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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. What Exactly Is Chi?

    ... its probably better that you don't have a microwave .
  2. What is Fear?

    Yes and of course, not just parents . But I have noticed a resultant dynamic of two types ; the more common is as you say, the less common seems an opposite response - to go against the attempt at conditioning . I have a friend who went through the same 'attempt at suppression' process , same age , same type of school . He seems 'damaged' by it is still vulnerable to other similar attempts from elsewhere . Myself on the other hand , rebelled against it and it made me some what 'reactive', on guard, liberated and for the 'underdog' . Go Underdog ! .... Underdog is here !
  3. What is Fear?

    and they are nearly always edited ...... with a long gap after the post .
  4. What is Fear?

    You seem to be developing a propensity to comment on various subjects / philosophies / paths here that people are discussing and saying how it isnt for you but how great Christianity is - on a Daoist forum. And then if you are questioned further about your statements ....... not forthcoming .
  5. What is Fear?

    One of those I will ' kick around ' : "the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom" Like this and this and this and this
  6. What is Fear?

    In parts of Indonesia it isnt that rare for an angry person to use a knife . They might wave it around, they might threaten someone with it , they might even stab a bit in someone's bum, or even cut themself on the arm . A rather pacifist friend of mine was horrified . The locals asked ' What's your problem ? Its only a bit of blood ." But one day it went very different , not even a knife involved but a couple was arguing and it got physical but the man had a baby in his arms . The locals all immediately surrounded them , one grabbed the baby and took it away while others stopped the fight and then they got a multiple person scolding about fighting with child involved . They stopped immediately and looked shamefully at the ground and after that the baby was returned . So , congratulations on taking an action of 'first importance ' .
  7. What is Fear?

    Practice helps . When I was young and used to karate tournament , I would not feel fear , but a type of nervousness that would cause a tremble in my lead leg , even if I switched sides . Damn annoying ! That didnt go away until after I did some aikido training ( nothing like any aikido I did later , this was the 'old school ' type of aikido ) . They got me to stand there and came in screaming into attack with a live katana and stopped just before contact with the top of my forehead . I was to keep concentrating on my hara , no matter what . Eventually it worked . I was able to generate a calm , non aggressive , but competent and fearless demeanour . It helped immensely in my hospital work with troublesome out of it patients ... mostly it only took my presence, or my look to 'sort things out ' . Actually, sometimes , in such situations, nurses would specifically ask for me , even if it was not in my ward allocation . Last year I waded into a crazy situation; a guy was getting a beating in the middle of the main highway, at the main intersection (out on the coast at the local 'little city' ) . It was a 5 way intersection and all the traffic was at a standstill. I pulled over got out and told them to stop it . The aggressor had the other on the ground, beating him, his GF screaming , everyone in shock watching ! The aggressor turned on me and I gave him my ( as a Japanese friend describes it ) ' angry smiling' . His expression immediately changed from aggression to being unsure , and he bolted to his car and took off . It wasnt until I went back to my car that I thought " What the hell am I doing ! I am too old for this , got a metal hip , arthritis , etc etc . It could have gone bad .... real life altercation is nothing like 'training' (though it helps of course ) . Not so much fear , but a good dose of caution would be good to cultivate for me now . .... or alternatively, just .........
  8. It is known

    I dont think it takes that long ... probably a few months . The Zombie Apocalypse started many years back ;
  9. Astrology?

    Its basically due to positional arrangements - one example ; eg. fish feeding times and general rest / activity cycles relate to the position of Sun and Moon ; fish are more active when the Moon is 'under foot' / IC (immum coeli - bottom of the sky ) . Also more active when Moon is at O deg (Moon rise ) 90 ( Moon Noon ) and Moon set . Not as much so with these same positions of the Sun but even more so when they align eg . the best seems Moon at IC while sunset is happening - they are jumping out the water - going crazy . When this isnt happening with sun and moon , you can dangle bait in their faces and they will not take it . same with cows and their active grass eating , and 'dozing' / chewing cud cycles ( no they dont just wake in the day and sleep at night ) but its a complex trigger relating to Moon cycles . The effect on vegetation and agriculture is more well known and has existed for 1000s of years ( but not so much known about or used in modern 'super agriculture' ) . Its the same with the 'less obvious' planets and astrology - influence is more about ( and used to be more about ) the angular relationships between bodies and not their lone positional relationship within the 'grid' - ie, hardly any overriding influence of the Sun's position in relation to the 'signs' ( grid ) and more so , modernly, the natal Sun ( eg ; "I am a Leo " ) , but a more important relationship between natal Sun's position in relation to your position on earth (and the angle that makes ) ie ; 'houses' especially the 1st ( "rising sign' @ O deg ) ;
  10. It is known

    I'm not worried abut that . my personalised sex robots will fight them off . ( what the f**** is that human woman 'partner' ? ' so amused about ? ? ? )
  11. It is known

  12. It is known

    I got asked yesterday if I would take it . response " I would not even take the regular flu vaccine " (or whatever it is ) . . . . and I haven't had a flue / cold bug for years now . The joy of 'semi-hermitage ' !
  13. You Can Only Manifest Whats Meant For You

    In a way . But we are developing beings. That said, we individually exist within the range of our own 'orbits' .... or spheres. We can't cross our boundaries , YET ... we may be unaware of our potentials and how far that boundary CAN extend . .
  14. It is known

    One Genetic Risk Factor for Severe Respiratory Distress from COVID-19 Derives from Neanderthals
  15. It is known

  16. Troll energetics

    Ironically ..... " Wanko Soba consists of a small serving of soba noodles in small bowls. In this soba experience, you quickly eat your soba noodles and get your bowl immediately refilled in repetition. "
  17. Troll energetics

    Hmmm ... I better not assume everyone here understands the 'Empirical ' meaning of this slang ? ( I better not assume everyone gets my joke about 'Empirical' - The British Empire .... including good old Oz ) English origin common in Britain and other parts of the English-speaking world , including Ireland, Australia and New Zealand. .... Wanker has similar meanings and overtones to American pejoratives like jerk or jerk-off.[4] More generally, wanker can carry suggestions of egotistical and self-indulgent behaviour and this is the dominant meaning in Australia and New Zealand.[5]
  18. Troll energetics

    You're psychic ! Right ...... NEXT !
  19. Troll energetics

    I'd venture a guess that trolling and um ........ 'unusual mental states / connections ' ( and maybe masturbation , I dont know about that one ) are more emotively loaded during equinoxes (and solstices) , they are the points of tipping energy on the great scales . So this might be relevant for the emotions thread as well. Very strong and very subtle forces are afoot . They can be detected in nature for example, many plant species are triggered to go from 'rampant' nitrogen based vegetative growth to 'archetypal' phosphorus based flower and fruit ( 'sex ' - and eventual reproduction) growth. Of course its a potent energy that causes change in fauna as well . .
  20. Troll energetics

    Oh .
  21. Troll energetics

    Well, I am not taking it personally , and not only that, I am going post about me not taking it personally ,because if I wasnt taking it personally , I wouldn't bother to post here that I am not . Besides and furthermore As social beings, we define who we are, in part, by and through the relationships we have. Most of us interact with an assortment of people every day, from our most intimate relationships to strangers on the street. Obviously, how involved we are with certain individuals will color the level and intensity of our interactions with them. There are people with whom we get along quite well and those who may be harder to connect and communicate with, or who may give us an emotional run for our money. While some people have a tendency to take things personally a lot of the time, with almost anyone, the focus here is on relationships where a significant attachment has been formed.We are often dependent upon others for our happiness, our security (emotionally, financially, and other ways), and sometimes, our safety. We often look to others to fill our needs. When these others are supportive, encouraging, caring, and giving, we may feel fairly satisfied in our life. But when those we are attached to are judgmental and critical, or even aggressive and abusive toward us, we may find ourselves in conflict, caught between the need to have these people in our life for whatever reason and satisfying our own needs. Sometimes, we make a “bargain with the devil” and end up giving a lot of ourselves away in order to placate a significant other, to make them happy, to keep the peace, to make them stay in our lives (because we think we need them).Taking things personally is often a byproduct of this bargain. When we take things personally we are giving certain individuals more power over us than they deserve or should ever be allowed to have. In effect, you are allowing someone to question what you feel and believe. You are trusting someone else to tell you who you are, instead of relying on what you know to be true about yourself; what really defines you as a person without any outside influence. In essence, taking things personally keeps you tied to someone else and, in the extreme, can even make you feel like a victim.Instead of just reacting when someone pushes your buttons, these are some things to consider when you find yourself caught up in an interaction/confrontation in which you feel your personal integrity is being if the goal of the interaction/confrontation is meant to be conciliatory they’re going about it in the wrong way. Perhaps give them a way out by suggesting an alternative solution.If it becomes clear that this person can’t respect you and your space and insists on creating a situation over and over again that’s meant to make you uncomfortable or feel badly about yourself, or to personally attack you, devalue and belittle you, and constantly attempt to bait you, you need to rethink the relationship. If it’s a family member, it may be hard to divorce yourself from them but you can limit your time and the nature of your relationship. If it’s someone else, break off all ties for your own sake.Finally, learn to rely on yourself. Of course, relationships will always play a prominent role in your life. But the more you know about yourself, the less you will need others to tell you about yourself. When you develop Focus on what this relationship really means to you. How heavily invested are you in this individual? Do you always need to be agreeable, to make no waves, to go along in order to please this person and keep the peace? Do you perceive that there may be a high price to pay if you disagree or challenge them? Do you really need this person’s approval? Is all the trouble keeping them happy, as they challenge you, really worth the effort? Change the focus of the interaction by putting yourself in this person’s shoes. Try to understand what the other person is feeling/thinking/trying to convey. Is this the way they interact with many people? Is it their usual way to be critical, insult, blame, or shame? Maybe that person hasn’t mastered how to communicate in a healthy way. Perhaps they lack certain social skills and feel the only way they will be heard and paid attention to is by being rude or aggressive in their language, or by bullying to get their way. Perhaps they have issues with relationships in general, with boundaries, with seeing things as either all good or bad, right or wrong.Don’t jump to conclusions too quickly when you are being confronted. Don’t make assumptions about judgment or criticism seemingly directed at you. Maybe it’s not about you at all, but about them and their own projected perceptions. In fact, it’s almost always about them, their issues, their needs, and their desire to control you and/or a situation.A corollary to this is to know what makes you feel vulnerable. When you are aware of your sensitive spots, the things that trigger your emotions and reactions, you can prepare yourself if an interaction arises that attempts to draw you in.Create a space between yourself and your reactions. Your initial response might be to react emotionally. If possible, don’t follow that knee-jerk reaction. Take the time to rein in your emotions and assess what’s really happening before you respond. In general, it’s a good idea to create a healthy personal space around yourself. (A good visual is to imagine yourself in the middle of a meadow with a white picket fence surrounding it. That’s your space. No one is permitted within it unless you allow them to enter.) When you create a space/buffer between yourself and another person, personal boundaries have less chance of being crossed and/or blurred.When you are ready, respond in order to gain clarification. Hopefully, your emotions will take a back seat while you ask this individual to fully explain what’s on their mind and what they want from you. Listen carefully so you can discern what makes sense and what doesn’t based on their fantasy or need to have you behave in a certain way. Tell them how what they’re saying/doing makes you feel. In some instances, they may not realize how aggressive, rude, insulting, bullying, and insensitive they are being, or that their words are hurtful and that what they’re asking of you is unreasonable. Explain tha life orientation based primarily on your own personal resources, rather than external influences, your dependency on outside forces is diminished.
  22. Troll energetics

    In context of this topic, one could alleviate those kidney and liver problems in 'certain trolls' by applying 'pressure' to the relevant acupuncture points ;
  23. Troll energetics

    What ? .... In Yorkshire ?
  24. Troll energetics

    Great post and explains the crux of what you where starting this thread about . Its interesting to see who responded with what to it