, you be okay ) . Then, as their teams arrive you test them, if one tests positive you lock the whole crew / plane load of them up in quarantine for two weeks and NO you cant go out and train ... what's the point ? We probably will not end up having a Tennis Open anyway .... Let you out for exercise ? ? ? What ? You crazy or something ? There is a pandemic on ! ... just wait until the 'spectators start getting locked up ... turning up
  11. Video/audio chats with the 'Bums'

    HA! I am running on a part / works sometimes if you lucky / 3G network that has trouble opening my email.
  12. Be very careful with icecreams

    I was closely and personally involved in a local event that made the nightly local TV News, so I watched it ...... WTF! How did it end up up like that ??? I knew the guy that filmed the footage , so I contacted him , found out what the next step was from him ( ie. what he did with the film ), where it went , hopped ,skipped and jumped to all over the country ( 'distributed ' by 'news services' ) and how it changed along the way and ended up at the local TV station and then went through the ( personality of ) local news editor . 'News editor ' ... now, there's a job ! . [ Actually, I rang him and drilled him on that particular story , claiming to be student doing a project on ' how we get our news ' . My questions became a little to 'uncomfortable' for him eventually and he got angry and hung up. ]
  13. The Sad Reality Of This Word (Ft George Carlin)

    Whatever .... and badly titled . YOU might not have a choice . I chose another choice, and it worked. How about some turtles instead ? These ones ( Myuchelys georgesi ) are a local rarity and only in the river that runs through the land I live on ( that 'Big Brother' DOES NOT own ..... I know ! I proved it in the Supreme Court - so there ! )
  14. Money

    Aha ! That issue is VERY close to my heart and very familiar . Good on ya ! ( I knew there was a reason I felt to help, I didnt know what it was - but I have learnt to not let little details like that interfere anymore ) .
  15. Money

    Yes, that is the 'outward view' on 'magic' . But regarding magic , it isnt really correct . Not in my experience ( which is extensive) anyway . It matters more on the who than the how and why .
  16. Wild cats

    or as loyal subjects of mice Pharaohs
  17. Dealing with the dark side

    or all of the above . You know the story of Mara and the Buddhist monk meditating on 'all is transitory' ?
  18. Where do you sit?

    I dont normally sit during practice , so my bum is perched on top of my legs . When I do sitting practice it is mostly in an outdoor chair that keeps my back erect , outside under the bottle tree, looking down the valley and at the head of 'Old Man Dreaming' which sticks out of the mountain down valley . (This view is off to the side , his face is much clearer 'front on' from my place .... he lookin right at me ! ) Or part of me is flat on my back while the rest of me is a few metres away practising .
  19. Phrases we never want to hear again.

    ...... .... but don't you stop taking your Limi .
  20. Money

    Okay ... good ! -------------------------------------- O THOU workers and subjects of that Invisible King ; , who taking the Earth for Foundation, didst hollow its depths to fill them with Thy Almighty Power. Thou Whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World! Thou who causest the Seven Metals to flow through the veins of the rocks! King of the Seven Lights! Rewarder of the subterranean Workers! Because thou hast-diligently answered unto my, demands, and hast been very ready and willing to come at my call, I do here license thee to depart unto thy proper place; without causing harm or danger unto man or beast. Depart, then, I say, and be thou very ready to come at my call, being duly exorcised and conjured by the sacred rites of magic. I charge thee to withdraw peaceably and quietly, and the peace of GOD be ever continued between thee and me I To seal our pact and in thanks I give this offering ;
  21. Money

    Okay . good . (That's 2 under my belt here now ) -oh wait , I need to check something .....
  22. I cant help with the text but .... IME an 'awakened' ajna chakra can have many benefits , deep insight of current events and situations which allows likely projection of future events to be anticipated . And insight and understanding into the working of things and processes and how best to use them , an understandng of the self and its path through this incarnation , a difference between want , need and desire . This makes it MUCH more likely that one is going to 'make' events and reality happen as you 'wish' . Also 'awakening of the 'third eye ' might be a process given to one , virtually naturally, and can occur at a young age . In materialistic modern language we say these type of people have a high degree of 'insight' . 1 : the power or act of seeing into a situation : penetration. 2 : the act or result of apprehending the inner nature of things or of seeing intuitively. - But I am kinda guessing you are seeking a ' short cut ' ?
  23. Phrases we never want to hear again.

    I have stopped taking my medication ... and I feel GREAT ! .
  24. Well, it seems no one is putting up their hand . All I can say to the learner is ...