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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    It works for us . It works for me . I have been doing it for over 5 years .... every time a 'flue' is about, I haven't had anything like that since . But I live a 'hermity' life style , so little difference . My view is , if I am not near infected persons and things I am unlikely to catch what is spreading . I am not saying it is the ONLY thing that has kept our numbers low . here is how I see Australia generally in light of the above ; Population Size - low Age Demographics - Average 37 Overall Health Level - majority good - ( except in areas of high indigenous population ) Overall Medical Care Quality & Availability (to all, not just those who can pay) - good Quality of Elderly Care - medium to good Overall Economy - small Level of “Industrialization” - low ( except for mining ) Birth Rate - declining ( 12.720 births per 1000 people ) Quality, Level and Availability of Education - good Proportion migrant population - nearly everyone . Population Density - 3 / sq Km . ( but in urban centres 903 / sq. Km - vast areas are unsettled so it effects the average ) Cultural / Socioeconomic Interaction Patterns - Mostly people listen to health professionals, including the government , not so many nutters ) Behavioral Patterns - socially isolated areas show low numbers , where people congregate higher . Melbourne , known as a more cultural place ( theatre, the arts, events, festivals, food, etc ) as outbreaks . Family Structure - a mix of solid extended families, mostly with European origin families and a version of 'nuclear family' for the rest . Previous Flu Season - 2nd last bad one was 2017 but Last year, Australia experienced its worst flu season on record, with more than 310,000 people presenting to hospital and health services nationwide. The figure is seven times greater than Australia's previous 18-year average Season/Latitude - Came on in summer , spiked in winter died off after winter / Latitude - Australia is the fastest moving continent in the world ..... so I will have to check first 10 . 41' 26" - 43, 28' 30" Lets flip it up into the same position in the North
  2. Wild cats

    Someone is out there making cat tuxedos ? (He does look very smart though ! ) I would not be surprised if it was a real wedding .... and we now have cat wedding caterers . .
  3. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear

    Similar to what is being done in Australia . Except in China they where more extreme about it ..... because they can be ( ie. it is that sort of society ) ..... but having vastly more numbers packed together, they needed more extreme actions (like welding apartment buildings doors shut ) Our doors where not welded shut , but you can end up locked up in a motel with the police and army outside Its called 'lockdown' . And we are a bit crazy with it . One case of 'new strain ' appeared in Queensland , crazy over the top reaction and lockdown . Next 3 days , not one transmitted case . Similar in other places, at different times . Vigorous tracking , tracing and lockdowns in associated areas . from 3 days to 2 weeks , People say lockdowns dont work . Its been said here on DDs by some ..... whatever . IMO better to have an 'ineffective lockdown' than 22 mill cases and 375,000 deaths . And I doubt it will change anyone's DNA , but , goodness me , the lifestyle to which they are accustomed to may be disrupted ! But that 'winter spike' is an issue ! .
  4. What made YOU laugh today/tonight ?

    I gotta get me one of them telescopic electron microscopes !
  5. Money

    Ahhh .... there is your 'basement ' .
  6. Money

    Okay , in your dream they where 'in there ' , but do you remember anything about them or what they appeared to be doing . And did that old house have a basement ?
  7. Money

    Okay, the Zombie thing threw me off track , but I will continue . (I am assuming you remember what I did yesterday ? ) If they come back tonight , ask them why they are there . Aside ( sort of ) ; I too once had similar feelings about some 'entities' that where trying to 'get me' . Eventually I 'let them in' and it was very beneficial . There is an art however in detecting intentions in this realm or 'feelings' about things and their intent - 'feelings' can be confused or threatened . That is, one should go beyond initial reactions to the 'strange and unusual' in cases like this .
  8. Money

    What where they doing in your dream ? This is significant , I feel . As you say its really weird and unpredictable ..... but not to me it isnt .
  9. Money

    What type of harassment ? And are you sure they where evil witches ?
  10. Money

    Like I said before , if you are rich, its because of all the oppressed and poor people in th world - because we dont share money around properly . And all of us here are rich , in that if you where not, you wouldn't be sitting on your arse discussing daobumisms on your smart phone / computer . So even if this is not admitted, it is known , somewhere inside the self . So there is going to be reactions against it when you jab it . Some type of judgement . " Its not that I AM doing what Nungali said ... it is some other reason , like I am a hard worker, a good financial planner ... or my good kama or xyz ... therefore if someone has a problem getting money it must be due to their not being a hard worker, a good financial manager , having bad kama or no xyz . In short , they will give a judgement on you via projection .... or pass one on to you that was given to them . OR you could throw all this out the window and prostitute your sensibilities and cash in on Sagebrush's $50 for his SM music session .
  11. Money

    Oh no .... I definitely got weird ... didnt you see my posts .
  12. Jesus Christ

    Possibly . Its happened to a few Mansur el-Hallaj ; "I am the truth and in my turban is wrapped nothing but God " s Through out the age, generally Sufis where accused of this 'heresey' , that God can be experienced as indwelling the self and they can become 'one with God' . " Sufism was seen as emotional and uncontrollable, reaching beyond reason to a state of ecstasy and Truth reached through practices of dancing and physical self-deprivation. It is regarded as a dissenting form of worship at odds with authoritarian power structures."
  13. Like Philo of Alexandria ? “Nothing is more unstable than Fortune, who moves people like game-pieces up and down” (Life of Moses 1.31).. Some Greek observations ; Zeus promotes his son Heracles, while his wife Hera seeks constantly to torment him; Athena tries her best to bring Odysseus home, while Poseidon works to make his journey as long and painful as possible. In the Iliad the two sides are each favoured by a different group of deities – the Greeks by Athena and Hera and Poseidon, the Trojans by, among others, Ares, Aphrodite and Apollo – and these two teams of gods encourage whole armies of heroes to fight each other in order to satisfy their pride and resentment. The Trojan War, which leads to the deaths of thousands of mortals and the destruction of an entire civilization, is reflected on Olympus simply as a family squabble among the gods, apparently largely forgotten by the time of the Odyssey, only ten years later. Some Christian writers also seem to have embraced the metaphor: Gregory of Nanzianzus writes in a letter, “let it be others that envy and time and chance move like game pieces and throw about and play with,” .
  14. It is known

    I dont mean to be argumentative and I mostly agree with the above . Generally its correct with the 'ruling class ' / 'Lords' but not always . The people's general greed also plays a part . Eg . In the Good 'ol Days when America was great , and one could start off as a worker and end up as a millionaire , one guy ( whose name I forget unfortunately ) did that . So much money it was stupid ..... and probably a surprise to him as well [ Aside ; did you see Elon Musk commenting on his new elevation to the worlds richest man ? He commented " How strange ! " and looked confused about it ] Anyway, above old school millionaire and wife could not have kids, so they adopted some , and some more , and some more , before long they ran an orphanage , a hospital to care for them, a school, a live in university , scholarships for the poor, etc etc . It was HIS money and he could do what he wanted with it . So he did . Time passed , he died and so did his wife . It passed to a Board of Directors , who fiddled with it , but it went on . Until about 3 years ago , the 'shareholders' voted to close it all down cash it all in as it wasnt making them enough money . It wasn;t supposed to be about making in the first place ! I also think about those rich British mega rich that set up built for their workers , in improved conditions with a little yard out the back for a milking cow and some chickens and veggie growing and medical facilities .... that all got pretty much stomped on . Its a bot like politics for me , the best form is 'benevolent dictatorship ' ... but you have to be damn lucky to get one and they are few and far between . (I better not say any more less a mob storms the cabin and chops my head off )
  15. It is known

    To those that know history ... she probably DID NOT say that . Although it is probably one of the most famous quotes in history May I suggest it is yet another male dominated slur on womanhood ... or the monachy in general ? At some point around 1789, when being told that her French subjects had no bread, Marie-Antoinette supposedly said, “Qu’ils mangent de la brioche”—“Let them eat cake.” But did Marie-Antoinette really say those infuriating words? Not according to many historians. Lady Antonia Fraser, author of a biography of the French queen, believes the quote would have been highly uncharacteristic of Marie-Antoinette, an intelligent woman who donated generously to charitable causes and, despite her own undeniably lavish lifestyle, displayed sensitivity towards the poor population of France. That aside, what’s even more convincing is the fact that the “Let them eat cake” story had been floating around for years before 1789. It was first told in a slightly different form about Marie-Thérèse, the Spanish princess who married King Louis XIV in 1660. She allegedly suggested that the French people eat “la croûte de pâté” (or the crust of the pâté). Over the next century, several other 18th-century royals were also blamed for the remark, including two aunts of Louis XVI. Most famously, the philosopher Jean-Jacques Rousseau included the pâté story in his “Confessions” in 1766, attributing the words to “a great princess” (probably Marie-Thérèse). Whoever uttered those unforgettable words, it was almost certainly not Marie-Antoinette, who at the time Rousseau was writing was only 10 years old—three years away from marrying the French prince and eight years from becoming queen. -
  16. Money

    Do you think that the VAST majority of people in the world that dont have much money have beliefs that stop them getting money ? Nah ! Its just that the rich have those peoples share of the money ! There is only so much money ... its a matter of transfer .... we could try a talismanic spell $$$$$$$$$ >>>>>>>>>>
  17. Money

    Its the skull 'bit' looking at underside ;
  18. Money

    That the going price for 'hand' around here too . A slight diversion; I gave ( as I dont sell) these 'Spirit Men' to my indigenous shaman teacher guess what they are ?
  19. Money

    and I offer my services for free ! .... or you could just do 'candle magic' . Apply here ;
  20. That the Greek view .... straight from Greek mythology . May I suggest a 'God' from the Egyptian pantheon ; Why Not Try MAAT? – The Challenger Com Maat or Maʽat (Egyptian: mꜣꜥt /ˈmuʀʕat/, Coptic: ⲙⲉⲓ)[1] refers to the ancient Egyptian concepts of truth, balance, order, harmony, law, morality, and justice. Maat was also the goddess who personified these concepts, and regulated the stars, seasons, and the actions of mortals and the deities who had brought order from chaos at the moment of creation. Her ideological opposite was Isfet (Egyptian jzft), meaning injustice, chaos, violence or to do evil.
  21. Money

    Look, I dont really know , as a practicing magician, for years and years I have to say it s one of the more difficult 'tricks' . Qualifier ... I am the biggest dolt in the world about money . I haven;t a clue , I gave it away, lost it etc . never had much in the first place . I did all sorts of things to try and manifest it . Nope, 'new age spells' .... nope to 'sensible approach (because I never had that ). Then I began to realise, what was manifesting where the things I would have got if I did have money . EG. I was desperate to get some to enclose my 'outbuilding' - a half built house . Did all the stuff to get the money , but ...... nope . The a few weeks later I get all this free wood ! I lived hand to mouth for a few years, but had fantastic other stuff . To most it seemed like not much but they where the important things to me . I had and have a total aversion to debt, so never had any . Those that observed my 'problem' especially family where always concerned ; "You gave your stuff away again ! ... what happened to that money ? Why are you looking after 3 little kids ? Why are you sleeping out on your verandah and letting a homeless woman with a new born baby stay in your bed ... is that YOUR baby ? " no ... and why would anyone need to ask a question like that , So I eventually gave up and became satisfied with everything I have . then BOOM ! Money dump ! delayed reaction ? Coincidence ? I dont know . As I said , its my worst subject ! All I can say is I hope YOU get a delayed reaction and one day soon , it comes from a totally unexpected quarter , like mine did . ( but I could try a little nudge for you < dresses up .... now, where is my wand and disc ..... does preliminaries , points wand into the air making little circles " O Invisible King Who, taking the Earth for Foundation, didst hollow its depths to fill them with Thy Almighty Power. Thou Whose Name shaketh the Arches of the World! Thou who causest the Seven Metals to flow through the veins of the rocks! King of the Seven Lights! Rewarder of the subterranean Workers! Lead us into the desirable Air and into the Realm of Splendor. We watch and we labor unceasingly, we seek and we hope, by the twelve stones of the Holy City, by the buried Talismans, by the Axis of the Lodestone which passes through the center of the Earth. O Lord, O Lord, O Lord! Have pity upon those who suffer. Expand our hearts, detach and upraise our minds, enlarge our natures. O Stability and Motion! O Darkness veiled in Brilliance! O Day clothed in Night! O Master who never dost withhold the wages of Thy Workmen! O Silver Whiteness! O Golden Splendor! O Crown of Living and Melodious Diamond! Thou who wearest the Heavens on Thy Finger like a ring of Sapphire! Thou who hidest beneath the Earth in the Kingdom of Gems, the marvelous Seed of the Stars! Live, reign, and be Thou the Eternal Dispenser of the Treasures whereof Thou hast made us the Warders! Circle build and condense a cloud of fortune over the head of dmattwads and by your ineffable bounty and the powers of the four elements together beneficial monetary gain rain down upon him . By the brood of the Bysses of Brightening, whose God was my sire; By the Lord of the Flame and the Lightning, the King of the Spirits of Fire By the Lord of the Waves and the Waters, the King of the Hosts of the Sea, The fairest of all of whose daughters was mother to me; By the Lord of the Winds and the Breezes, the King of the Spirits of Air, In whose bosom the infinite ease is that cradled me there; By the Lord of the Fields and the Mountains, the King of the Spirits of Earth That nurtured my life at his fountains from the hour of my birth; By the Wand and the Cup I conjure; By the Dagger and Disk I constrain; To you that is sworn to endure; Bring him thy riches again ! "
  22. Money

    To really help out , you should by a charm off him .
  23. So far .... .... lets dunk him in a river or throw him off a a tall building ans see what happens then .
  24. I seek power

  25. I seek power

    Hmmmmmm ......