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Everything posted by Nungali

  1. No gods, then no humans

    Its matched by ; God created humankind but humankind created God . A two way feedback loop .
  2. for me the significance see,s to be flooding . been going on for a few days , flooded in , no phone no internet ( took a dash to town when the bridge emerged , to get a signal, checked weather radar a bigger one coming in from the NW . Get supplies and bolt back before bridge goes under again . In the past we often had a 'tourist' flood over Xmas .) There is another thread here with more info about this solstice conjunction
  3. Jing transfer?

    You got one white top ? You got one pair blue jeans ?
  4. Oh Narrator, Where art thou?

    In my case, there have been periods in my life where I was all but oblivious to my 'guardians' ( I will call them ) . In later life I got a better understanding of them and communication with them . Whether this my 'fault' or a needed process * I can't tell . So I feel there is hope for a 'return' or a new level of relationship * Sometimes we need to 'go it alone' or 'get away' from something ... it can be an integral part of the learning process that the 'something' is involved in . .
  5. What are emotions

    It is entirely relevant for those that posted about emotions from the perspective of their own spiritual practices , which they seem to have no problem discussing or answering questions about .
  6. What are emotions

    I have been enjoying talking about emotions , people's acceptance, denial and explanations of them . As a previously ordained priest in the Gnostic Church , congregation's problems , as shared with me ( one on one ) , where mostly emotionally based . Any 'directness' or a 'challenging tone' expressed towards you is due to your previous statements elsewhere , eg . " Looking several people in the eyes now and wondering if you get tired of your spiritual bullshit because I sure do. looking for money I suppose. " - after several people posted THEIR perspective on spirituality ..... in a spiritually eclectic forum, mind you .
  7. What are emotions

    So, you are denying 'emotional directives' ? You dont attend church because it makes you 'feel good' ? 'tears began' - that's crying . But if you say thats not really crying ... well, okay then ( I didnt say you where sobbing or anything like that . Even if we discount 'crying' tears beginning ' is the same indication within the context I was talking about . Yeah, okay . But it was those few moments you chose to use to illustrate a point . How can you make statements about whether I attend church or not ? besides my statements where based on what you described as YOUR experience in church , so my attendence has little to do with your experience . Well, perhaps some here are trying to overly complicate things . Like suggesting my church attendance or lack of it has anything to do with what you described happened to you in church . We all seek good emotions ... unless ... You arent an 'Emo ' are you ? Sure that is why you go ..... but does that make you feel good as well ?
  8. What are emotions

    You are in the conversation now though. Try not to see it as ridicule and negativity . Sure you enjoy church ... I am supposing it gives you the emotional charge you seek . But are those emotions as strongly expressed in church as the ones that made you cry ( crying is a pretty deep emotional response ) which wasnt a normal part of the church service and the joy you seek from it ? SOMETHING distracted your emotions away from the good emotions you where seeking , that's my point . Your emotions 'got bored ' .
  9. What are emotions

    But you haven't answered how the mouse and cat fit into this . Are you going to obstruct the cats will to kill the mouse ?
  10. What are emotions

    Process in the unconscious that you are not aware of . The unconscious 'thinks thing through' comes to conclusions or confusions in its own way and in its own time scale that you might not be aware of . These processes can trigger responses in the physical body and conscious mind . This is why various types of psychotherapy are often used to get into the unconscious to try and help resolve issues .
  11. What are emotions

    I am betting its that 'one and only God'
  12. What are emotions

    Church got a bit boring for you , eh ?
  13. Jing transfer?

    Yes. Having sex with me can lead to cheap quick enlightenment . I charge much less than teachers of other methods ... and have about pretty much the same success rate . There is an issue with supply and demand though ;
  14. What are emotions

    Its not a dumb question as most people can not answer it . Usually you get a list of them when asking what they are - That is , they answer the question 'what are the emotions', not 'what are emotions ' . Emotions are states of feelings triggered by chemicals released in response to stimulus . Mostly they drive behaviour ( which can also result in physical sensation , eg. fear - cold , anger - heat .) but can also be not manifested physically and only effect states of consciousness . They work like a chemical nervous system , relaying input, reaction and response . Managing their output is important , eg. Various types of stimulus (danger , excitement ... ) the body may need to function faster or overcome fatigue so it produces adrenaline ( which has side effects as well ) , if the adrenalin isn't 'burnt off' in output it 'stagnates' and transforms into other substances that cause stress ( mentally and on parts of the physical system ). Emotions are also the 'Second Regulator' - 1st is the self having an idea, inspiration, insight , 2nd is the emotional body , where we run things through to see how we feel about them ( also in this realm is dreaming - we may choose 'to sleep on it' when making a decision ) , it is also a gateway into the unconscious ( so we get messages via it without having to 'think them through' ) . This can also make emotions 'confusing' as they can message responses in the physical body triggered by the unconscious without the ' conscious mind ' realising it or being able to identify source or reason . 3rd is 'mind' or the intellect where we reason assess practicality and method, etc . 4th is Body and physical where we put all the above together into output . Without 1 we are uninspired and unoriginal, without 2 our 'heart will not be in it' , we will not feel an affinity with the thing or have a deep understanding of it. Without 3 we might be doing something crazy, impossible or harmful and without 4 all the above might be good but its just a pipe dream. Unfortunately, like mind and intellect, many have confused and unbalanced emotions . Actually, probably more people have their mind more together than their emotions . Emotional conditioning is more subtle and insidious than mental conditioning. We have seen how smart intelligent people can get sucked into cults, bad relationships etc. I have cited this a few times : L. Ron Hubbard's son being interviewed and asked why all these smart and intelligent people where in something like Scientology with its crazy beliefs ? He said "They where intellectually smart , but they where not emotionally smart . " And we have also seen that many practitioners or even 'masters' of various paths can 'loose it' or 'revert' when their emotions are subtly pushed . I have found I can communicate excellently with very young children and 'special others' (like my niece who has severe autism ) by communicating emotionally ; using facial expressions, gestures and ESP . Especially if I exaggerate it , they seem to love that . They will even get a joke communicated this way . Another version of this communication is with the indigenous , who seem to have made an art of using it in a toned down , near invisible manner ... just the slightest hint of a trace of the expressions . The more subtle you are at it the better. Usually sitting down around the fire at night or relaxing in a group talking .... there is an element of unspoken communication between some . It carries over to other activities and is evident in sign language as well ; hunting sign language (where silence is essential) , casual sign language ( just because they sometimes don't like to make a lot of 'chatter' , or someone might not have language ) and secret sign language ( between brothers of an inner clan , secret initiatory society , etc . )
  15. Dealing with the dark side

    From my perspective all such concepts are socio-culturally based . Even if projected out into 'universals' . There are some fundamental human archetypes that all humans recognise, regardless of culture, but this does not seem to include concepts of what is good or bad . The inverted triangle is also culturally variable ; the 3 bodies of Buddahood ; elementally and alchemically ; water , a Nazi prisoner , ' a map of Tassie ' , denotes the vector of partial derivatives , etc . Proper 'Universal' symbols are human archetypes - ie, a symbol that can be recognised by a human from any time, location or culture
  16. Pandemic Panic - Transcending the Fear
  17. Dealing with the dark side

    " occasionally I read to see if there is worthy argumentation constructive " If you didnt know what I meant about that , I doubt you have the capacity to understand what people here are writing . Jesus saviour stuff is probably the better option for you .
  18. Dealing with the dark side

    Nope ... never to busy for a bit of fluff
  19. Dealing with the dark side

    Aha ! NOW I understand what happened to you .
  20. Dealing with the dark side

    Well then , thank you for the time and attention you yourself chose to give and also thnk you for the time and attention you gave in informing us that it is best that you do not give time and attention here . yes, by now the fire would be out and the tank empty ... you better go attend to it right now . Just wanted to insert here that my idea of heart and mind is based on my own understandings . I think we all know someone like that . Thats probably a good idea !
  21. Dealing with the dark side

    I hope many a 'dog pile' graces your front lawn
  22. Dealing with the dark side

    Shopping .... sure mate ! ( probably going down town and blow the lot on catnip ! )
  23. Dealing with the dark side

    Because of all his 'spiritual bullshit' ..... you must owe him a HEAP of $$$ s by now ! (Dude cant even remember what he himself wrote )
  24. Dealing with the dark side

    Or maybe take some online lessons in sentence construction, punctuation and grammar ?