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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. The Construction of Judaism

    Of course I can . I was just waiting for you to die . I was talking about REAL magic practice though not that old imitation based on trickery and illusion, not stage magic, and not most of the modern BS (which doesnt have a clue ) ' Naturalistic Occultism: An Introduction to Scientific Illuminism is an attempt to introduce the approach of Scientific Illuminism to occultism. It is in line with the motto of Scientific Illuminism, "The Method of Science, the Aim of Religion." Naturalistic Occultism approaches the theory and practice of occultism in a way that is scientific (using the scientific method and being up-to-date in current scientific knowledge), naturalistic (not supernatural), and pragmatic (whatever works is provisionally 'true'). This book represents an honest attempt to separate the gold of the practice of magick from the dross of superstition and dogma. " Next !
  2. The Construction of Judaism

    Anther one is that Angels speak ..... 'Angelic language ' . Adgt upaah zong om faaip sald viv l sobam ialprg izazaz piadph casarma abramg ta talho paracleda q ta lorslq turbs ooge baltoh giui chis lusd orri od micalp chis bia ozongon lap noan trof cors ta ge oq manin iaidon torzu gohel zacar ca cnoqod zamran micalzo od ozazm vrelp lap zir ioiad. Although : " Linguist Donald Laycock, an Australian Skeptic, studied the Enochian journals, and argues against any extraordinary features. The untranslated texts of the Liber Loagaeth manuscript recall the patterns of glossolalia rather than true language. "
  3. The Construction of Judaism

    I need it after that !
  4. The Construction of Judaism

    Well, not EVERY block may have been carved , like I said , the material and ingredients where there . However , such type of concrete wasnt really used until ; I would examine the poles in stone more if it came from a more reliable source , the guys in the video could be merely lying and using photoshop or similar ... its rather a common dishonesty . The ancient world is FULL of unsolved riddles ... thats why I enjoy studying it ! Check out these tiny carvings from a 'lost civilization ' (the backdrop is a fingerprint )
  5. The Construction of Judaism

    here you go then ;
  6. The Construction of Judaism

    Me after watching 9 hrs of annunaki vid :
  7. The Construction of Judaism

    Oh stop it, you ! Altered or synthetic content Sound or visuals were significantly edited or digitally generated.
  8. The Construction of Judaism

    Close to it . here is how it works , and they do this in books to as well as youtubes . 1. Some thing is suggested a few times , as a possibility, or they gloss over the proof or evidence it becomes familiar . 2. After a while, when we get used to the idea they will change it to "as we saw previously '. 3. Then it subtly gets referred to as a fact . 4. Then this 'false fact ' gets referred to as some type of base to make other assumptions on , and these assumptions then go back to stage 1 above . before you know it you have been sucked into a web of BS , that has been carefully crafted step by step . One needs constant concentration to be aware of it , but once the pattern is detected , its obvious . Also there is the motivation, why would someone do this ? Anything from 'to get hits ' through to eg. the case of the 'Bosnian Pyramid' ... a LOT of the stuff on line about this , its proof and research comes from the Bosnian department oif tourism . You can even watch a youtube on it that will then offer you a group tour there , with an expert guide ( who gets a free holiday OS at your groups expense )
  9. The Construction of Judaism

    I dont know if that vid covered it but on this subject check Dr David Davidovitts ( sic ? ) he was the original geo-polymer pyramid guy . two things here ; David is a wizz and made his fortune developing slow decay geo-polymer 'products' for deep site nuclear waste burial containment . So he has validity in that science and made money out of it . But when you read his books on it regarding the pyramids , he goes way too far . The thing is we can SEE where the blocks came from , we can see the tool marks in the quarry and and on the stones .. we can see lots of things David glosses over and tweaks or totally ignores ... and that is not a good 'look' for a researcher . But to sell books and make more money - its an excellent strategy ! As a lot of people dont even notice ! if you dont have expertise or even some knowledge in related areas , the wool is easily pulled over our eyes eg How could ancient people with no modern tools have moved those huge blocks ? They didnt have cranes or winches ... its 'impossible ' Nah !
  10. The Construction of Judaism

    because you would not believe the types I have run into in my 70 revolutions of the Sun . I went to Ray's house and saw it all for myself ... errrm, NOT the dollies and action man 'Egyptians' coming to life though - an Aboriginal woman cult member told me about that ... with an angry look in her eyes as if she was daring me to question that . This story gets a lot weirder than that though ..... I got slightly inside their cult . But thats way off topic ... its off topic for this off topic converstaion .... off topic 2
  11. The Construction of Judaism

    Thankyou ! Finally ! It starts by saying the Egyptians navigated the world several times , and shows a cartoon of a Nile RIVER boat going across the Pacific . Incorrect . Then 'Sometimes accidents occur .... " ship goes wonkey , vers south and crashes into " and the ship ran aground at Gosford Australia . " Then it flashes to the rock cleft at Gosford where there are some fake Hieroglyphs carved ; original started by some wags , then added to by an escaped mental patient a few years back ( we know becasue he got caught doing it by a National Parks and Wildlife officer as its an offence to DAMAGE things in a National Park ), over the years others added to it . We know this due to photographic records that show over a period of recent years that there where a few , and now HEAPS of these fake hieroglyphs . Then the film cuts to two chaps with Arabic or Islamic looking names and a voice over saying how the grammar is perfect and there is no mistake in them - this is supposedly 'proved' y a quick flash of a couple of signs with no context or explanation . BLATANTLY FALSE You didnt even check Wikipedia first without swallowing this rubbish ; " The glyphs have been dismissed as a hoax by authorities and academics after their discovery in the 1970s, but there are still attempts to prove the false belief that they were carved by the ancient Egyptians about 4,500 years ago.[1] " " Some Hieroglyphs where undocumented and unknown until 2012 " thats because they where made up recently ! Then the two guys talk - yes they believe it , its accurate . THEY ARE BOTH TOUR GUIDES ! One is also an 'Egyptologist ' ( refrences ? qualifications ? ) then we have the 'independent researcher ' that does the translation ... where did they get THIS muppet ! He talks about how some of the hieroglyphs at Gosfprd are on the westcar papyrus ... erm . WC payrus is one of the main published and displayed set of hieroglyphs all that demonstrated is the source for recent copying Then the Voice over woman goes on to tell the story . This comes from the real translator Ray Merton - Ray is dead now but I have met him and talked extensively . He was a reincarnation of Ra Heerakte he had a ra herakte cult that had Brisbane Aboriginals as his followers and he had (supposedly ) doll houses ( made from 1970s Scandinavian glass cupboard furnature with dolls and action figures dressed up in Egyptian costumes and the cupboards set as mini dioramas of Egyptian temples and he would 'do mgic' and the dolls would come to life and do miniature rituals in their little temples . he had no qualifications and he claimed the reason his interpretations where not accepted by the authorities was that they where of a different and unusual type and he was the only person in the world that was an expert in this type . Also I tested him and asked him to translate some I had found . He started , it was WAY wack-a doodle but the he stopped and 'HEY This is the Famine Stellae ! " Another well know document he should have recognized instantly . THEN get this THEN she states are they real of fake ? " NO other official source will say , one way or the other . " Now that is an outright lie ! You have ben taken in , my friend ; hook, line and sinker . Given that little display and the other part I watched that used the same outright BULLSHIT , I certainty am not going to bother with any other part of this rubbish . Now, I note you neglected to address my point about their fake claim about superior Egyptian tunnels and our terrible badly mad modern ones .... can you see my point there ? A simple yes or no will do thanks . But WHY do you believe that ? You have not been watching similar videos about that too have you ? I hope you dont 'learn' things off social medai as well ? That would make it water proof Need I post the science and geology on that ? It is not proved at all that it water erosion . You are wrong . But its not to late to learn . Sometimes history is even MORE AMAZING than made up or pseudo history . So called facts are slippery , as we have seen . Be aware that some media wants to BS and manipulate you ... and it might not be coming from the quarter you think it is . Its profitable to to look at where the beliefs and opinions we have come from . PS . When I was young I would lap that stuff up, Eric Von Dnniken and his ilk fan ; I prided myself as an 'alternative researcher ' , I guess I researched 'too much ' . here is a little preset for you ( sorry if you already know about this ) and it is factual ..... Kon Tiki ? Mhe .... and these guys ^ DID 'crash' into Australia ... not too far from my place !
  12. Taiwan

    The place has a pretty nasty fascist history up to ... surprisingly recently " Between 140,000 to 200,000 people — many of whom were from the intellectual and social elite — were imprisoned throughout Taiwan after the KMT lost the Chinese Civil War and fled here in 1949. To consolidate its authoritarian rule, the government rounded up suspected “communist sympathizers” and others seen as a threat to the regime, disappearing them in prisons throughout the nation. Those imprisoned on Green Island found themselves either at the New Life Correction Center (新生訓導處) from 1951 to 1965, or the Reform and Education Prison (感訓監獄), also known euphemistically as Oasis Village (綠洲山莊), from 1972 to 1987. Inmates experienced torture, beatings and forced labor in a system that political prisoner Huang Kuang-hai (黃廣海) described as “a concentration camp.” After the prisons shut down in the late 1980s, it wasn’t clear what would happen to these symbols of repression " and, what fun, you can now take a tourist tour there ! It is reported that many nearby villagers moved to the city as they could no longer stand hearing the screams of torture victims coming from the prisons . Some political prisons where active in ther '90s and I thuink the last one was shut down in 2001 .
  13. The Construction of Judaism

    Coby ! Please shower, do make up and hair before logging in here .
  14. The Construction of Judaism

    Well, since the thread has been over for some time due to off topic, weird associations that came up for some that they somehow related to it an all sorts of antics ... hell, why not, lets all start talking about Daoism and China . I see , and how are we meant to decipher this ? What 'fragments of other systems ' ? What systems ? Eh ? Okay, I will play along and go further out on this off topic limb that has now broken off and seems to be floating around .... well, to anywhere . 1. Why do you call this a 'fact' ? 2. Yes, I do know there are 'Hieroglyphs' found in Australia . There are some even in my library ; 3. What does " accurately lining up with Egyptian history, details of pharaohs " mean in relation to 'did I know there where hieroglyphs in Australia ?' 4 . 'at time' what doe. s that even mean ? Good God Man ! Its like you are only writing PRTS of the thought stream you are having ... a type of mental shorthand . Then again , probably the modern mind reads stuff like this on the internet nowadays and goes ... " Wow ! .. Really ! ." and repeats it , with no explanation, evidence or citation needed . is that how you got 'this information ' ? if you get specific and explain what you mean , we can discuss it . truth or dare ! ... You like the truth dont you ? More so than I care to reveal . Oh sorry, I take it all back, the evidence is in here .... somewhere , in a 3 1/2 hr youtube . DUDE ! Now your google button is broken ?
  15. The Construction of Judaism

    One thing could be how the early Jews adopted Egyptian paraphernalia and magical objects to create their ceremonies and ritual ..... to increase the faith in their craft .
  16. The Construction of Judaism

    and the 'craft of magic' as he put it is NOT based on faith ... which Daniel says , totally wrong , its Judaism that is based on faith and 'religious paths' .
  17. The Construction of Judaism

    In other words , you didnt understand it .
  18. Lets take a for granted that god created the world

    In regard to what ? The fight against Chaos ? I am not that good on Zoroastrian myth ; try the Shamaneh , its immense . I'm better on the 'philosophy' side of it . Its OUR job to fight against chaos . By uniting the parts of psyche (to get balance and strength to be able to do this ) , practising good words, thoughts and deeds, by doing the practices which cultivate those things (good mind - spenta mainyu) and avoiding things that 'cultivate' bad things (bad mind ; angra mainyu ) . When this happens it brings 'beneficent swelling ' of mankind - 'Sayoshant ' ( from the PIE root *ḱewh₁- 'to swell'. The Avestan sūra- 'strong' and yawaēsū- 'ever-thriving' derive from this root.). Now some might refer to 'The Sayoshant ' as a future coming 'saviour' / personage ( like Jesus' second coming to renew the world { and some say Sayoshant is the origin of this archetype } ) yet in the Gathas it refers to three levels or usages of the word : - Gathas (older); As a common noun to refer to the prophet's own mission and to his community of followers, who "bring benefit" to humanity. - The common noun also appears in the Younger Avesta (e.g. Yasna 61.5), where it generically denotes religious leaders, including Zoroaster (e.g. Yasna 46.3) Another common noun airyaman "member of community" is an epithet of these saoshyants. - These saviours are those who follow Ahura Mazda's teaching "with acts inspired by asha" (Yasna 48.12). It first appears as a proper name in the Younger Avesta. The role of the Saoshyant, or Astvat-ereta, as a future saviour of the world is briefly described in Yasht 19.88-96, where it is stated that he will achieve the Frashokereti, that he will make the world perfect and immortal, and evil will disappear. Then this version goes more into 'personification' , 'pontifications' ( ) and ends up in mythology . But I contend the more valid meaning is the earliest form . Its up to us .... of course . However it does predict eventual Frashokereti ; yes, there is the other side and it made a big difference (on many levels ) , it was common, one way or another ; we where annoying to the Gods and they often tried to wipe us out .... too noisy ! Too this too that , did this wrong , did that wrong ... poor humans under the sight of the Gods . However in Zoroastrianism , it was the opposite the Gods created us to .... and here is your 'reason' you asked about above .... to have a good life , not to be slaves ... to live and enjoy . ... 'Ushta ' ! " The goal in life is to achieve ushta: abiding spiritual resplendence, happiness, and peace - an individual at peace with oneself and humanity at peace with itself. Spiritual resplendence gives a person the light of wisdom, a sense of spiritual confidence that the path a person has chosen will lead to a meaningful and fulfilling life. It is inner enlightenment of the spiritual self and a beacon that lights the path ahead. " " Metaphorically speaking, if individuals in their spiritual quest journey to a mountain-top seeking quietude and the space for the inner voice to be heard; the space for introspection, reflection and meditation while occasionally reciting a mantra when facing a source of light, the spiritual resplendence of ushta will be found on their return. " " ... Super-consciousnes of the highest order is obtainable by known methods. Therefore, by employing the quintessence of known methods we cause the world to progress. ... The essential acts are retirement and concentration ... " However , that does not make us immune to 'our own punishments ' ( I hear the UN has just announced we missed our deadline of 'too late to act now ' regarding climate change ) .... Zoroastrians they where the first to pass legislation against polluting the earth water and air . They understood 'karma' . No doubt these attitude helped engender their concepts of egalitarianism, sexual equality , freedom of religion , etc (for their time ... we can see a 'remnant ' of these 'religio-ethnographic traits' in the basic tenets of the Baha'i Faith , which originated out of the Zoroastrian / Islamic / Hermetic sects of the Iranians . Eh ?
  19. The Bible . A huge old antique tome passed down through the family .
  20. The Construction of Judaism

    Now you understand why I said a yod is a lick of flame and the script is based on fire . Arabic is 'based' on air ..... but we better not go into that here . ( because 'where there is smoke there is fire ' .)
  21. The Construction of Judaism

    Thats what I wrote in the part you omitted from my quote . It is a 'formation' of the 'pure fire / flame ' , which needs to be in three parts (as the one flame is the ideal or root energy of fire) . As you know , in the 'world above' ; things form through 'triplicates' before they break through the 'veil ' from the ideal to the real or 'formed heaven in the Universe'. The year, head and soul are 3 of the ways it manifests . 'King over fire' is an interesting concept . 'Attributed to fire ' ? Like the other mother letters have their elemental attributions ? ( for those unfamilar with the concept ; " The three mother letters - Aleph, Mem, and Shin - are air, water, and fire in the world. Heaven is created from Fire [the shin in shamayim]; the Earth from Water [the mem in mayim]; and the Air [the aleph in 'avir] which decides between the fire and the water." ) And this is similar to the dynamics of the inner ( and 'personal' ) planets in astrology and the arrangement in 'mythic psychology' , which is : a polarity between 'heaven' and 'earth' : fire ('source' of heaven ) and water (source of earth ) with air between or Mars and Venus with Mercury 'in between' / 'regulating . ......... ....... ........................... Also the three primaries ; yellow red and blue . Anyway, I have written heaps elsewhere about how this archetypal pattern manifests in everything ; ' the 10,000 things carry its signature ' Also it indicates that Hebrew is a 'divine' or 'magical ' alphabet , on the lower level it has number values to letters ( hence 'gematria' ) and a higher level , it has the universal pattern inherent in it . I know it a 'yud' , I dont randomly post 'squiggly lines and dots ' a thorn ( or a horn ? ) and a tail eh ? Thats the 'devil in the details' I suppose ?